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Journal : Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah

Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Puteri Hijau: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol.6 No.1
Publisher : Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ph.v6i1.23220


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan Provinsi Sumatera mencetak ORIPS, proses pencetakan ORIPS, dan peranannya dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan RI di Sumatera. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi pustaka (library research). Teknik pengumpulan data diambil dari wawancara, observasi dan sumber-sumber buku atau literatur tentang uang. Paska proklamasi kemerdekaan RI kondisi perekonomian Indonesia sangat kacau, diperparah dengan kedatangan tentara NICA yang ingin menguasai wilayah Indonesia kembali. Taktik Belanda untuk menguasai Indonesia dengan menyebarkan uang NICA dan melakukan blokade ekonomi. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut pemerintah Indonesia membuat kebijakan untuk mencetak uang sendiri. Indonesia menerbitkan uang kertas pertama yang bernama Oeang Republik Indonesia (ORI). ORI hadir untuk menolak uang NICA, uang Jepang, dan Dejavasche Bank yang masih beredar setelah Indonesia merdeka. Dalam peredaran ORI mengalami banyak kendala akibat dari aksi polisionil, blokade dan kondisi geografis sehingga uang ORI tidak tersebar merata ke seluruh daerah termasuk Pulau Sumatera. Agar kegiatan perekonomian tetap berjalan melalui peraturan pemerintah No. 19/1947 tertanggal 26 Oktober 1947 Pemerintah memberikan wewenang kepada pemerintah Daerah tingkat Provinsi untuk mencetak uang daerah (ORIDA). Provinsi Sumatera mencetak uang bernama ORIPS yang terbit pada 11 April 1947 di Pematang Siantar. ORIPS terdiri dari pecahan 1, 5, 10, dan 100 roepiah. Bahan kertas yang digunakan adalah kertas HVS. Proses pencetakan ORIPS dilaksanakan di Percetakan Negara II (Percetakan Deli) yang sebelumnya telah dipidahkan dari Kota Medan ke Kota Pematang Siantar. ORIPS menjalankan peranannya sebagai alat perjuangan karena dapat membiayai segala keperluan negara yang baru berdiri, Seperti membiayai gaji pegawai, polisi, tentara, dan menanggulangi perekonomian rakyat .
PERUBAHAN SOSIAL-EKONOMI NELAYAN KERAMBA DI SAMOSIR (1990-2015) Novita Margaretha Pandiangan; Ihut Marasi Pakpahan; Pristi Suhendro Lukitoyo; Syarifah Syarifah
Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Puteri Hijau: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah
Publisher : Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ph.v8i1.43838


This study will discuss the changes that occurred in the social and economic sectors of cage fishermen in Samosir Regency from 1990-2015. This study aims to determine and analyze the development of cage fishermen's lives in the social and economic fields. The methods used in this research are quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected through interviews, literature study and observation. The people of Samosir have depended on Lake Toba for their lives, especially for people who live in coastal areas. This vast lake has provided a big change for fishermen in developing their socio-economic life. Fishermen carry out fish farming activities using floating net cages in Lake Toba to fulfill all aspects of their life needs. through the cultivation of floating net cage fish, the economic growth of the community is increasing and the social conditions of the family are getting more prosperous.
SEJARAH RUMAH ADAT KARO DI DESA DOKAN KECAMATAN MEREK KABUPATEN KARO Hafnita Sari Dewi Lubis; Pristi Suhendro Lukitoyo; Dandi Arihta Sitepu; Prisai Mono Putra Tarigan; Fitria Rizki Aulia
Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Puteri Hijau: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah
Publisher : Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ph.v8i1.44289


Abstract The purpose of this research is to know the history of the establishment of the Karo traditional house in Dokan village, Brand district. Another goal is to see the legacy of the oldest traditional building in the Karo community in Dokan village, and to see how the condition of the building is now. Here the research also finds out whether there is still a role for the government and the community in the preservation of the Karo traditional house which is located in the village of Dokan. In obtaining the data, the researcher used field research and library research, namely by looking directly at the physical condition of the Karo traditional house located in the Dokan cultural village. It turns out that the Karo traditional house in Dokan village is still occupied by several families, one of which is Mr. Sitepu's family, they are also still preserving the Karo cultural musical instruments and even making them themselves. This traditional house in Dokan village is called the traditional house (Siwaluh Jabu) Eight Families which when we went directly to the location it was only occupied by four families. The results of our research are knowing the history of the Karo traditional house located in Dokan village and the Karo cooking utensils which are still used today. From this research, we also know how the government's role in preserving the Karo traditional house is located in the Dokan cultural village.