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Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1A (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat- LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/diseminasiabdimas.v4i1A.2951


Lahan pertanian terutama di wilayah perkotaan dan pinggiran kota, saat ini banyak yang beralih fungsi menjadi daerah pemukiman. Desa Cilebut Barat yang berada di pinggiran kota Bogor Kabupaten Bogor pun tak luput dari imbas pesat dan masifnya urbanisasi. Wilayah ini mengalami alih fungsi lahan yang tak terbendung dari degradasi lahan pertanian menjadi pemukiman. Daerah perumahan yang dibangun, dipaksakan untuk menampung lonjakan pendatang, sehingga area terbuka untuk luasan tanaman dan serapan air hujan semakin sempit. Betonisasi jalan komplek menyebabkan desa Cilebut Barat sering mengalami banjir saat musim hujan dan kekeringan saat musim kemarau. Suasana lingkungan perumahan terkesan gersang dan tidak segar karena sangat kurangnya area penghijauan. Data desa menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar warga desa adalah pensiunan pegawai, ibu rumah tangga, dan profesi lepas lain yang masih kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan primer hidupnya. Mereka sangat mengidamkan lingkungan yang asri dan produktif, tetapi terkendala dengan pengetahuan, biaya dan lahan yang sempit terbatas. Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Universitas Terbuka Bogor tertantang untuk membantu memberi alternatif solusi menciptakan lingkungan yang asri, sekaligus mengembangkan kegiatan berestetika, sehat, dan produktif. Program yang ditawarkan adalah edukasi, pendampingan pelatihan, dan praktik memanfaatkan teknologi vertikultur hidroponik pada lahan sempit pekarangan. Vertikultur hidroponik adalah sistem tanam dengan media air di dalam wadah/paralon yang disusun/dirakit secara vertikal atau bertingkat pada lahan terbatas. Tanaman yang direkomendasikan adalah tanaman pangan sayuran karena dapat dijadikan sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup (life style) dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangan keluarga. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di lingkungan RT 07/RW 09 pada bulan September-Oktober 2020 dengan peserta sejumlah 48 orang warga desa. Kebermanfaatan program terlihat dari peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan, aktivitas sosial kebersamaan warga desa dalam menciptakan lingkungan hijau, indah, kreatif yang berpotensi menopang kehidupan ekonomi sehari-hari.
Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat- LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/diseminasiabdimas.v4i2.3693


