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Desain dan Simulasi Motor Induksi 3 Fasa dengan Menggunakan Matlab Rifdian I.S.; Hartono Hartono
Jurnal Penelitian 70-77
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (750.454 KB) | DOI: 10.46491/jp.v4i2.298


Penggunaan dari motor induksi sangatlah luas karena motor ini harganya murah, desain yang sedehana, dan memiliki keandalan yang tinggi. Untuk dapat bekerja sesuai dengan kebutuhan para penggunannya, peralatan elektronika daya, seperti PWM inverter, digunakan untuk mengendalikan dan memperluas daerah kerja dari motor induksi. Pengendalian motor induksi dengan menggunakan PWM inverter dapat dilakukan dengan mengatur nilai tegangan dan frekuensi masukan pada sisi stator dari motor induksi. Pada penelitian ini, karakteristik dari motor induksi dengan sumber PWM inverter disimulasikan dengan menggunakan program SIMULINK dari MATLAB . Motor induksi yang digunakan adalah rotor tipe sangkar dan simulasi dilakukan dengan cara memvariasikan nilai frekuensi masukan stator dan juga indeks modulasi, dengan demikian akan didapatkan nilai torsi elektromagnetik dan kecepatan putar rotor dari motor induksi. Dari hasil simulasi tersebut akan dianalisa pengaruh frekuensi dan amplitudo tegangan masukan pada nilai torsi elektromagnetik dan kecepatan putaran rotor.
WORKSHOP JARINGAN LISTRIK DAN PEMBUATAN PENERANGAN JALAN UMUM DI LUMAJANG Hartono Hartono; Rifdian I.S.; Kustori Kustori; Slamet Hariyadi; Suhanto Suhanto; Fiqqih Faizah; Siti Julaihah
Journal of Public Transportation Community 30-37
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract Public street lighting is one of the need of today’s society. Every street in residential areas always requires public street lighting. This is because every community activity that takes place outside the home, especially at night definity requires proper lighting. Street lighting is closely related to public safety and security. Community Service Activities (PKM) are condused to address environmental issues. One solution to these problems is to organize a Workshop on electricity netwroks and public street lighting on the slopes of Mount Semeru in Lumajang. The results of this activity, revealed that the provision of PJU lights assisted the community sevice project was titled "Electrical Network Workshop and the Insatallation of Public Street Lighting in Lumajang". This program is implemented by a lecturer at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic to appply electrical engineering knowledge and provide benefits to the community by improving street lighting Keywords: Elecric Network, Public Street Lighting, Safety
Jurnal Penelitian Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Juni 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46491/jp.v8i2.1501


To meet the needs of small or large scale electricity supply, the use of electrical energy generally uses 1 phase electricity and 3 phase electricity which is used to operate electrical equipment. To be able to find out the voltage, current, and electrical power of the low-voltage distribution network, manual checks are carried out on each R, S, T phase which is on the low-voltage distribution panel. When a 3-phase power failure occurs, it is often difficult to identify which phase is failingSo that in this case it is considered less efficient, for this research is expected to overcome the problems that have been identified. So a tool is made that can monitor failures in the R, S, and T phases which functions as safety when a failure occurs and can display a notification in which phase a failure occurs.In this study, the PZEM-004T sensor, Wemos D1 mini-module, and Android Studio are used which can allow for remote monitoring using electronic devices that have installed applications that have been created. when an error occurs, the "reset" button on the monitoring application is used to reset the protection to restore the device. The current difference in the avometer is 1.48A and the sensor is 1.46A and the current flowing to the load is written 1.88A. The contactor works when the relay receives a command from the Arduino nano with a fast time: 1.60 seconds on the first try, 1.72 seconds on the second experiment, and 1.68 seconds on the third experiment.