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Implementing Video Recording to Improve the Content of Opening Speech Dian Rahma Santoso
JEES (Journal of English Educators Society) Vol 2 No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jees.v2i1.713


This study investigated the implementation of video recording to improve the students’ ability in presenting opening speech which focused on the content delivery. A classroom action research was used to collect the data from three cycles, and observation. The result showed all students could meet the minimum requirement after doing the process of recording their performance for three cycles.It improved the content delivery significantly after looking at and evaluating the video of performance. Students not only could accomplish the clear purpose of the presentation by introducing the topic clearly, told the thesis statement and preview the points of the speech. Finally, video recording also improved the students’ performance such as movement of gestures and body language, and the eye contact.
Media used by the junior high school during emergency remote classroom Wahyu Taufiq; Dian Rahma Santoso
Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-REaLL) Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-REaLL)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/j-reall.v3i1.14221


This research is concerned about the media used by teachers of a junior high school in Indonesia when the online class must be adopted in teaching-learning activities during the emergency remote classroom, particularly in the English-speaking class. The purpose of this research is to know the media that teachers use during the online emergency remote classroom learning in English-Speaking classes. This research is qualitative research using the purposive sampling technique. The subject of the research is English teachers in a conventional junior high school in East Java Province, Indonesia. Here, the researchers found that there were various kinds of media used in the class. The teachers used the media by implementing various techniques to support the teaching and learning process. Hopefully, this research might be beneficial for other researchers as well as teachers who want to explore the use of media for teaching.Keywords: speaking skill; media; junior high school; online class
Analysis on Teaching Online Strategy in Speaking Skill Used a Teacher in School Intania Dwiyanti Riduawan; Dian Rahma Santoso
Academia Open Vol 6 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1357.63 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.1408


Teaching strategy is a sequence of activities that systematic, general patterns of teacher activities that include about the sequence of learning activities, the order of achieving the goals that have been specified.The objective of the research are: (1) to identify the strategies used by the English teacher in teaching speaking . (2) To find out the problems faced by the English teacher in teaching strategy on speaking .The research methodology in this research is a descriptive-qualitative design. The subject of the research is the teacher of class at the seventh grade of Junior High School, in here only one teacher and the students it is consist of 31 students that one class only.the strategies in teaching speaking that are: use the Individual work, based on activities on easy language, give instruction or training in discussion skills, and keep students to speak the target language. The techniques of collecting the data in this research are: doing interview with English teacher. This technique of data analysis which used in this research was interactive model of analysis, the model of data analysis from Miles and Huberman. That are: colleting the data, reducing the data, presenting the data and drawing conclusion. In this study used data triangulation, source and theory. This research finding that the teaching strategies used the teacher in speaking class of full day class at seventh grade in SMP Hangtuah 5 Candi . The first meeting, the teacher in teaching speaking skill used three strategies that are: used keep students to speak the target language, base the activities on easy language, and the teacher used the Individual work.
The Effect of Mind Mapping Techniques on Writing Text Descriptions for Grade 7 Junior High School Students Edo Wartadinata; Dian Rahma Santoso
Academia Open Vol 6 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (692.886 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.2350


Teaching subject of English is a compulsory. English as a subject in school immediately improved all four of the abilities. The four abilities are: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of students of 7th Grade in SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo, especially at 7 E Class, who cannot reach minimum passing grade (KKM) caused by some lack in English lesson, specifically in writing ability of Descriptive text. Common obstacles students are facing are for example: Students cannot create their writing concept of descriptive about people, thing, places, and animals. This study attempted to answer the following research question (1) is there any significant effect of mind mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text at seventh grade of SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo. In carrying this research, the researcher formulated the objectives of the study as follows: To find out the effect of mind mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text at 7th grade of SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo. Research method: The research design is pre-experimental research with quantitative approach, The population of this research were all students of 7E SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo, The sample was seventh E class consisting of 32 students, The research instrument used in this research was test and the data collected through test was analyzed using T-test formula. The result showed that different of mean score of students’ writing before being taught using mind mapping technique was 57. Meanwhile, the mean score of students’ writing after being taught using mind mapping technique was 86,59. The finding showed that the mind mapping technique was effective to use in teaching writing descriptive text for it could improve students’ writing ability. This research has benefit in English Education study, especially for further research to enrich the resource
The Effect of Grammar Translation Method in Description Text on Writing Ability of Class XI Vocational High School Students Dinda Ayu; Dian Rahma Santoso
Academia Open Vol 6 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.999 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.2358


The topic of this research is The Effect of Grammar Translation Method in Descriptive Text for Students’ Writing Skill. The objective of this research were to find how the Grammar Translation Method can improve students’ writing skill through descriptive text for eleventh grade students at SMK Yapalis Krian in the academic year of 2019/2020 and whether the grammar translation method can be used as a method in improving the students’ achievement of writing skill. The researchers was applied pre-experimental research in this study. The steps of pre-experimental research were given test and treatment. In gathering the data, the researcher used a test in the form of writing content about descriptive text. The result of this research showed that using grammar translation method was good. It was proven by the improvement mean difference of pre-test and post-test after treatment. The means of the pre-test was 60.85, and the post-test was 74.63. Therefore, it can be suggessted that grammar translation method can be used as the alternative method in teaching which especially to improve writing skill.
Synchronous Analysis Used by English Teachers in Speaking Skills in Junior High School Sofia Nur Fitri Azizah; Dian Rahma Santoso
Academia Open Vol 6 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1473.792 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.2375


