Sendhang Nurseto
Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

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JURNAL ILMU SOSIAL Volume 13, Issue 1, Year 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6185.476 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jis.13.1.2014.17-22


One of the small and medium enterprises in the city of Semarang is the field of furniture and furniture . Furniture or furniture that is often referred to as a product included in the household so that the furniture is not the scarce goods but is needed by the community . Realization of production every year to reach an average of only 90 % of the target . The resulting production also fluctuated every year , almost every year has decreased . The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market orientation and innovation to compete SMEs lead with furniture in the city of Semarang . The population in this study was 64 furniture craftsman whose products have been exported to SMEs furniture Semarang . Way of selecting a sample ( respondents ) were used in this study using nonprobability sampling technique. Analysis using quantitative , qualitative analysis , validity , reliability testing , path analysis , descriptive analysis and differential analysis .The results showed t value of the variable effect of market orientation on innovation by 3.690 , the hypothesis 1 ( H1 ) that the Market Orientation proven positive effect on innovation . T value of the variable effect of market orientation on Competitive Advantage of 2,079 > t Table , hypothesis 2 ( H2 ) that the positive effect on market orientation Competitive Advantage proven . T value of the variable influence of Innovation for Competitive Advantage 3.332 > t table , the hypothesis 3 ( H3 ) that innovation has a positive effect on Competitive Advantage proven . Calculated F value of the variable influences Market Orientation and Innovation for Competitive Advantage by 9.396 > F table , hypothesis 4 ( H4 ) that the Market Orientation and Innovation positive effect on Competitive Advantage proven .Craftsmen will need to improve understanding of market orientation in the face of competition . Owned and increase innovation to improve the ability and skill to produce a better product thus increasing the competitive advantage of products.
PENGARUH HARGA DAN CITRA MEREK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN SMARTPHONE SAMSUNG (Studi pada Pengguna Smartphone Samsung di Kota Semarang) Amalia, Evi; Nurseto, Sendhang
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 8, No 4 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

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People’s mobility is increasing rapidly, especially in how to communicate each other. Everyone has a cellphone for work, school, business and so fort. Mobile phones today are increasingly sophisticated with the latest technology called smartphones. Competition between smartphone manufacturers is getting tougher. Mobile phones today are increasingly sophisticated with the latest technology called smartphones. Competition between smartphone manufacturers is getting tougher. One of the smartphone brands that becomes market leader in Indonesia is Samsung. Price and brand image are factors that influence consumer to purchase Samsung smartphones. This research aims to determine the effect of price and brand image on consumer's decisions to purchase Samsung smartphone. The type of research that used in this study is explanatory research. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data collection using questionnaires and google form. The number of samples taken was 100 respondents, who were users of the Samsung smartphone in Semarang. The study used to determine the effect of prices and brand image on cunsomer purchasing decisions using statistics with system of IBM SPSS version 21.0. The results of the research showed the price variable and brand image influence consumer's decision to purchase Samsung smartphones. Correlation coefficients of price variables and brand image on purchasing decisions have a strong relationship. Price and brand image gave positive and significant influence on the purchase decision. The advice that can be given to improve consumer's purchasing decisions in this research is companies can pay attention to pricing in order to be able to compete with other products and improve the brand image of Samsung smartphones.
Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Atas Kualitas Pelayanan Blackberry Internet Service Provider Telkomsel (Studi Kasus Pada 100 Pengguna Blackberry Internet Service Provider Telkomsel di Kota Semarang) Citra, Maria; Lubis, Nawazirul; Nurseto, Sendhang
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Volume 3, Nomor 1, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

