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Aplikasi Proses Anammox Dalam Penyisihan Nitrogen Menggunakan Reaktor Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini; Afrianita, Reri; Putra, Ilham Hagi
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 21 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (839.892 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v21i1.3725


ABSTRACTAnammox process is a more practical alternative in biological nitrogen removal compared to conventional nitrification-denitrification processes. This process conducted at the optimum temperature of 370C. Indonesia, as a tropical country, has the potential for the application of anammox processes to remove nitrogen in wastewater. The purpose of this study was to analyze the efficiency of nitrogen removal in the anammox process using the Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor at ambient temperature with variations in the hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24 hours and 12 hours, at the laboratory scale. Samples are measured twice a week using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. As a seeding sludge for start-up, the reactor was inoculated with granular anammox bacteria genus Candidatus Brocadia. At the stable operation, the ratio of ΔNO2--N:ΔNH4+-N and ΔNO3--N:ΔNH4+-N approach the stoichiometry of the anammox process were 1.20 and 0.21, respectively. The performance of nitrogen removal with 24-hour HRT obtained a maximum nitrogen removal rate (NRR) of 0.113 kg-N/m3.d with nitrogen loading rate (NLR) 0.14 kg-N/m3.d, and at 12-hour HRT, maximum NRR  of 0.196 kg-N/m3.d with NLR 0,28 kg-N/m3.d. Ammonium Conversion Efficiency (ACE) and Nitrogen Removal Efficiency (NRE) maximum for HRT 24 hours were 82% and 77%, respectively while HRT 12 hours were 72% and 68%, respectively. The anammox process operated stably in the tropical temperature with a temperature range of 23-280C on a laboratory scale using the UASB reactor.Keywords: anammox, nitrogen, temperature, tropical, uasb.ABSTRAKProses anammox menjadi alternatif yang lebih efektif dalam penyisihan nitrogen secara biologi dibandingkan dengan proses konvensional nitrifikasi-denitrifikasi. Proses ini berlangsung optimum pada suhu 370C. Indonesia sebagai negara tropis memiliki potensi untuk aplikasi proses anammox untuk menghilangkan nitrogen pada air limbah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efesiensi penyisihan nitrogen pada proses anammox menggunakan Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reaktor pada suhu ambien dengan variasi Waktu Tinggal Hidrolik (WTH) 24 jam dan 12 jam, pada skala laboratorium. Sampel diukur dua kali setiap minggu menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Sebagai seeding sludge (lumpur biakan) untuk start-up (memulai) reaktor digunakan bakteri anammox genus Candidatus Brocadia berbentuk granular. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran, didapatkan nilai rasio ΔNO2--N:ΔNH4+-N dan ΔNO3--N:ΔNH4+-N mendekati stoikiometri proses anammox yaitu 1,20 dan 0,21. Kinerja penyisihan nitrogen dengan WTH 24 jam didapatkan nilai tingkat penyisihan nitrogen (TPyN ) maksimum 0,113 kg-N/m3.h pada tingkat pemuatan nitrogen (TPN) 0,14 kg-N/m3.h, dan WTH 12 jam nilai TPyN  maksimum 0,196 kg-N/m3.h pada TPN 0,28 kg-N/m3.h. Nilai efisiensi konversi amonia (EKA) dan efisiensi penyisihan nitrogen (EPN) maksimum pada WTH 24 jam berturut-turut adalah 82% dan 77%, sedangkan pada WTH 12 jam berturut-turut adalah 72% dan 68%. Penelitian membuktikan bahwa proses anammox dapat berlangsung stabil pada daerah tropis dengan suhu terukur 21-290C pada skala laboratorium menggunakan UASB reaktor. Kata kunci: Anammox, nitrogen, temperatur, tropis, uasb.
Start – Up Proses Anammox Menggunakan Lumpur Telaga Kotobaru sebagai Inokulum Putra, Randi Permana; Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini; Komala, Puti Sri
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 21 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.625 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v21i2.4155


