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The Resistance of The Congregation of Liberal Catholic Church Saint Albanus Bandung in Preserving Existence amid Marginalization and Discrimination Bernardus Ario Tejo Sugiarto; Abdul Syukur; Rifki Rosyad
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol 5, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.839 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/rjsalb.v5i3.13075


The Liberal Catholic Church (LCC) has existed in Indonesia since pre-independence. It was brought by the Dutch to Indonesia along with the movements of Theosophy and Freemasonry. However, not many Indonesians know of its existence, let alone recognize it. Even many Catholics themselves do not know the intricacies of its presence in Indonesia. This is due to the common notion that Catholicism is the Roman Catholic religion that possesses the highest authority, the Pope, in Rome. If it’s compared to other Catholic sects In Indonesia, the number of adherents of the Roman Catholic religion is the largest (majority). The General Directorate of Catholic Community Guidance has always been held by Roman Catholics. The existence of LCC was never known or even acknowledged. Historically, the Roman Catholic Church has determined it to be outside the Roman Catholic Church because of its heresy. Concerning Theosophy teachings which tend to be syncretistic, not only the Roman Catholic Church is disturbed, but also religions that intend to purify their teachings. This article presents the impacts of identity politics on the existence of the LCC in Bandung and how it maintains its existence. This article is expected to open a critical understanding of the socio-political consequences of state policies on religious identity, especially for minority groups. The type of research conducted is a combination of field research and literature research. The field research method used is a qualitative method using deep conversation as a tool to collect information. The LCC has experienced marginalization and discrimination which forced them to carry out resistance to maintain their existence.
Teologi Pembebasan Beragama dalam Film Bollywood Maria Ulfa; Bambang Qomaruzzaman; Abdul Syukur
Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/hanifiya.v4i1.11004


Istilah pembebasan yang muncul di dalam teologi agama, merupakan gambaran fenomenatif dari aspek teologi, yang secara konklusifnya melahirkan banyak pemikir.. Lahirnya pembebasan dilatar belakangi oleh suatu kondisi diktatoral politik secara politis, otoriter lembaga-lembaga keagamaan dan kondisi sosial kemasyarakatan yang diskriminatif dan tidak populis telah mewujudkan berbagai gerakan dan aliran pembebasan. Film PEEKEY dan OH MY GOD adalah dua film yang direpresentasikan seperti sebuah kuliah singkat terkait agama, eksistensi manusia dan teologi pembebasan. Penelitian ini ingin melihat dua pesan yakni pertama, Pembebasan apa saja yang terdapat dalam film bollywood tersebut? Bagaimana strategi teologi pembebasan yang ditunjukkan dalam film bollywood tersebut? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis model Roland Barthes. Hasil analisis pada pada penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa film PK dan OMG telah melakukan pembebasan Tuhan terhadap pemahaman tentang Tuhan yang salah, kemudian membebaskan manusia dari permusahan karena agama dan yang ketika membebaskan manusia dari agama yang disebabkan agama.
Ekowisata dan Wisata Religius sebagai Relasi antara Manusia, Alam dan Tuhan Syihabul Furqon; Busro Busro; Abdul Syukur
Masyarakat Pariwisata : Journal of Community Services in Tourism Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (694.142 KB) | DOI: 10.34013/mp.v2i1.393


The development of the world of tourism so rapidly from year to year. This implies an inevitable new tourist attraction. This development has its traces from the 20th century as a result of the decline of human existence, the objectification of nature and the breaking of the chain of sacredness with God through tradition. The second decade of the 21st century shows that this disconnection and decadence can be re-woven through tourism. This research will explore the statement: what kind of tourism model can then intertwine humans' disconnection from themselves, nature and God? The result is that in the ecotourism and religious tourism models there is a possibility of a harmonious mutualism symbiosis. Specifically in this study, the authors found that ecotourism (Trigonasantri Garden) and religious tourism objects (Petilasan Linggabuana) have a fundamental component—traditionally—relationship between humans, nature and God.
Patanjala: Journal of Historical and Cultural Research Vol 12, No 2 (2020): PATANJALA VOL. 12 NO. 2 Oktober 2020
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30959/patanjala.v12i2.636


