Ainun Rohanah
Program Studi Keteknikan Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian USU

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Postharvest Technology of Information Systems in Deli Serdang Andre Gromico Napitupulu; Saipul Bahri Daulay; Ainun Rohanah
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 1, No 4 (2013): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Postharvest Technology of information systems in Deli Serdang regency done manually, resulting in information storage and processing systems is ineffective and inefficient. In information management is still largely a result of human use role requires a relatively longer time. More than that, the information seekers-and decision-makers also have difficulty in obtaining the data they need. Therefore it is necessary for the further development of the information system. Web-based information system is considered to be a solution in order to access information faster, systematic and easy to use. For that designed a web-based information systems in the management of Postharvest Technology of information systems in Deli Serdang regency. Postharvest Technology information system is designed using PHP programming language, MySQL database and the method of system development lifecycle (SDLC). Keywords: agricultural machinery Deli Serdang, information systems, post-harvest technology, web
Paper-Based Characteristics of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch and Waste Paper Endah Andarini; Ainun Rohanah; Saipul Bahri Daulay
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 1, No 4 (2013): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Every year the need for paper continue to rise while the raw material from wood have been harder to find, therefore and the alternative of raw materials would be of plant fibers or fibrous waste such as empty fruit bunches of oil palm and paper waste. This research was aimed to study the characteristics of paper made ​​from empty fruit bunch pulp and paper waste pulp. Therefore, a research had been conducted in May-June 2013. The making of paper was done at Jl. Roso No. 8 Delitua and the testing of paper was done in PT PDM Indonesia Laboratory, Medan North Sumatera using factorial randomized block design with one factor i.e. waste paper composition (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%). Parameters observed were grammage, tensile and tearing strength. The results showed that the composition of the waste paper had highly significant effect on grammage and tensile strength. The resulting paper could be categorized as art paper with the best results obtained from the composition of 40% (120 g of oil palm empty fruit bunches and 80 g waste paper). Keywords: oil palm empty fruit bunches, waste paper, pulp composition, paper.
Effect of Type of Commodity on the Capacity of Multifucer Roller Fadli Elsyah Pasaribu; Saipul Bahri Daulay; Ainun Rohanah
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 1, No 4 (2013): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Milling is done to powder food with a certain level of refinement to be more easily processed into other products. This study was conducted to test the capacity of the equipment using several commodities in multifucer grinder. Sorghum, soybeans, and rice were commodities to be tested to determine the effective capacity,the percentage of material not accommodated, and efficiency of the equipment. The results showed that the effective tool capacity was 19.48k/h for sorghum, 12.22k/h for soybean and 24.35 kg/h for rice. Percentage of material that was not accommodated was 7.33% for sorghum, 6.66% for soybean and 4,16% for rice. Appliance efficiency percentage was 92.66% for sorghum, 93.33% for soybean and 95.83% for rice. Keywords: Multifucer, Sorghum, Soybeans, Rice.
KARAKTERISTIK KERTAS BERBAHAN BAKU AMPAS TEBU DAN SAMPAH KERTAS (Characteristics of Paper From Sugar Cane Biomass and Waste Paper) Adita Vitaloka; Ainun Rohanah; Adian Rindang
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Medan produce many sugarcane biomass everyday. To reduce environment contamination caused by sugarcane biomass, a countermeasures is needed, one of them is making recycle paper from sugarcane biomass and waste paper. The research was aimed to find the characteristics of paper based on sugarcane biomass and waste paper use with difference NaOH concentration. The research used randomized block design with sugarcane biomass concentration (0%, 50%, and 100%). Parameters measured were grammage, tensile and tearing strength. The resulting paper can be categorized as an art paper and the optimum condition to achieve best quality paper prepared from concentration of 100% pulp with grammage of 0,1456 g/m2, tensile strength of  0,1641 Mpa, and tear strength of  4,6888 N/mm. Keywords : sugarcane biomass, waste paper, pulp composition, paper. ABSTRAK Kota Medan menghasilkan banyak limbah ampas tebu setiap harinya. Untuk mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan oleh ampas tebu tersebut maka dibutuhkan usaha untuk menanggulanginya, salah satunya dengan pembuatan kertas daur ulang dengan bahan baku ampas tebu dan sampah kertas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik kertas yang dibuat dari pulp ampas tebu dan pulp sampah kertas.Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial yaitu komposisi ampas tebu (0%, 50% dan 100%).Parameter yang diamati gramatur, kekuatan tarik dan ketahanan sobek.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi NaOH tidak berpengaruh nyata. Kertas yang  dihasilkan dapat dikatagorikan sebagai kertas seni dengan hasil terbaik diperoleh pada konsentrasi kertas 100% (200 gr sampah kertas) dengan gramatur sebesar 0,1456 g/m2, kekuatan tarik sebesar 0,1641Mpa dan nilai ketahanan sobek sebesar 4,6888 N/mm.   Kata kunci : ampas tebu, sampah kertas, komposisi pulp, kertas
UJI MUTU KERIPIK BUAH PADA ALAT PENGGORENG VACUM (Test of Fruit Crisps Quality from Vacuum Fryer ) Agustami Ramadhani; Ainun Rohanah; Sumono Sumono
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT This research was done to test the effect of fruit crisps quality on the percentage of oil loss, percentage of water cantent, and organoleptic test. This research was using non factorial completely randomized design. It was found that the percentage of oil loss, percentage of water conten, and organoleptic test on cempedak were 98,87%  26,23%, and 3,477 respectife. On starfruit were 71,23%  28,167% and 3,273 respectife. On manggo were 49,73%, 20,167% and 3,230 respectife. On sapodilla fruit were 17,43% 22,33% and 3,350 respectife. The results showed that fruit crisps quality had significant effect on percentage of oil loss, percentage of water conten and hasno significant effect on overall acceptance of organoleptic test. Keywords : fruit, vacuum fryer, fruit crisps ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji mutu keripik buah terhadap persentase kehilangan   minyak, kadar air, dan uji organoleptik pada alat penggoreng vakum (Vacuum Frying Type). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak non faktorial. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh persentase kehilangan minyak, persentase kadar air, dan uji organoleptik keseluruhan masing-masing adalah pada buah cempedak masing-masing 98,87%  26,23%, dan 3,477. Pada buah belimbing masing-masing 71,23%  28,167% dan 3,273. Pada mangga masing-masing 49,73%, 20,167% dan 3,230. Pada buah sawo masing-masing 36,67%, 24,900%, dan 3,274. Pada buah nangka masing-masing 17,43% 22,33% dan 3,350. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mutu keripik pada masing-masing buah memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata terhadap persentase kehilangan minyak, kadar air dan pengaruh tidak nyata terhadap uji organoleptik penerimaan keseluruhan.   Kata kunci : buah, alat penggoreng vacum, keripik buah.
UJI BERBAGAI KOMODITAS PERTANIAN MENGGUNAKAN ALAT PENGIRIS KENTANG MEKANIS TIPE SPIRAL (Various Agricultural Commodities Test Using Mechanically Spiral Potato Slicer) Desmon Putra Sianturi; Ainun Rohanah; Adian Rindang
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Post-harvest processing is useful to increase the production of agricultural produce into products which have a higher economic value compare to before processing. This study was aimed to calculate the effective capacity of the tool, uncut the material, the material that left in the appliance, and organoleptic value of chips produced by mechanical spiral slicer from some agricultural commodities, namely potatoes, cassava, yams and taro. Parameter observed were the effective capacity of the tool, the uncut material, the material that was left in the device, and organoleptic test. The results showed that the four commodities, had no significant  effect on the effective capacity of the tools and tools and organoleptic values ( crispness and aroma) but the four commodities had significant effect on the material cut, the left material and value of organoleptic taste. Key words: potato, cassava, yams, taro. ABSTRAK   Pengolahan pasca panen berguna untuk meningkatkan produksi pengolahan hasil pertanian menjadi produk  olahan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sebelum dilakukan pengolahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung kapasitas efektif alat, bahan yang tidak teriris, bahan yang tertinggal di dalam alat, dan nilai organoleptik keripik yang di  hasilkan alat pengiris spiral mekanis pada beberapa komoditas pertanian yaitu kentang, singkong , ubi rambat dan talas. Parameter yang diamati adalah kapasitas efektif alat, bahan yang tidak teriris, bahan yang tertinggal di dalam alat, dan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keempat bahan memberikan pengaruh yang tidak nyata terhadap kapasitas efektif alat dan nilai organoleptik  kerenyahan dan organoleptik aroma namun  Perlakuan keempat bahan memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata terhadap bahan yang tidak teriris, bahan yang tertinggal di alat dan nilai organoleptik rasa.   Kata kunci : kentang, singkong, ubi rambat, talas.
