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Menjaga Keberlanjutan Kampung Adat Melalui Pemberdayaan Penenun di Kampung Anajiaka, Kab. Sumba Tengah . Wiyatiningsih; Kristian Oentoro
RUANG: Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan (SPACE: Journal of the Built Environment) Vol 7 No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.75 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JRS.2020.v07.i01.p10


The study discusses the effort to maintain the sustainability of a traditional kampung through empowering weavers in Kampung Anajiaka, Sumba Tengah Regency. The number of weavers is decreasing. This is in line with the lack of weaving skills which inhibits the development of weaving motifs as a local identity. Indeed, woven clothes have deep cultural meanings. They are not only used for everyday wear, but also for ritual ceremonies. With time, woven clothes making become a livelihood for the community of Kampung Anajiaka. This work replaces farming that is absolutely depending on the rain. Based on the problems, the study aims at mapping the potentials of weavers and their role in the sustainability of Kampung Anajiaka. The study applies a descriptive – qualitative research method collecting data through field observation and interviews with the weavers. The study was done in Kampung Anajiaka consisting of 14 Sumbanese traditional houses surrounding megalithic toms. The study result shows that empowering weavers improves living environment quality. This can be seen from the mutual relationship system in the development of weaving skills of the weavers and the providing of working space and types of equipment for weaving. The improvement of living environment quality will contribute to the sustainability of the traditional kampung. Keywords: empowering; Sumba Tengah Regency; sustainability; traditional kampung; the weaver Abstrak Studi ini membahas upaya untuk menjaga keberlanjutan kampung adat melalui pemberdayaan penenun di Kampung Anajiaka, Kabupaten Sumba Tengah. Jumlah penenun yang sebagian besar adalah ibu rumah tangga semakin menurun saat ini. Sedikitnya jumlah penenun seiring dengan minimnya ketrampilan menenun yang menghalangi pengembangan motif tenun sebagai identitas lokal. Padahal, tenun memiliki makna kultural yang dalam bagi masyarakat Sumba. Tenun merupakan bagian dari perlengkapan budaya yang tidak hanya dipergunakan untuk pakaian sehari-hari, namun juga untuk upacara-upacara adat. Pada perkembangannya, menenun dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan keluarga bagi masyarakat Kampung Anajiaka. Pekerjaan ini menggantikan pekerjaan bertani yang sangat tergantung pada hujan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka studi ini bertujuan untuk memetakan potensi penenun dan perannya terhadap keberlanjutan kampung adat Anajiaka. Studi ini menerapkan metode penelitian deskriptif – kualitatif yang mengumpulkan data melalui observasi lapangan dan wawancara terhadap penenun. Studi dilakukan di Kampung Adat Anajiaka yang terdiri dari 14 rumah tradisional yang diletakkan mengelilingi batu kubur megalitik. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan penenun berdampak pada peningkatan kualitas lingkungan hunian. Hal ini terlihat melalui sistem gotong royong dalam peningkatan ketrampilan menenun dari penenun dan penyediaan ruang kerja dan peralatan menenun. Meningkatnya kualitas lingkungan hunian akan berkontribusi terhadap keberlanjutan kampung adat. Kata kunci: pemberdayaan; Kabupaten Sumba Tengah; keberlanjutan; kampung adat; penenun
Jurnal Koridor Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Koridor
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1153.932 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/koridor.v9i2.1370


