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Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.199 KB)


Abstrak Perkembangan perusahaan-perusahaan penerbangan (airline) dengan konsep biaya murah (low cost airlines) sejak pertengahan tahun 2000 berdampak pada terjadinya kompetisi antar airline. Persaingan antar perusahaan penerbangan dalam rangka mendapatkan pasar dapat dilihat dari terjadinya “perang tarif” antar perusahaan. Perang tarif antar airline perlu dikaji dan dicermati, sehingga tidak merugikan baik konsumen selaku pengguna jasa maupun perusahaan penyedia jasa itu sendiri. Untuk itu perlu diadakan suatu kajian mengenai kompetisi yang terjadi antar perusahaan penerbangan. Sumatera Utara dengan bandaranya Polonia merupakan salah satu daerah yang juga dilayani oleh perusahaan penerbangan berbiaya murah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan dokumentasi dan mengkaji kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah terkait dengan low cast carriers, mengetahui tingkat elastisitas pengguna jasa penerbangan (jumlah penumpang) dengan tingkatan tarif untuk masing-masing maskapai penerbangan. Kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah masih cenderung reaktif atas perkembangan yang terjadi di lapangan. Hal ini terlihat dari kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan adalah setelah terjadinya suatu peristiwa atau kejadian di lapangan. Dari hasil model utilitas yang dibangun, dengan variabel-variabel yang digunakan adalah variabel kenaikan harga, keterlambatan yang dialami selama penerbangan dan sumber dana yang ada didapatkan bahwa ketiga variabel tersebut sangat mempengaruhi probabilitas pemilihan suatu airline. Model utilitas dibangun dengan menggunakan data yang didapatkan dari kuesioner dengan menggunakan metode stated preference.Kata-kata Kunci: low cost airline, kebijakan pemerintah, elastisitas harga, stated preference.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol 7, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Transportasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.199 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jt.v7i1.1818.%p


Abstrak Perkembangan perusahaan-perusahaan penerbangan (airline) dengan konsep biaya murah (low cost airlines) sejak pertengahan tahun 2000 berdampak pada terjadinya kompetisi antar airline. Persaingan antar perusahaan penerbangan dalam rangka mendapatkan pasar dapat dilihat dari terjadinya “perang tarif” antar perusahaan. Perang tarif antar airline perlu dikaji dan dicermati, sehingga tidak merugikan baik konsumen selaku pengguna jasa maupun perusahaan penyedia jasa itu sendiri. Untuk itu perlu diadakan suatu kajian mengenai kompetisi yang terjadi antar perusahaan penerbangan. Sumatera Utara dengan bandaranya Polonia merupakan salah satu daerah yang juga dilayani oleh perusahaan penerbangan berbiaya murah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan dokumentasi dan mengkaji kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah terkait dengan low cast carriers, mengetahui tingkat elastisitas pengguna jasa penerbangan (jumlah penumpang) dengan tingkatan tarif untuk masing-masing maskapai penerbangan. Kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah masih cenderung reaktif atas perkembangan yang terjadi di lapangan. Hal ini terlihat dari kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan adalah setelah terjadinya suatu peristiwa atau kejadian di lapangan. Dari hasil model utilitas yang dibangun, dengan variabel-variabel yang digunakan adalah variabel kenaikan harga, keterlambatan yang dialami selama penerbangan dan sumber dana yang ada didapatkan bahwa ketiga variabel tersebut sangat mempengaruhi probabilitas pemilihan suatu airline. Model utilitas dibangun dengan menggunakan data yang didapatkan dari kuesioner dengan menggunakan metode stated preference.Kata-kata Kunci: low cost airline, kebijakan pemerintah, elastisitas harga, stated preference.
Konsep Prosedur Contingency Penanggulangan Bencana Alam dalam Pelayanan Lalu Lintas Penerbangan di Perum LPPNPI Distrik Manado Idyaningsih, Nining; Bahrawi, Ahmad
Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46509/ajtk.v3i1.158


In providing flight traffic services, ATC (Air Traffic Controller) officers are required to be able to provide services in accordance with procedures so that flight safety can be guaranteed. This study aims to draft a contingency plan procedure in accordance with the potential for natural disasters that can occur, namely volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the LPPNPI Public Corporation of Manado District. The research method was carried out in a qualitative and quantitative description to conceptualize the natural disaster management contingency procedure for air traffic services in the Perum LPPNPI Manado District based on document 9426 and Annex 11. The results showed a high level of safety when volcanic and earthquake activities occurred if the Manado District LPPNPI had a contingency plan procedure as a guide. It is recommended that these guidelines remain a reference in air traffic services when disruptions occur due to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes
Analisis Pengaruh Instrument Landing System (ILS) untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan Keselamatan di Bandar Udara Haluleo Kendari Sabur, Fatmawati; Bahrawi, Ahmad; Agung Rahardjo, Muh.
Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46509/ajtk.v3i1.159


