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Komposisi dalam Konteks Spesifik Pembacaan Naskah La Galigo Episode Malleleang Raunna La Worokelling di Kabupaten Wajo Suriadi, Nurkamila; Rahman, Nurhayati; Akhmar, Andi Muhammad
Jurnal Sosialisasi: Jurnal Hasil Pemikiran, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Keilmuan Sosiologi Pendidikan Volume 8, Nomor 3, November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/sosialisasi.v8i3.30806


Pola budaya tradisional adalah produk dari tingkat pengaruh alam. Semakin tidak berdaya dan sekaligus semakin bergantung pada alam, semakin jelas pola budaya tradisionalnya. Jika adat-istiadat yang diturunkan dari warisan nenek moyang dipertahankan sepanjang kesinambungannya, maka tercipta tradisi dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Menganalisis corak komposisi Data dan cerita dalam setiap penyampaian cerita La Galigo episode Malleleang Raunna La Worokelling ditengah khalayak Masyarakat Bugis di Kabupaten Wajo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Studi Pustaka, Wawancara, dan Pengamatan. Dalam pengelolahan data, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pendekatan ini menggambarkan langsung masalah penelitian tentang komposisi dalam konteks Spesifik Penyampaian La Galigo Episode Malleleang Raunna La Worokelling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitan dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat dua bentuk komposisi bahasa dalam naskah La Galigo Episode Malleleang Raunna La Worokelling, yakni bentuk majemuk yang unsur pertamanya menjadi pusat atau diterangkan oleh unsur penjelas atau menerangkan dan bentuk majemuk yang unsur-unsurnya tidak saling menerangkan, tetapi hanya berupa rangkaian yang sejajar atau kopulatif. Makna komposisi bahasa dalam naskah tidak bergantung dengan makna unsur yang membentuknya. Hal itu dikarenakan komposisi itu membentuk makna baru yang tidak sama dengan makna aslinya. Bentuk yang timbul dari proses komposisi bahasa Bugis dalam naskah La Galigo Episode Malleleang Raunna La Worokelling di Kabupaten Wajo ada lima, yaitu komposisi membentuk benda, komposisi membentuk kerja, komposisi membentuk sifat, komposisi membentuk keterangan, dan komposisi membentuk persona.
WalennaE Vol 3 No 2 (2000)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2032.758 KB) | DOI: 10.24832/wln.v3i2.108


Tulisan ini mengangkat Toloq Rumpakna Bone, sebuah sastra bugis yang ditulis sekitar awal abad ke-20. Karya sastra ini berupa manuskrip yang  ditulis oleh I Mallaq Arung Manajeng dan memuat kisah peperangan anta kerajaan bone dengan hindia Belanda pada tahun 1905. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menetapkan teks suntingan Toloq Rumpakna Bone dan telaah pola formula. Berdasarkan telaah pola formula, maka formula dalam Tolok Rumpakna Bone dapat dikategorikan dalam formula satu baris dan setengah baris. 
Strategi Budaya Orang Bugis Pagatan dalam Menjaga Identitas Ke-Bugis-an dalam Masyarakat Multikultur Andi Muhammad Akhmar; Burhanuddin Arafah; Wahyuddin Pardiman
Kapata Arkeologi Vol. 13 No. 1, Juli 2017
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/kapata.v13i1.392