Kampung Alun-Alun sebagai bagian sejarah dari Kotagede telah berkembang dengan pesat. Kampung ini terletak di sisi selatan dari Pasar Legi yang menjadi pusat kehidupan Kotagede.Secara fisik, Kampung Alun-Alun dibentuk oleh dinding-dinding dan gerbang kecil yang mempertemukan dengan gang-gang sempit dan sunyi penghubung antar kampung. Di Kampung Alun-Alun terdapat deretan rumah-rumah tradisional Jawa yang berada di antara dua pintu gerbang dan dikenal sebagai wilayah Between Two Gates. Bentuk dan tata ruang dari rumah-rumah tradisional Jawa yang terdapat di wilayah ini tetap dipertahankan keasliannya dan menjadi museum hidup. Berbeda dengan rumah-rumah di wilayah Between Two Gates, bangunan-bangunan di sekitar Between Two Gates tidak lagi memiliki karakter arsitektur tradisional Jawa. Namun demikian, lorong-lorong sempit di antara rumah-rumah yang berada di Kampung Alun-Alun memiliki fungsi sosial yang tinggi. Sistem kekerabatan yang kuat tercermin melalui ruang-ruang interaksi di sepanjang lorong-lorong kampung. Ruang-ruang interaksi sosial di sepanjang lorong kampung membentuk pola-pola ruang yang unik. Keunikan tersebut membentuk karakter arsitektur sebagai identitas Kampung Alun-Alun. Berdasarkan pada kondisi tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi elemen arsitektur spasial dan visual yang membentuk identitas Kampung Alun-Alun Kotagede dan pengelolaannya untuk keberlanjutan kampung pada masa mendatang.Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan di Kampung Alun-Alun Kotagede. Data yang diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi karakter kampung terdiri dari fasad bangunan, bentuk lorong, dan ruang-ruang interaksi sosial bagi warga Kampung Alun-Alun. Analisis dan pembahasan dilakukan terhadap data hasil observasi lapangan, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa identitas Kampung Alun-Alun Kotagede dibentuk oleh karakter spasial yang dibentuk oleh interaksi sosial sehari-hari dari warga kampung dan visual dari bangunan yang berderet di sepanjang lorong-lorong di kampung. Pengelolaan ruang dan citra bangunan yang sesuai dengan konteks setempat menjadi salah satu upaya untuk mempertahankan eksistensi Kampung Alun-Alun di era modern. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi warga Kampung Alun-Alun untuk berpartisipasi dalam mempertahankan identitas kampungnya. Hasil penelitian juga bermanfaatn bagi pemerintah, yaitu sebagai acuan untuk pengembangan kawasan bersejarah Kotagede, khususnya Kampung Alun-Alun. Pada akhirnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa, Kampung Alun-Alun yang mulai kehilangan identitasnya dapat dihidupkan kembali melalui pemanfaatan potensi-potensi lokal, yang berupa fasad bangunan bersejarah, bentuk lorong, dan ruang-ruang komunal di sepanjang lorong kampung.
Mempertahankan Eksistensi Kampung Basen Sebagai Kampung Wisata Kerajinan Perak melalui Rumah Produktif di Era Bisnis Online Tutun Seliari; Wiyatiningsih Wiyatiningsih
Jurnal Pariwisata Terapan Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2389.895 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpt.35381


 Tourism Kampung is an alternative tourist destination for tourists who want to vacation in urban areas. Basen is a tourism kampung that was inaugurated since 2011. Basen Tourism Kampung has a major attraction as a kampung of silver artisans and silver sellers. The issues discussed in this paper is the existence of Basen as a tourism kampung that has the main attractions of silver handicrafts, not only silver products but also tourists can be involved in the process of making silver made in the occupancy community of Basen. Problems arise when the online media created a virtual transaction phenomenon of buyers and sellers, so without the physical showrooms the silver artisans and silver sellers can commercialize their products. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Survey conducted to collect data. The survey targets are silver artisans and silver sellers. In-depth interviews were conducted on silver artisans and silver sellers to obtain the accuracy of the data. The result of the research shows that the important aspect in the existence of silver handicrafts in Basen is the existence of productive house in Kampung Basen and community of silver artisans and silver sellers. The productive house of the community in Kampung Basen is not only used as occupancy but also the activity of silver handicraft which became the main attraction in Basen Tourism Kampung.   
Pemberdayaan Petani Jamur melalui Desain Rumah Jamur yang Inklusif Wiyatiningsih; Winta Tridhatu Satwikasanti; Stefani Natalia Sabatini
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/ice.v3i2.4674


