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JADECS (Journal of Art, Design, Art Education & Cultural Studies) Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Seni dan Desain, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.379 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um037v1i12016p%p


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan perbedakan visualisasi atribut dan struktur tubuh pada tokoh Antareja Yogyakarta dengan Surakarta. Sumber data utamanya adalah wayang kulit Antareja Yogyakarta dan Surakarta. hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perbedakan atribut dan struktur tubuh (sanggul, jamang , sumping, garuda mungkur, dewala, ulur-ulur, kelat bahu, gelang tangan, praba, sabuk/paningset, pending , badong, kampuh, uncal wastra, uncal kencana, kunca, seluar terluar, seluar panjang, krocong, muka, mata, mulut, hidung, badan, tangan, kaki) pada Antareja Yogyakarta dengan Antareja Surakarta.
JADECS (Journal of Art, Design, Art Education & Cultural Studies) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Seni dan Desain, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um037v7i12022p59-73


Abstrak: Kesenian Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur merupakan peninggalan Majapahit yang hidup dan berkembang ratusan tahun di desa Jatiduwur sebagai kesenian khas Jombang. Tetapi masih banyak dari masyarakat tidak mengetahui keberadaan Topeng Jatiduwur yang memiliki keunikan bentuk visual Topeng, warna, ornament, pertunjukan dan nilai sejarahnya. Tujuan penciptaan ini adalah mendeskripsikan ide konsep motif batik inspirasi Topeng Jatiduwur Jombang, mendeskripsikan proses kreatif motif kain batik dari tokoh Triloka dan upaya pelestarian Topeng Jatiduwur melalui motif batik. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kreatif terdiri dari beberapa tahap; merumuskan kreasi ide motif batik inspirasi Topeng Jatiduwur Jombang, eksplorasi ide konsep, eksplorasi desain dan teknik, proses kreatif mewujudkan motif batik, hasil kreatif motif batik, dan analisis hasil kreatif. Hasil kreatif  penciptaan berupa enam kain motif batik dengan teknik digital printing diharapkan memberikan efektifitas proses produksi kain batik skala besar, dan nantinya kain dapat digunakan sebagai bahan sandang dengan judul karya sebagai berikut; Jadur Darana, Jadur Prasasta, Jadur Wahya, Jadur Danurweda, Jadur Jasayasa, dan Jadur Lembahmana. Kreasi motif batik bertema Wayang Topeng Jatiduwur ini, sebagai upaya pelestarian kesenian dan pemajuan kebudayaan daerah Jombang. Kata kunci: Motif Batik, Topeng Jatiduwur, Printing, Jombang
Production Management in “ Pare “ Documentary Films Ike Ratnawati; Gharisa Nur Alam
Cinematology: Journal Anthology of Film and Television Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Volume 3 - Issue 1 : Cinematology: Journal Anthology of Film and Television Stud
Publisher : Program Studi Film dan Televisi, Fakultas Pendidikan Seni dan Desain, Universitas Pendidik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ftv-upi.v3i1.55704


This research discusses the management of the production of a documentary film entitled Pare which was produced by several students from batch 2019. The Pare film raises the issue of food security that occurs in the Ciptagelar customary village, in Sukabumi, West Java province. This study aims to find out how the creative process in the production management of the documentary film Pare starts from the initial stages, namely pre-production, production and post-production during the film-making process. The research results show that the documentary film Pare at the pre-production stage carries out idea planning and the process of developing ideas, how to focus on goals in the film, there are limitations in the focus of the problem, and conducts research in literature to find data and conduct meetings directly with one of the sources , determining the appropriate way of speaking and approach to the subjects as well as production planning, funding planning, equipment preparation and crew management. In the production stage of the Pare documentary, there have been several shifts from the main discussion because it was adjusted to the data, what we can get and see the actual conditions on the ground, of course during production it is very important to conduct briefings and evaluations while in place, as well taking pictures, coordinating with other crews how to solve problems if they don't match the initial plan, coordination is also carried out up to technical matters such as the process of taking camera angles and the right composition. In the final process, namely the post-production stage starting from raw editing using editing scripts, selecting images, narration, ambiance, and conducting discussions between the director and editor regarding the selected images, as well as previews to correct deficiencies in the film to be corrected immediately.
Pelatihan Case Method dan Team Based Project Guru IPS SMP Di Malang Raya Sebagai Solusi Mengatasi Demotivasi Siswa Agus Purnomo; Khofifatu Rohmah Adi; Ike Ratnawati
Jurnal Pengabdian ILUNG (Inovasi Lahan Basah Unggul) Vol 2, No 4 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ilung.v2i4.6915


