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The Viability of Lactobacillus plantarum From Intestines of Laying Ducks Encapsulated With Arabic Gum and Skimmed Milk Badat Muwakhid; Anik Maunatin; Anif Mukaromah Wati
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak (JITEK) Vol. 16 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitek.2021.016.03.6


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the types of encapsulation materials, that is skimmed milk and Arabic gum on two probiotics Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), including L. plantarum DJ2 and L. plantarum DJ3. The methods of this study were separated into two stages that is probiotic resistance testing during the spray drying process and the viability of LAB after spray drying during storage of probiotic powder for one month at 4oC. Changes in the viability of LAB probiotics before and after the drying process using spray drying were determined by the total plate count. The viability of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was observed every week for one month of storage at 4oC. The results showed that different encapsulation materials had significant different (P ≤ 0.05) on changes in resistance of probiotics powder during spray drying process. The use of Arabic gum could increase the resistance of probiotics during the spray drying process, meanwhile, the use of skimmed milk was better to be able to maintain the viability of dry probiotic powder both on L.plantarum DJ2 and L.plantarum DJ3 during storage. After four weeks of storage, there was mold and yeast in the skimmed milk and Arabic gum materials. In conclusion, both Arabic gum and skim milk could be used for encapsulation where storage of dry probiotic products is recommended during one month at 4 oC.
Effect of Different Incubation Time on Goat's Milk Dadih on Thorny Bamboo (Bambusa stenostachya Hackel) Anif Mukaromah Wati; Mei Jen Lin; Lilik Eka Radiati
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak (JITEK) Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitek.2022.017.02.2


The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of dadih with bamboo in Taiwan, namely Thorny bamboo (Bambusa stenostachya Hackel) with different incubation times. The materials used are bamboo tubes, banana leaves and Alpine goat's milk from the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) Taiwan. Dadih is made by pasteurizing goat's milk at a temperature of 65oC for 30 minutes, allowed to stand until a temperature of 30oC, the milk is poured into a bamboo tube and covered with banana leaves, then fermented in an incubator at 37oC with time variations (0, 24, 30, 36, 42, and 48 hours). The results showed that the difference in incubation time significantly (p<0.05) on pH, total acidity, syneresis, and general characteristics of dadih. The conclusion of this study is 24-hours incubation is the best time to make dadih because the taste is similar to dadih in West Sumatra.
Peasant Women Empowerment as a Conflict Resolution Strategy in Sidomulyo Hamlet, Baluran National Park Dede Aprylasari; Siti Azizah; Norsida Man; Suprih Bambang Siswijono; Irfan H. Djunaidi; Anif Mukaromah Wati; Achadiah Rachmawati
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol. 32 No. 3 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiip.2022.032.03.15


The aims of this study are to 1) determine the causes of conflict between the Sidomulyo hamlet community and the Baluran National Park management; 2) find opportunities for conflict resolution through empowering peasant women. This research was carried out from April to June 2022. The method used is descriptive qualitative by direct field survey and interviews with Baluran National Park managements and Sidomulyo Hamlet farmers. Key informants were chosen using the purposive sampling method followed by snowball sampling. The data required includes the dynamics of conflict, the variety of conflicts, conflict actors, sources of conflict, and opportunities to empower women farmers. Based on the research data on the sources of conflict between the Sidomulyo community and the management of Baluran National Park, there are four different sources of conflict: differences in perceptions, knowledge, values, and values and differences in interests. Three resolutions are applied: Peacekeeping, Peacemaking, and Peacebuilding. In the Peacebuilding resolution empowerment programs is chosen because there is a big potential in for women to do entrepreneur activities. Women farmer empowerment can be done through entrepreneuship. The conservation village model through micro-credit assistance and the formation of women's farmer groups. The aim is to increase livestock yield products and the economy, income, and food security.
Physicochemical Characteristic of Fermented Goat Milk Added with Different Starters Lactic Acid Bacteria Anif Mukaromah Wati; Mei Jen Lin; Lilik Eka Radiati
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak (JITEK) Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.414 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitek.2018.013.01.6


Development of traditional food including dadih to be commercial fermented milk was needed to achieve efficiency and effective of products. Dadih with natural starter needs to be changed with starters because starters can be produced commercially. This study aims to evaluate physicochemical characteristic of fermented goat milk that added with different starters Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) isolated from dadih. The materials used for this research were starters LAB that isolated from dadih. In this experiment, treatments were used different starters that namely starter 11, starter 21, starter 25, starter 29, and starter 41 then analized about water content, ash content, fat content, syneresis, and viscosity. The experiment was carried out with three replications. The data were analyzed by ANOVA using the basic design of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and continued by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) if there was a significantly different. The results showed that different starters had influence on water content, ash content, fat content, syneresis, and viscosity. It could be concluded that starters 11 and 41 were the best starter that can be applied in fermented goat milk product based on physical quality with lower syneresis and higher viscosity. But based on chemical quality, starter 11 was the best starter with lower water content and higher ash content.
Jurnal Agriovet Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL AGRIOVET