As a part of the Agrilab Inclusive farming programme, Pusat Rehabilitasi Yakum collaborated with the Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana in assisting the design and development of the inclusive mushroom house which is owned by the farmers under the Yakkum Difable Person Organisation in Cangkep Lor, Purworejo. The design process was conducted by utilizing the participatory design method. The enquiry phase included the determination of the most demanding capabilities in the mushroom-farming context. The problems were mainly found in accessibility. For instance, the visually impaired farmer required non-visual stimulus. In addition, motion or space adjustment was also needed by wheelchair-using farmers. The action-research method in this programme intended to develop a mushroom house with adequate, accessible pathways and an automatic misting system that eased the difficulties faced by farmers with disabilities. The results showed that the solutions increased the productivity of mushroom farming, promoted a positive experience in mushroom cultivation both for farmers with and without disabilities. The participation of mushroom farmers during the design process was the key to the sustainable mushroom house. This approach allowed the mushroom farmers to understand the inclusive design principles and to adjust the design to meet their capabilities and local sources. Therefore, they could accommodate maintenance and implement future development independently.
Gated Community Potret Kesenjangan Sosial: Studi Kasus: Casa Grande Real Estate di Kabupaten Sleman, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Hendy Thomi Noya; Wiyatiningsih
ATRIUM: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): ATRIUM: Jurnal Arsitektur
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21460/atrium.v8i2.190


Title: Gated Community A Portrait of Social Gaps. Case Study: Casa Grande Real Estate in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province   The rapid development of Yogyakarta affects the spread of housing areas to the region of Sleman Regency. Various types of housing overgrow. The middle-high accommodations are usually exclusive and surrounded by fences. The gated community has become a trend for the community’s privacy and security. A gated community's existence can potentially create social gaps between residents and local people. Based on the background, the study’s purpose of identifying social gaps caused by the gated community and the influencing architectural elements. The study implemented a qualitative research method with a case study approach comparing the case with other cases as the context. The study was done in Casa Grande real estate compared to Bale Hinggil and Pesona Merapi real estate. The three cases are in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. The study results show that the fences bordering the housing community strengthen the concept of “the others” as dangerous people that must be watched over. However, the development of social media changes the restricted relation into partnership relations. Social segregation that groups people according to economic class is shifting. However, a gated community still exists to meet modern society’s needs, lifestyle, privacy, comfort, and security.
Desain Brand Kampung Wisata Kota Yogyakarta untuk Mendukung Daya Tarik Wisata Sepeda Kristian Oentoro; Wiyatiningsih Wiyatiningsih; Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 8, No 03 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v8i3.5709


