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Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jhl.v8i1.39289


This research is aimed at describing people’s perceptions of utilization sugar palm plants in the village of Sekabuk Sadaniang sub-district, as well as analyzing the relationship of each of the factor of age, knowledge, and income with people’s perceptions of the utilization of palm plants in the village of Sekabuk Saadaniang sub-district. This research uses direct interview technique method with questionnaire tool, determination of respondents carried out by purposive sampling based on slovin formula amounting to 83 respondents, the criteria of respondents in the research are people who live in the village of Sekabuk, people who know about the use of palm trees, at least 15 years old (already married), physically and mentally healthy. Data analysis consisted of community perceptions of the use of palm trees and the relationship between age, knowledge, and income with community perceptions of the use of palm trees in Sekabuk village. Based on the results of data and calculations of the three variables, forage and knowledge categories there is no relationship with community perceptions, while the income category is related to people’s perceptions. The results of the study showed that community perceptions of the utilization of sugar palm plants tended to be positive namely 77 respondents (92,77%), neutral 6 respondents (7,23%), and negative 0 respondents (0,00%). Characteristics of Sekabuk village respondents based on age levels dominated by young and adult levels each of 30 respondents (36,14%). Characteristics of respondents based on the level of knowledge dominated by people with a high level of knowledge of 81 respondents (97,60%), and for the characteristics of respondents based on the level of income dominated with a moderate income level of 65 respondents (79,52%).Keywords: Community perception, Utilization Of Palm Sugar Plants
Participatory Leadership of the School Principal in Developing the Quality of Education Services at State Senior High School 1 Menyuke Paulus, Paulus; Zakso, Amrazi; Rustiyarso, Rustiyarso
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora Vol 15, No 1 (2024): Edisi April 2024
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j-psh.v15i1.76365


This research is motivated by the importance of providing quality educational services to the community, especially students and their parents. Through this research, it is hoped that clarity will be obtained regarding the influence of participative leadership on the quality of educational services at Menyuke 1 State High School. The problem is how does the principal implement participatory leadership, what is the quality of educational services, and how does the principal's participative leadership influence the quality of educational services at SMAN 1 Menyuke? This form of research is quantitative research with ex-post facto methods (measurements after the event) used to answer the research problem being studied. The units of analysis used in this research are teachers and staff. The minimum sample was determined using the Krecjie and Morgan Table, with a population of 42 teachers and school staff, a sample of 38 people was obtained. To collect data, a questionnaire was used which was given to teachers and school staff who were the research samples. Data analysis was carried out, descriptive statistics also used regression analysis and MANOVA. The results of the research show that the quality of educational services is classified as good, while the participative leadership of the principal of SMA Negeri 1 Menyuke is classified as high, and also specifically. The results of the study also show that there is a significant effect of the participative leadership of the principal on the quality of educational services at SMA Negeri 1 Menyuke.
Strategi Pengembangan Desa di Daerah Perbatasan Berdasarkan Potensi Pertanian Lokal: Studi Kasus di Desa Nanga Bayan, Kabupaten Sintang Sebagai Daerah Perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia Antonius, Antonius; Nikodimus, Nikodimus; Redin, Redin; Salim, Kartika Agus; Kaja, Kaja; Mangardi, Mangardi; Paulus, Paulus; Marjun, Agustinus; Kurnianto, Alexander Andi; Setiawan, Hendra
Ganaya : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 7 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/ganaya.v7i2.3180


The border area is the front porch for a country that represents the development of the country. This study aims to identify the potential of local village agriculture that supports family economic strengthening, analyze the economic value of local village potential, formulate a strategy development of Nanga Bayan village. This research was conducted in Nanga Bayan Village, Ketungau Hulu District, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan Province, in April-September 2023. This research used triangulation method and data are collected through semi-structured interviews, FGDs, and observations. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis. SWOT analysis used to formulate the development strategy of Indonesia-Malaysia’s border area. The results showed that the local potential in Nanga Bayan Village as a border area are local agricultural products based on traditional fields, local fruit; traditional weaving and clean water sources. The economic commodities of the people in Nanga Bayan Village are attracting Malaysian. However, transactions that occur are not through official cross-border. The development strategy of the Indonesia-Malaysia Border Village is to develop commodities that are attract Malaysian market. In addition, it is hoped that the plan to build cross-border posts in this area can increase the official buying and selling of goods at the border.
Case Report: Grade II Hypertension Accompanied by Obesity with Consumption of Propolis Herbs Arsa, Sri Asmawati; Makmun, Armanto; Paulus, Paulus
Journal La Medihealtico Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024): Journal La Medihealtico
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallamedihealtico.v5i3.1362


