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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (796.233 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/jf.v2i2.455


The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of intellectual capital on Return On Assets, and Return On Equity. The population of this research is manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange the period 2016- 2018, a total sample of companies amounted to 72 samples were taken by using purposive sampling method. The method of analysis in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that intellectual capital significant positive effect on ROA. This condition occurs because when intellectual capital is getting better, the public trust in the company, the better, so that the products or services offered by the company is accepted by the community and increasing revenue. Intellectual capital is significant positive effect on ROE. This condition occurs because the intellectual capital increases, the company has been using its capital more effectively to improve human resources, so that the performance of employees to generate increasing profits. Keyword: Intellectual Capital, Financial Performance, Return on Assets and Return On Equity
Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kelompok Wanita Rumah Tangga Ditengah Pandemi Covid-19 Di Pasar Kreatif Tejoagung, Metro Timur Yateno Yateno; Suryadi Suryadi; Edi Priyanto; Ganis Delvia; Amar Asyam Aal-faras; Dwi Yuliani
SINAR SANG SURYA Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : UM Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/sss.v5i2.1576


ABSTRAKSalah satu aspek yang terdampak wabah virus Corona adalah kegiatan perekonomian, terutama yang amat terasa adalah pada empat sektor yang paling tertekan akibat wabah Covid-19 yaitu rumah tangga, UMKM, korporasi, dan sektor keuangan. Pertumbuhan ekonomi pun diprediksi akan mengalami kontraksi. Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) yang berlaku mengharuskan aktivitas warga dilakukan dari rumah atau secara daring, hal ini tentunya membuat tingkat daya beli masyarakat menurun drastis karena mayoritas kegiatan pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup dilakukan secara konvensional terutama bagi keluarga miskin dan rentan yang bekerja di sektor informal. Masyarakat khususnya Kelompok Wanita Rumah Tangga (KWRT) di PAK TEJO, harus lebih dewasa untuk menyikapI hal Covid-19  harus mampu melihat masalah ini semua solusi untuk menghadapi hal tersebut adalah mengingkatkan kreativitas inovasi dan bangkit untuk berwirausaha.Hasil inovasi produk dan potensi wisata agar cepat di kenal oleh masyarakat luas baik Lokal, Regianal, Nasional, tetapi harus memahami sosial media terutama IG (Instagram) dan FB (Facebook) serta perlu adanya website sebagai alat dan media promosi yang tepat untuk memperkenalkan potensi yang ada. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat di PAK TEJO, sangat menarik dan bermanfaat untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan dilaksanakan secara gratis, salah satu diantaranya pelatihan tentang membuat corak warna pada kaos atau kemeja baru atau bekas menjadi protensi usaha baru, pengolahan buat pisang, mulai dari kulit dibuat “brownis” sedangkan daging pisang olahan menjadi “bola-bola pisang” yang dapat dijajakan PAK TEJO.Kata Kunci : PAK TEJO, Sosial Media “IG,FB” dan KWRT.ABSTRACTOne of the aspects affected by the Corona virus outbreak is economic activity, especially in the four sectors most depressed due to the Covid-19 outbreak, namely households, MSMEs, corporations, and the financial sector. Economic growth is also predicted to experience a contraction. The applicable Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) require that residents' activities be carried out from home or online, this of course causes the level of people's purchasing power to drop drastically because the majority of activities to fulfill their daily needs are carried out conventionally, especially for poor families and vulnerable who work in the informal sector. The community, especially the Household Women Group (KWRT) in PAK TEJO, must be more mature to respond to the Covid-19 case, must be able to see this problem. All solutions to deal with this are to increase innovative creativity and rise to entrepreneurship.The results of product innovation and tourism potential are quickly recognized by the wider community, both local, regional and national, but must understand social media, especially IG (Instagram) and FB (Facebook) and there is a need for a website as the right promotional tool and media to introduce potential there is. The community service program at PAK TEJO is very interesting and useful to increase knowledge and is carried out free of charge, one of which is training on making color patterns on new or used shirts or shirts to become new business protection, processing for bananas, starting from the skin made " brownies ”while the processed banana meat becomes“ banana balls ”which PAK TEJO can sell.Keywords: PAK TEJO, Social Media "IG, FB" and KWRT
Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Pemuda Melalui Program KKN PPM di Kampung Pujokerto Kecamatan Trimurjo Andiana Rosid; Yateno Yateno; Jawoto Nusantoro
SINAR SANG SURYA Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Februari 2021
Publisher : UM Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/sss.v5i1.1475