AbstrakKampung wisata di Kota Yogyakarta merupakan alternatif destinasi wisata yang menawarkan berbagai keunikan berbasis potensi lokal di 17 kampung wisata yang terdaftar pada Dinas Pariwisata Kota Yogyakarta. Wisata merupakan peluang pariwisata di era new normal yang dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta melalui pengembangan lima jalur sepeda wisata. Desain brand kampung wisata bertujuan untuk mendukung daya tarik wisata sepeda. Desain brand kampung wisata Kota Yogyakarta menggunakan metode desain Collaborative Destination Branding melalui proses studi awal, tahap perumusan arah branding, serta tahap perancangan desain branding. Hasil identifikasi menunjukan bahwa brand essence kampung wisata Kota Yogyakarta dirumuskan pada 3 kata kunci, yaitu: budaya, edukasi, dan keramahtamahan. Selain itu, identifikasi visual menunjukan warna ikonik kampung wisata adalah hijau, kuning, dan merah, sedangkan bentuk ikoniknya adalah Prajurit Kraton Yogyakarta (Bregada). Penerapan dari brand essence juga terdapat pada slogan dalam Bahasa Jawa, seperti ndherek langkung dan monggo pinarak yang mendukung keramahtamahan dalam kegiatan wisata sepeda di perkampungan. Perancangan brand kampung wisata Kota Yogyakarta telah diterapkan pada produk merchandise wisata sepeda seperti kaos pesepeda (jersey), tas serut, dan botol minum. Evaluasi bersama stakeholders menghasilkan penilaian dalam kategori baik sekali dan mampu merepresentasikan keunikan kampung wisata Kota Yogyakarta. Kata Kunci: Brand, Kampung Wisata, Wisata Sepeda, Yogyakarta AbstractTourism Villages in Yogyakarta City are alternative tourism attractions that offers uniqueness based on local potential from 17 tourism villages registered by the Yogyakarta City Tourism Office. Bicycle tourism is an opportunity since the new normal era developed by the Yogyakarta City Government through the development of five tourism bicycle tours. Tourism village brand design aims to support the promotion of bicycle tourism. Yogyakarta tourism village brand design uses the Collaborative Destination Branding design method through the initial study process, the formulation of branding directions, and the branding design stage. The identification results in the brand essence which is formulated in 3 keywords: culture, education, and hospitality. In addition, visual identification shows that the iconic colors are green, yellow, and red, and the iconic shape is the Soldiers of the Yogyakarta Kraton or Bregada. The brand essence applies slogans in Javanese, such as ndherek langkung and monggo pinarak which support hospitality in bicycle tourism activities. Design results are applied to bicycle merchandise products such as cycling jerseys, drawstring bags, and drinking bottles. The evaluation stage with stakeholders results in the assessment value with very good marks and represents the uniqueness of tourist villages and bicycle tours in Yogyakarta City. Keywords: Brand, Cycling Tourism, Tourism Village, Yogyakarta
Silver and Culinary MSMEs Assistance in the Purbayan Tourism Village through Synergized Promotional Design Wiyatiningsih Wiyatiningsih; Kristian Oentoro; Winta Tridhatu Satwikasanti; Marcellino Aditya Mahendra
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/ice.v4i2.6456


Purbayan Tourism Village is one of 17 tourist villages that received a decree from the Yogyakarta City Government, located in Kotagede. This area has a unique cultural potential that exhibits both historical and cultural wealth  in the form of traditions that exist even today. These traditions include traditional culinary arts, silversmithing and batik craft. However, the potential of this cultural heritage is not visible when compared to the development of the Purbayan Tourism Village. Promotional efforts from business groups and tourism are lacking synergy. Based on these problems, this community service activity aims to assist Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to design synergistic tourism promotions. MSMEs that became community service partners are Kopi Lumbung Mataram culinary shop and Studio 76  silver art school. The implementation of this activity uses a user-centered approach to design thinking. In this method, partners as users are actively involved in Focus Group Discussions and workshops on content design and tourism promotion strategies in synergy. The activities described in this paper are understanding, observing, defining point of view, and ideation phase of design thinking. The activity resulted in the promotion concept of Studio 76 silver art school in the form of a draft booth design for silver making exhibitions and photography designs for culinary products of Warung Kopi Lumbung Mataram. Promotion synergy between the two MSMEs is carried out by combining the two tourism service products into an interactive exhibition. The collaboration of these MSME’s aims to promote and increase the number of visitors to the area.
Strengthening Destination Branding Through Local Product Innovation in Watusigar Village, Ngawen, Gunungkidul Wiyatiningsih Wiyatiningsih; Tutun Seliari; Cheryl Marlitta Stefia; Maria Kinanthi Sakti Ning Hapsari; Angelica Riwu Kore
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/ice.v4i3.7126


