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Djoko Setyabudi
Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi

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Semarang Ragam Inspirasi dalam Memperingati Hari Anak Nasional Kota Semarang (Talkshow, Ragam Lomba Anak, Pentas Seni Daring, Webinar, Konser Amal, Donasi) Sebagai Project Leader, Koordinator Webinar, Koordinator Sponsorship Ahdani Gita Sadida; Djoko Setyabudi
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 1: Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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National Children's Day is the day the rights of Indonesian children are fulfilled, both for children who are in Indonesia and for children who are outside Indonesia. Every year the commemoration of National Children's Day is held through various activities for children. All national groups, both from the government and the private sector, participate in commemorating National Children's Day starting from the Central, Provincial, to all Regencies / Cities. In this case, Indonesia is currently experiencing a Covid-19 pandemic which has an impact on all community activities to develop. One of them is Semarang City, which is to commemorate National Children's Day 2020, the City of Semarang in particular the Semarang City Women Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP3A) as the implementing committee is collaborating with the Semarang City Social Service to make National Children's Day successful in Semarang City during this pandemic. There are 6 activities namely Talkshow, Variety of Children's Contest, Online Art Performance, Webinar, Charity Concert, Donation. These activities will be carried out online and offline but still adhere to health protocols. The series of activities began on July 14, 2002 to August 18, 2020. After being held at that time there were more than 800 students who took part in the art show, from the previous target of 300 students, there were 15 media partners who were among the 10 determined targets, reaching the presence of resource persons. for talk shows and webinars, reaching 150 participants, and for donations reaching Rp. 14. 954,250 from the previous target of Rp. 5,000,000.
Hubungan Intensitas Penggunaan Media Online dan Citra Merek dengan Loyalitas Konsumen Koran Suara Merdeka Anggun Puspa Regita; Djoko Setyabudi
Interaksi Online Vol 8, No 4: Oktober 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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This study aims to determine the relationship between the intensity of the use of online media and brand image with Consumer Loyalty of Suara Merdeka Newspaper. The population in this study is Semarang residents who subscribe to the Suara Merdeka newspaper. The results showed that the intensity of the use of online media does not have a significant effect with the consumer loyalty of Suara Merdeka newspaper as indicated by the significance value 0,295 (>0,05) so the first hypothesis is rejected. Then the second hypothesis test was obtained that the brand image have a significant effect with the consumer loyalty of Suara Merdeka newspaper because the test results showed a significance value 0,028 (<0,05) so that the second hypothesis was accepted
Pengaruh Terpaan Promosi Penjualan dan Terpaan E-Word of Mouth #ShopeeHaul di TikTok terhadap Perilaku Impulse Buying Gabby Aurelia; Djoko Setyabudi; S. Rouli Manalu
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 4: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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This study aims to see the effect of exposure to sales promotions (X1) and exposure to e-Word of Mouth #ShopeeHaul on TikTok (X2) on impulsive buying behavior (Y). With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, 61% claimed to have experienced a decrease in income, but on the other hand, online shopping and e-commerce sales increased by 91%, the majority is dominated by Shopee. The success of e-commerce in the Indonesian online store requires a strategy, one of which is to spread product information on social media in the form of sales promotion and electronic word of mouth, one of which is TikTok. However, it turns out that these two things can affect consumer behavior in shopping and even trigger impulsive buying behavior. This study uses previous research as the basis for deriving hypotheses and uses simple linear regression analysis with non-probability sampling technique with the convenience sampling method. The sample is 100 people with the characteristics of social media users aged 18-40 years in Indonesia. The hypothesis test results of sales promotion exposure (X1) on impulsive buying behavior (Y) show a significance value of 0.007 which means there is a significant effect, and the hypothesis is accepted. The significance value of the e-WOM #ShopeeHaul TikTok exposure test (X2) on impulsive buying behavior (Y) is 0.031, which means there is a significant effect, and the hypothesis is accepted. This study hopes that related parties, especially Shopee consumers and sellers, can better understand impulse buying due to sales promotions exposure and e-WOM #ShopeeHaul exposure which has a negative impact. Therefore, consumers must be more careful in using their money, so they are not used to living extravagantly, especially during this pandemic. However, impulse buying behavior can benefit the seller and Shopee, so this research is also expected to create new ideas for Shopee sellers to increase their sales
Terpaan Promosi Cashback dan Intensitas Komunikasi Peer Group Terhadap Minat Menggunakan OVO Inayah Setia Azzahra; Djoko Setyabudi; Hedi Pudjo Santosa
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 4: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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The increasing development of online transactions has led to various digital wallet service applications currently aiming to provide convenience for users in conducting various payment transactions. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing how much influence OVO cashback promotion and peer group communication intensity had on the interest in using OVO. Competition that occurs between e-wallets at this time makes various companies engaged in digital wallets vying to provide the best innovations for their users. In this case, OVO as one of the most widely known as a digital wallet by society also strives to provide attractive services, features, and promotional offers to encourage people to use their service. The theory used in this study is Cognitive Response and Reference Group with a sampling technique in the form of non-probability sampling, with a total sample of 50 people, male and female, aged 18-35 years, and has been exposed with OVO cashback promotions in the last three months. The results of hypothesis, tested by using a simple linear regression technique show that there is an influence between OVO cashback promotion and the intensity of peer group communication to having an interest in using OVO, with a significance value of 0.000 for both hypothesis, which means it is very significant.