This community service is carried out for social studies teachers throughout Malang Raya with the aim that social studies teachers can overcome student demotivation during distance learning through the case method and team-based project. This learning method has also been shown to be able to increase student motivation to participate in learning activities, which promotes learning and improves performance in assessments. This activity includes the stages of implementing mentoring, monitoring performance, and giving an impact on alumni who work as Social Studies Teachers for Middle Schools in Malang Raya. The stages of the activity include (1) assistance by a team of experts in Learning Evaluation at Universitas Negeri Malang, (2) practice of preparing learning tools, and (3) learning simulations using the Case Method and Team based Project. The results of this dedication show that the case method and team-based project can increase student motivation during distance learning. Therefore, the implications of this research can be used as a solution to the problems of the learning process so far related to student demotivation. So, social studies teachers in junior high school can implement this case method and team-based project training.
Kesenian Jaran Bodhag Probolinggo sebagai Sumber Inspirasi Penciptaan Motif Batik Tulis pada Outwear Semi-Formal Akbar Naufal Aziz; Ike Ratnawati; Lisa Sidyawati
Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik: Majalah Ilmiah Vol 40, No 1 (2023): DINAMIKA KERAJINAN DAN BATIK : MAJALAH ILMIAH
Publisher : Balai Besar Standardisasi dan Pelayanan Jasa Industri Kerajinan dan Batik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22322/dkb.v40i1.7906


Kesenian Jaran Bodhag Probolinggo mengalami pasang surut dalam modernitas, masih belum cukup dikenal oleh masyarakat luar maupun dalam Probolinggo. Kesenian pertunjukkan yang berakar sejarah dari Jaran Kencak tercipta sebuah kesenian masyarakat dengan modifikasi bentuk imitasi kepala kuda dan Bodhag dalam bahasa Madura yang berarti “wadah/tudung nasi”, dihiasi sedemikian rupa dan tercipta sebuah artifisial jaranan. Penulis memiliki ketertarikan pada bentuk Jaran Bodhag untuk dituangkan pada batik tulis dalam outerwear semi-formal untuk meningkatkan daya tarik gaya berbusana batik yang cenderung monoton pada kalangan usia remaja-dewasa. Penciptaan ini bertujuan untuk menggaungkan kesenian Jaran Bodhag Probolinggo juga mendeskripsikan ide konsep, proses visualisasi, dan hasil motif batik tulis pada bentuk outerwear semi-formal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penciptaan yang dikemukakan oleh SP. Gustami yang terdiri dari tahap eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan. Hasil penciptaan karya ini terdapat tiga jenis outer antara lain: Beden Sokmah Jaran Bodhag (Vest), Demslendeman (Jacket), Gal Megol (Crop Top Bolero). Hasil penciptaan karya tersebut menjadi salah satu upaya bentuk inventarisasi motif baru dan pelestarian kesenian lokal dalam wujud karya batik.
Pelatihan Ecoprint Teknik Steam Bagi Masyarakat Non Pengrajin Tempe di Sanan Malang Lisa Sidyawati; sumarwahyudi; E. Wara Suprihatin Dyah Pratamawati; Ike Ratnawati
Pelita Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Pelita Masyarakat, September
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/pelitamasyarakat.v5i1.9746


Kampung Sanan Malang has a population of 481 households, 262 of which have opened a business to produce tempeh and tempeh chips. RW15 Sanan's Profile Book states that the turnover of money from the industry reaches nearly forty billion rupiahs per month. However, there are still around a hundred families whose welfare still needs to be improved. Welfare distribution efforts include skills training to open up new business opportunities. One of the work programs of RW 15 Sanan is conducting coaching by involving outside parties to assist, and skills training to reduce unemployment and improve the standard of living of non-tempe craftsmen. One of the travel awareness group (Pokdawis) businesses that has been running well is the educational tourism business based in the Sanan thematic village. This business led to the idea to open a new business, namely the production of eco-print-based souvenirs. Based on these problems, eco-print training was carried out using the steam technique.