Kalurahan Watusigar, which declared itself a conservation village, has a strategic location as the main access point for tourists from the north and east to the tourism area in Gunungkidul Regency, offering the opportunity to pioneer a green tourism village. The local community of Kalurahan Watusigar has initiated various initiatives through collaboration with relevant stakeholders. One such collaboration, with the Research and Community Service Institution of Duta Wacana Christian University (LPPM UKDW), is a community service activity aimed at strengthening destination branding through training for local product innovations of eco prints. The selection of eco print products is based on the availability of plants in the Watusigar area that can be used as natural dyes. The objective of this community service activity is to focus on developing the branding of Kalurahan Watusigar as a conservation village and green tourism village through local product innovation using natural materials and marketing strategies in accordance with digital technology. The target audience for this activity is the community members and Karang Taruna members of Kalurahan Watusigar. This community service activity introduces the eco print product ecosystem, which is the value chain of eco print products starting from creation, production, distribution, consumption, and conservation, utilizing action research methods through training, discussions, and workshops. The result of this community service activity is the expansion of knowledge about plants and materials in the environment to be used as environmentally friendly craft products. The eco print product innovation is an essential step in creating a creative economy ecosystem in Kalurahan Watusigar.
Perubahan Pola Ruang Pasca Pandemi dalam Sektor Wisata Khususnya pada Rumah Produktif Perajin Perak Kampung Basen Steffany Hartono; Wiyatiningsih
ATRIUM: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): ATRIUM: Jurnal Arsitektur
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21460/atrium.v8i3.205


Title: Changes in Post-Pandemic Spatial Patterns in The Tourism Sector, Case Study: The Productive House of Silver Artisans in Basen Village   The Covid-19 pandemic in recent years has brought many changes to various sectors of life. In the tourism sector, the decline in tourist numbers makes the tourist spots change to maintain existence. This research aims to find changes in the spatial elements and the pattern of productive houses after the pandemic and evaluate resident adaptation to the spatial changes. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, by raising a study case of three silvers-productive houses affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Data retrieval is made through observation of changes in resident activity patterns and changes in the interior function of productive houses. Research results in analyzing new elements, space patterns, and residents' adaptation. Changes in spatial patterns experienced by productive houses of silver artisans occurred due to changes in residents' livelihoods due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Changes in semi-fixed elements are found in all case studies, as it is the easiest to manage the needs of its residents. This study will provide insight into the spatial pattern of the silver artist's house in Basen Village and evaluate the resident's adaptation to changes in spatial pattern.
Pola Adaptasi Meruang Pengungsi pada Hunian Sementara (Huntara) Bencana Erupsi Gunung Merapi di Kabupaten Magelang Jawa Tengah Evi Yuliyanti; Wiyatiningsih Wiyatiningsih
Jurnal Permukiman Vol 17 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Permukiman dan Perumahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31815/jp.2022.17.77-84


Saat terjadi erupsi Gunung Merapi, Pemerintah Kabupaten Magelang harus mengungsikan penduduk yang berada pada jarak 5 km dari puncak Merapi, hal ini membutuhkan penanganan yang khusus karena pada setiap fase erupsi Gunung Merapi, warga diungsikan selama 7 sampai dengan 11 bulan. Pengungsian tersebut terjadi secara berkala setiap 4-5 tahun sekali. Adapun selama masa pengungsian tersebut Pemerintah Kabupaten telah menyediakan huntara, namun huntara yang disediakan belum optimal dalam memberikan kenyamanan sehingga pada tahun 2020 saat terjadi pengungsian erupsi Gunung Merapi, terdapat pengungsi yang memutuskan untuk meninggalkan huntara menuju ke rumahnya dan ada pula yang tetap tinggal di huntara namun membentuk pola perilaku dan adaptasi sebagai upaya mereka dalam mengatasi ketidaknyamanan tersebut. Ketidaknyamanan bangunan baik secara fisik maupun termal mengakibatkan perubahan perilaku dan pembentukan pola adaptasi pengungsi. Ada beberapa hal yang perlu dirubah pada ruang huntara agar dalam pengungsian erupsi Gunung Merapi selanjutnya para pengungsi dapat menjalani pengungsian dengan lebih nyaman.