ABSTRACTThe anammox process plays an essential role in removing nitrogen from the waters anaerobically. Since the discovery of anammox in 1995, no studies have reported anammox bacteria from the Indonesian environment. This research aims to begin exploring anammox bacteria from the environment in Indonesia as a tropical country. The exploration was carried out with a start-up anammox process in a continuous reactor. The reactor was constructed using a housing filter equipped with a string wound filter as a supporting media for biofilm. Sludge from Koto Baru Lake, Tanah Datar, Indonesia, was used as inoculum. The substrate was fed into the reactor through the inside of the filter using a peristaltic pump. Ammonium and nitrite were supplemented to the substrate at a 70-150 mg-N/L concentration and operated at room temperature. The samples were collected once a week. Ammonium and nitrite were measured using the colorimetric method, nitrate using the ultraviolet spectrophotometric method. Performance of nitrogen removal and the growth biofilm in the reactor shown the success of the start of the anammox process. After 140 days of reactor operation, the maximum value of nitrogen removal rate (NRR) was 0.271 kg-N/ at the nitrogen loading rate (NLR) 0.3095 kg-N/ Ammonium conversion efficiency (ACE) and nitrogen removal efficiency (NRE) during start-up were 97.07% and 91.92%. Red biofilm growth on the filter and the reactor's inner wall, which is characteristic of the anammox bacteria biomass.Keywords: anammox, Indonesia, Koto Baru Lake, tropical   ABSTRAKProses anammox memiliki peran penting dalam penyisihan nitrogen dari perairan secara anaerobik. Sejak ditemukannya anammox pada 1995, belum ada penelitian yang melaporkan keberadaan bakteri anammox dari lingkungan Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memulai eksplorasi bakteri anammox dari lingkungan di Indonesia sebagai negara tropis. Eksplorasi dilakukan dengan start-up proses anammox pada sebuah reaktor kontinu. Reaktor terdiri dari housing filter yang dilengkapi dengan string wound filter sebagai media lekat untuk biofilm. Lumpur dari Telaga Koto Baru digunakan sebagai inokulum. Substrat dialirkan ke dalam reaktor melalui bagian dalam filter menggunakan pompa peristaltik. Amonium dan nitrit ditambahkan ke substrat dengan konsentrasi 70-150 mg-N/L dan dioperasikan pada suhu kamar. Konsentrasi amonium dan nitrit diukur dengan metode kolorimetri, serta konsentrasi nitrat dianalisis menggunakan metode spektrofotometri UV dengan interval pengukuran sampel setiap 5 hari. Pengamatan penyisihan nitrogen dan pertumbuhan biofilm di reaktor menunjukkan keberhasilan dimulainya proses anammox. Setelah 140 hari operasional reaktor, didapatkan nilai tingkat penyisihan nitrogen  (TPyN) maksimum 0,271 kg-N/m3.hari pada tingkat pemuatan nitrogen (TPN) 0,3095 kg-N/m3.hari. Nilai efisiensi konversi amonium (EKA) dan efisiensi penyisihan nitrogen (EPN) maksimum selama start-up adalah : 97,07% dan 91,92%. Biofilm berwarna merah tumbuh pada filter dan dinding bagian dalam reaktor yang merupakan karakteristik dari biomasa bakteri anammox.Kata kunci: anammox, Indonesia, Telaga Koto Baru, tropis
Analisis Beban Pencemar Total Nitrogen dan Total Fosfat akibat Aktivitas Antropogenik di Danau Maninjau Roselyn Indah Kurniati; Puti Sri Komala; Z Zulkarnaini
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.19.2.355-364


