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Evaluasi Stabilitas Lambung Kapal 2 GT (Kapal Jukung) di Perairan Puger Berdasarkan Metode Krylov Sudi Widodo; Hery Indria Dwi Puspita; Wazirotus Sakinah; Rudianto Rudianto; Puranggo Ganjar Widityo; Ramli Firdaus Kusnadi
STATOR: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 6 No 1 (2023): JURNAL STATOR
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin

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Puger is one of the areas in Jember Regency whose main commodity comes from the sea. Fishermen need means of transportation to support them in catching fish in the sea. Puger District is also famous for its beaches and is the largest fish producer in Jember Regency. Therefore, fishing boats needed that have good performance following the characteristics of Puger waters. Puger waters have a strong trend mark with high sea currents and waves. Jukung boats are ships that are often used by fishermen in Puger. However, the process of making Jukung boats still uses conventional methods, which rely on knowledge/experience from their ancestors. The basis for making Jukung ships is mostly still not the correct procedures such as designing main dimensions, designs, and others. The impact of this affects the level of optimization of the feasibility of fishing vessels. Based on this, further studies are needed to evaluate the stability of the Jukung. This evaluation expected to be a reference regarding the level of security and comfort of the Jukung boat for the safety of the fishermen. The method used in evaluating stability is using the Krylov method. Based on the test results obtained stability are positive. so that the ship has the ability to be able to return to the even keel position after a trim/heel.
Penerapan Practical Experience untuk Memperkenalkan Sains pada Lingkungan SD Negeri Jember Lor 01 Jember Rahma Rei Sakura; Hery Indria Dwi Puspita; Rudianto Rudianto; Wazirotus Sakinah; Pratama Yuli Arianto
PEKAT: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

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Science is a system obtained through the scientific method of research. The application of scientific knowledge can be found in various fields such as agriculture, medicine, pharmacy, and technology. The development of scientific knowledge in various fields is the role of the academic community. Community service is one of the three main duties of higher education institutions. Community service activities are carried out by conducting visits to Jember Lor 01 Public Elementary School in order to enhance young generations' knowledge of science through primary schools. The method used in community service is practice experience, which is a learning process that provides practical experiences to facilitate students' understanding of the subject matter. The practices conducted include telekinetic and lava lamp experiments using easily accessible materials. The practices are done in groups and accompanied by one person from the community service team. Based on the enthusiasm of the participants, this activity has been very beneficial in increasing the interest in learning about science from an early age. The synchronization of this community service activity with the natural science subjects is necessary to help students understand the theoretical lessons taught by teachers.
Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Sampah Organik sebagai F2 Eco Enzyme Pembersih Karat Wazirotus Sakinah; Pratama Yuli Arianto; Saifurridzal Saifurridzal; Puranggo Ganjar Widityo; Sumarji Sumarji
INTEGRITAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Vol 8 No 1 (2024): JANUARI - JULI
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat - Universitas Abdurachman Saleh Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36841/integritas.v8i1.3627


Grenden merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Puger dengan wilayah terluas dengan jumlah penduduk yang cukup banyak dengan sebagian besar wanitanya adalah ibu rumah tangga. Kebiasaan masyarakat yang masih belum bisa mengelola sampah secara mandiri menyebabkan adanya tumpukan sampah di beberapa tempat termasuk daerah aliran sungai dengan sampah yang dihasilkan umumnya merupakan sampah rumah tangga. Pengabdian dilakukan dengan objek mitra adalah para ibu rumah tangga. Sosialisasi diperlukan untuk mengedukasi mitra terkait bahaya dari sampah serta kiat-kiat mengolah sampah secara mandiri. Pelatihan pembuatan eco enzyme yang merupakan hasil fermentasi dari sampah rumah tangga menjadi salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan sehingga mitra mampu benar-benar menghasilkan produk kaya manfaat dari sampah yang mereka olah. Pemanfaatan eco enzyme dalam bentuk produk F2 sebagai pembersih karat dapat sangat bermanfaat terutama untuk karat pada beberapa bagian kapal yang banyak ditemukan di Puger maupun pada alat-alat rumah tangga. Metode pelaksanaan dari pengabdian ini adalah tahap pra kegiatan yang merupakan persiapan, pemberian pretest, tahap sosialisasi, pembelian bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk pelatihan, kemudian tahap pelatihan , pemberian posttest, hingga pengaplikasian produk pada benda yang berkarat. Hasil akhir F2 eco enzyme dipanen dalam waktu 90 hari setelah awal pembuatan dengan dikemas dalam botol berstiker yang siap jual untuk dipasarkan pada e-commerce. Setelah kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta sebesar 74% dari rata-rata selisih nilai posttest dan pretest.