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EFFECTS OF VITAMIN C IN HIGH-ENERGY FEEDS ON GROWTH AND SURVIVAL RATE OF TIGER GROUPER SEEDS (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) Pinandoyo, Pinandoyo; Hutabarat, Johannes; Nugroho, Ristiawan Agung; Herawati, Vivi Endar
AQUASAINS Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Perikanan dan Kelautan

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This research was aimed to study the effect of vitamin C on diets with low protein and high energy content on growth and survival rate of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) juveniles. It is also to know the dose or the best level concentration of vitamin C on growth and survival rate of tiger grouper (E. fuscoguttatus) juveniles. Tiger Grouper juveniles of 0,77+0,07 g initial body weight were reared in aquarium 60 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm with 7 ind. / 35 L. Artificial feed were fed in at satiation. The juveniles were fed dry pellet diets which containing 40% protein and 20% lipid in different levels of vitamin C (Ascorbate-2-Sulfate):0 mg/kg, 75 mg/kg, 150 mg/kg, 225 mg/kg. The experimental laboratoris method was conducted using Completely Randomized Design with three replicate for each treatment. The result of the experiment showed that there was a very significant effect of treatments on the SGR (Spesific Growth Rate), FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio), PER (Protein Efficiency Ratio), SR (Survival Rate) of tiger grouper (E. fuscoguttatus) juveniles (P < 0,01). That values more higher after added vitamin C (Ascorbate-2-Sulfate). Best treatment was obtained at supplementation vitamin C of 150 mg/kg. On the other hand be lower at highest dose on treatment D (225 mg/kg). Its indicated that vitamin C can improve and give better on growth and survival rate. The optimum condition of water quality also have been led to significant improvement in growth and survival rate
Tepung Fermentasi Kedelai Sebagai Pengganti Tepung Ikan dalam Pakan Buatan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) Pinandoyo, Pinandoyo; Susilowati, Titik; Herawati, Vivi Endar; Budiati, Heri
AQUASAINS Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Perikanan dan Kelautan

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Growth and survival rate of shrimp affected by feed and water quality factor. Artificial diets is one alternative to improve the growth and survival rate of tiger shrimp. The study aims to determine the effect of substitution of the use of fish Flour with fermented soy flour againts growth and survival rate of tiger shrimp and determine the best treatment that can enhance growth and survival of shrimp.              This research used experimental methode with  completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that feeding treatment with different compositions will provide significant effect (P <0.05) on the growth and influence of absolute biomass are significantly different (P <0.01) the daily growth rate, but not significantly different at survival. Absolute biomass growth on treatment B hasi best provide for (2422.33 mg) and a row followed by treatment C (2225.87 mg), A (2108.07 mg) and D (1348 mg). The best daily growth were  treatment B (8.15% / day), C (7.91% / day), A (7.82% / day) and D (6.64% / day). Percentage survival of C (72%), B (70%), D (69.33%) and A (64.67%). The results of measurements of water quality parameters as maintenance medium for research is still in a decent range for maintenance of tiger shrimp.
