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Pengaruh konsentrasi larutan kapur sebagai curing terhadap kualitas fisiko-kimia dan organoleptik gelatin kulit kambing Peranakan Ettawah (PE) Amertaningtyas, Dedes; Thohari, Imam; Purwadi, Purwadi; Radiati, Lilik Eka; Rosyidi, Djalal; Jaya, Firman
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol 24, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya

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The purpose of this study was to determine effect of lime concentration in the gelatin manufacture from goat skins in terms of physico-chemical and to determine the best lime concentration that can be used for gelatin manufacture from goat skin. The materials used were 5 sheets of Ettawah crossbred goat skin aged 1.5-5 years and lime (Ca(OH)2). The results showed that different lime concentration in the curing process during the manufacture of goat skin gelatin had no effect (P>0.05) on the yield, viscosity, pH, water content, protein content and fat content. The best treatment was the use of 5% of lime concentration which resulted 12.82% of yield, 3.67 cP of viscosity, 2.7 of pH, 9.29% of water content, 73.58% of protein content and 1.77% of fat content.   Keywords: Gelatin, goat skin
Wahana Peternakan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Wahana Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/jwputb.v6i1.533


ABSTRACT        This study aims to determine the concentration of L plantarum and the best fermentation time to make fermented rabbit meat dendeng based on L*a*b color and texture of rabbit meat dendeng. The material used was rabbit meat dendeng which was fermented using L. plantarum. The method of research was a experiment of laboratory with a factorial randomized block design and repeated 3 times consisting of concentrations of L. plantarum (0%, 6%, 8%, and 10%) and fermentation time (12, 18 and 24 hours). Based on the analysis of variance, it was found that different concentrations of L. plantarum and fermentation time did not have a significant effect (P>0.05) on the dendeng color of L (brightness), a* (redness) and texture, while the concentration of L. plantarum had a significant effect (P<0.05) and the fermentation time was a significant effect (P<0.05) on the color b* (yellow). The mean of L (Brightness) of dendeng was 33.94-35.72, the mean of a* of rabbit meat dendeng was 13.72-14.63, and b* was 12.53-14.83. The mean of rabbit meat dendeng texture was 22.94-25.25 N. The concentration of L. plantarum and the fermentation time that produced the best characteristic L*a*b* color and texture dendeng was 6% with 18 hours of fermentation time.  Key words: Dendeng; Rabbit; Fermentation; Color; Texture
Pengaruh penambahan sari jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) terhadap kadar lemak, kadar air, kadar abu, daya mengikat air, dan nilai ph dari yogurt susu sapi Sjaloom Ester Sakul; Djalal Rosyidi; Lilik Eka Radiati; Purwadi Purwadi
Jurnal Sains Peternakan Vol 7 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Sains Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jsp.v7i1.3610


ABSTRAK Sari jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) mengandung karbohidrat yang dapat menjadi bahan penstabil alami dari yogurt susu sapi yang berguna untuk kesehatan karena mengandung probiotik. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh penambahan sari jamur tiram putih terhadap kadar lemak, kadar air, kadar abu, daya mengikat air, dan nilai pH dari yogurt susu sapi. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, apabila terdapat pengaruh perlakuan dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil (BNT). Perlakuan yang ditambahkan yaitu penambahan sari jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) sebanyak 0% (P0), 1% (P1), 2% (P2), 3% (P3). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar air, nilai pH dan kadar abu tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antar rata-rata perlakuan (P>0.05) sedangkan kadar lemak, daya ikat air terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antar perlakuan (P<0.05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah Yogurt susu sapi dengan penambahan sari jamur tiram putih sebesar 3% memiliki kualitas yang paling baik sebagai produk pangan fungsional. ABSTRACT White oyster mushroom extract (Pleurotus ostreatus) contains carbohydrates which can be a natural stabilizer of yogurt for cow's milk which is useful for health because it contains probiotics. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of the addition of white oyster mushroom juice on fat content, water content, ash content, water binding power, and pH value of cow's milk yogurt. The experimental design uses a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications, if there is an effect of treatment followed by the smallest real difference test (BNT). The treatment added was the addition of white oyster mushroom extract (Pleurotus ostreatus) by 0% (P0), 1% (P1), 2% (P2), 3% (P3). The results showed that the water content, pH value and ash content were not significantly different between treatment averages (P> 0.05) while fat content, water binding capacity had significant differences between treatments (P <0.05). The conclusion of the study is that cow's milk yogurt with the addition of white oyster mushroom juice by 3% has the best quality as a functional food product.