Hypertension is often said to be a silent killer, because it is a deadly disease without being accompanied by symptoms first as a warning for the victim. Hypertension with the incidence of obesity is still common. The prevalence of hypertension accompanied by obesity also continues to increase. According to some studies, obesity and hypertension have a meaningful relationship. One alternative treatment that can be an option to lower blood pressure is herbal therapy. Herbal medicine is classified as complementary medicine is a phenomenon that appears today among many other non-conventional treatment phenomena, such as treatment with herbs or herbal therapy, acupuncture, and cupping. The use of herbs is one of the alternative treatments chosen by the community other than conventional (medical) treatment.One of the natural products produced is propolis. Propolis is one of the natural products produced by bees and is widely used as a medicine or supplement, anti-inflammatory, disease treatment, accelerating wound healing, and others. The patient in this case is a woman with the age of 50 years. Patients come with complaints of dizziness, headache and low back pain accompanied by a history of hypertension, and obesity. The patient was diagnosed with Grade 2 Hypertension on Treatment, and Obesity was given therapy in the form of Amlodipine 10 mg 1x1, Paracetamol 500 mg 3x1 and Vitamin B Complex 2x1.Hypertension suffered by patients is hypertension obtained due to several predisposing factors in patients, namely diet, obesity, age, and gender.
FOKUS : Publikasi Ilmiah untuk Mahasiswa, Staf Pengajar dan Alumni Universitas Kapuas Sintang. Vol 22 No 1 (2024): FOKUS
Publisher : Universitas Kapuas Sintang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51826/fokus.v22i1.1070


This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques include interviews, documentation and observation. Informants (subjects) of research using Proposive sampling and Accidental Sampling methods. The scope of this research is the Implementation of Credit Provision with the aspects used in the research, namely: 1) Credit Administration, 2) Credit Analysis, 3) Credit Supervision, 4) Member Development. This research was carried out at KSP CU Tri Tapang Kasih, Sejiram District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. Loan administration takes the form of governance carried out by the credit department in the credit management process. This governance takes the form of procedures that must be carried out and documents that must be owned and filled out when applications, agreements and loan disbursement occur. The KSP CU Tri Tapang Kasih institution has carried out administration well based on credit governance. Credit analysis is guided by the 5 C Analysis (Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, and Condition). Credit supervision includes monitoring the use of credit by members, implementation of installment payments, as well as credit administration. Implementation has gone well. Coaching for members takes the form of providing motivation and education for members. The implementation of coaching is in accordance with the work program and is going well.
FOKUS : Publikasi Ilmiah untuk Mahasiswa, Staf Pengajar dan Alumni Universitas Kapuas Sintang. Vol 22 No 2 (2024): FOKUS : Publikasi Ilmiah untuk Mahasiswa, Staf Pengajar dan Alumni Universitas K
Publisher : Universitas Kapuas Sintang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51826/fokus.v22i2.1233


Abstract : Tenun Ikat, as an important cultural heritage of the Dayak community in Sintang District, West Kalimantan, reflects the cultural and philosophical identity of the local community. However, the growth of globalization and the lack of interest of younger generations in the bonding culture put the art of tenun a barrier to its preservation. The study emphasizes the importance of young people's charisma in preserving Sintang's tenun ikat. This kaderization includes education and training programmes, cultural promotion campaigns, and economic empowerment through the formation of co-operatives or joint venture groups. The educational programmes may include workshops with senior craftsmen which can be facilitated by the Sintang District Government. Promotions can use social media and cultural activities to increase young people's appreciation of their heritage. To maintain the relevance of tenun ikat in the contemporary market, young artisans acquire business and marketing skills through economic empowerment. Hopefully through this effort, the younger generation will be the keepers of tradition and also the innovators who can cultivate and bring the bandage to the global stage. In an era of globalization and modernization, the kaderisation of young people is a strategic spearhead for ensuring the sustainability of weaving and strengthening cultural identities. Keyword : preservation, culture, Tenun Ikat
The comparison of productivity before and after cocoa national movement program (gernas) implemented in Mamasa Regency West Sulawesi Amran, Arman; Paulus, Paulus; Warsidah, Warsidah
Anjoro: International Journal of Agriculture and Business Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Anjoro
Publisher : Agribusiness Department, Agriculture and Forestry Faculty, Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.322 KB) | DOI: 10.31605/anjoro.v2i2.943