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 4, Nomor 1, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) adalah ikan air tawar yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi dan banyak dibudidayakan, namun pembudidaya sering  mengalami kendala harga pakan yang tinggi karena bahan baku seperti tepung ikan masih diimpor. Pakan ikan nila diimpor dengan harga beli pakan yang cukup tinggi sehingga menyebabkan biaya produksi menjadi tinggi. Salah satu upaya mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap penggunaan tepung ikan adalah dengan menggunakan sumber protein dari ikan rucah seperti ikan petek untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi ikan nila.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung ikan petek dengan dosis yang berbeda pada pakan buatan terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan ikan nila strain larasati (O. niloticus) dan mengetahui perlakuan terbaik dengan penambahan tepung ikan petek dalam pakan buatan yang memberikan pengaruh nilai RGR, EPP, PER, dan SR. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19 Juli - 29 Agustus 2014 di Balai Benih Ikan Siwarak, Semarang. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL)  yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Ikan nila diberi pakan buatan dengan penambahan tepung ikan petek dengan dosis berbeda (39%; 42%; 45%; dan 48%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tepung ikan petek pada perlakuan D (48%) berpengaruh terhadap nilai RGR, EPP, PER, memberikan kelulushidupan sebesar 96,67%. Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a freshwater fish that has a high economic value and is widely cultivated, but farmers often have difficulty high feed prices for raw materials such as fish meal is imported. Tilapia fish feed imported for a purchase price of feed that is high enough to cause high production costs. One effort to reduce dependence on the use of fish meal is use one of protein sources from trash fish of Leioghnatus equulus that meets the nutritional needs of Tilapia fish.This study aimed to determine the effect of fish meal petek with different doses on artificial feed on the growth and survival of tilapia strains larasati (O. niloticus) and determine treatment with the addition of Leioghnatus equulus fishmeal in artificial feed on the best value of RGR value, FE, PER. This study was conducted on 19 July to 29 August 2014 Fish Seed Center Siwarak, Semarang. The research method is a method of experiment with a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 4 treatments and 3 replications. Tilapia fed the artificial with the addition of Leioghnatus equulus fishmeal with different doses (39%; 42%; 45%; and 48%). Based on the results of this study concluded that fish meal of Leioghnatus equulus at dose 48% in the diet affects the value of RGR, EPP, PER, the seed of tilapia (O. niloticus).
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.479 KB)


Pemberian berbagai jenis pakan segar terhadap kepiting bakau cangkang lunak diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan kepiting bakau cangkang lunak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian berbagai jenis pakan segar terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) cangkang lunak, mengetahui jenis pakan segar terbaik serta jenis pakan segar yang dapat mempercepat proses molting. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan A (ikan petek), B (keong mas), C (usus ayam). Metode popeye diterapkan pada hewan uji. Bobot awal rata-rata 70,83±0,57 g/ekor. Kepiting dipelihara didalam basket berisi satu ekor kepiting. Pengamatan berakhir ketika kepiting mengalami molting. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian tiga jenis pakan berbeda berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap laju pertumbuhan relatif (RGR), efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan (EPP), protein efisiensi rasio (PER). Tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap tingkat kelulushidupan. Hasil pengukuran menunjukan bahwa kepiting yang diberi pakan B (keong mas) menghasilkan nilai paling tinggi yaitu pada nilai RGR sebesar (3.13±0,18%/hari), EPP sebesar (14,26±1,30%), PER sebesar (0.24±0,02%). Perlakuan A (Ikan petek) dan B (keong mas) lebih cepat mengalami molting, secara umum kepiting molting terjadi pada pukul 21.00–00.00 berjumlah berkisar  2 – 8 ekor/hari. Kualitas air masih dalam nilai kelayakan untuk budidaya kepiting bakau cangkang lunak. Various types of fresh feed to soft shell mud crab is expected to increase a growth of soft shell  crab. The aims of this research was to determine the effect of various types fresh feed to growth and survival of  soft shell crab (Scylla serrata)  to determine the best types of fresh feed, and to determine the best fresh feed to moulting process. The research was done by experimental method used completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. Treatment A (Leiognathus splendens Cuv), B (snails), C (chicken intestines). Mangrove crab that be used popeye methode was applied in. The early weight is approximately 70.83±0.57g/for each crab. Crabs were cultured in baskets which size of 25 x 16 x 15 cm. The results showed that a giving of various types feed had a significant effect (P<0,05) to relative growth rate (RGR), efficiency of feed utilization (EPP), and protein efficiency ratio (PER), but had no significant effect (P>0,05) to survival rate. The result showed that crab which was given feed B (snail) had the highest value in RGR (3.13±0,18%/day), EPP (14.26±1,30%), and PER (0.24±0,02%). Moulting process a was faster in treatment A. Generaly the moulting time occurred at 21.00-00 o’clock for 2-8 crabs/day. Water quality value was capable for shoft shell mud crab culture.