Pengaruh variasi pH dengan penambahan enzim bromelin alami (Anannas comucus) terhadap sifat organoleptik keju cottage Sylvia Komansilan; Djalal Rosyidi; Lilik Eka Radiati; Purwadi Purwadi
Jurnal Sains Peternakan Vol 7 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Sains Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jsp.v7i1.3613


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh variasi pH dengan penambahan enzim bromelin alami buah nanas (Ananas comusus) terhadap sifat organoleptik keju cottage. (Rasa, Aroma, Warna, Aftertaste, dan Overall). Materi dan bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan keju Cottage adalah: susu sapi segar sebanyak 28 liter garam dapur1%, enzim bromelin 3%. Alat yang digunakan: Tempat/wadah plastik, tempat penampung whey, alat pemanas, thermometer, kain penyaring, pengaduk dan tempat penyimpanan. pH menggunakan pH meter. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode percobaan dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dengan Variasi pH pada saat enzim bromelin ditambahkan adalah K1 = pH 4,40 K2 = pH 4.50 K3 = pH 5.40 K4 = pH 5.60. Data hasil penelitian akan dianalisis dengan ANOVA jika terdapat perbedaan pengaruh akan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan(P<0.05), terhadap warna keju cottage, tetapi tidak memberikan perbedaan yang nyata terhadap, rasa, aroma, aftertaste dan overall tapi dapat diterima oleh panelis. Abstract This study aims to examine the effect of pH variations by adding the natural bromelin pineapple enzyme (Ananas comusus) to the organoleptic properties of cottage cheese. (Taste, Aroma, Color, Aftertaste, and Overall). The Material and Materials used in this research are: the ingredients needed for making cottage cheese are: fres cow milk as 28 liters of kictchen salt 1%, bromelin enzyme 3%. Tools usued: plastic containers, heaters, thermometers, filter cloths, stirress and storage areas. pH use pH meter. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (RAL) 4 treatment with a variation og pH 4.40, K2 pH 4.50, K3 pH 4.50 K4. 5.60. Data from the research results will be analiysest by ANOVA if there are difference in influence and will be followed by the Smallest Significant Diffrence Test (LSD). The results showed that there was a significant effect (P<0.05), on the color of cottage cheese, but did not provide a real difference in taste, aroma, aftertaste and overall but was acceptable to the panelists.
Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties and Exopolysaccharides Production of Single Culture and Mixed Culture in Set Yoghurt Heldy Oktavia; Lilik Eka Radiati; Djalal Rosyidi
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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The Rheology of yogurt was influenced by the dry matter of milk and yogurt cultures. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of using single culture (L. bulgaricus, S. thermophillus) and mixed culture (L. bulgaricus and S. thermophillus), (S. thermophillus, L. bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium)as much as 3% for evaluation of physicochemical properties in set yoghurt such as pH value, acidity content, viscosity and syneresis, also to know total exopolysaccharides (EPS) production, total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and microstructure of set yoghurt storage at refrigerator temperature (1 day, 2 and 3 days). The method of this research on first step was Randomized Completely Design, the variables measured on first step were pH content, acidity content, viscocity, and syneresis with 3 times replication. On second step used Randomized Completely Nested Design (3x4) with 3 times replication variables measured were pH stored, total lactic acid bacteria and total EPS production. The best treatment from second step continued testing of the microstucture with the aim of identifying structure components in set yoghurt. The conclusion on first step this research could decrease of pH value, increase the acidity, viscosity and inhibit syneresis set yogurt. On second step gave has decline in the average total LAB 1 log (CFU / ml) in set yogurt and has increasing of total exopolysaccharide production from each type of culture during.Keywords : Bifidobacterium, fermented milk, Lactabacillus, Streptococcus
Evaluasi Kualitas Telur Dari Hasil Pemberian Beberapa Jenis Pakan Komersial Ayam Petelur Picky Oriesta Ayu Harmayanda; Djalal Rosyidi; Osfar Sjofjan
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui kualitas telur dan kandungan beberapa jenis pakan komersial. Materi yang digunakan pada percobaan 1 dan 2 adalah kandang sistem battery, pakan komersial, ayam petelur Strain Lohmann Brown berumur 30─34 minggu,telur ayam segar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode percobaan lapang dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan sehingga terdapat 25 unit percobaan. Data dianalisis secara statistik, apabila ada perbedaan pengaruh diantara perlakuan maka dilanjutkan dengan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan’s [1]. Pengelompokkan didasarkan pada waktu pengambilan sampel yang berbeda.  Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) Pakan komersial terbaik adalah pakan dengan kode C. (2) Hasil yang berbeda terdapat dalam kandungan bahan kering, abu, protein kasar, serat kasar, lemak kasar, gross energy dan calcium tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap phosphor. (3) Hasil evaluasi kualitas eksternal telur dapat meningkatkan berat telur, berat cangkang, panjang dan lebar telur tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap specific gravity. (4) Hasil evaluasi kualitas internal telur dapat meningkatkan indeks putih telur, indeks kuning telur, warna kuning telur dan haugh unit. Diharapkan pada penelitian berikutnya perlu mengevaluasi kualitas telur pada kualitas pakan terbaik. Keywords: ayam petelur, kualitas telur, pakan komersial
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production Vol 6, No 2 (2007): Ternak Tropika
Publisher : Jurusan Produksi Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Brawijaya

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kebutuhan pakan hewan kancil (Tragulus javanicus) telah dilaksanakan di Fakultas PeternakanUniversitas Brawijaya Malang. Enam ekor kancil betina dan dua ekor kancil jantan digunakanuntuk observasi lama dan siklus berahi, tanda-tanda dan lama kebuntingan, sedangkan untukpengukuran kebutuhan pakan digunakan tiga ekor kancil jantan yang ditempatkan di kandangindividu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan heat detector berupa pagarpemisah antara jantan dan betina adalah sangat efektif untuk mendeteksi berahi. Teknikpenggunaan air accu juga cukup efektif untuk deteksi kebuntingan kancil di lapangan. Lamadan siklus berahi kancil secara berturut-turut adalah 35 hari dan 16 jam, sedangkan lamakebuntingan adalah sekitar 133 hari. Konsumsi bahan kering kancil adalah berkisar antara 3,0sampai 3,36% dari bobot badan. Pemberian pakan kering berupa konsentrat perluditambahkan pada pakan sayuran secara perlahan-lahan untuk meningkatkan pasokan protein.Kata kunci: heat detector, siklus berahi, lama kebuntingan, komsumsi BKABSTRACTAn experiment aiming for studying reproductive biology and nutrient requirements oflesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) was conducted at Faculty of animal Husbandry,Brawijaya University Malang. Six female and two male lesser mouse deer were used indetermining nutrient requirements. The results showed that the use of fence barrier as heatdetector is efficient and the use of inozied water of car battery as a mean for detectingpregnancy in the field is also efficient. Heat duration and cycle of lesser mouse deer incaptivity were found to be 35 days and 16 hours respectively, whilst pregnancy duration wasabout 133 days. Dry matter (DM) consumption of lesser mouse deer ranged from 3,0 to 3,36%of body weight. The use of dry feed to supplement vegetables offered as basal diet seems to beimportant to improve protein supply to the animals.Keywords : Heat detector, heat duration and cycle, pregnancy duration, DM consumtion.