In early 1990, Indonesia entered as the third-largest exporter in the world after Ivory Coast and Ghana. The number of cocoa farmers is estimated to be 1.4 million households, generally on a small scale, with an area of about two hectares of cocoa. The very high increase in cocoa prices during the economic crisis in the late 1990s contributed significantly to the poverty alleviation of cocoa farming communities, especially those in rural areas. Almost 20 percent of the national cocoa production comes from West Sulawesi Province. The Cocoa National Movement Program (Gernas) in West Sulawesi is a locomotive for community-based development as a holistic, integrated program involving stakeholders to increase productivity and quality and encourage the growth of the cocoa trade and industry. The Central Government subsequently carried it out formed the National Movement for the Improvement of Cocoa Production and Quality. The research showed that there had been a significant increase in cocoa productivity in Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi, between before the National Movement Program and after its implementation through rejuvenetion, rehabilitation, and intensification programs. Rehabilitation activities are higher than those of rejuvenation and intensification. Rejuvenation increased cocoa production from 342.68 kg.ha–1.year–1 in 2008 to 605.05 kg.ha–1.year–1. Rehabilitation increased cocoa productivity from 332.47 kg.ha–1.year–1 in 2008 to 720.98 kg.ha–1.year–1 and intensification increased cocoa productictivity from 328.27 kg.ha–1.year–1 in 2008 to 531.45 kg.ha–1.year–1 during the program implemented.
Migrasi server on-premise ke exchange online pada Badan Pelaksana Otoritas Danau Toba Hanes, Hanes; Lestari, Wulan Sri; Paulus, Paulus; William, William
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 8, No 3 (2024): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v8i3.25270


AbstrakBadan Pelaksana Otorita Danau Toba (BPODT) merupakan Satuan Kerja dibawah Kementrian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Kawasan Pariwisata Danau Toba sebagai Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi komunikasi, BPODT berencana melakukan migrasi dari server email on-premise ke Exchange Online, layanan email berbasis cloud yang disediakan oleh Microsoft. Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) dari Universitas Mikroskil berkolaborasi dengan BPODT dalam kegiatan transfer teknologi untuk proses migrasi dan implementasi server email on-premise ke Exchange Online. Tahapan transfer teknologi melibatkan analisis kebutuhan, pembelian lisensi, verifikasi domain, pembuatan akun pengguna, migrasi data email, konfigurasi DNS, komunikasi dan dukungan pengguna serta penyusunan buku panduan untuk dokumentasi proses migrasi. Hasilnya, seluruh proses berjalan lancar  dibuktikan dengan analisis kebutuhan yang efektif dan efisien, pembelian lisensi Exchange Online yang tepat sasaran, dan implementasi migrasi Exchange Online yang sukses dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi komunikasi internal dan eksternal BPODT. Buku panduan yang disusun juga menjadi sumber referensi yang berguna bagi BPODT dalam mengelola Exchange Online. Kata kunci: BPODT; transfer teknologi; exchange online; migrasi; email on-premise. AbstractBadan Pelaksana Otorita Danau Toba (BPODT) is an organizational unit under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy that aims to develop the Lake Toba tourism area as a national strategic tourism area. To improve communication efficiency, BPODT plans to migrate from on-premises email servers to Exchange Online, a cloud-based email service from Microsoft. Mikroskil University's Community Service Team (PkM) collaborate with BPODT in the technology transfer process for the migration and implementation of on-premises email servers to Exchange Online. The technology transfer phases include needs assessment, license procurement, domain verification, user account creation, email data migration, DNS configuration, user communication and support, and the creation of a migration process documentation guide. The results indicate that the entire process went smoothly, demonstrated by an effective and efficient needs analysis, targeted procurement of Exchange Online licenses, and successful implementation of the Exchange Online migration, which is expected to enhance both internal and external communication efficiency at BPODT. The resulting guide serves as a useful reference for BPODT in managing Exchange Online. Keywords: BPODT; technology transfer; exchange online; migration; email on-premise.