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Analisis Return Flow antar Bendung (Studi Kasus Bendung Klampok-Plakaran dan Bendung Sekarsuli) Nurrochmad, Fatchan; Rahardjo, Adam Pamudji; Sujono, Joko; Refika, Cut Dwi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 23, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1105.305 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2016.23.1.5


Abstrak. Return flow berasal dari aliran yang disadap untuk keperluan irigasi yang sebagian alirannya tidak dimanfaatkan oleh lahan irigasi kembali ke sungai berupa limpasan dan rembesan. Bendung yang menjadi tinjauan penelitian ini adalah Bendung Klampok-Plakaran dan Bendung Sekarsuli yang berada di Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Analisis return flow dilakukan dengan Model Tangki. Bentuk Model Tangki disusun berdasarkan kondisi sawah, kebun tebu dan kolam ikan. Parameter Model Tangki yaitu koefisien keluaran dari lubang samping, koefisien keluaran dari lubang bawah dan tinggi tampungan di tangki. Keluaran dari lubang samping tangki berupa limpasan dan rembesan merupakan nilai return flow. Model Tangki dikalibrasi dan diverifikasi untuk mendapatkan Model Tangki yang sesuai dengan kondisi di lapangan. Indikator ketelitian yang digunakan adalah koefisien korelasi (R) sebesar 0,97, Volume Error (VE) sebesar 5,00 % dan Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) adalah sebesar 0,03. Nilai return flow pada musim tanam I (Oktober-Januari), musim tanam II (Februari-Mei) dan musim tanam III (Juni-September) berturut-turut sebesar 67,06%; 24,05% dan 21,38%. Verifikasi ketelitian parameter Model Tangki dilakukan pada musim tanam 2009-2010. Nilai ketelitian untuk verifikasi koefisien korelasi (R), Volume Error (VE) dan Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) masing-masing adalah 0,81; 5,20 dan 0,14. Abstract. Return flow occures when the intake flow for irrigation is not utilized and return back to the river, whether by runoff or seepage. This study focused on Klampok-Plakaran and Sekarsuli weirs in Sleman Regency Special Region of Yogyakarta. The return flow analysis was carried out by using the Tank Model. The model was adjusted to the field condition, such as paddy fields, cane plantation and fish ponds. Parameters in the Tank Model were the output coefficient from the side flow and below, and the height of storage in the tank. Output from the side of the tank consisted of runoffs and seepage, which were the return flow value. The Tank Model was calibrated and verified to obtain the most proper Tank Model suitable to the condition on field. The accuracy indicators consists of correlation coefficient (R), Volume Error (VE), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0,97; 5,00 % and 0,03, respectively. Values of return flow during the cultivation season I (October - January), cultivation season II (February - Mei) and cultivation season III (June - September) were 67,06%, 24,05% and 21,38%, respectively. Model verification parameters were carried out on cultivation season 2009-2010. Value accuracy for the correlation coefficient (R), Volume Error (VE) and root mean square error (RMSE) are 0,81; 5,20 dan 0,14 respectively.
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 2 (2007): MEI 2007
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (746.493 KB)


Paddy is a semiaqutic crop that is also adaptic to water lacking condition such as paddy gogo. As common practice in Indonesia, farmers use excessive amount of irrigation water for their paddy field, hoping to yield maximum amount of harvest. Such practice result in the problem of irrigation water supply due to significant amount of irrigation water requirement. However, paddy harvest is actually influenced by the crop variety, water management, soil nutrient availability and land management. A study of irrigation watering pattern is required to obtain irrigation water saving based on the paddy botanical characteristics related to soil nutrient appropriate management in order to gain optimal harvest. This study applied the pattern of irrigation water supply to five plots of 2x3 m2 model consist of 7x11 points, filled with sandy clay soil. The pattern were continuous flooding (PTM), semi flooding – moisturing – semi flooding (SPS), semi flooding - moisturing (SPP), semi flooding – semi moisturing (SPSP) and flooding - moisturing (PP). Three seeds were planted in each point of PTM and PP pattern, and one seed for each of other pattern. Nutrient were given for every paddy plot at the 8th , 25 th and 40 th day of cultivation. Result of this study showed irrigation water used, which did not include land preparation, and harvest under the PTM, SPS, SPP, SPSP and PP pattern were 5385 l and 3,9 kg, 4290 l and 3,9 kg, 4530 l and 4,3 kg , 4265 l and 3,0 kg and 3915 l and 4,9 kg respectively. PP pattern used the least amount of irrigation water but yielded the filler to yield the optimum result, based on the paddy botanical characteristic and appropriate soil nutrient management. It also saved 33,8 % irrigation water in compare to the conventional practice based on the standard stated by the Ministry of Public Works.
STUDI PENANGANAN BENCANA GEMPA DI BANTUL 27 MEI 2006 Didirianti, Desneri; Kironoto, Bambang Agus; Nurrochmad, Fatchan
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 3 (2007): SEPTEMBER 2007
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.703 KB)