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis beban pencemar dan daya tampung total nitrogen (TN) dan total fosfat (TP) akibat dari aktivitas antropogenik di Danau Maninjau. Perhitungan beban pencemar untuk aktivitas penduduk, pertanian, peternakan dan jumlah tamu hotel menggunakan Rapid Assesment. Penetapan  beban pencemar KJA dan daya tampung yang mengacu kepada Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No 28 Tahun 2009. Lokasi penelitian yang ditetapkan berdasarkan SNI 6989.57:2008 terdiri dari 10 lokasi yaitu tengah danau, PLTA, KJA, inlet dan outlet danau. Uji ANOVA dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% digunakan dalam melihat perbedaan data konsentrasi TN dan TP secara waktu pengambilan sampel dan lokasi sampling. Rasio TN:TP dievaluasi untuk mengetahui pembatas kesuburan perairan dan korelasinya terhadap klorofil.Konsentrasi TN berada pada rentang 0,42 – 0,95 mg/L, TP berkisar 0,18-0,66 mg/L dan klorofil-a 5,49-8,69 mg/m3. Hasil uji ANOVA, konsentrasi TN dan TP  secara waktu pengambilan sampel tidak berbeda secara signifikan yaitu 0,64 dan 0,88 sedangkan secara lokasi sampling berbeda secara signifikan dengan nilai signifikansi 0,01 dan 4,03x10-6. TN dan TP memiliki hubungan yang kuat terhadap klorofil dan diperoleh rasio TN:TP<10 yang mengindikasikan nitrogen sebagai pembatas kesuburan. Beban pencemar TN dan TP terbesar berasal dari KJA yang menyumbang hampir 84,20 % dan 91,83% dari total beban pencemar. Ditinjau dari daya tampung mesotrofik beban pencemar TN belum melebihi sedangkan TP telah melebihi daya tampung sehingga perlu pengurangan hingga 71,34% untuk mesotrofik dan 90,44% untuk oligotrofik. Secara keseluruhan status trofik Danau Maninjau berada pada kondisi eutrofik dengan index 63,39. ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the pollutant load and the capacity of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphate (TP) resulting from anthropogenic activities in Lake Maninjau. Calculation of the pollutant load for the activities of the population, agriculture, livestock and the number of hotel guests using Rapid Assessment. Determination of KJA pollutant load and carrying capacity refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 28 of 2009. The research locations determined based on SNI 6989.57: 2008 consist of 10 locations, namely the middle of the lake, hydropower plant, marine cage, inlet and outlet. ANOVA test with a 95% confidence level was used to see the differences in TN and TP concentration data in terms of sampling time and sampling location. The TN: TP ratio was evaluated to determine the limitation of water fertility and its correlation to chlorophyll. TN concentrations were in the range 0.42 - 0.95 mg / L, TP ranged from 0.18 to 0.66 mg / L and chlorophyll-a was 5.49. -8.69 mg / m3. ANOVA test results, TN and TP concentrations at sampling time did not differ significantly, namely 0.64 and 0.88, while the sampling location was significantly different with a significance value of 0.01 and 4.03x10-6. TN and TP had a strong relationship to chlorophyll and the TN: TP ratio was obtained <10, which indicates nitrogen as a fertility limiter. The largest TN and TP pollutant load comes from KJA which accounts for almost 84.20% and 91.83% of the total pollutant load. Judging from the mesotrophic capacity of the TN pollutant load has not exceeded while the TP has exceeded the capacity so that it needs a reduction of up to 71.34% for mesotrophic and 90.44% for oligotrophic. Overall, the trophic status of Lake Maninjau is in a eutrophic condition with an index of 63.39.
Nitrogen Removal in the Anammox Biofilm Reactor using Palm Fiber as Carrier in Tropical Temperature Operation Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini; Ansiha Nur; Wina Ermaliza
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Balai Besar Standardisasi dan Pelayanan Jasa Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21771/jrtppi.2019.v10.no2.p7-15


Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is the process of converting ammonium directly into nitrogen gas with nitrite as an electron acceptor under anaerobic conditions. This process is more effective than conventional nitrification-denitrification but is very dependent on several parameters, one of which is temperature. The optimum temperature range for the growth of anammox bacteria is 30-400C. The purpose of this research was to determine the efficiency of nitrogen removal by anammox process using palm fibers in the Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor in the tropical temperature. The experiment was conducted at a laboratory scale with a variation of Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) 24 h and 12 h using artificial wastewater. The reactor was inoculated with anammox granule genus Candidatus Brocadia. The concentration of ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate in the influent and effluent were measured using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer based on standard method. Based on the experiment, the ratio ΔNH4+-N:ΔNO2--N and ΔNO3--N:ΔNH4+-N similar with stoichiometric of anammox. The maximum Nitrogen removal performance (NRT) achieved 0.11 kg-N/m3.d at Nitrogen Loading Rate (NLR) 0.14 kg-N/m3.d and 0.20 kg-N/m3.d at NLR 0.29 kg-N/m3.d. The removal efficiency for Ammonium Conversion Efficiency (ACE) and Nitrogen Removal Efficiency (NRE) in HRT 24 h were 79% and 76%, respectively while decreased in HRT 12 h were 72% and 69%, respectively. Anammox process can be applied in the tropical temperature at a laboratory scale using a UASB reactor with palm fiber as the carrier.
Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation Performance in Shrimp Pond Wastewater Treatment Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini; Guno Gumelar; Elmi Zainuddin
Andalasian International Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/aijaset.v2i1.41