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Budidaya lele Sangkuriang memerlukan nutrisi yang berasal dari pakan buatan.  Pakan yang dikonsumsi ikan hendaknya memiliki nutrien yang mudah dicerna dan diserap dengan baik oleh ikan, sehingga pakan tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal.  Penambahan enzim pada pakan buatan dilakukan untuk dapat memanfaatkan protein secara maksimal untuk pertumbuhan kultivan.  Enzim papain merupakan enzim protease yang mampu meningkatkan penyerapan protein pakan yang dikonsumsi oleh ikan, sehingga meningkatkan pemanfaatan protein pakan oleh tubuh.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan enzim papain dalam pakan buatan dan mengetahui dosis enzim papain yang optimal dalam pakan buatan terhadap pertumbuhan ikan lele Sangkuriang (C. gariepinus).  Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah benih ikan lele Sangkuriang dengan bobot rata-rata 1,38±0,24 g.ekor-1 dan padat tebar 1 ekor.l-1.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini: perlakuan A (tanpa enzim papain), B (enzim papain dengan dosis 1,125%), C (enzim papain dengan dosis 2,25%), dan D (enzim papain dengan dosis 3,375%).  Data yang diamati meliputi laju pertumbuhan relatif (RGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan (EPP), kelulushidupan (SR), dan kualitas air.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan enzim papain dalam pakan buatan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap RGR, PER dan EPP namun tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) terhadap SR. Dosis optimal enzim papain sebesar 2,53% pada pakan buatan mampu menghasilkan laju pertumbuhan relatif maksimal sebesar 5,05%/hari untuk ikan lele Sangkuriang (C. gariepinus).  Kualitas air pada media pemeliharaan terdapat pada kisaran yang layak untuk budidaya ikan lele Sangkuriang. The catfish culture needs nutrients which derived from an artificial diet.  Feed consumed fish should have nutrients that are easily digested and absorbed by fish, so that the feed can be used optimally. Additional enzymes in the feed to maximize protein utilization by cultivan.  Papain enzyme is a protease enzyme that can enhance absorption of protein in the fish since the feed is consumed so that the utilization of protein is increased on the body.  The aim of this study to determine the effect of addition the papain enzyme in artificial diet againts the growth of the catfish (C. gariepinus) and for to knows the optimal dose of papain enzyme in artificial diets againts the growth of the catfish (C. gariepinus).  The fish samples which are used are the seed of the catfish which have average of weight, 1.38 ± 0.24 and stocking density 1 fish.l-1.  The study was carried out experimentally by using a completely randomized design (CRD) of 4 treatments and 3 replications.  The treatments in this research were treatment A (without papain enzyme), B (papain enzyme with a dose of 1.125%), C (papain enzyme with a dose of 2.25%), and D (papain enzyme with a dose of 3.375%).  The data observed were relative growth rate (RGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), efficiency of feed utilization (EPP), survival rate (SR), and water quality.  The results showed that the use of the papain enzyme significantly (P <0.05) of the RGR, PER and EPP but not significantly different (P> 0.05) to SR.  Optimal dose of 2.53% papain enzyme on artificial feed is able to produce maximum relative growth rate of 5.05%/day for catfish (C. gariepinus).  Water quality in the maintenance medium contained in a decent range for  farming catfish.
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 4, Nomor 1, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Pemanfaatan protein dalam pakan merupakan salah satu masalah dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan nila hitam yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan pertumbuhan. Penambahan enzim papain pada pakan dilakukan untuk dapat memanfaatkan protein secara maksimal dan lebih optimal pada kultivan. Papain merupakan enzim protease  yang mampu menghidrolisis protein menjadi unsur-unsur yang lebih sederhana yaitu peptida hingga asam amino, sehingga meningkatkan pemanfaatan protein pakan oleh tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan enzim papain dalam pakan buatan serta dosis enzim papain yang optimal terhadap performa pertumbuhan benih ikan nila hitam (O. niloticus Bleeker). Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah benih nila hitam dengan bobot rata-rata 2,49±0,25 gr.ekor-1 dan padat tebar 1 ekor.L-1. Pemberian pakan 3 kali sehari pada pukul 08.00, 12.00, dan 16.00 secara at satiation. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan A (0% papain), perlakuan B (1,125% papain), perlakuan C (2,25% papain) dan perlakuan D (3,375% papain). Variabel yang diamati adalah laju pertumbuhan relatif, protein efisiensi rasio, efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan, kelulushidupan dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  penambahan enzim papain dalam pakan buatan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan relatif, protein efisiensi rasio, efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan dan tidak berpengaruh (P>0,05) terhadap kelulushidupan. Dosis papain: 2,38%, 2,34%, 2,33%, 2,72% mampu menghasilkan laju pertumbuhan relatif, protein efisiensi rasio, efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan dan net protein utilization optimal masing-masing sebesar 1,84%/hari, 2,38%, 71,6%, 0,804% untuk benih nila hitam. Kualitas air selama penelitian masih berada dalam kisaran yang layak untuk media budidaya ikan nila hitam. Utilization of protein in a feed is one of the problems in the black tilapia aquaculture that are closely related to the growth. The addition of the papain enzyme in the feed is used  to get a full advantage from protein maximally and more optimally for the kultivan. Papain is a protease enzyme that is able hydrolyze a proteins into simpler elements like peptides to amino acids, so it can be increase the utilization of protein in feed by the body. The purpose of this  research were to determine the effect of addition  papain enzyme in artificial feed and to determine the optimal dose of papain enzyme to growth performance of black tilapia seed (O. niloticus Bleeker). Test fish used black tilapia seed with weight approximately 2.49±0.25 and stock density 1 fish. L-1. Feeding was done in 3 times a day at 08:00, 12:00, and 16:00 in at satiation method. The research used experimental method by completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment A (0% papain), treatment B (1.125% papain), treatment C (2.25% papain) and treatment D (3.375% papain). The observed variables were relative growth rate, protein efficiency ratio, efficiency of feed utilization, survival rate and water quality. The results showed that the addition of papain enzyme in artificial feed gave a significant effect (P<0.05) to increase the relative growth, protein efficiency ratio, feed utilization efficiency and had no effect (P>0.05) on survival rate. The dose of papain which was obtained is: 2.38%, 2.34%, 2.33%, 2.72% capable to produce relative growth rate, efficiency ratio, efficiency feed utilization and net protein utilization optimal 1.84%/day, 2.38%, 71,6%, 0,804% for the black tilapia. Water quality during the research is still in a decent range for a medium black tilapia fish aquaculture.
Pengaruh Perbedaan Strain Tilapia F5 (Larasati, Merah, Hitam) Yang Diberi Pakan Dengan Nilai E/P 10,96 Kkal/G Protein Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Kelulushidupan Vardian, Ahmad Kurnia; Subandiyono, Subandiyono; Pinandoyo, Pinandoyo
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Vol 2, No 4 (2013) : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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The raising of needs of this fish followed by the increasing in quality of tilapia larval has resulted three hybrid tilapia fish strains. The differences in starins could change the nutritional requirement of those new strains. Because of that, appropriate commercial food was needed in order to maximize its growth. The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) strains on the response to the growth, survival rate and food conversion ratio on strains of tilapia seeds which was fed with 10,96 Kcal/gram protein foods. The purpose of this study was to give significant information about applying high quality tilapia fish strains and appropriate food in cultivating tilapia fish. The method used was completely randomized design with three treatments and four replicates, where the A treatment was Larasati strain fed on dietary E/P 10.96 kkcal/g protein; B treatment was the Red strain fed on dietary E/P 10.96 kkcal/g protein; and C treatment was the Black strain fed on dietary E/P 10.96 kkcal/g protein. The material used was 3 strains of tilapia which is Larasati, the Red and the Black. The result of the research showed that different strains of tilapia was significant effect to weight gain and long, but is not effect to efficiency feed utilization but and survival rate (P>0,05). The highest weight growth was found on Larasati strain which was (28,70±0,51%/day) of average weight growth, while the highest length growth was on Black strain which was (1,29±0,05%/day). The result rate was efficiency feed utilization (0.712±0.01% - 0.665±0,05%). The result for survival rate was (90,45±1,05 - 89,45±0,34). It was suggested The Effect of Differences F5-Tilapia Strain (Larasati, Red, Black) Fed on Dietary E/P 10,96 kcal/g Protein on its Growth and Survivors was able to significant effect RGRW and RGRLvalue.