On May 27 th , 2006 at 05:53, 57, a 5,9 Richter scale earthquake occurred. Bantul Regency in Yogyakarta Province was the most severe area. However, existing institutions had limited capability to perform a proper disaster management they also failed to generate the community to participate, especially during the emergency respose period. Therefore, it is required to have an integrated policy for disaster management to meet related parties expectations and to conduct more optimum disaster management. The objective of this study is to obtain best alternatives in handling disaster using the Decission Support System (DSS) eith Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as the method. Three alternatives were analized formatting special office for disaster management (Alternative 1), formatting community based disaster management (Alternative 2), and ascociating the disaster management between interrelated agencies and the local government as the control center (Alternative 3). These alternative were selected based on fuor criterias management, financial, capacity and policy aspect. This study was taken during, the emergency response period performed by SATLAK PBP Bantul. Input for the analysis was questionnaire result given to 120 respondents composing af 30 respondents from bureaucratic element (SATLAK and SATKORLAK PBP members) and 90 respondents from nine villages in three districts. Numeric values were given to each element of the questionnaire result (criterion, sub criterion and alternative). Then, the values were compared to the established comparison scale obtain the lever of interest. Result of this study showed that each criterion of financial, management policy and capacity aspects weighted 0,273, 0,265, and 0,208 respectively. The best alternative of optimum disaster management was alternative 2. The second anf the third were alternative 1 and alternative 3. The community based organizations objective was to improve the people participation in pertaining, preventive, counter measuring and self healing by actively involve in the planning and executing process of disaster management.
KAJIAN PENGELOLAAN AIR IRIGASI BENDUNG PIJENAN Umar, Fauzan; Legono, Djoko; Nurrochmad, Fatchan
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 2 (2007): MEI 2007
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.364 KB)


Bantul Regency is about 506.85 km2 consists of 16,440 ha paddy fields and 34,245 ha upland fields. The Pijenan weir is one of weirs located in Bedog river in Bantul Regency. The weir provides irrigation water for Jigutan command area (Pijenan Upstream) of 2.074 ha. Kebonongan command area was previously irrigated from Kamijoro free intake in Progo River. The Kamijoro free intake did not properly function properly due to the sediment deposited in 1969. This condition requires supply taken from Pijenan weir. Irrigation water supply taken to Kebonangan command area can be carried out if irrigation water to Jigutan command area has been optimum. Optimally utilized irrigation water for Jigutan command area is necessary based on the crop pattern and crop variety in order to maximize the farmers’ profit. Based on the restitution of irrigation management policy, farmers free to decide which crop variety will be cultivated in accordance to paddy-paddy-palawija pattern. Paddy as the main crop and palawija (corns, beans, peanuts, onion, and chilly) can be cultivated anytime in order to gain the maximum profit based on the available water in Jigutan command area. The optimization analysis of irrigation water allocation for Jigutan command area was performed using the linear program. Water allocation for Jigutan command area of 100% and 50% of available water resulted in optimum cultivation area of 822.88 ha with profit of Rp 7.688.517.507,00 and 612.88 ha with profit of Rp 6.743.877.335,00. The crop intensity with water allocation of 100% and 50% was 278% (197% paddy and 81% palawija) and 207.05% (114.05 paddy and 93% palawija), respectively. These results described that the optimum area of paddy crop cultivation is significantly sensitive to irrigation water allocation compared to the palawija market price. This explains why the profit obtained by the farmers is dependent from the palawija variety. Results of the optimization of irrigation water allocation of 100% and 50% of the available water to Jigutan command area provides annual supply to Kebonongan command area for 155.233.586 m3 and 75.316.444 m3, respectively.
INERSIA: lNformasi dan Ekspose hasil Riset teknik SIpil dan Arsitektur Vol 13, No 2 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1249.163 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v13i2.17178