Food is one of the absolute basic needs that must be met by humans to live a normal and healthy life. Food security will be safe if food supply is maintained. Food supply can be constrained when agricultural land becomes limited. The occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the business of providing food to non-agricultural areas such as in urban/suburbs. The stagnation of the distribution chain, the non-channeling of supply, and the decline in people's purchasing power due to layoffs (PHK) pose challenges for them to be able to make independent efforts to meet these needs. Departing from the preliminary survey information that the characteristics of suburban residents in West Cilebut village, Bogor Regency who: (a) like to eat fish and vegetables as their daily food intake; (b) wish to carry out limited activities in their own environment due to the strict implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM); (c) motivated by the success of settlement groups that have implemented hydroponic verticulture; and (d) there are abandoned public facilities that want to be reused, the Community Service Team (PkM) of the Bogor Open University is called upon to disseminate and assist fish farming businesses both in buckets (budikdamber) and in limited ponds, namely by applying the use of technology. aquaponics verticulture. This multi-technical method combines aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (farming using water) in a symbiotic environment, where fish (animal food source) and plants/vegetables (vegetable food source) can grow in the same container. The activity was carried out with a participatory learning approach in the form of training and practice in RT 04 RW 09 in September-November 2021. This activity was attended by 30 villagers who were supported by local leaders. The results of the activities show significant changes and improvements in knowledge, skills, passion for creativity, and activities among villagers by making the fish and vegetable cultivation area a meeting-point area for social activities as well as a place to independently strengthen food security. Pangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok mutlak yang harus dipenuhi oleh manusia untuk hidup normal dan sehat. Ketahanan pangan akan aman jika penyediaan pangan terjaga. Penyediaan pangan dapat terkendala ketika lahan pertanian menjadi terbatas. Kejadian Pandemi covid-19 memperburuk usaha pengadaaan pangan ke wilayah non pertanian seperti di perkotaan/pinggiran kota. Tersendatnya rantai distribusi, tidak tersalurnya pasokan, dan menurunnya daya beli masyarakat akibat pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) memberikan tantangan tersendiri untuk dapat melakukan upaya mandiri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Berangkat dari informasi survei pendahuluan bahwa karakter warga pinggiran kota di desa Cilebut Barat Kabupaten Bogor yang: (a) gemar menyantap ikan dan sayuran sebagai asupan makanan sehari-hari; (b) ingin melakukan aktivitas terbatas di lingkungan sendiri akibat ketatnya pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM); (c) termotivasi atas keberhasilan kelompok pemukiman yang telah menerapkan vertikultur hidroponik; dan (d) terdapatnya lahan fasilitas umum terlantar yang ingin dimanfaatkan kembali, maka tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Universitas Terbuka Bogor terpanggil untuk melakukan diseminasi dan pendampingan usaha budidaya ikan baik dalam ember (budikdamber) maupun dalam kolam terbatas, yaitu dengan menerapkan pemanfaatan teknologi vertikultur akuaponik. Metode multi teknik ini mengkombinasikan antara akuakultur (budidaya ikan) dan hidroponik (bercocok tanam menggunakan air) dalam lingkungan yang bersifat simbiotik, dimana ikan (sumber pangan hewani), dan tanaman/sayuran (sumber pangan nabati) dapat tumbuh dalam satu wadah yang sama. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan pembelajaran partisipatif berupa pelatihan dan praktik di RT 04 RW 09 pada bulan September-November 2021. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 30 warga desa yang didukung oleh tokoh-tokoh setempat. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan perubahan dan peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan, gairah kreativitas, dan aktivitas yang signifikan pada warga desa dengan menjadikan area budidaya ikan dan sayuran sebagai area meeting-point dalam kegiatan sosial sekaligus tempat memperkuat ketahanan pangan secara mandiri.
Journal of Learning and Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1660.589 KB) | DOI: 10.33830/jlt.v1i1.3370


This study aims to analyze the perception of UPBJJ-UT Bogor students towards the implementation of webinar tutorial learning (tuweb) as a substitute for face-to-face tutorial services (TTM) during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sample in this study was selected by random sampling technique and involved 400 student respondents. Research data were collected using an electronic questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis to describe students' perceptions of readiness and implementation during tuweb learning. The results showed that students had a good perception of the implementation of tuweb, including accessibility, device ownership, ability to use technology, ease of obtaining materials, ease of learning materials, interactivity, learning independence, and satisfaction with tutor abilities.
Analysis of Acceleration of Final Assignment Students of the Basic Education Master Program Stefani Nawati Ekoresti; Muhamad Komarudin; Enang Rusyana; Euis Susilowati; Arina Rubyasih
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Mei - Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/jsgp.6.1.2023.2562


This study aims to determine the study progress of students of the Master's Program in Basic Education, at Bogor Open University. The problem in this study is to review the length of the study period taken by students, especially in working on the Master's Program Final Project (TAPM) or thesis. The method in this study uses a descriptive survey method to analyze student progress and the length of time needed by students from receiving the supervisor's decree to the BTR 1 stage, from the BTR 1 stage to the BTR 2 stage, and from the BTR 2 stage to the trial exam stage. This research will find out the length of study period needed by students in working on the final project of the master program (TAPM) or thesis. The results of this study are useful as policy proposals for accelerating student studies in the form of curriculum development, academic guidance assistance, and the determination of appropriate supervisors
Pengajaran apresiasi sastra Indonesia di perguruan tinggi terbuka dan jarak jauh Enang Rusyana; Teguh Prakoso
Diglosia: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol 7 No Sp.Iss (2024): Special Issue: Kumpulan Makalah Konferensi Internasional Kesusasteraan (KIK)
Publisher : Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/diglosia.v7iSp.Iss.941