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production Vol 16, No 1 (2015): TERNAK TROPIKA
Publisher : Jurusan Produksi Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (196.412 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtapro.2015.016.01.3


Tujuan dari penelitian nugget ayam yang ditambahkan tepung porang ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung porang yang berbeda jumlahnya dalam nugget ayam dan mengetahui pengaruh tepung porang terhadap sifat kimia dan organoleptik nugget ayam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah percobaan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang dilakukan adalah: P0 = nugget ayam dengan 0% tepung porang; P1 = nugget ayam dengan 5% tepung porang; P2 = nugget ayam dengan 10% tepung porang; P3 = nugget ayam dengan 15% tepung porang; dan P4 = nugget ayam dengan 20% tepung porang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penambahan tepung porang pada nugget ayam memberikan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0.01)terhadap kadar air, rasa, dan tekstur, sedangkan pada  kadar protein dan lemak tidak memberikan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P>0.05). Perlakuan terbaik pada penelitiian ini adalah penambahan tepung porang 10% pada nugget ayam, hasilnya menunjukan pada kadar air (9,65±1,98%), kadar protein (11,19±0,13%), kadar lemak (3,19±0,06%), rasa (3,68±0,62) dan tekstur (3,52±0,50). Kata Kunci : tepung porang, nugget ayam, uji kima, uji organoleptik
Pengaruh Penambahan Stabilizer Pati Talas Lokal (Colocasia esculenta) terhadap Viskositas, Sineresis dan Keasaman Yogurt pada Inkubasi Suhu Ruang Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih; Djalal Rosyidi; Lilik Eka Radiati; Purwadi Purwadi
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 5, No 3 (2018): JITRO, September
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.592 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v5i3.4706


ABSTRACTThis study aims to examine the effect of adding local taro starch stabilizer (Colocasia esculenta) to physicochemical properties (viscosity and sineresis) and acidity (pH and total acid) of yogurt at room temperature incubation. The material used includes: cow milk; skim milk; starch from taro tubers from the traditional market of Malang, East Java; starter of lactic acid bacteria (S. thermophillus, L. bulgaricus, and L. acidhopilus). The research method used was a completely randomized laboratory experiment consisting of 6 treatments of adding taro starch, namely: P0: 0% (without taro starch); P1: 0.5%; P2: 1%; P3: 1.5%; P4: 2%; and P5: 2.5%. Pasteurization of milk at 85 °C for 30 minutes, addition of starter BAL 3% with an incubation period of 24 hours at room temperature. Each treatment was repeated 4 times. The data obtained were analyzed using the Variant Analysis method, if the treatment gave effect then continued with Duncan's Multiple Distance Test (UJBD). The results showed that there was a very significant effect (P <0.01) of the addition of taro starch to the viscosity, syneresis, pH, and total acid of yogurt at room temperature incubation. The addition of different concentrations of taro starch stabilizer varies the values of viscosity (1007.5-4596.25 cP), sineresis (10.11-20.33%), pH (4.16-4.20) and total acid (0,94-1.08%) yogurt. The conclusion of this study is the addition of local taro starch stabilizer up to 2.5% concentration providing optimal physicochemical and acidity properties of yogurt. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh penambahan stabilizer pati talas lokal (Colocasia esculenta) terhadap sifat fisiko (viskositas dan sineresis) dan keasaman (pH dan total asam) yogurt pada inkubasi suhu ruang. Materi yang digunakan meliputi: susu sapi; susu skim; pati dari umbi talas yang berasal dari pasar tradisional Kota Malang, Jawa Timur; starter bakteri asam laktat (S. thermophillus, L. bulgaricus, dan L. acidhopilus). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah percobaan laboratorium dengan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari 6 perlakuan  penambahan pati talas yaitu  P0: 0% (tanpa pati talas); P1: 0,5%; P2: 1%; P3: 1,5%; P4: 2%; dan P5: 2,5%. Pasteurisasi susu pada pemanasan 85°C selama 30 menit, penambahan  starter BAL 3% dengan masa inkubasi 24 jam pada suhu ruang. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis varian, apabila perlakuan memberikan pengaruh maka dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda duncan (UJBD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) penambahan pati talas  terhadap viskositas, sineresis, pH, dan total asam yogurt pada inkubasi suhu ruang. Penambahan konsentrasi stabilizer pati talas yang berbeda  memberikan variasi nilai terhadap viskositas (1007,5-4596,25 cP), sineresis (10,11-20,33%), pH (4,16-4,20) dan total asam (0,94-1,08%) yogurt. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah penambahan stabilizer pati talas lokal sampai dengan konsentrasi 2,5% memberikan sifat fisiko dan keasaman yogurt yang optimal.