ABSTRACTIrigation channel of Boro is the infrastructure that functions to irrigated water in Boro irrigation area from mier to the paddy fields. The maximum level in this process will be influenced to how the efficiency of channel to irrigate water. The aim of the research was to analyze the efficiency and loose of water. This research was conducted in primary, secondary, and tertiary in Boro irrigation area.The efficency of the irrigation channel was analyzed with  compairing the rate of flow out water with the rate of flow in water throught. Meanwhile the loose of water was analyzed with counting the evaporation, infiltration, and stream leakage in channel. The data used in this study are primary data in the form of data flow rate obtained from measurements of the flow in the channel. The result shown that the total efficiency of irrigation channel in Boro irrigation area was 47.61%. The loss is caused by infiltration of 31.99%, evaporation 0.21%, and due to leakage is 67.80%. The loss of water in the channel is largely due to the large number of damaged channel lining, the presence of channel sedimentation and the use of flow for non-irrigation activities. Keywords : Efficiency, Evaporation, Infiltration, Water Loss.                                                                                                               ABSTRAK Saluran irigasi Boro merupakan infrastruktur pengairan Daerah Irigasi Boro yang berfungsi untuk mengalirkan air dari bendung menuju petak sawah. Capaian maksimal dalam proses penghantaran ini akan dipengaruhi oleh seberapa besar efisiensi saluran untuk mengalirkan air tersebut. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis besarnya efisiensi dan kehilangan air di Saluran. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada saluran primer, sekunder dan tersier di Daerah irigasi Boro. Efisiensi pada saluran irigasi dianalisis dengan menbandingkan antara besar debit input pada saluran dengan debit output saluran. Sedangkan untuk kehilangan air di saluran irigasi dianalisis dengan menghitung besarnya evaporasi, infiltrasi, dan kebocoran pada saluran. Data data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data primer berupa data kecepatan aliran yang diperoleh dari pengukuran tampang aliran di saluran. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa efisiensi total saluran irigasi di Daerah Irigasi Boro adalah 47,61 %. Kehilangan tersebut disebabkan oleh infiltrasi 31,99 %, evaporasi 0,21 %, dan karena kebocoran adalah 67,80%. Kehilangan air di saluran sebagian besar disebabkan oleh banyaknya lining saluran yang rusak, adanya sedimentasi di saluran serta penggunaan aliran untuk kegiatan non irigasi. Kata kunci : Efisiensi, Evaporasi, Infiltrasi, Kehilangan air.
Analisis Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi Fatchan Nurrochmad
agriTECH Vol 27, No 4 (2007)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2346.798 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9860


The performance of long-lasting irrigation network depends on various factors. They are non-physical factors (management, operation and maintenance cost unit) andphysical factors (water availability and irrigation infrastructure). The assessment to the performance of irrigation network was carried out by interviewing the management, analyzing the operation and maintenance cost unit (non-physical factor) and evaluating the infrastructure condition of the irrigation network (physical factor, including water availability) by having consistent guidance on the cropping pattern application. Based on the three factors, the command areas with area more than 500 ha (ranked from 1 to 4) indicated good performance and the others are moderate. Such condition implied that the Government of Kabupaten Purworejo paid significant attention upon the management of command area with areamore than 500 ha. Stabilizing Tegalduren command area to become technical was necessary in order to support the participative irrigation management. It is necessary to continually build up the farmers’ capability to cope with their powerlessness problem in maintaining the irrigation infrastructure based on the priority (demand-driven).ABSTRAKKinerja jaringan irigasi lestari tergantung pada beberapa faktor. Faktor pengaruh tersebut berupa faktor non fisik (pengelola dan ketersediaan biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan) dan fisik (ketersediaan air dan prasarana jaringan). Penilaian terhadap kinerja jaringan irigasi dilakukan dengan wawancara terhadap pengelola dan analisis biaya satuan operasi dan pemeliharaa (faktor non fisik) dan evaluasi kondisi prasarana jaringan irigasi (fisik, termasuk ketersediaan air) dengan panduan penerapan pola dan tata tanam secara konsisten. Berdasarkan 3 faktor tersebut daerah irigasi (DI) dengan luas lebih dari 500 ha (ranking 1 sampai dengan 4) menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dan yang lain cukup baik. Kondisi tersebut menyiratkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Purworejo mempunyai atensi yang besar dalam pengelolaan DI dengan luas lebih dari 500 ha. Pemantapan DI Tegalduren menjadi DI teknis perlu dilakukan untuk menunjang kegiatan pengelolaan irigasi partisipatif. Ketidakberdayaanpetani dalam pemeliharaan prasarana irigasi perlu dibina secara terus menerus berdasarkan skala prioritas (demand–driven).
Analisis Return Flow antar Bendung (Studi Kasus Bendung Klampok-Plakaran dan Bendung Sekarsuli) Cut Dwi Refika; Fatchan Nurrochmad; Adam Pamudji Rahardjo; Joko Sujono
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 23 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2016.23.1.5