Hubungan Persepsi Kecantikan Tradisional, Persepsi Kecantikan Ideal dan Citra Merek Kosmetik Sariayu dengan Minat Beli Produk Kosmetik Sariayu Aike Ingget Pratiwi; Tandiyo Pradekso; Djoko Setyabudi
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 4: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Although Sariayu cosmetic products have been established for a long time, in 2016 until 2020, Sariayu’s cosmetic products have a lower Top Brand Index (TBI) than its 2 competitors, Wardah and Viva. Furthermore in the last 2 years, some of the products are not included in the Top Brand. This result is not in accordance with the previous and current efforts done by Sariayu to promote its produtcs and values. Starts with being main sponsor at Miss Indonesia, Miss Earth Indonesia, launched some innovations, and created web-series. Researcher presumes that Top Brand Index (TBI) drop is not solely caused by the communication strategy made by Sariayu but the shifting meaning of beauty and value carried by Sariayu with what beauty mean in today's society. This research aims to explain the linkages between traditional beauty perceptions, ideal beauty perceptions, and Sariayu cosmetics brand image with Sariayu cosmetics purchase intention. This research uses quantitative research with explanatory research type. The population in this study is women who lives in Semarang City, aged 17-35 years, and know Sariayu’s cosmetic products. This study uses non-probabililty sampling techniques with 100 respondents. Chi Square is used as statistical test. The theories used as references are the Self Congruity Theory by Sirgy and The Consumer Decision-Making Theory by George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch. The result showed that there is no linkages between traditional beauty perception with Sariayu cosmetics purchase intention (significance value 0.098 > 0.05), there is linkages between the ideal beauty perceptions with Sariayu cosmetics purchase intention (significant value 0.000 < 0.05), as well as there is no linkages between Sariayu cosmetic brand image with Sariayu cosmetics purchase intention (significance value 0.077 > 0.05.).
Interaksi Online Vol 10, No 4: Oktober 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Along with the development of the times, communication media are also experienced rapid development. This increased modern communication media is also used for business activities, one of which is using television media. This research uses marketing communication theory. Exposure to sales promotions on television is carried out in order to influence the buying interest of the audience. One of the companies that advertised on television is Blibli.com. Blibli.com is a well-known e-commerce platform in Indonesia that features well-known artists in advertisements on television. Blibli.com also made efforts to increase trust. However, there has been a decrease in the number of visits to the Blibli.com website. This study aims to analyze the effect of exposure to sales promotions and the level of trust on product purchase intention at Blibli.com. This study uses a quantitative method with a population of Blibli users who have seen Blibli advertisements on television and live in Semarang with a sample of 100 people. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling. The data obtained came from filling out online questionnaires by respondents. The data analysis method in this study used multiple linear regression using the SPSS program. The results of this study indicated that exposure to sales promotions and level of trust have a significant positive effect on product purchase intention at Blibli.com. The implications of this research provides input for Blibli.com in increasing and maintaining exposure to sales promotions and the level of trust to increase product purchase intention at Blibli.com
Interaksi Online Vol 10, No 4: Oktober 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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SomeThinc known as the local skincare targeting user at young ages specifically gen z, having targets to achieved the 1st local cosmetic in rank and reach predicate as the most popular local skincare line. However, recently, real data by research shows that Somethinc still occupies the number 3 position with a revenue sales figure of 8.1 billion. The data proves that Somethinc is not categorized as leading local skincare brand in Indonesia and is still far from reaching its goals as a brand that can achieve Go Global conditions. Some of the steps taken by SomeThinc are discount promotions through social media and the use of celebrity endorsers in promoting their skincare products to increase its revenue. The study aims to determine the effect of sales promotion intensity, celebrity endorser content exposure on adolescent impulsive buying behaviour. The theory used in this research is Stimulus-Organism-Response theory and social cognitive theory. To determine the sample, researcher uses non-probability sampling technique. The samples studied were 100 people with female gender, aged 18-24 years, actively shopping for skincare products with minimum 3 times purchasing Somethinc skincare, have a monthly income and domiciled at Jabodetabek. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis using primary data retrieved from questionnaire. The results showed that sales promotion intensity have influence over impulsive buying with a significant significance of 0.000. Furthermore, there is an influence between celebrity endorsement content exposure on impulsive buying with has a significant value of 0.000. In conclusion, there is an influence between sales promotion intensity, celebrity endorsement content exposure simultaneously has a significant effect on the impulsive buying variable by generation Z. Independent variable influenced dependent variables by 68,8% while 31.2% left affected by other variables outside the study.