The Effect of Ananas comucus Extracted Bromelain Enzyme Addition Under Different pH on the Physicochemical Properties of Cottage Cheese Sylvia Komansilan; Djalal Rosyidi; Lilik Eka Radiati; Purwadi Purwadi
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak (JITEK) Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.957 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitek.2020.015.01.5


The research aims to analyse the effect of bromelain enzyme addition from Ananas comucus under different pH condition to the physicochemical properties of cottage cheese. The observed variables include protein, fat, moisture, ash and cheese yield. The research was conducted in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments (K1 = pH 4.5; K2 = pH 4.6; K3 = pH 5.4; and K4 = pH 5.5) and 4 replications. All of the data were analysed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed with least significant difference (LSD) test. The results showed that the bromelain addition under pH 4.6 showed the best physicochemical properties of cottage cheese that had lowest fat content (0.67 ± 0.53 %) and highest yield (18.15 ± 0.22 %) compared to other pH condition, while the protein and ash content did not show any significant difference on all pH condition.
Co-Authors Abdul Azis Agri Kaltaria Annisa Agus Susilo Agus Susilo Agus Susilo Agus Susilo Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih Akhadiyah Afrila Amelia Arum Ramadhani Anik Fadlilah Aris Sri Widati Aris Sri Widati Aulanni’am Aulanni’am Avida Fradiana Budhi Utomo Chandra Aditya Darmawan Citra Nurma Yunita Dedes Amertaningtyas Dian Handayani Dian Handayani Dian Laksamana Hati Dian Laksamana Hati Dodik Prasetyo Edy Susanto Eny Sri Widiastuti Errythrina Vinifera Arnyke Eva Yuniarti Utami Fadimas Pursudarsono Fahrullah Fahrullah Fajar Shodiq Permata Firman Jaya Firman Jaya Fondha Teguh Eko Harjono Happy Nursyam Hari Purnomo Hari Purnomo Hari Purnomo Heldy Oktavia Herly Evanuarini Idris Israil Imam Thohari Imam Thohari Imam Thohari Imam Thohari Imam Thohari Inasabrilla Hendar Dahayu Indah Amalia Amri Irfan Djunaidi Ivan Wiretno Joko Prakoso Khothibul Umam Al Awwaly Kusmartono Kusmartono Lilik Eka Radiate Lilik Eka Radiati Lilik Eka Radiati Lilik Eka Radiati Lilik Eka Radiati Lionel Cato Ma A Guiang Beltran Meitta Ageng P Moch. Nur Ihsan Mu’addimah Mu’addimah Mustakim Mustakim Nadhirotul Uyun Nazhar Vernanta. Billy Rasyad Nia Agustina Osfar Sjofjan Picky Oriesta Ayu Harmayanda Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi Purwadi purwadi purwadi Qosimah, Dahliatul Rachmat Muhbianto Rahmaniar Abdia Sarah Estefan Sayoga Kristian Pantoro Siti Resita Dijayanti Sjaloom Ester Sakul Sjaloom Sakul Soffy Soetji Widarti Sri Andarini Sri Andarini Sri Minarti Subandi Subandi Sulis Setio Toto Harjo Sylvia Komansilan Sylvia Komansilan Ulfi Noor Hakim Wahidah Ma&#039;ruf Wahidah Ma’ruf Yudha Wirawan