Abstrak. Return flow berasal dari aliran yang disadap untuk keperluan irigasi yang sebagian alirannya tidak dimanfaatkan oleh lahan irigasi kembali ke sungai berupa limpasan dan rembesan. Bendung yang menjadi tinjauan penelitian ini adalah Bendung Klampok-Plakaran dan Bendung Sekarsuli yang berada di Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Analisis return flow dilakukan dengan Model Tangki. Bentuk Model Tangki disusun berdasarkan kondisi sawah, kebun tebu dan kolam ikan. Parameter Model Tangki yaitu koefisien keluaran dari lubang samping, koefisien keluaran dari lubang bawah dan tinggi tampungan di tangki. Keluaran dari lubang samping tangki berupa limpasan dan rembesan merupakan nilai return flow. Model Tangki dikalibrasi dan diverifikasi untuk mendapatkan Model Tangki yang sesuai dengan kondisi di lapangan. Indikator ketelitian yang digunakan adalah koefisien korelasi (R) sebesar 0,97, Volume Error (VE) sebesar 5,00 % dan Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) adalah sebesar 0,03. Nilai return flow pada musim tanam I (Oktober-Januari), musim tanam II (Februari-Mei) dan musim tanam III (Juni-September) berturut-turut sebesar 67,06%; 24,05% dan 21,38%. Verifikasi ketelitian parameter Model Tangki dilakukan pada musim tanam 2009-2010. Nilai ketelitian untuk verifikasi koefisien korelasi (R), Volume Error (VE) dan Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) masing-masing adalah 0,81; 5,20 dan 0,14. Abstract. Return flow occures when the intake flow for irrigation is not utilized and return back to the river, whether by runoff or seepage. This study focused on Klampok-Plakaran and Sekarsuli weirs in Sleman Regency Special Region of Yogyakarta. The return flow analysis was carried out by using the Tank Model. The model was adjusted to the field condition, such as paddy fields, cane plantation and fish ponds. Parameters in the Tank Model were the output coefficient from the side flow and below, and the height of storage in the tank. Output from the side of the tank consisted of runoffs and seepage, which were the return flow value. The Tank Model was calibrated and verified to obtain the most proper Tank Model suitable to the condition on field. The accuracy indicators consists of correlation coefficient (R), Volume Error (VE), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0,97; 5,00 % and 0,03, respectively. Values of return flow during the cultivation season I (October - January), cultivation season II (February - Mei) and cultivation season III (June - September) were 67,06%, 24,05% and 21,38%, respectively. Model verification parameters were carried out on cultivation season 2009-2010. Value accuracy for the correlation coefficient (R), Volume Error (VE) and root mean square error (RMSE) are 0,81; 5,20 dan 0,14 respectively.
Sustaining Water-Related Heritage Infrastructures as Part of An Integrated Water Resource Management Program Radianta Triatmadja; Djoko Legono; Budi Wignyosukarto; Fatchan Nurrochmad; Sunjoto Sunjoto
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 6 No. 2 (May 2020)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.991 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.51511