Pengaruh Terpaan Berita Hoaks Efek Vaksin dan Frekuensi Komunikasi dengan Kelompok Rujukan Terhadap Keputusan Melakukan Vaksinasi COVID-19 Nadin Khairun Nisa; Agus Naryoso; Djoko Setyabudi
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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The increase in coronavirus cases in Indonesia increases the urgency of achieving herd immunity. In pursuit of this, the Indonesian government launched the National Vaccination Program. However, in some areas such as Semarang City, the vaccina-tion target has not been achieved. In addition, confusing information related to vac-cination continues to spread among the public, Kominfo noted that there are 1,979 findings of hoax news about COVID-19 vaccination, which is feared to deter people from vaccinating against COVID-19. Therefore, this study aims to determine the ef-fect of exposure to vaccine effect hoaxes and the frequency of communication with reference groups on the decision to vaccinate against COVID-19. The theory used in this study is the mass communicarion effect theory and refer-encegroup theory. This study used non-probability sampling techniques and took a total of 100 samples. The criteria for this research sample are domiciled in Semarang City, aged 18-60 years, actively accessing social media / having experience of being exposed to hoaxes. The results of the study with simple linear regression data analy-sis show that exposure to vaccine hoaxes has an influence on the decision to vac-cinate against COVID-19 with a significance value of 0.00 ≤ 0.01 or highly signifi-cant and an R Square of 0.149 or an influence value of 14.9 percent. Furthermore, the Frequency of Communication with Referral Groups has an influence on the De-cision to Vaccinate COVID-19 with a significance value of 0.00 ≤ 0.01 or very sig-nificant with an R Square of 0.173 or an influence value of 17.3 percent.
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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The Ministry of Communication and Informatics is in the spotlight amid the many cases of data leakage involving various parties. According to data, there were 1.04 million accounts that experienced data leaks in Indonesia during the second quarter of 2022. Various media reports on data leak cases highlighted how, responses, and steps were taken to handle the case. The news caused unrest among the people. Coupled with the existence of communication by word of mouth (e-word of mouth) electronically as a more efficient media channel for voicing opinions because the scope is wider and easier to reach. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of exposure to population data leaks and exposure to negative e-word of mouth on social media on the level of public trust in the central government in dealing with data leaks. Using the theoretical approach of the Social Mediated Crisis Communication Model (SMCC), this study examines the effect of variable X1 and variable X2 on variable Y. The population of this study were social media users aged 18 to 35 years, with a non-probability sampling technique on 100 people, both men and women who had been exposed to news of data leaks. The results showed that exposure to data leakage news and exposure to negative e-word of mouth had an effect on the level of trust. Furthermore, it is known that the coefficient X1 is -0.527 and the X2 variable is -0.719, which means that exposure to data leak news (X1) and exposure to negative e-word of mouth (X2) have a negative effect on the level of public trust. With these findings, it can be concluded that the higher the exposure to data leak news received by the public and the higher the exposure to negative w-word of mouth, the lower the level of trust.
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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In recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, Netflix's revenue has continued to decline throughout 2021 and 2022. On the other hand, Netflix, as the pioneer of SVoD services in the world, has implemented various strategies to build and maintain its good image. In addition, even though the price set is relatively higher, the amount of content available is greater than similar competitors and the price set is still within the range of the majority of spending by the Indonesian people in consuming SVoD shows. Nevertheless, Netflix has still not succeeded in becoming the main choice for the Indonesian people. This research aims to determine the effect of brand image and price perceptions on purchasing decisions for SVoD Netflix services This research uses a quantitative method with an explanatory type and is based on the concept of Customer-Based Brand Equity and the Model of Consumer Behavior. The sampling technique is in the form of non-probability sampling with a total sample of 100 respondents who are generation Z and millennials who live in Greater Jakarta and know Netflix. The results of this study using the Chi Square non-parametric statistical test tool succeeded in revealing a relationship between brand image and the decision to purchase Netflix services with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.050. Furthermore, different results occur in testing the effect of price perceptions on purchasing decisions, where there is no influence between the two variables indicated by a significance value of 0.119 > 0.050. Thus, this research shows that price is not the main issue that is considered by consumers in purchasing Netflix services, instead a good brand image is a consideration, so it is important for brands to continue to maintain a good image. This research is limited by variables that are used, as well as the age range and domicile of the respondents. Therefore, other variables and broaden background of the respondents can be used for the further research.