AbstrakSalah satu agenda utama bagi pembangunan nasional adalah sektor ekonomi, khususnya kewirausahaan. Oleh karena itu, pada beberapa skim pengabdian kepada masyarakat peningkatan sektor kewirausahaan atau UMKM digalakkan untuk dapat dikembangankan kepada masyarakat. Harapannya, dengan munculnya pewirausaha-pewirausaha baru, sektor ekonomi masyarakat tumbuh dan semakin mapan, maka sektor lainya seperti pendidikan dan kesehatan dapat semakin terjamin. Berbagai pihak diharapkan menjadi agent of change bagi peningkatan di sektor ekonomi dan UMKM ini. Melalui program KKN PPM, tim Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro mencoba menjadi agen untuk menumbuhkan pewirausaha-pewirausaha baru dengan target khusus yaitu pemuda-pemudi di Kampung Pujokerto Kecamatan Trimurjo Lampung Tengah. Alasan dipilihnya lokasi ini adalah karena sebagian besar pemuda dan pemudi di Kampung ini merupakan petani turun temurun, yang dipandang dari sisi orientasi kewirausahaannya masih cukup rendah. Metode yang dilaksanakan pada pengabdian ini adalah pendekatan secara personal, FGD, studi banding, dan pelaksanaan kewirausahaan. Hasil pengabdiannya adalah terbentuknya kelompok kewirsausahaan berbasis pemuda yang diberinama Usaha Muda Mudi Mandiri (UM3) dan terciptanya usaha bagi kelompok berupa budi daya pembesaran dan pembenihan ikan lele, serta pelatihan pembuatan souvenir pernikahan berbahan Tali Kur.Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan berbasis Pemuda, Kelompok wirausaha pemuda, KKN PPMAbstrakOne of the main agendas for national development is the economic sector, especially entrepreneurship. Therefore, in some community service schemes, the entrepreneurship sector or MSME sector enhancement is encouraged so that it can be developed in the community. The hope is that with the emergence of new entrepreneurs, the economic sector of society will grow and become more established, so that other sectors such as education and health can be more secure. Various parties are expected to become agents of change for improvement in the economic sector and MSMEs. Through the KKN PPM program, the University of Muhammadiyah Metro team tries to become an agent to grow new entrepreneurs with a special target, namely young people in Pujokerto Village, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung. The reason for choosing this location is because most of the youth and girls in this village are hereditary farmers, which is considered from the perspective of their entrepreneurial orientation is still quite low. The method used in this service is a personal approach, FGD, comparative studies, and the implementation of entrepreneurship. The result of this dedication was the formation of a youth-based entrepreneurship group called Usaha Muda Mudi Mandiri (UM3) and the creation of a business for the group in the form of raising and hatching catfish, as well as training in making wedding souvenirs from Tali Kur.Keywords: Youth-based entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneur groups, KKN PPM
Pengaruh Kualitas produk, Fitur, Dan Desain Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Mebel Jati Ukir Hi. Slamet Di Metro Ahmad Sefrian Ali; Yateno Yateno
Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/diversifikasi.v2i2.1125


Along with the large demand for products ,furniture manufacturers compete to produc equality product saccording to consumer desires. This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, features, and design on purchasing decisions for Teak Ukir Hi furniture. Good luck on the Metro. The type of research used is quantitative research. The research method used is the explanatory survey method. The data used are questionnaire data and data documentation. The subjects of this research are customers of Jati Ukir Hi. Slamet. Samples were taken as many as 60 respondents. As well as in the data analysis technique using Multiple Linear Regression analysis. Based on the results of the study showed that the product quality, features and design variables on the purchasing decision variables in the hypothesis test simultaneously stated that the Fcount (31.838>Ftable 2.769) and the significance value 0.000 <0.05 then the product quality, features and design variables together positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. The largest tcount value is 6.898 where this value is in the product quality variable.
Pengaruh Orientasi Belanja, Kepercayaan Online dan Pengalaman Pembelian terhadap Belanja Produk Online Ratna Aprilia; Suryadi Suryadi; Yateno Yateno
Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.316 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/diversifikasi.v1i1.507