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Telkomsel is one of the service providers who provide the Blackberry Internet Service. Thisprovider has the largest market share in Indonesia. However, the problem that arises is still the presenceof some customer complaints who use the service pack. The purpose of this study is to determine howmuch the customer satisfaction value toward quality of services in addition to Blackberry InternetService. This study was conducted to 100 Blackberry Internet Service users in the Semarang city. Using aquota sampling technique. The results showed overall satisfaction score is 3.63 it can be concluded thatthe Blackberry Internet Service users in the Semarang city is quite satisfied with the performanceobtained, however, Telkomsel still need to fix the attributes performance score because is still low, theattributes contained the Cartesius chart quadrant A.
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Nilai Pelanggan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Simcard GSM Simpati PT Telkomsel (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa S1 Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro Semarang) Putri, Sukmawati Resa; Prihatini, Apriatni Endang; Nurseto, Sendhang
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.35 KB)


This research is motivated by the development of mobile operators in Indonesia in its journey was not immediately successful as it is now. There is a process and the time that it takes to be a reliable provider. The mobile phone is no longer a luxury item that use only wear certain circles. From adults to children, cellular phone is already a common goods and are also easy to use to communicate. However, based on the pre-study, researchers get the fact that there is a decline in customers to use GSM simcard simpati since the presence of competitors GSM provider. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality and customer value on customer loyalty GSM simcard simpati S1 case studies on the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. This type of research is explanatory research. document collection methods used were questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The sample in this study amounted to 100 respondents using a sampling technique using multi-stage sampling technique and purposive sampling . Linear regression analysis and significance test is used to prove the hypothesis using SPSS.The results of this study show that in partial product quality has a positive effect on customer loyalty simpati. While the value of the variable customer has a positive effect on customer loyalty and simapati GSM simcard is the variable with the greatest influence. Simultaneously, the variable quality of the customer and the customer has an influence on the value of customer loyaitas by 32.6%. Based on the results of the study, the researchers suggested the company to improve product quality attention, especially if the signal strength is in a rural and mountainous areas, ease of facilities / features, reproduce cheap promo surf and phone at an affordable price by the students so as to increase customer loyalty to use GSM simcard simpati.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

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This research is motivated by the level of competition in the business field in Indonesia that is more getting strict in this globalization era. One product that has been competed by the manufacturer in this era is the woman’s shampoo product. Sunsilk Shampoo It had become first rank in the Top Brand Index (TBI) in Indonesia since 2010 until 2011. However, in 2012 until 2014, Sunsilk had not been longer at the first rank and the percentage was continously decline. If the declination is not immediately fixed, then Sunsilk shampoo will be fall down. Wherefore, there are so many brands of shampoos on the market that are most likely to shift the position of Sunsilk popularity in Indonesia nowadays.This research aims to detect the influence of product quality, price, advertising for Sunsilk shampoo’s customer loyalty. This type of research is explanatory, within collecting data through questionnaires and interviews. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. The sample amounted to 96 people who are female students users of Sunsilk shampoo at Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University, Semarang. This research used a qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis technique. Quantitative analysis uses validity, reliability test, correlation coefficient, simple and multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, significance test (t test and F test).The results of this analysis showed that the variable of product quality, price and advertisement has a positive and significant effect partially for customer loyalty. Three variables were analyzed partially and simultaneously, the coefficient of the variable of product quality is greater than the other two variables. From three variables also obtained the result that the variable of product quality has greatest influential on customer loyalty of Sunsilk shampoo users. It was 0.583, while the price variable about 0.217 and 0,215 for advertising variables. While the coefficient of determination (R2) from variable of product quality, price and advertisement toward variable of customer loyalty was 36.2%. It meant that 36.2% of variable of customer loyalty can be explained by these three variables, while the remaining 63.8% is explained by other variables.Suggestions in this research is Sunsilk shampoo should improve the quality of their products function in order to their hair problems can be overcome well and not make new hair problems, create an aroma for all variants so that more visible the special of Sunsilk shampoo, increase the durability of Sunsilk shampoo’s aroma that could be durable more than one day, and increase the clarity of message from the advertisement by creating the short slogans but has clear meaning from the message conveyed in order to Sunsilk shampoo can stick out in the competition as today.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Volume 4, Nomor 1, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