Instrument landing systems (ILS) at airports are very important in guiding aircraft through safe landing. The service of air navigation aids at Bandar Haluoleo Kendari has not been optimal so far. This is due to damage at the beginning of the installation. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of ILS being less optimal on improving flight safety services. The research method used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods that describe the general conditions of aviation safety caused by the lack of optimal ILS and calculate the operating costs per type of aircraft that experienced a landing cancellation based on manual maintenance. The results of the study show that there is a significant influence between the lack of optimal ILS on flight safety when visibility below minima. It also has an impact on the loss of aircraft operating costs incurred by the airline, avtur losses on aircraft that experience holding / delay and time loss for passengers who use the air transportation services. Alternative problem solving is to re-optimize the use of ILS such as completing modules and refining modules by factory expert technicians or third-party procurement of ILS goods / equipment
Pengembangan Radio Komunikasi VHF A/G Type Icom-A210 Djunaedi; Rusman; Bahrawi, Ahmad
Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46509/ajtk.v3i2.164


The VHF communication radio type IC - A210 is an air to ground communication radio used by the Lion Air Group airline in carrying out its operations, this device's performance is reduced due to a change in the structure of one of the functions of the transmission cable. To improve the performance of these devices, a remote amplifier is made, so that communication can run normally and problems can be resolved. Remote amplifier is additional equipment intended for VHF communication equipment type IC - A210, this equipment consists of a Mic added with PTT, two amplifiers where one amplifier functions as an information signal amplifier coming from the FOO (Flight Operations Officer) officer on land via the mic then sent to the VHF communication equipment to be transmitted to the aircraft and the other amplifier functions as an information signal amplifier from the VHF communication equipment after receiving a reply from the pilot to be heard by the ground FOO officer. The work of the two amplifiers is alternately arranged using relay components that are regulated from the PTT by the FOO on the ground. The way to operate this Remote Amplifier equipment is the same as how to operate the VHF communication equipment type IC - A210 so that its use does not require special knowledge, so that the officer seems to be using VHF communication equipment directly
Sistem Keamanan di Maneuvering Area bandar Udara Domine Eduard Osok Sorong Bahrawi, Ahmad
Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46509/ajtk.v3i1.174


Domine Eduard Osok Sorong Airport, which is located close to the community settlement of Sorong, causes the airport to have a higher level of vigilance. Which is the presence of pedestrians, animals, and runway users as road access which makes it an obstruction for air traffic guides and pilots and for airport security. This study covers the scope of combine service where only one unit works and only uses one frequency, namely tower units where ATC is fully responsible for regulating air traffic from ground to fl245 height. This condition is applied to save costs and further streamline the work where traffic in Sorong is not as crowded as before the pandemic. Security conditions at Maneuvering Area of Domine Eduard Osok Airport are still lacking and not standard. Many residents around the airport often cross the runway without getting permission from the patrol and ATC both pedestrians and those using motor vehicles. There is still a lack of efficient patrol guarding of people who want to cross the runway because, the patrol is not at any time in place. Solving the problem by conducting flight safety socialization to residents who live in the area around the airport then invite some community leaders to tour the airport and build a post for patrols around the runway 27 area. Create a crossbar or install Traffic light around the runway 27 area that is often used by residents to cross the runway.
Kompetensi Sosial Pendidik dan Pengasuh dalam Membangun Keunggulan Taruna di Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar Bahrawi, Ahmad; Idyaningsih, Nining
Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46509/ajtk.v3i2.175


This study aims to describe the social competence of educators and tutors in building cadet excellence in the makassar aviation polytechnic. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observations, and documentation. The data obtained is then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques conducted interactively. The results of this study are: the social competence of educators and tutors is realized in three forms, namely cooperation, participation, and sensitivity. The social competence of educators and tutors are the existence of good cooperation and coordination between each other and to the leadership. Furthermore, educators and caregivers actively participate by directly fostering and developing Cadets both academically and non-academically. The sensitivity and care of educators and tutors is evidenced by differences in parenting patterns, variations in learning methods, individual tasks, and objective and non-discriminatory assessments.
Pemberian Expected Approach Time (EAT) pada Pesawat Arrival Berdasarkan Average Time Interval (ATI) di Bandara Sultan Thaha Jambi Bahrawi, Ahmad
Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46509/ajtk.v4i1.176