The Pagatan Buginese is a community which living in Pagatan area, Tanah Bambu regency, South Borneo which is culturally identified as Buginese. Even though they are known that their ancestors came from various parts of Sulawesi, the people of this community still identified themselves as separate entity, The Pagatan Buginese. This study use historical, sociolinguistic, and cultural perspective, has revealed that the presences of Buginese in Pagatan occur in several periods. The first period, the Buginese migration to Pagatan in the 18th Century, is the pioneer and founder of Pagatan Kingdom migration. The second period, in the early half of 20th Century, is a large-scale migration caused by Bone War in 1908. The third period, in the second half of 20th Century, is migration when DI/TII Kahar Muzakkar rebellion occurred. Furthermore, in the end of 20th Century, Buginese fisherman communities, who are initially only fishing in Pagatan, gradually bring their family and settle there which is known as pappagatang. The Buginese domination in socio-cultural, economy, and political sector is generated by their ability to adapt to other communities, especially Banjar as the native of Borneo. The Buginese have a number of excellences in agriculture, fishery, maritime, and trading sector, as well as the eminent ethos that rooted from cultural value sirri na pesse (dignity and compassion) and other living philosophy of Buginese.Orang Bugis Pagatan adalah sebuah komunitas yang tinggal di kawasan Pagatan, Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, yang secara kultural diidentifikasi sebagai orang Bugis. Meskipun Orang Bugis Pagatan mengakui jika leluhurnya berasal dari sejumlah daerah Sulawesi Selatan, namun tetap mengidentifikasi diri sebagai sebuah entitas tersendiri, yaitu orang Bugis Pagatan. Penelitian yang menggunakan perspektif sejarah, sosiolinguistik, dan kajian budaya ini mengungkapkan bahwa keberadaan orang-orang Bugis di Pagatan berlangsung dalam beberapa periode. Periode pertama migrasi orang Bugis ke Pagatan pada abad ke-18, adalah kalangan perintis sekaligus pendiri kerajaan Pagatan. Periode kedua migrasi orang Bugis ke Pagatan berlangsung pada paruh awal abad abad ke-20, merupakan migrasi dalam skala besar yang diakibatkan oleh pecahnya perang Bone tahun 1908.  Periode ketiga migrasi orang Bugis ke Pagatan pada paruh kedua abad ke-20, yaitu saat berlangsungnya peristiwa pemberontakan DI/TII Kahar Muzakkar. Selain itu, pada akhir abad ke-20, terdapat pula kelompok-kelompok nelayan Bugis yang pada awalnya hanya mencari ikan di Pagatan, berangsur-angsur membawa keluarga mereka menetap di sana, yang dikenal dengan istilah pappagatang. Dominasi orang Bugis pada sektor sosial budaya, ekonomi, dan politik disebabkan oleh kemampuan mereka beradaptasi dengan komunitas lain, khususnya orang-orang Banjar sebagai penduduk asli Kalimantan. Orang Bugis memiliki sejumlah keunggulan dalam bidang pertanian, perikanan, kelautan, dan perdagangan, serta memiliki etos kerja yang tinggi yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai budaya siri na pesse (harga diri dan rasa iba) serta filosofi hidup orang Bugis lainnya. 
Peran Bahasa Prancis Agrowisata bagi Stakeholder Pariwisata di Toraja sebagai upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Bidang Pariwisata terhadap Wisatawan Eropa Muhammad Hasyim; Mardi Adi Armin; Prasuri Kuswarini; Ade Yolanda Latjuba; Hasbullah Hasbullah; masdiana masdiana; Andi Muhammad Akhmar
JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Ilmu Budaya
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34050/jib.v5i2 Desember.2595