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The research was motivated by the increasing of competition among the competitors flight services company. Sriwijaya Airlines company was experiencing decline sales 27,05% in 2013. In this case, the company had to increase the service quality and trust to the decision of utilizing of the Sriwijaya Air flight company service.This research aims to know the service quality effect which is consists of five dimensions of service quality they are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangible; and trust to the decision of utilizing the Sriwijaya Air flight company service. The hypothesis is there was service quality effect and trust to the decision of utilizing the Sriwijaya Air flight company service. The type of this research is an explanatory research, the sample collecting technique is purposive sampling technique by 100 samples as the respondents. This research used linear regression which is supported by SPSS for Windows as the analysis method.The results of statistical research shows that the quality of service and trust variables have a positive influence to the decision of utilizing the Sriwijaya Air flight company service. Consumer perceptions of service quality Srwijaya Air quite good and the confidence level is high so that relatively strong consumption decisions. It can be concluded that the quality of service and trust affect the decision Sriwijaya Air service usage.Based on the results of the research, the researchers suggested that the company improve the service quality, increase flight service, compensation for damage to goods and increase consumer confidence like improve the consistency of the performance of the officer so that customers do not switch to a competitor and still survive in the competition at this time.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Volume 4, Nomor 3, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (111.644 KB)


Cosmetics variety are not only seen as a mere fulfillment. From the other side, consumers are also diverse female cosmetics users. In reality, cosmetics company facing a very heterogeneous market. A concern that the manufacturer does not know who the target market companies, actually, given the female consumer is very large cosmetics users or almost all women use cosmetics, cosmetics outstanding variety can also be interpreted as an implementation of the intense competition among cosmetics industry. The problems in this study is the decline in customer loyalty products Body Splash Mustika Ratu ADA Setiabudi Semarang which indicated a decrease in the purchase of products by customers loyal. Based prasurvey conducted by researchers of the customer product Body Splash Mustika Ratu ADA Setiabudi Semarang, most customers products Body Splash Mustika Ratu feel dissatisfied with customer products Mustika Ratu Body Splash. Customer dissatisfaction is allegedly caused by factors brand image and product quality.This study was conducted to determine the effect of brand image and product quality to customer satisfaction and loyalty products Body Splash Mustika Ratu. In this research using random sampling technique respondent sampling, the number of respondents of 100 respondents. Analysis of the data used is path analysis.The results showed that the image of the brand and quality of products both partially and simultaneously a positive effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Based on the results of the calculation of the variable path analysis showed that customer satisfaction is a mediating variable to variable customer loyalty. Advice for companies is because there are respondents who feel that the product Body Splash Mustika Ratu less prestigious. Mustika Ratu should try to improve consumers' perceptions of products Mustika Ratu Body Splash for creating the perception that using the product Mustika Ratu Body Splash is a pride. Mustika Ratu should add to the features of the product Body Splash with the aim to increase the benefits and usefulness of Body Splash Mustika Ratu products for consumers.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

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Developments and competition in the retail business or minimarket increasingly sharp. Each minimarket promising satisfaction. Since the creation of satisfaction will benefit the company. Based on this formulation of the problem in research is still the detection of these complaints as an indication of dissatisfaction with the performance of services visitors BARU minimarket Bumiayu. This study aims to determine the level of compatibility between visitors' expectations and the performance of the services provided and to determine the level of visitor satisfaction BARU minimarket Bumiayu the quality of services provided by the BARU minimarket Bumiayu. This type of research is descriptive by using primary data. The data was collected using data collection instruments such as guiding question for obtaining data from the company, while to obtain data from 100 respondents using a questionnaire. The sampling technique used is incidental sampling. Furthermore, the data obtained in the field is processed in the form of tabulations that are then analyzed. Data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. From the calculation of the level of visitor satisfaction, the performance of the minimarket at 3.68 to 4.62 deduced visitors' expectations in general, visitors were satisfied with the performance of services in the BARU minimarket Bumiayu. From the calculation, it can be concluded the level of compatibility between the expectations of visitors and overall implementation performance minimarket at 79.91% can be categorized according to the expected visitors. Although the dimensions of direct evidence such as the condition of air conditioning was considered quite appropriate 64.86%, condition of toilets 57.05% considered less appropriate and assessed the condition of the parking lot does not conform 42.56%. The suggestions can be given in this study include the company can use the types of lights that are brighter that the products look more obvious, improve the toilets and provide clues and symbols toilet, increasing the number of air conditioning to keep the room cooler, maximizing the suggestion box because the company suggestion box can find weaknesses so that they can take appropriate action for the development of the minimarket.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pada CV. Cynthia Box Kudus Utami, Dewi Putri; Rodhiyah, Rodhiyah; Nurseto, Sendhang
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