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 4, Nomor 3, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Ikan  mas (Cyprinus carpio) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan tawar yang bernilai ekonomis penting, ikan ini tergolong ikan omnivora. Protein merupakan kunci yang diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan ikan mas. Pemberian protein yang cukup dalam pakan perlu dilakukan agar pakan tersebut dapat diubah menjadi protein tubuh secara efisien. Kadar protein dan rasio protein terhadap energi pakan harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan ikan agar pakan buatan dapat efisien dan memberikan pertumbuhan yang optimal.Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah ikan mas dengan bobot rata-rata 1,38±0,11 g.ekor-1 dan padat tebar 1 ekor.l-1. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini: perlakuan A (kadar protein 27%), B (kadar protein 30%), C (kadar protein 33%) dan D (kadar protein 36%) dengan nilai E/P setiap perlakuan sebesar 9 kkal/g protein. Data yang diamati meliputi laju pertumbuhan relatif (RGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan (EPP), tingkat konsumsi pakan (TKP), kelulushidupan (SR), dan kualitas air.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan kadar protein dalam pakan buatan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap RGR, PER dan EPP namun tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap SR dan TKP. Persentase optimal yang dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan mas yaitu pakan buatan dengan kadar protein 30% pada pakan buatan mampu menghasilkan 1,87% untuk RGR. Kualitas air pada media pemeliharaan terdapat pada kisaran yang layak untuk budidaya ikan mas. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of fresh water fish which have an important economics value, carp is an omnivora. Protein is the key which is needed for growth. Protein enough in fish feed can changed to be body protein eficiently. The stadia and size of fish determined the amount of dietary protein and energy required in diets.The fish samples which were used in this experiment are the seed of the carp which had average of weight, 1.38 ± 0.11 and stocking density 1 fish.l-1. The study was carried out experimentally by using a completely randomized design (CRD) of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments in this research were treatment A (27% of protein), B (30% of protein), C (33% of protein), and D (36% of protein)with value of E/P is 9 kkal/g protein each treatment. The data observed were relative growth rate (RGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), efficiency of feed utilization (EPP), feed consumption rate (FCR), survival rate (SR), and water quality.The results showed that the different of protein was significantly (P <0.05) of the RGR, PER and EPP but not significantly different (P> 0.05) to FCR and SR. Optimal percentage that can increase the growth of channel catfish the optimal is 30% of protein in the feed is able to produce 1.87% for RGR. Water quality in the maintenance medium contained in a decent range for  farming carp.
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.317 KB)


Pakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menunjang perkembangan budidaya udang windu. Pakan yang sesuai dengan tingkat kebutuhan nutrisi dapat mendukung pertumbuhan optimum udang. Rumput Laut coklat (Sargassum sp.) memiliki peran sebagai imunostimulan yang terbukti berpengaruh terhadap respon non spesifik pada sistem imun beberapa jenis ikan dan udang, sehingga membantu melancarkan daya cerna pakan yang dikonsumsi oleh tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan tepung rumput laut coklat (Sargassum sp.) dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan juvenil udang windu (Penaeus monodon). Variabel yang dikaji meliputi nilai tingkat konsumsi pakan (TKP), laju pertumbuhan relatif (RGR), Efisiensi Pemanfaatan Pakan (EPP), Protein Efisiensi Rasio (PER), dan kelulushidupan (SR). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yaitu perlakuan A (tepung  rumput laut coklat dosis 0%), B (tepung rumput laut coklat dosis 1%), dan C (tepung rumput laut coklat dosis 2%), D (tepung rumput laut coklat dosis 3%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan penambahan tepung rumput laut memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap RGR, EPP, dan PER namun tidak berpengaruh nyata  (P>0,05) terhadap SR. Persentase dosis optimal yang dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan udang windu yaitu 2,48% pada pakan buatan mampu menghasilkan 4,05% untuk RGR. Kualitas air pada media pemeliharaan terdapat pada kisaran yang layak untuk budidaya udang windu. Feed is one of the factors that can support the development of tiger shrimp culture. Food that is in accordance with the level of nutritional needs to support optimum growth of shrimp. Brown Seaweed (Sargassum sp.) Has a proven role as an immunostimulatory effect on non-specific response of the immune system of some species of fish and shrimp, so that helped launch the digestibility of feed consumed by the body. This study aimed to examine the effect of adding flour brown seaweed (Sargassum sp.) In diets on the growth and survival of juvenile tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Variables examined include the value of the  feed consumption rate (TKP), relative growth rate (RGR), Feed Utilization Efficiency (EPP), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), and survival rate (SR). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications ie treatment A (brown seaweed powder dose 0%), B (brown seaweed powder dose of 1%), and C (brown seaweed powder dose of 2%) , D (brown seaweed powder dose of 3%). The results showed that the addition of flour seaweed treatment effect (P <0.05) on RGR, EPP, and PER but not significant (P> 0.05) to SR. Optimal percentage dose that 2.48% on the artificial diet capable of producing 4.05%  for RGR. Water quality in the maintenance medium contained in a decent range for tiger shrimp.