Indonesia is very famous for its rich culture. Cirebon as one of the districts in West Java is also very thick with its culture. This article discusses one of the cultures in Kedungsana Village Cirebon, the phenomenon of ritual slametan Memitu. The purpose of this study is to examine the practice of ritual slametan Memitu carried out by Kedungsana community together with its theological dimensions. The research subjects were the community of Kedungsana Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency. The process of collecting data through direct observation and to get deep information in interviews, we use a purposive sampling technique. The results of the study found that the purpose of carrying out the ritual slametan Memitu was as a manifestation of gratitude for all the favors that had been given from the "Invisible Power" and also the hope of the smooth birth process. Express gratitude and the request is addressed to those considered to have the power to determine the smooth process of birth. In ritual slametan Memitu, there are theological dimensions that can be identified as belief in Invisible Substance and values for living in harmony together among residents of Kedungsana Village community. The theological dimensions in the earth alms ritual have been developed in such a way as to be in line with the development of social reality.Indonesia sangat terkenal dengan kekayan kebudayannya. Cirebon sebagai salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Barat juga sangat kental dengan budayanya. Artikel ini membahas salah satu budaya di Desa Kedungsana Cirebon yaitu fenomena tradisi ritual slametan Memitu.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti praktek ritual Memitu yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Kedungsana bersama dengan dimensi-dimensi teologisnya. Subjek penelitian adalah komunitas masyarakat Desa Kedungsana Kecamatan Plumbon Kabupaten Cirebon. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi langsung, untuk pendalaman dilakukan wawancara dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa tujuan dilaksanakannya ritual slametan Memitu adalah sebagai manifestasi syukur atas segala nikmat yang telah diberikan dari “Kekuatan Tak Terlihat” dan juga pengharapan kelancaran proses kelahiran. Ungkapan rasa syukur dan permohonan tersebut ditujukan kepada yang diyakini memiliki kekuatan untuk menentukan kelancaran proses kelahiran. Dalam ritual slametan Memitu terdapat dimensi-dimensi teologi yang dapat diidentifikasi sebagai kepercayaan terhadap Zat Yang Gaib dan nilai-nilai untuk hidup rukun berdampingan antar-warga masyarakat Kelurahan Kedungsana.  Dimensi-dimensi teologis dalam ritual sedekah bumi ini telah dikembangkan sedemikian rupa agar sejalan dengan perkembangan realitas sosial.
Islam, Tradisi Lokal, dan Konservasi Alam: Studi Kasus di Kampung Dukuh Kabupaten Garut Abdul Syukur; Husnul Qodim
KALAM Vol 10, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (425.018 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v10i1.339


Kampung Dukuh di Kecamatan Cikelet, Kabupaten Garut merupakan salah satu kampung adat yang ada di Jawa Barat. Selain tradisi warisan Islam yang masih kuat, masyarakat Kampung ini mempunyai tradisi tersendiri seperti kepercayaan terhadap mitos-mitos leluhur, sanksi gaib, dan ritual-ritual tertentu terkait kepercayaan tersebut. Masyarakat Kampung Dukuh juga memiliki kearifan lokal yang berkaitan dengan pelestarian lingkungan dan sumber daya alam lewat mana mereka turut serta dalam menghadapi isu-isu pemanasan global (global warming) dan perubahan iklim (climate change). Keberhasilan warga Kampung Dukuh dalam melestarikan alam bukan karena pengaruh doktrin Islam tetapi lebih disebabkan oleh tradisi dan kearifan lokal warisan nenek moyang. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat Kampung Dukuh cenderung memahami Islam sebagai seperangkat aturan/hukum berkaitan dengan sistem peribadatan (fiqih ibadah), tidak sampai menyentuh aspek-aspek lain di luar sistem itu.
Muslim Baduy: Konversi Agama Adat Leluhur Abdul Syukur; Omang Komarudin; Gustiana Isya Marjani; Dadang Kahmad
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 18 Nomor 2 2021
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v18i2.3943


This study raises the main issue of the religiosity of Muslim Baduy after converting to Islam in Leuwidamar, Lebak-Banten. The discussion aims to reveal the factors and the process of converting to Islam, to discover the religious behavior after converting to Islam and the impact of religious conversion on social and cultural changes of Muslim Baduy. The research is a descriptive-analytic study with an ethnographic method by using participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation techniques. By using Rambo’s theory on the religious conversion stages and Glock and Stark’s theory on the religiosity, it has resulted a conclusion that the religiosity of Muslim Baduy in Leuwidamar, Lebak Regency, Banten is seen as a dynamic process based on the findings: 1) the conversion of Baduy people to Islam is due to political, theological, psychological, and sociological factors. 2) In one hand, Muslim Baduy leaves some tradition of Baduy particularly the rituals of Sunda Wiwitan and practices their obligation as a Muslim. On the other hand, Muslim Baduy still practices some Baduy tradition which is in line with Islamic shari’a.
Takhrij and Syarah Hadith of Chemistry: The Study of Integration of Islamic Character Values with Chemistry in Carbon Chemistry Qurotul Aeni; Muhamad Azhan Azhari; Asep Supriadin; Dody S Truna; Abdul Syukur
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 5 (2021): Proceedings Conference on Chemistry and Hadith Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (969.92 KB)