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51158/agriovet.v5i2.872


Good dairy farming pratices (GDFP) merupakan standar yang digunakan untuk melaksanakan praktik-praktik beternak sapi perah yang baik sehingga susu yang dihasilkan berkualitas dan aman berasal dari sapi perah yang sehat dan sejahtera. Penelitian ini dilakukan peternakan sapi perah rakyat di Kabupaten Kediri dan Kota Batu dengan responden yang berjumlah 24 peternak sapi perah Frisien Holstein (FH). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapang, pengisian kuesioner dan wawancara secara langsung dengan peternak. Substansi kuisioner meliputi tujuh aspek yang terdiri dari aspek pembibitan dan reproduksi, aspek pemberian pakan dan minum, aspek manajemen pengelolaan, aspek kandang dan peralatan, aspek kesejahteraan ternak, aspek kesehatan ternak dan aspek sosial ekonomi. Selanjutnya, data penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penilaian teknis berdasarkan nilai rataan pelaksanaan Good Dairy farming practices (GDFP) pada peternak di daerah Kabupaten Kediri dan Kota Batu termasuk dalam kategori yang baik yaitu pada rataan nilai 3,59 dan 3,81. Nilai penerapan GDFP tertinggi pada aspek pakan dan minum dan nilai penerapan terendah berada pada aspek sosial ekonomi di Kabupaten Kediri. Perlunya perbaikan teknis pemeliharaan dengan penerapan GDFP terutama dalam hal sosial ekonomi pada peternakan rakyat sapi perah di Kabupaten Kediri. Kata Kunci: Good dairy farming practice, pemeliharaan, peternakan rakyat, sapi perah
Organoleptic Quality of Chicken Sausage with Different Brands in Kediri City Anif Mukaromah Wati; Siti Azizah
Jurnal Ternak : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Lamongan Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ternak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/jt.v14i1.189


Sausage is one type of processed chicken meat wrapped in a sleeve. Chicken sausage is a food that is in great demand by modern society, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic season because it is practical, affordable, cheap, durable, and can be found anywhere. Based on its population, the Kediri city is the third largest city in East Java. During the pandemic and after the pandemic, chicken sausage was one of the products that experienced an increase. The purpose of this study was to examine the organoleptic quality of chicken sausages in the Kediri city. The research was conducted in October-December 2020 at Universitas Brawijaya Kediri on five different samples chicken sausage. The composition of the sample was recorded and the organoleptic quality was analyzed by 50 semi-trained panelists. The results of the organoleptic test showed that the different types of chicken sausage had highly significant difference (p<0.01) on the color, texture, aroma, chicken sausage taste, juiciness, ease of biting, ease of chewing, and hedonic chicken scale. Chicken sausage that has the best organoleptic score is sausage brand number 2 with the highest score on texture, aroma, chicken sausage taste, juiciness, ease of biting, ease of chewing, and hedonic chicken sausage, while the assessment of color, panelists prefer brand number 3.  The conclusion of this study is brand 2 which is a sausage brand “Bernardi” has the best acceptance by consumers because this sausage is made from premium ingredients and paprika oleoresin with a natural taste.
The Effect of Storage Temperature on Organoleptic and Physical Quality on Salted Smoked Eggs Anif Mukaromah Wati; Hanum Muarifah; Chanifan Ibadi Fajar Herlambang; Heaven Nila Nanda Pratama; Siti Azizah
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 9, No 3 (2022): JITRO, September 2022
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v9i3.24692


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of salted smoke eggs which were stored at different storage temperatures of their physical and organoleptic qualities. The materials used in making salted smoke eggs are duck eggs, salt, bricks, and water. Methods of making the products are covering eggs with pasta or coating method, boiling eggs carefully, and smoking salted eggs until they are brown. Eggs are stored at different temperatures for 7 days including Storage at 5°C (refrigerator), Storage at 22°C (air conditioning), storage at ±28oC (room temperature), and Storage at 35°C (incubator). The results showed that salted smoke eggs stored at different temperatures had a significant effect (P<0.05) on taste and appearance but had no significant effect on aroma and air cavity. The conclusion of this study is that smoked salted smoke eggs with 7 days of storage are better if stored at incubator temperature and room temperature because, in 7 days of storage there has been no change in organoleptic quality.Keywords: different temperature, organoleptic quality, physical quality, salted smoke eggs
Pemberdayaan PKK di Desa Sumberwaru, Kecamatan Banyuputih, Kabupaten Situbondo melalui Pemanfaatan Ikan Laut sebagai Kerupuk Sukarmi; Anif Mukaromah Wati; Achadiah Rachmawati; Siti Azizah
Jurnal Pengabdian Bersama Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Jurnal Pengabdian Bersama Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : CV. Aksara Global Akademia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59031/jpbmi.v1i2.85


Desa Sumberwaru, Kecamatan Banyuputih, Kabupaten Situbondo, masuk kedalam pengelolaan Taman Nasional Baluran. Profesi mayoritas masyarakat adalah nelayan sedangkan hasil tangkapan ikannya masih di jual dalam bentuk segar di pasar maupun langsung dikirim ke Bali. Penjualan ikan dalam bentuk segar memiliki beberapa kekurangan diantaranya harga jual yang rendah, ikan cepat rusak dan membutuhkan penyimpanan dingin. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah pembuatan kerupuk ikan dari hasil tangkapan nelayan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan, praktek pembuatan kerupuk ikan, serta pendampingan usaha. Kegiatan ini dilakukan mulai bulan Mei sampai dengan Desember 2022 di, Desa Sumberwaru dengan melibatkan anggota PKK berjumlah 30 orang. Hasil produksi krupuk ikan laut yang dihasilkan menjadi salah satu produk pangan unggulan desa, sehingga mempunyai nilai jual yang lebih tinggi. Kegiatan berbasis pemberdayaan perempuan mengharapkan PKK berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan desa dan memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi secara mandiri.