Intensive shrimp culture waste contains high nitrogen, reducing water quality and environmental carrying capacity. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a potential technology for nitrogen removal. This research aimed to analyze nitrogen removal performance in a filter bioreactor (FtBR). Ammonium and nitrite concentrations of 70-100 mg-N/L were added to sterilized seawater as artificial wastewater and flowed to the reactor with HRT 24-hour. After 120 days of the experiment, the maximum nitrogen removal performance with parameters ACE, NRE, NRR were 82.48%, 72.58%, 0.12 kg-N/m3·d, respectively. The nitrogen stoichiometric ratio NH4+-N:NO2--N:NO3--N was 1:1,40:0,12, which was close to the stoichiometry of anammox process. The anammox process can be a new method for intensive shrimp culture wastewater treatment.
Penyisihan Nitrogen dengan Proses Anammox Menggunakan Lumpur Muara Penjalinan Kota Padang sebagai Inokulum: Nitrogen Removal by Anammox Process Using Sludge from Muara Penjalinan of Padang City as Inoculum Faldi Lulrahman; Shinta Silvia; Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1923.776 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v23i2.5284


The purpose of this study was to analyze nitrogen removal by anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process using sludge from Muara Penjalinan Padang as an inoculum in a filter bioreactor (FtBR). The configuration of FtBR consisted of a housing filter with an effective volume of 1,500 mL and a string wound filter cartridge of 0.5 µm as a carrier for the growth of anammox bacteria. The artificial wastewater was made using seawater containing ammonium and nitrite with a concentration of 70 mg-N/L, which was delivered to the reactor continuously with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24 hours. Influent and effluent samples were collected once-twice a week to analyze the concentration of ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate, based on Nessler, spectrophotometry, and UV screening methods. Process anammox takes place in FtBR based on the average ratio of ?NO2--N/?NH4+-N and ?NO3--N / ?NH4+-N of 0.986 dan 0.239. The nitrogen removal performance was calculated based on the ammonium conversion efficiency (ACE), nitrogen removal efficiency (NRE), nitrogen loading rate (NLR), and nitrogen removal rate (NRR). After operating the reactor for 143 days, the nitrogen removal of ACE, NRE, and NRR were 20.268%, 16. 872%, and 0.026 kg-N/m3·d at NLR 0.1804 kg-N/m3·d. Keywords: Anammox, Filter bioreactor, Muara Penjalinan, Seawater, Sludge ABSTRAK Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) merupakan penyisihan amonium menjadi gas nitrogen menggunakan nitrit sebagai penerima elektron dan berkontribusi dalam penyisihan nitrogen di lautan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penyisihan nitrogen melalui proses anammox menggunakan lumpur Muara Penjalinan Kota Padang sebagai inokulum pada filter bioreactor (FtBR). Konfigurasi FtBR terdiri atas housing filter dan string wound filter cartridge sebagai media lekat untuk pertumbuhan biomassa anammox yang dioperasikan secara kontinu dengan hydraulic retention time (HRT) 24 jam pada suhu ambien. Limbah artifisial dibuat menggunakan air laut yang dengan menambahkan 70 mg-N/L amonium dan nitrit masing-masingnya yang dipompakan ke reaktor secara kontinu. Pengambilan sampel influen dan efluen dilakukan satu hingga dua kali dalam seminggu untuk pengukuran konsentrasi amonium, nitrit dan nitrat berdasarkan metode Nessler, spektrofotometri, dan skrining spektrofotometri ultraviolet. Proses anammox berlangsung dalam reaktor berdasarkan rasio ?NO2--N/?NH4+-N dan ?NO3--N / ?NH4+-N sebesar 0,986 dan 0,239 yang mendekati stoikiometri reaksi anammox. Setelah operasional reaktor selama 143 hari didapatkan kinerja penyisihan nitrogen maksimal ammonium conversion efficiency (ACE), nitrogen removal efficiency (NRE) dan nitrogen removal rate (NRR) berturut-turut 20,268%, 16,872% dan 0,026 kg-N/m3.h pada nitrogen loading rate (NLR) 0,1804 kg-N/m3.h. Kata kunci: Anammox, Filter bioreactor, Muara Penjalinan, Air laut, Lumpur
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 5 No 4 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v5i4.619


Garbage is something useless that arises as a result of human activities. The waste problem is a difficult thing to solve, due to the increasing population, the volume of household organic waste will also increase in urban areas, which is not accompanied by management, management systems, and public awareness of waste management. One of the appropriate technologies that can overcome waste problems is processing household organic waste using the composting method using a composter based on community empowerment and development programs. The community empowerment and development program for the application of simple composter production was carried out in two locations, namely Teluk Kabung Tengah Village, Bungus Teluk Kabung District, Padang City, West Sumatra Province and RT 032 RW 005 Rengas Condong Village, Muara Bulian District, Batang Hari Regency, Jambi. This community empowerment and development program aims to empower the community and develop community knowledge about processing household organic waste using the composting method using a simple composter. From this activity the community has gained increased knowledge from the community empowerment and skills development program in processing household organic waste into compost using the composting method using a composter as well as motivating the surrounding community in an effort to reduce organic waste in the environment around the activity site. Utilization of organic waste into compost can reduce environmental pollution, has economic value, sells value, and can provide nutrients to plants.
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 5 No 4 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v5i4.629