The purpose of this study was to analyze the improvement of students' speaking skills used by English teachers by using Synchronous through google meet for the speaking learning process at SMPN 1 Tanggulangin. This research uses qualitative research and the sample of this research is 36 students in seventh grade. Data collection methods used are observation and interview methods. The observation method used is a non-participatory observation technique, the researcher does not participate in the activity but only plays a role in observing the synchronous learning process used in SMPN 1 Tanggulangin. The results of this study indicate that the aspects assessed in synchronous speaking skills depend on the type of speaking material to be measured because the assessment is through linguistic aspects which include intonation, fluency and non-linguistics including gestures, expressions, voice volume and performance skills and assessments that are in accordance with lesson plan curriculum 2013.
The Effect of Picture Series through Retelling Story on Students’ Speaking Narrative at Elementary School Teti Hertanti; Dian Rahma Santoso
Academia Open Vol 6 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (48.597 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.2527


The objective of this research is to know how effect picture series on students’ ability in retelling narrative story. The research methodology used in this research is pre experimental design. The result is used to know the effect of picture series through retelling story on students’ speaking narrative. This research was conducted at MTS Muhammadiyah 1 Taman. The sample was chosen from VIII B based on pre observation and pre interview students score that is the lowest of all classes. In collecting the data, this research use pretest and posttest. The test was asked students to perform speak in front of the class in minimal 5 minutes with retell story from picture series. In analysis the data the researcher scoring the score of pretest and posttest, after that drawing the conclusion with computerized of Ms. Excel. Through the analysis of the findings of pre-test and post-test, it can be concluded that picture series gave the positive effect toward students’ speaking ability, this can be seen from the improvement in the score of students in the course. Picture series leads the students’ being self-critical, because they can evaluate their mistakes by their selves. The result of the data revealed after implementing picture series, the students’ speaking scores were significantly better and well improved (the mean of pre-test = 72,43 and post-test = 77,79).
An Analysis of Communication Strategies Upon Video Blog of English Education Students Dian Rahma Santoso; Vidya Mandarani
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.263


The utilization of both social media within a communication context progressed as the flow of technological development goes on. One of the most popular examples is the use of video blog within our daily life. This interlanguage study which is presented using a descriptive qualitative method is specifically made with the aim to investigate communication strategies employed by 44 fourth-semester students of English Education Study Program as their effort in accomplishing a field trip project of describing public places into a video blog. The field trip was on July 27th to 29th, 2018 in Yogyakarta, Central Java. Students were expected to compose and submit a video blog of themselves describing a particular public place fully in English during their trip. Thus, the instruments involved are video documentation, which was in the form of students’ video blog, and an open-ended interview. The findings show that communication strategies used by students’ video blogs include 6 direct, 2 indirect and 1 interactional strategies to overcome communication difficulties, which in turn will assist them in composing longer videos and making them widely understandable for most non-native English speakers.
The Implementation of Literacy Culture Programs in Elementary School Vevy Liansari; Wahyu Taufiq; Dian Rahma Santoso
Jo-ELT (Journal of English Language Teaching) Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa & Seni Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jo-elt.v8i2.4481


This study aims to describe the implementation of literacy culture programs of elementary school. This study used phenomenology of a qualitative approach. The subjects were the headmaster, teachers, students who were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The validity data test used triangulation techniques by comparing the results of observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The policy for implementing a literacy culture at elementary school by using the School Literacy Movement program of the government. It is based on Permendikbud No. 23, 2015 focusing on character development. (2) The implementation of literacy culture of elementary school. It is based on the habituation stage that carried out 10 minutes of reading Al Qur’an and storybooks before lessons. The development stage of the activities carried out the respond to the contents of reading books by reading independently, giving appreciation for student literacy achievements, and having a school literacy team. The learning stage is by getting used to reading textbooks and using various strategies that support learning.
A CDA Perspective of Cultural Contents in the English Junior High School Textbooks Vidya Mandarani; Oikurema Purwati; Dian Rahma Santoso
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 5(2), 2021
Publisher : State Islamic University Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/ijeltal.v5i2.671


In the aim to engage the volatile future, Kemendikbud considered developing the textbooks with cultural values imbued for the 2013 Curriculum. This study is a content analysis that seeks to examine the cultural elements found in the English textbooks for junior high schoolers, to discover the evidence of global cultural manifestation in the textbooks, as well as to find out the space given to local culture in the textbooks. The data were collected from the latest revision of ‘When English Rings a Bell’ textbook for both 7th & 8th grade, and ‘Think Globally Act Locally’ textbook for 9th grade. The data then analyzed qualitatively. The findings showed that: (1) social group & social identity dictate the cultural dimension, followed by belief & behavior. While another aspect, such as stereotypes & national identity, social interaction, the life-cycle & socialization, national culture heritage, national geography, national history as well as socio-political institution, are not commonly presented. This idea is in line with the curriculum objectives to facilitate the development of students with proper character, behavior and a strong sense of nationality. In terms of proportionality as shown by cultural dimensions, it is inferred that the English textbooks are on their way to perfection; (2) the existence of the target cultures is still dominant, yet the authors had tried to maintain the initial content of the source culture, as well as (3) the students require to realize the importance of learning culture from their English textbooks & develop their cultural competence and a certain degree of respect, as well as tolerance for others.