Thaha Airport approach clearance given for arrival aircraft does not contain information in the form of Expected Approach Time (EAT) which is the estimated time given by the Air Traffic Controller (ATC) to the arrival aircraft that is delayed to leave the holding fix which then continues the approach to landing. The condition caused the inefficiency of the aircraft maneuver because the pilot did not know the estimated time to approach. The provision of Expected Approach Time (EAT) to aircraft arrival can affect the smoothness and safety of flight traffic. In certain circumstances there is a communication failure of the aircraft arrival, then a pilot will follow the last EAT instructions given. As we know, the events of communication failure no one can know when it will happen and it is inevitable. A Controller can only reduce the risk of conflict from the occurrence of this by providing flight traffic services by providing EAT when the aircraft makes first contact. If given EAT, the pilot gets certainty so that it no longer asks the traffic position in front of him. Pilots can also adjust the speed of the aircraft thus reducing holding if it is required to hold. Therefore, EAT's provision of arrival aircraft affects the smoothness and safety of flight traffic.
Kajian Pendidikan Vokasi Lanjutan Jalur RPL Type A1 Kelas Kerjasama Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar dengan Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Bahrawi, Ahmad; Sabur, Fatmawati; Firman; Aprilianus, Tomy
Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Airman: Jurnal Teknik dan Keselamatan Transportasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46509/ajtk.v4i2.192


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the past learning recognition program (RPL) type A1 as an option due to the unavailability of Diploma IV study programs in seven UPT Air Transportation, so that the achievement of graduate absorption can be realized and the value of unemployment can be suppressed by developing appropriate student competencies. with the basic competencies obtained at the diploma III education level. To obtain data and information based on an empirical description of the collaborative class RPL program evaluation study for boarding education graduates using the CIPP method. Research Results The implementation of level transfer from the D.III program with a boarding system education pattern for the Airport Technology and Air Navigation Technology study program to the D.IV program through the RPL type A1 route by applying the Blended Learning and non-boarding learning methods in the Mechatronics and Engineering study program Electricity, can be implemented by taking education as much as 33 - 42 credits. The number of practice credits is adjusted to the fulfillment of learning outcomes from each study program and the equalization of the curriculum from the D.III level of the Makassar Aviation Polytechnic is recognized as 100% to be able to continue education over the level to D.IV of the Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic.
Jurnal Transportasi Vol. 7 No. 1 (2007)
Publisher : Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi (FSTPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.199 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jtrans.v7i1.1818.%p


Abstrak Perkembangan perusahaan-perusahaan penerbangan (airline) dengan konsep biaya murah (low cost airlines) sejak pertengahan tahun 2000 berdampak pada terjadinya kompetisi antar airline. Persaingan antar perusahaan penerbangan dalam rangka mendapatkan pasar dapat dilihat dari terjadinya “perang tarif” antar perusahaan. Perang tarif antar airline perlu dikaji dan dicermati, sehingga tidak merugikan baik konsumen selaku pengguna jasa maupun perusahaan penyedia jasa itu sendiri. Untuk itu perlu diadakan suatu kajian mengenai kompetisi yang terjadi antar perusahaan penerbangan. Sumatera Utara dengan bandaranya Polonia merupakan salah satu daerah yang juga dilayani oleh perusahaan penerbangan berbiaya murah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan dokumentasi dan mengkaji kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah terkait dengan low cast carriers, mengetahui tingkat elastisitas pengguna jasa penerbangan (jumlah penumpang) dengan tingkatan tarif untuk masing-masing maskapai penerbangan. Kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah masih cenderung reaktif atas perkembangan yang terjadi di lapangan. Hal ini terlihat dari kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan adalah setelah terjadinya suatu peristiwa atau kejadian di lapangan. Dari hasil model utilitas yang dibangun, dengan variabel-variabel yang digunakan adalah variabel kenaikan harga, keterlambatan yang dialami selama penerbangan dan sumber dana yang ada didapatkan bahwa ketiga variabel tersebut sangat mempengaruhi probabilitas pemilihan suatu airline. Model utilitas dibangun dengan menggunakan data yang didapatkan dari kuesioner dengan menggunakan metode stated preference.Kata-kata Kunci: low cost airline, kebijakan pemerintah, elastisitas harga, stated preference.