The history of the water resources development in the world is generally inspired by the physical, climate and socioenvironment conditions such as geographical, culture and civilization at the local level. For many years, humans have spent tremendous efforts and time improving the quality of life through adequate water utilization. This research, therefore, aims to analyze the ancient water-related infrastructures as cultural heritages in creating a functional and adequate design. Data were obtained from the Mataram Canal in Yogyakarta Province which was selected due to the success story and various benefits associated with the Indonesian history of water resources in Central Java provinces. Today, some places along the canal have become tourist destinations, and it is more popular in Yogyakarta due to its architectural history. However, the diversification of water utilization in fishery ponds along the canal and the shift in land utilization from rice field to housings, and government buildings may undermine the function of the canal. The factual condition associated with the periodic decrease in irrigation command does not make the Mataram Canal useless. Therefore, efforts to maintain its function through restoration, and revitalization, can enhance water supply for irrigation and other purposes such as fish ponds and, pollutant dilution. The Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) method with some key performance indicators was adopted to access the necessity of the sustainability program of the Mataram Canal as the heritage infrastructure. Some key performance indicators related to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) program in Indonesia were introduced and utilized to prioritize the necessary actions. The results showed that the SWOT analysis promotes various actions to support the IWRM-related program of Mataram Canal. Furthermore, the implementation of the promoted actions would contribute to the longer sustainability of the Mataram Canal.
The Impacts of Flood and Drought on Food Security in Central Java Endita Prima Ari Pratiwi; Eka Laily Ramadhani; Fatchan Nurrochmad; Djoko Legono
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 6 No. 1 (January 2020)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3298.437 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.51872


To achieve food security, water must be available at the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity, and be of the right quality. Water-related disasters will negatively affect agricultural areas and crop production, which can threaten food security. Nevertheless, flood and drought strike Central Java, one of the rice production centres in Indonesia, every year, and climate change has been worsening the condition because extreme events occur more frequently. This study reviews the impacts of flood and drought on paddy fields in Central Java from 2014 to 2018. A set of historical documents, including reports on flood and drought, rainfall records, and rice production, were collected from government institutions. Quantitative analysis was conducted using statistics and geographic information system tools. The results showed that the 2014 flood event reflected badly on 94,306 hectares (ha) paddy fields. Four severely affected regencies were Pati (25,460 ha), Demak (13,560 ha), Jepara (13,281 ha), and Kudus (12,203 ha). Meanwhile, drought in 2015 affected 82,324 ha paddy field. The areas severely damaged by drought were Blora (12,335 ha), Cilacap (11,503 ha), Grobogan (10,514 ha), and Pemalang (10,134 ha). Pearson’s correlation analysis results indicated that the correlation between annual rainfall and drought impact (r = −0.865, p = 0.058) is more significant than that between annual rainfall and drought impact (r = 0.794, p = 0.108). The stakeholders have adopted some strategies to minimise losses, such as establishing a 1,000 small water reservoirs program, preparing temporary pump irrigation, and providing agricultural insurance. Nevertheless, more efforts are still necessary to fight against food insecurity.
Analysis of Water-Saving Irrigation with Organic Materials at Different Percentages for Rice Cultivation Dhinar Yoga Hanggung Legowo; Fatchan Nurrochmad; Endita Prima Ari Pratiwi
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 6 No. 2 (May 2020)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.53191


Gemolong subdistrict in Sragen Regency of Central Java, Indonesia has a rainfed rice area of 2,047.64 hectares. Water is very limited during the dry season and this usually makes farmers use costly groundwater pumps for irrigation. This means conventional method involving the continuously flooded irrigation combined with chemical fertilizers which are considered water-wasteful and hazardous to the soil is the current practice in the area. However, water saving-irrigation with the addition of organic material has been discovered to be an alternative solution to this problem. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of this method on water productivity using four variations of water-saving irrigation treatment and composition of organic application as well as one control treatment involving conventional method with chemical fertilizers. Meanwhile, composted rice straw was used as organic material and applied at 20% and 40% composition. The results showed the application of organic material boosted rice production while the water-saving method increased water productivity. Applying rice straw to the soil at 20% and 40% was discovered to have increased water productivity by 15% and 19% compared to the control treatment. Moreover, the application of 20% rice straw to water-saving irrigation method saved up to 19% water and increase its productivity by 16.5% in comparison with the control treatment. However, 40% under water-saving irrigation method reduced the water productivity by 2% even though it saved up to 27% water needed for irrigation. It is, therefore, recommended that water-saving methods added with 20% organic material be implemented as alternative rice cultivation procedures during dry season and period of water scarcity.