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: Every organization which is serving the public importanceof State-owned or private organization, want to get maximum achievement related to the employee’s performance, improvement result and attain the goal of the organization. From the performance’s appraisal there is still unfulfilled working standard and the lack of the provision of the facilities provided by the company The aim of the study is determine the effect of working environment toward employee’s performance at CV. Cynthia Box Kudus.The tipe of the study is explanatory,which is the technique of collecting data through questionnaires, with 45 samples of employees from the production division and the research took all of them, or simple called as saturated sample. Methode of analysis used in this study is Quantitative Data Analysis. This research uses some data analytical methods, such as validity test, reliability test, correlation test, coefficient of determination test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t-test, and F-test, which are supported by SPSS 15.00. The results and discussion of this study found that categorization of the good working environment and the mean variabel score is 3,50. However, in the assessment of the work environment there is still not well under the average of which is about a smooth communication and levels of air temperature in the workplace. T-test value is 3,780 > t-table 2,0167. The corellation between working environment and employee’s performance is intermediate. The regression coefficient of working environment is 0,109 and its coefficient of determination is 24,9%. The categorization of compensation is good enough and the mean variabel score is 3,69. However, in the assessment of compensation there is still not well under the average of which is about the suitability of the amount of overtime pay. T-test value is 1,758 < t-table 2,0167. The corellation between compensation and employee’s performance still need some improvement. The regression coefficient of compensation is 0,302 and its coefficient of determination is 6,5%. The categorization of employee’s performance is good enough and the mean variabel score is 3,66. F-test value is 7,071 < F-table 3,22. The Conclusions and suggestions work environment partially influence on employee performance, whereas partial compensation does not influence the employee’s performance.However, the working environment and compensation are tested simultaneously and there is an influence on employee’s performance. Suggestion for the company, they should keep the company facilities and improve the work environment and still maintain consistency in giving welfare for the employees in order to improve employees performance.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
Publisher : Departemen Administrasi Bisnis, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.286 KB)


The purpose of study is to determine the effect of brand image, product quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty Mustika Ratu. This type of research is explanatory research. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling techniques with purposive sampling method. The number of samples taken were 97 respondents from Mustika Ratu customers at the UNDIP FISIP. The results showed that brand image had an effect on customer loyalty by contributing 57.9% while the rest was influenced by factors other than brand image. Product quality has an effect on customer loyalty by contributing 78.7% while the rest is influenced by factors other than product quality. Customer satisfaction has an effect on customer loyalty by contributing 78.6% while the rest is influenced by other factors besides customer satisfaction. While the influence of brand image, product quality and customer satisfaction together affect customer loyalty by 52.8% while the remaining 47.2% is a contribution from other factors. Based on the calculation of the F test shows that there is a positive influence between brand image, product quality and customer satisfaction. This means that the better the brand image, product quality and customer satisfaction, the higher the level of customer loyalty Mustika Ratu. Based on the results of the study, the author can give advice to PT Mustika Ratu to maintain a natural and traditional image that has been adhering to the brand and continues to improve product quality both in terms of packaging and raw materials to be able to meet customer expectations.