UJI JENIS DEKOMPOSER PADA PEMBUATAN KOMPOS DARI LIMBAH KULIT DURIAN TERHADAP MUTU KOMPOS YANG DIHASILKAN (Effect of Decomposer Type During Compost Making From Durian Peel Waste On Compost Quality) Ita Sidauruk; Ainun Rohanah; Saipul Bahri Daulay
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT Durian is a tropical plant which has prickly peel. Durian peel can be utilized as a raw material in compost makings. Compost isa decayed organic matter that is different from its material origin and as a provider of nutrient element for plant. This research was intended to examine decomposer type effect on compost quality. The study was conducted fromMay until August 2015 at agricultural engineeringLaboratory department of Agricultural EngineeringUniversity of North Sumatera and Soil Laboratory, Agricultural Technology Research Agency of North Sumatera. Parameters measured were C/N, acidity (pH), water rate and yield. The results showed that decomposer type had no significant effecton theC/N, acidity(pH), water content, and yield.   Key words: compost, decomposer, durian peel. ABSTRAK   Tanaman durian merupakan tanaman tropis yang memiliki buah dengan  kulit berduri. Kulit durian dapat digunakan menjadi bahan baku dalam pembuatan kompos. Kompos merupakan pupuk organik yang berasal dari bahan organik yang sudah dilapukkan menjadi bahan yang berbeda dengan asalnya dan sebagai penyedia unsur hara bagi tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh jenis dekomposer terhadap mutu kompos yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei - Agustus 2015 di Laboratorium Keteknikan Pertanian Program Studi Keteknikan Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara dan Laboratorium Tanah Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sumatera Utara. Parameter yang diamati adalah perbandingan C/N, keasaman (pH), kadar air dan rendemen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis dekomposer  memberikan pengaruh tidak nyata terhadap perbandingan C/N, keasaman (pH), kadar air, dan rendemen.   Kata Kunci: Kompos, Dekomposer, Kulit durian.
UJI KUALITAS TALI SERAT PELEPAH PISANG BARANGAN (Musa acuminata) (Barangan’s Banana (Musa acuminata) Midrib Fiber Rope Tensile Quality Test) Eri Sutiawan; Ainun Rohanah; Saipul Bahri Daulay
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The Banana fiber wet-resistant property and tensile strength are high enough, depending on the type of the plant itself. The characteristics, could be used to make rope that could be used for binding, pulling, trapping, tethering, hanging. The research was aimed to test the quality of Barangan’s banana fiber rope with  and without NaOH solution on the rope tensile test. Results of the research indicated that the straps that were made from Barangan’s banana midrib fiber with the same weight produces different diameters in each treatment with and without 5% NaOH solution treatment for 2 and 4 hours gave different tensile stress, strain, deformation, elasticity and flexibility. The highest result of tensile strength was on the rope with length of  immersion treatment of 5% NaOH for 4 hours (340.5 x 105 N / m2). The highest result of strain was on the rope  with the addition of 5% NaOH  for 4 hours (0.19). The highest result of deformation was on the rope with the addition of 5% NaOH  for 4 hours (0.0158 m). The highest result of elasticity was on the ropes with fiber without NaOH treatment (2007 x 105 N / m2). The highest result of flexing was on the rope fiber flexibility with the addition of 5% NaOH  for 4 hours (19.62%). Key words: Barangan’s banana stems fiber, rope, NaOH, tensile test. ABSTRAK   Serat pelepah pisang memiliki sifat tahan basah dan kekuatan tarik cukup tinggi, tergantung pada jenis tanaman itu sendiri. Sifat-sifat inilah yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan suatu tali yang dapat digunakan untuk mengikat, menarik, menjerat, menambat, menggantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kualitas tali serat tanaman pisang barangan dengan dan tanpa penambahan larutan NaOH terhadap uji tarik yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tali yang terbuat dari pelepah pisang barangan dengan berat yang sama menghasilkan diameter yang berbeda pada masing-masing perlakuan dengan dan tanpa larutan NaOH 5% selama 2 dan 4 jam memberikan nilai tegangan tarik, regangan, deformasi, elastisitas dan kelenturan yang berbeda. Nilai tegangan tarik terbesar pada tali serat dengan perlakuan lama perendaman NaOH 5% 4 jam yaitu 340,5 x 105 N/m2. Nilai regangan terbesar pada tali serat dengan perlakuan penambahan NaOH 5% selama 4 jam sebesar 0,19. Nilai deformasi terbesar pada tali serat dengan perlakuan penambahan  NaOH 5% selama 4 jam sebesar 0,0158 m. Nilai elastisitas terbesar pada tali serat dengan perlakuan tanpa NaOH sebesar 2007 x 105 N/m2. Nilai kelenturan terbesar pada tali serat dengan perlakuan penambahan NaOH 5% 4 jam sebesar 19,62 %.   Kata kunci: serat pelepah pisang barangan, tali, NaOH , uji tarik.