This paper discusses alternative solutions provided in tourism development in Toraja, after the monetary crisis since 1998, which has adversely affected tourism in Toraja, which is marked by a decrease in the number of foreign tourist arrivals.Based on the results of research that has been done in 2016, drawn the conclusion is the root of the problem against the tourism business in Toraja is the lack of variation of tourist attraction, which during this time, tourism is always a mainstay is the tradition culture: Rambusolo and traditional house "Tongkonan". Based on the results of interviews with respondents (foreign tourists who visit Toraja), found a solution that is the need for a variant of tourism objects that support Toraja main tourist attraction. Potential variation of objects to be developed in Toraja is agro-tourism, where Toraja already owns agricultural land, for example coffee plantations, cloves, cocoa that have not been cultivated as tourist attraction.One of the solutions done for the development of agro-tourism in Toraja, especially to tourism stakeholders provides French-speaking skills in the field of agrotourism in the form of training. One of the reasons for this activity is that the majority of foreign tourists visiting Toraja are from Europe who use French as the language of communication. The results of these activities resulted in three competencies: the knowledge of French in the field of agrotourism, the French language skills in agrotourism and the attitude that has a sense of responsibility in providing services to foreign tourists through the use of FrenchKey words: agrotourism, tourist, coffee, tradition culture,  Toraja, Tongkonan 
JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018): July-December
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The monetary crisis since 1998 that hit Indonesia, has a negative impact on the tourism business, which is marked by a decrease in the number of foreign tourist visits that have an impact on tourism economic activities. On that basis, in 2018 the Indonesian government has emphasized the importance of empowering existing natural potential and becoming a regional characteristic as a potential tourism activity. One of the programs launched by the area in Toraja is the improvement and management of agrotourism (agrotourism) with the image of the Toraja region, as the Coffee Regency. Based on the results of the research, one solution was found, namely the need for a variant of a tourist attraction that supports the main tourist attractions of Toraja, Tradition Culture (graves) and Tongkonan traditional houses. The potential variation of objects to be developed in Toraja is agrotourism which so far has not been fully developed. In developing agrotourism in Toraja, it is important to improve services from aspects of specific field languages (agrotourism), one of which is French. For this reason, the solution that can be given to tourism stakeholders is to provide language skills training through understanding and using French variants in agro-tourism. The results of this workshop show that participants are able to explain vocabulary and speak (communicate orally) in French in the field of agrotourism
JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Volume 7 No 1 January-Juni
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

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Herman Jan Fridericy's Roman General (SJ) is the only Dutch literary work on life among the Bugis in the Kingdom of Bone. As a European, of course, the author has a way of looking at Indonesians, especially the Bugis. In connection with that, the question that immediately arises is, how do the authors present culture and society through the techniques of storytelling and the development of story conflicts? A study using structural analysis combined with literary sociology theory obtained many findings. The author uses focalisation techniques that place themselves outside the story, making it easier to develop story conflicts and describe the social and cultural dimensions of Bugis people. The SJ text scribbled and mediated the historical, social and cultural reality of the Bugis people in Bone Regency ahead of the second arrival or attack of the Netherlands, in 1905, which was also marked by the fall of the kingdom.
DARI BUGIS KLASIK KE BUGIS ISLAM: STUDI SASTRA ATAS BOTTINNA I LA DẾWATA SIBAWA I WẾ ATTAWEQ (BDA) [Classic to Islamic Buginess: Literary Study towards I La Dewata Sibawa I We Attaweq (BDA)] Andi Muhammad Akhmar
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36843/tb.v2i1.4