This study aims to discuss the hadiths about Muslims and other Muslims with a philosophical approach to carbon chemistry. The study of Islamic character values ​​contained in carbon chemistry has been carried out by exploring the philosophical charges in the material, the specificity of carbon atoms, bonds in carbon compounds, classification, and reactions in carbon compounds. This study integrates Islamic character values ​​to reinforce and reinforce the main ideas raised in carbon chemistry. The methods used are takhrij and sharah hadith which use content analysis techniques, analysis with a philosophical approach, analysis with a triadic model, and analysis with confirmation patterns. The results obtained from this study are: (1) remembrance of Allah SWT in the specificity of the carbon atom with 4 valence electrons; (2) maintaining the relationship of the patentable properties of the carbon atom; (3) happy to give charity and help from carbon chemical bonds; (4) be wise and fair when encountering differences in the classification of carbon compounds; (5) improve themselves and leave things that are not useful from the substitution reaction; (6) sincere in helping others from addiction reactions; and (7) patience and surrender to Allah SWT from the reaction of elimination. This study concludes that the concepts that apply in carbon compounds can be related to the values ​​of Islamic character education based on takhrij and sharah hadith with a carbon chemistry approach.
Realitas Keagamaan Amanat Keagungan Ilahi dalam Perspektif Ninian Smart Rina Nurdiana; Dadang Kahmad; Abdul Syukur; Yeni Huriani
Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/hanifiya.v6i1.25266


Penulisan artikel ini dilatarbelakangi fenomena bermunculannya kelompok keagamaan di Indonesia saat ini, salah satunya yaitu kelompok Amanat Keagungan Ilahi (AKI) yang berada di Desa Cangkuang Kecamatan Leles Kabupaten Garut. Kelompok ini mempunyai aspek esoteric dan eksoterik yang khas dan berbeda terutama pada aspek ritual dan ekeperensial sehingga kelompok ini di sorot cukup tajam oleh masyarakat setempat. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena kelompok Amanat Keagungan Ilahi yang berkaitan dengan  7 dimensi keagamaan Ninian Smart mencakup dimensi ritual, ajaran, expernsial, mitos dan sosial kelembagaan dan dimensi material   para penganutnya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa AKI merupakan gerakan keagamaan di mana pengikutnya harus melewati ritual berupa pewarisan, mandi tobat, khalwat guha dan khalwat alam menjadi tahapan yang sangat sacral yang harus dilalui oleh anggota AKI yang bersungguh sungguh dalam mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. Prinsip dasar tujuan ajaran AKI adalah untuk mencapai suci hati, suci ucap, dan suci akhlaq. Melalui penelitian lapangan, wawancara mendalam serta obervasi menyimpulkan bahwa corak keagamaan kelompok AKI mengandung unsur percaya kepada alam ghaib, tradisi nenek moyang, mengandalakan olah pikir dan olah rasa serta mengutamakan urusan batin dari pada amalan lahir. Meyakini adanya wahyu berupa wangsit yang turun bagi pengikut yang terpilih.
Muslim Baduy: Konversi Agama Adat Leluhur Abdul Syukur; Omang Komarudin; Gustiana Isya Marjani; Dadang Kahmad
Jurnal Penelitian Volume 18 Nomor 2 2021
Publisher : LPPM UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (522.094 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jupe.v18i2.3943


This study raises the main issue of the religiosity of Muslim Baduy after converting to Islam in Leuwidamar, Lebak-Banten. The discussion aims to reveal the factors and the process of converting to Islam, to discover the religious behavior after converting to Islam and the impact of religious conversion on social and cultural changes of Muslim Baduy. The research is a descriptive-analytic study with an ethnographic method by using participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation techniques. By using Rambo’s theory on the religious conversion stages and Glock and Stark’s theory on the religiosity, it has resulted a conclusion that the religiosity of Muslim Baduy in Leuwidamar, Lebak Regency, Banten is seen as a dynamic process based on the findings: 1) the conversion of Baduy people to Islam is due to political, theological, psychological, and sociological factors. 2) In one hand, Muslim Baduy leaves some tradition of Baduy particularly the rituals of Sunda Wiwitan and practices their obligation as a Muslim. On the other hand, Muslim Baduy still practices some Baduy tradition which is in line with Islamic shari’a.
Takhrij and Syarah Hadith about Chemistry: Prohibition of Eating Petai Excessively in Science and Hadith Annisaa Sufi Khanifah; Wahyudin Darmalaksana; Abdul Syukur; Tina Dewi Rosahdi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 5 (2021): Proceedings Conference on Chemistry and Hadits Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The purpose of this study was to discuss the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad about eating excessive petai. The qualitative research method uses the takhrij and sharah hadith approaches with chemical analysis. The results and discussion of this study are the dangers arising from excessive petai consumption. The conclusion of this study is the takhrij and syarah hadith of the Prophet SAW regarding the excessive prohibition of the compounds it contains based on chemical analysis