This activity aims to provide a solution for the people of Al-Madina Housing RT 016 Sungai Mengkuang Village, Rimbo Tengah District, Bungo Regency, to treat well water that is cloudy and smells of rust into clean water with a cheap budget and a longer lifespan for use for hygiene purposes. Sanitation. The well water is cloudy and smells of rust, indicating that it contains suspended solids and metal iron (Fe). The activity method used is counseling and training in making simple water filters with cheap and easy-to-find materials. The result of the activity was that the community was enthusiastic about this activity, as evidenced by the number of residents who attended, as many as 21 people, and the number of questions asked. The results of the healthy water treatment at the activity site look clearer, and the rust smell in the water is less than before processing. This is because the filter media used in the form of activated carbon, poor sand, and dacron (filter cotton) can hold suspended solids and adsorb iron metal (Fe) in well water. By carrying out this activity, the community has become aware of the importance of clean water that complies with standard hygiene and sanitation requirements and is encouraged to make simple water filters independently. From the results of the activity, it can be concluded that: (1) the community/partners have gained an understanding of the importance of clean water by standards for sanitary hygiene requirements, (2) the community can make simple water filters independently with cheap and easy-to-obtain materials, (3) The results well water treatment in both locations look clearer and the smell of rust in the water is less than before processing.
Sosialisasi Pengolahan Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga dengan Menggunakan Maggot BSF Rika Putri; Mega Rianes; Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 3 No 1 (2023): JPMI - Februari 2023
Publisher : CV Infinite Corporation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52436/1.jpmi.926


Sampah merupakan salah satu persoalan yang serius bagi negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Kota padang merupakan Ibu Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat yang merupakan pusat pariwisata dan juga perdagangan dan kegiatan lainnya. Aktivitas tersebut dapat menimbulkan potensi timbulan sampah yang tinggi.  Sampah tersebut apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik dapat menimbulkan persoalan lingkungan. Selama ini pengelolaan sampah dikota padang belum dilakukan secara maksimal terutama sampah organik yang hanya dibuang begitu saja. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mengurangi timbulan sampah organik rumah tangga dan mewujudkan lingkungan yang bersih. Salah satu solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut adalah  dengan proses pengolahan sampah organik menggunakan teknologi biokonversi menggunakan maggot BSF. Maggot adalah larva dari lalat Black Soldier Fly (BSF). Pengolahan sampah menggunakan maggot BSF dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi masyarakat karena memiliki nilai jual. Maggot BSF telah diketahui memiliki kandungan protein yang tinggi sehingga dapat dijadikan untuk pakan ternak. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan di RT 3/RW 11 Kelurahan Air Tawar Barat Kecamatan Padang Utara. Metode penyampaian sosialisasi yaitu dengan sistem ceramah dan komunikasi dua arah dengan peserta dan juga dilakukan praktek pengolahan sampah dengan maggot BSF secara langsung. Hasil kegiatan tersebut peserta sosialisasi telah mampu mengetahui dan memahami dengan baik cara pengolahan sampah menggunakan maggot BSF.
Pemicuan Community Led Total Sanitation di Jorong Ronah Bengkek Kecamatan Kapur IX Kabupaten 50 Kota Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini; Elva Gusmeri
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 29 No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.29.4.505-515.2022


Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is an approach to changing hygiene and sanitation behaviour through community empowerment with a triggering method that aims to change the behaviour of people who defecate anywhere. Environmental-based diseases, primarily related to water-borne diseases, still dominate the prevalence of diseases in Indonesia. Changing hygiene and sanitation behaviour through community empowerment is needed to improve the health status of the community as high as possible. Community service activities were conducted through interviews, triggering activities and community observations. The flow of triggering activities were introductions, conveying intentions and objectives, atmosphere building, identification of local languages, simple mapping, counting faeces, transect walk, water contamination paths, discussions, social contracts, and free defecation commitment. Participants who previously did not have latrine facilities became aware of and committed to constructing latrines independently. The village where this activity has been carried out will soon become an open defecation-free village. Become a promotor for monitoring and triggering activities for people to stop open defecation.