Teaching literature equips learners with the knowledge and skills of appreciating literary works. Learners are expected to be able to feel and enjoy the beauty of literary works. Teaching literary appreciation still experiences obstacles due to limited time allocation and teacher skills. Such constraints occur in face-to-face teaching of literature appreciation, and are likely to occur in open and distance learning. It is very interesting to study considering that teachers and students in open and distance learning do not meet face-to-face in the classroom. This article describes the teaching of Indonesian literature appreciation in open and distance education. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected from the subject matter books of PBIN 4213 Poetry, PBIN 4217 Drama, and PBIN 4219 Teaching Literary Appreciation, as well as archives of their teaching implementation at the Universitas Terbuka. The teaching materials from the three subject matter books were analyzed and juxtaposed with the teaching process delivered through asynchronous online tutorials. The results of the analysis show that teaching Indonesian literature appreciation can be implemented in open and distance universities through online tutorials.
Etnis Cina pada novel Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak karya Ahmad Tohari: representasi gagasan tentang keselarasan hidup Teguh Prakoso; Enang Rusyana; Venus Khasanah
Diglosia: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol 7 No Sp.Iss (2024): Special Issue: Kumpulan Makalah Konferensi Internasional Kesusasteraan (KIK)
Publisher : Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/diglosia.v7iSp.Iss.945


The purpose this article is to obtain a representation of the idea of Chinese ethnic assimilation as a form of life harmony in the novel Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak (DKBC) based on the author's worldview. This article is qualitative research with descriptive analysis and a literary sociology approach based on Goldmann's genetic structuralism theory, Lotman's semiotics, and Mukařovskŷ backpack's literary aesthetics. In addition to finding the author's worldview, the text of DKBC is also seen as a dynamic aesthetic object. The primary data source is the novel DKBC by Ahmad Tohari; the secondary data source is articles and some reference literature related to diversity and harmonization. The stages of analysis were carried out using the first-level semiotic reading (heuristic) and continued with the second-level semiotic reading (hermeneutic). The results show an effort to build diversity and harmonization through blending, leading to life harmony. The emergence of Mulyani's perspective, which is different from her mother's in the novel DKBC, represents the complex and heterogeneous side of human life. The assimilation of ethnic Chinese is an important message about diversity and heterogeneity in Ahmad Tohari's novels. In such a context, the harmony of life represents ideas that the author voices well.
Interferensi bahasa Indonesia terhadap bahasa Sunda dalam karangan berbahasa Sunda siswa SMP Enang Rusyana; Raden Utami Nur Rohmah
Diglosia: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol 7 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/diglosia.v7i2.954


The number of Sundanese language speakers is 34 million, according to the 2020 census by BPS. However, many young urban Sundanese do not speak Sundanese. Salminen and UNESCO say the language situation is considered vulnerable and endangered. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) states that the vitality of the Sundanese language is safe. This research aims to describe the interference of the Indonesian language on Sundanese language writing in compositions of the young Sundanese generation. Interference is one of the characteristics of language users' poor understanding of the language they use. The high level of Indonesian language interference in Sundanese student compositions shows that students have a poor understanding of Sundanese. The study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Analysis was conducted using Sundanese letters, words, and sentences based on the theory and Sundanese language dictionary. The study results show that Indonesian language interference in Sundanese student compositions occurs in phonology, morphology, and syntax with low categories. It indicates that the Sundanese language skills of the young generation in Bandung are good. Therefore, the vitality of the Sundanese language is still considered safe according to the Ministry's decision.