Tujuan dari penelitian yang peneliti lakukan adalah 1) untuk mengetahui pengaruh orientasi belanjaterhadap belanja produk online. 2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepercayaan online terhadap belanjaproduk online. 3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengalaman pembelian terhadap belanja produk online.4) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh orientasi belanja, kepercayaan online dan pengalaman pembelianterhadap belanja produk online. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi DanBisnis Program Studi Manajemen 2016 di Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. Sampel yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah 118 responden. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakanpersamaan regresi linier berganda, koefisien determinasi, uji t, dan uji f. Hasil penelitian untukpersamaan regresi linier berganda diperoleh Y = 50,706 + 0,190 X1 + 0,174 X2 + 0,236 X3.Berdasarkan hasil uji t, hipotesis Ho diterima dan hipotesis Ha ditolak dimana thitung > ttabel. Makasecara parsial kepercayaan online (X2), dan pengalaman pembelian (X3) memiliki pengaruh signifikanterhadap berbelanja online (Y). Hasil uji simultan menunjukkan bahwa orientasi belanja (X1),kepercayaan online (X2), dan pengalaman pembelian (X3) secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positifsecara signifikan terhadap belanja online (Y).
Pengaruh Shopping Lifestyle dan Hedonic Shopping terhadap Impulse Buying dari Penjualan Online di Media Sosial Instagram (Studi pada Mahasiswa FEB UM Metro) Lulu Zakiyah; Yateno Yateno; Jati Imantoro
Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.146 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/diversifikasi.v1i1.508


Belanja online adalah sebuah proses transaksi jual beli yang dilakukan melalui media berupa situs-situsjual beli online ataupun jejaring sosial yang menyediakan barang atau jasa. Perilaku pembelian tidakterencana dipengaruhi oleh Shopping Lifestyle yang terdiri dari setiap tawaran iklan mengenai produkfashiondanHedonic Shopping yang tercipta dengan adanya gairah berbelanja seseorang yang mudahterpengaruh model terbaru dan berbelanja menjadi gaya hidup seseorang untuk memenuhi kebutuhansehari- hari. Impulse buying atau pembelian tidak terencana ini merupakan fenomena yang harusdiciptakan untuk bisa dijadikan peluang bagi perusahaan untuk meningkatkan penjualannya. Tujuandari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh shopping Lifestyle dan hedonic shopping terhadappembelian tak terencana (impulse buying) pada mahasiswa FEB UM Metro yang berbelanja dipasaronline media sosial instagram. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jumlahsampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 100 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa shoppinglifestyle berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap impulse buying, hedonic shopping berpengaruhpositif dan signifikan terhadap impulse buying, shopping lifestyle dan hedonic shopping secarabersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap impulse buying pada mahasiswa FEB UMMetro yang berbelanja online di media social Instagram.
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Diskon dan Tagline “Gratis Ongkir” terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Market Place Shopee (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa FEB, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro) Ferdian Azizi; Yateno Yateno
Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI Vol 1 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.156 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/diversifikasi.v1i2.595


Buying and selling online is a trend that has now penetrated the world of schools and campuses. The rapid development of internet technology has led to changes in behavior among the public and students, including students of the Muhammadiyah Metro University. The survey method was chosen as the primary data source. The survey method focuses on collecting data on respondents who have certain information, allowing researchers to solve problems. In this study, the population was FEB students of Muhammadiyah Metro University. The sampling technique used accidental sampling with a sample size of 75 people. The results showed that: there was a positive influence on product quality on purchasing decisions, there is a positive effect of discounts on purchasing decisions, there is a positive effect of the tagline “free shipping” on purchasing decisions, there is a positive effect on product quality, discounts and the tagline “free shipping” together on purchasing decisions.
Pengaruh Bukti Fisik, Kehandalan dan Jaminan terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen dalam Penggunaan Digital Payment Dana pada Mahasiswa FEB UM Metro Al'Rafi Fulqi Yusman; Yateno Yateno
Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI Vol 1 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.7 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/diversifikasi.v1i2.600