Para penyusun buku Katalog Induk Naskah-Naskah Nusantara Sulawesi Selatan memasukkan sejumlah naskah yang berisi kisah perkawinan La Déwata dan Wé Attaweq ini dalam kelompok naskah La Galigo/sastra Galigosementara, Kern dan Matthes justru menganggap naskah –naskah tersebut bukan bagian dari siklus (cyclus) La Galigo. Perbedaan pandangan pendapat ini memunculkan masalah  yang menjadi fokus utama penelitian ini, yaitu  bagaimana pergeseran bentuk-bentuk formula dan komposisi cerita dari kedua pandagan terasebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap bagaimana pergeseran bentuk-bentuk formula dan komposisi cerita dalam BDA dalam kerangka pergeseran penciptaan teks dan tanggapan pembaca. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode resepsi sastra dalam analis datanya. Selain itu, kedua naskah BDA diperiksa dengan menggunakan teori rumus, semiotika, dan penerimaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari segi komposisi puisi, teks BDA versi klasik mengikuti sistem formula puisi La Galigo. Sementara itu, teks BDA versi islam memperlihatkan dua jenis kombinasi formula, yaitu kombinasi bersifat tetap dan kombinasi bersifat tidak tetap.Demikian pula struktur penceritaan pada kedua teks yang diamati memperlihatkan perbedaan yang menonjol. Pada teks BDA versi klasik hanya memuat memuat satu téreng (episode) yang isinya menceritakan satu peristiwa upacara perkawinan. Sementara itu, teks BDA versi Islam, memaut kisah yang luas, yaitu tujuh kali peristiwa perkawinan, dengan perluasan-perluasan cerita yang terdapat di dalamnya.The authors of Katalog Induk Naskah-Naskah Nusantara Sulawesi Selatan entered some texts that contains the story ofthe wedding of  La Dewata sibawa Attaweq in La Galigo texts meanwhile, Kern and Matthes actually considered the manuscripts are not the part of La Galigo cyclus. The difference of this point of view raises a problem that becomes the main focus of this study , how the form shift in two compositions of both point of view. The purpose of this study was to reveal how the shifting shapes and composition formula in the story within the framework of the shift BDA text creation and reader response .               This research was a qualitative descriptive method  with used literary reception in the data analyst . In additio , both texts BDA examined using the formula theor , semiotics, and acceptance. The results showed that in terms of the composition of poetry ,BDA text version of the classic poem follows the formula La Galigo system. Meanwhile, BDA text version of Islam shows two types of combination formulas, namely a combination of permanent and non-permanent character combinations. Similarly, the structure of storytelling in both the observed texts show marked difference . In the classic version of the BDA text contains only load one Tereng ( episodes ) that tells the events of the wedding ceremony. Meanwhile , BDA text version of Islam , bind extensive story , which is seven times the event of marriage ,with extensions stories contained there in . 
Poured from the Sky: The Story of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Cérékang Forest Conservation Andi Muhammad Akhmar; Fathu Rahman; Supratman Supratman; Husain Hasyim; M. Nawir
Forest and Society Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Forestry Faculty, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24259/fs.v6i2.15176


The Cérékang people are often used as an example of how Indigenous Peoples successfully carry out traditional conservation of customary forests. This article aims to investigate the conditions that sustain the forest conservation in Cérékang by using Berkes’s (2008) concept of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and Houde’s (2007) six dimensions of TEK as the framework. Data collections were obtained through literature review, direct observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions with key informants. The results of the study are as follows: First, the mythical construction around the area of forest is connected to their cosmology and stories of origin associated with the La Galigo epic, and the Cérékang people have developed protective attitudes towards forests consistent with the term “sacred ecology”. Second, such an attitude is endured by the ethics that respect the intimate relationship between humans, nature, and spiritual realms, which is subsequently manifested through prohibitions to enter the sacred forest except for ritual. This implies that the Cérékang people rely on symbolic knowledge, not technical knowledge, to protect the forest. The protected forest does not only provide cultural ecosystem services but also regulates services that indirectly benefit the Cerekang People such as flood prevention. Yet, the uncertain legal status of the sacred forest and the activities of a mining company around the area pose threats for continued conservation efforts. Consequently, to exercise direct control over the sacred forest area, new community organizations are integrated with customary institutions formed with support from NGOs, local government, and universities. This can be seen as their adaptation strategy to survive and conserve the forest amid ongoing challenges.
Al-Qalam Vol 28, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31969/alq.v28i2.1108


The purpose of this strive study is to reveal the implementation of core values principle of Buginese culture from three perspectives, namely of philosophy, religion, and moral perspective. The Buginese culture belongs to the Bugis people. Bugis people are a community that occupies the area of South Sulawesi alongside the Makassar, Toraja, and Mandar ethnics. They live in harmony and form social systems and institutions. As an ethnic that dominates the population of South Sulawesi, the Bugis ethnic strongly maintains their culture. This can be seen in their principle of core values in the Buginese culture. The core values of Buginese are also a reflection of their worldview in this life. This study aims to uncover 1) the principle of core values of Buginese ethnic through their cultural ideologies, and 2) the aspect of philosophy, religion, and moral perspectives behind their principle of core values. This study utilizes the Cultural Semantics theory with an interpretive qualitative method, which relies on its analysis of the descriptive meaning of expressions. The results of this study indicate that the principle of core values of Buginese culture is awake because they practice the cultural heritage of their ancestors by actualizing it in a contemporary context. The implication of this research is that a cultural-value is maintained when culture has a dynamic aspect to the needs of the cultural.