PENGARUH DOSIS PEMBERIAN PAKAN BUATAN YANG BERBEDA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN JUVENIL KERAPU MACAN (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) Haryanto, Prasdicko; Pinandoyo, -; Ariyati, Restiana Wisnu
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 3, Nomor 4, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

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Manajemen pemberian pakan adalah suatu usaha untuk memaksimalkan pemanfaatan pakan untuk pertumbuhan. Pakan merupakan salah satu komponen dalam budidaya ikan yang sangat besar peranannya, baik itu berfungsi sebagai penentu pertumbuhan ikan dan juga sebagian besar biaya produksi pada ikan adalah biaya pakan. Pemberian pakan yang diberikan dalam Dosis yang optimum akan diperoleh efisiensi pakan yang optimal dan menekan penurunan kualitas lingkungan budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh dosis pemberian pakan buatan terhadap pertumbuhan juvenil kerapu macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus). Metode penelitian ini adalah metode eksprimental, menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 taraf perlakuan dan 3 pengulangan per perlakuan. Perlakuan yang diujikan adalah dosis pemberian pakan 3%(A), 5%(B), 7%(C) dan 9%(D) dari biomassa ikan dengan frekuensi pemberian pakan sebanyak 3 kali sehari (08.00, 12.00 dan 16.00). Ikan uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah juvenil kerapu macan yang berukuran 4-5cm.  Benih tersebut dipelihara dalam wadah pemeliharaan berukuran 20 liter dengan kepadatan 10 ekor/wadah. Masa pemeliharaan juvenil kerapu macan adalah 28 hari. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa dosis pemberian pakan berpengaruh nyata terhadap efisiensi pemberian pakan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik dan rasio efisiensi protein, tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kelulushidupan. Dosis pemberian pakan 7% dari bobot biomassa ikan memberikan nilai terbaik pada efisiensi pemberian pakan sebesar (64,51%) dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik (1,30% berat tubuh per hari). Nilai rasio efisiensi protein berkisar 1,05-1,43% dan nilai kelulushidupan 100% pada semua perlakuan. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemberian pakan dengan dosis 7% dari bobot biomassa perhari dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan efisiensi dalam penggunaan pakan bagi juvenil kerapu macan. Feeding management was an effort to optimize the utilization of feed given for growth. The feeding given like a optimum dose will be obtained geting optimal feed efficiency and suppress the cultivation of environmental degradation. This method could be applied by managing feeding frequencies  The purpose of this study was to find the effects of feeding dose on the growth of juveniles tiger grouper. This study was an experimental method.  The design of the experiment was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replicates. The treatments were feeding dose 3%(A), 5%(B), 7%(C) and 9%(D) of the weight of biomass, frequency of feeding the times a day (08:00, 12:00 and 16:00). The samples of fish used were juvenile tiger grouper measuring 4-5 cm. The fish were treated in containe-sized 20 liters with a density of 10 fish/containe. The observation was done for 28 days. This study showed that various feeding dose significantly affected on the feed utility efficiency, spesific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio  but not significantly affected on the survival rate. Feeding dose 7%  of the weight of biomass resulted on the best value of feed utility efficiency (64,51%) and spesific growth rate ((1,30% per day) of the fish. The values of protein efficiency ratio 1,05-1,43% and survival rate 100% of the fish. It was concluded that feeding dose 7% of the weight of biomass a day could increase the growth of the tiger grouper juveniles.