The development of information and communication technology makes all human activities easier, both in the economic and social The survey method was chosen as the primary data source. The survey method focuses on collecting data on respondents who have certain information, allowing researchers to solve problems. In this study, the population was FEB students of Muhammadiyah Metro University. The sampling technique used accidental sampling with a sample size of 75 people. The results showed that : there is a positive and significant influence between physical evidence on customer satisfaction in the use of funds in the February metro, there is a positive and significant influence between reliability on customer satisfaction in the use of funds in the Metro Metro, there is a positive and significant influence between guarantees on customer satisfaction in the use of funds in the Metro Metro, and there is a positive and significant influence between (physical evidence, reliability and assurance) simultaneously on customer satisfaction in the use of funds in the metro February.
Pengaruh Edukasi Masyarakat, Promosi Produk, Dan Pelayanan Terhadap Kepercayaan Nasabah Untuk Menabung Di BMT (KJKS) Al – Falah Batanghari Galih Hadi Wasito; Yateno Yateno
Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI Vol 2 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/diversifikasi.v2i1.1072


Lack of knowledge or education makes people less understanding about Islamic financial services. Coupled with a modest promotion, and less extensive. Services that are also not improved will hinder the development of business progress. The success of a service production, will depend on how the customer assesses it, namely from the sense of trust that has been formed. If the customer has put his trust in a company, it is difficult for the customer to move to another financial institution, so that it can be mutually beneficial for both parties, namely the financial institution and its customers. Thus, this study aims to determine the effect of public education on customer confidence in saving at BMT KJKS Al - Falah Batanghari, (2) Knowing the effect of product promotion on customer confidence in saving at BMT KJKS Al - Falah Batanghari, (3) Knowing the effect of service on customer trust to save at BMT KJKS Al – Falah Batanghari. This type of research is quantitative research, with a sample or questionnaire method. The sample obtained by accidental sampling obtained as many as 50 respondents. While the data analysis technique of this research is using multiple linear regression through parial t test, simultaneous f test and the determinant coefficient R2. The results of this study indicate that (1) public education on customer trust in saving at BMT (KJKS) Al - Falah Batanghari has a positive and significant effect, from the results of the t-test to get a t-value ofcount 3.159 > ttable 1.679, (2) product promotion towards customer trust to save at BMT (KJKS) Al - Falah Batanghari has a positive and significant influence, from the results of the t test to get a value and tcount of 3,869 > ttable 1,679, (3) service on trust has a positive and significant effect, from the results of the t test get the value of tcount 4,589 > ttable 1,679. The conclusion, simultaneously that the three independent variables have a good role on customer confidence to save at BMT (KJKS) Al - Falah Batanghari by obtaining aF value ofcalculated 176,430 > Ftable 2.810, and the magnitude of the coefficient of determination is 0.920 or 92.0% which means 8% is influenced by other variables. It is recommended to BMT (KJKS) Al - Falah Batanghari to provide education to the community, increase promotions, and better services so that the public or customers are more interested, enthusiastic, and believe in saving.
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Elektronik (E-Learning) Dalam Pelatihan Dan Pengembangan Kompetensi Pegawai Sebagai Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Pada KPKNL Metro Rudi Prasetiya; Yateno Yateno
Jurnal Manajemen DIVERSIFIKASI Vol 2 No 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/diversifikasi.v2i3.1267


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of electronic learning (e-learning) in training and developing employee competencies as a result of the covid-19 pandemic at KPKNL Metro. This research is a qualitative descriptive type with data collection techniques through interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation. The subjects of the research were KPKNL Metro employees. The data analysis technique in this study uses descriptive qualitative data analysis interactive model from Miles and Michael Huberman which consists of three concurrent activity paths, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that 1) In training and employee competency development after the covid-19 pandemic there are additional ways to participate in training, employees do not need to travel to the training location and train using electronic learning methods (e-learning). 2) The advantages of electronic learning (e-learning) are that it is more flexible in terms of time, more flexible in terms of place and more cost-effective. The drawbacks are the internet network is less stable, computer/laptop equipment facilities are still lacking for some employees, there is no special room for employees to take e-learning, and participants feel bored more easily. 3) The implementation of training and employee competency development through electronic learning (e-learning) as a result of the covid-19 pandemic at the KPKNL Metro is running effectively. 4) Some things that need to be improved so that electronic learning (e-learning) can run better, namely improving the quality of the internet network and increasing internet quota, providing computer/laptop equipment facilities with good conditions for all employees and providing a special room for employees to participate e-learning.