RANCANG BANGUN ALAT PENGIRIS KENTANG BENTUK SPIRAL (Design of Spiral Potato Slicer Equipment) Indra Lesmana Julianto Mungkur; Ainun Rohanah; Sulastri Panggabean
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The use of spiral potato slicer is one of handling method in scaling up production quality of potato post-harvest processing. To support this, we need a spiral potato slicer which is designed for manually slicing the potatoes into spiral shape. The study was conducted by literature study andobservation on the spiral potato slicer, andthen to design the shape of simple coupling components of the spiral potato slicer. The effective capacity of the tool was 9.54 kg/h. Basic costs to be incurred inslicing potato with the equipment was Rp 847,15/kgin the 1st year, Rp. 808,87/kg in the 2nd year, Rp 796,13/kg in the 3rd year, Rp. 789,77/kgin the 4th year, and Rp 785,97/kg in the 5th year. The equipment will reach the break even point if the amount of slicing potato was 3.223 kg/year. Net present value of theequipment with an interest rate of 6% wasRp. 7.775.704,41which meant that the business was feasible to run. The internal rate of return was 42,20%. Keywords: equipment design, spiral slicer, potato ABSTRAK   Penggunaan alat pengiris kentang spiral merupakan salah satu penanganan dalam meningkatkan mutu produksi pengolahan pascapanen kentang.Untuk mendukung hal tersebut maka diperlukan suatu alat pengiris kentang spiral yang dirancang untuk mengiris kentangyang membentuk spiral secara manual.Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi literatur dan melakukan pengamatan tentang alat pengiris kentang spiral.Kemudian dilakukan perancangan bentuk perangkaian komponen-komponen alat pengiris kentang spiral secara sederhana. Kapasitas efektif alat sebesar 9,54 kg/jam. Biaya pokok yang harus dikeluarkan dalam mengiris kentang dengan alat ini adalah Rp 847,15/kg pada tahun ke-1, Rp. 808,87/kg pada tahun ke-2, Rp 796,13/kg pada tahun ke-3, Rp. 789,77/kgpada tahun ke-4, dan Rp 785,97/kg pada tahun ke-5. Alat ini akan mencapai nilai break even point apabila telah mengiris kentang sebesar 3.223 kg/tahun. Net present value alat ini dengan suku bunga 6% adalah Rp. 7.775.704,41 yang berarti usaha ini layak untuk dijalankan.Internal rate of return pada alat ini adalah sebesar 42,20%.   Kata kunci: rancang bangun alat, alat pengiris spiral, kentang
UJI VARIASI SUHU PENGERINGAN BIJI KAKAO DENGAN ALAT PENGERING TIPE KABINET TERHADAP MUTU BUBUK KAKAO (Drying Temperature Test of Cocoa beans on Cocoa Powder Quality Using a Cabinet Dryer) Norman Wilson Sidabariba; Ainun Rohanah; Saipul Bahri Daulay
Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Rekayasa Pangan dan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT The temperature of cabinet dryer is needed to control. The temperature will affect product quality. This research was testing of variation of drying temperature on cocoa powder quality using a cabinet dryer. Research had been conducted by using a non-factorial completely randomized design at 550C, 600C, 650C. Parameters observed were moisture content, fat content, and organoleptic test (aroma and color). The results showed that the temperature had highly significant effect on moisture content and color, had significant effect on fat content, and had no significant effect on aroma. The best treatment was at T2 (600C) which produced 3,13% moisture, 38,53% fat content. Color 2,97 (brown), and  aroma 1,57 (less favored) Keywords : cabinet dryer, temperature, cocoa powder ABSTRAK   Pada alat pengering tipe kabinet pengaturan suhu pengeringan perlu diperhatikan. Suhu tersebut menentukan kualitas hasil pengeringan biji kakao. Penelitian ini adalah pengujian variasi suhu pengeringan pada alat pengering tipe kabinet terhadap mutu kakao bubuk. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model Rancangan Acak Lengkap non faktorial yaitu pada taraf pengujian pada suhu 550C, 600C, 650C. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar air, kadar lemak dan organoleptik (aroma dan warna). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap kadar air dan warna, memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar lemak dan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap aroma. Perlakuan terbaik dari penelitian ini adalah perlakuan suhu 600C yang menghasilkan kadar air 3,13%, kadar lemak 38,53%. Warna 2,97 (cokelat), aroma 1,57 (kurang disukai).   Kata kunci : alat pengering tipe kabinet, suhu, kakao bubuk.