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MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 34, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v34i1.182


Abstract: Contextualization of Comprehending Prophetic Traditions (hadîth). Prophetic traditions (hadîth) which is considered as the second source of guidance for the Muslim’s way of life, also functions as explanatory injunction of the messages inherent in the Qur’an which render infinite or global meanings. The author argues that due to its detailed and operative character in explaining the meaning of the Qur’an so that it can be applied in the real life in accordance with time and space, hadîth has often been misunderstood without considering the context of the ever-developing life. In the present essay, the writer attempts to analyze contextual theory as an alternative theory in semantics that can be implemented in understanding the prophetic tradition. Kata Kunci: matan, dalâlah, pemahaman hadis
istinbath Vol 20 No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

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Penelitian ini mengkaji “Dinamika Manhâj Tarjih Muhammadiyah dalam Merespons Masalah Hukum”. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu historis dan sosiologis. Berdasarkan data yang ada, disimpulkan bahwa manhâj Tarjih Muhammadiyah mengalami evolusi. Perkembangan dan perubahan sosial membuat Majelis Tarjih dituntut untuk terus menerus melakukan rekonstruksi manhâj untuk mengantisipasi berbagai persoalan yang muncul. Pada awal pembentukannya (1928-1954), manhâj tarjih bersifat monodisiplin yaitu mengembalikan persoalan kepada ajaran wahyu (ketentuan Alqur’an dan al-Sunnah al-Shahihah). Lalu, pada 1954-1986, manhâj tarjih bersifat monodisiplin-paratekstual dengan menggunakan sejumlah metode, seperti: ijmâ`, qiyâs, maslahat mursalah, sadd al-zaî`ah, dan `urf. Kemudian, pada 2000- 2018, manhâj tarjih bercorak multidisiplin, baik dari aspek metode, pendekatan dan juga teknik. Bahkan dikembangkan dengan dua asumsi yakni integralistik dan hierarkhis yang terdiri dari qiyam al-asâsiyah, al-ussl al-kulliyah dan al-ahkâm al-furs’iyyah. Rumusan manhâj tarjih dalam setiap episode dengan parameter tantangan, berbagai konteks dan juga keragaman latar belakang aktor yang duduk di dalamnya, telah melahirkan ciri-ciri manhâj tertentu. Hal ini tidak lepas dari semangat tajdid agar ajaran Islam tetap relevan, dan adaptif dalam konteks kekinian.
Analytic Review on Theory of Living Hadith Nawir Yuslem; Sulidar Sulidar; Ahmad Faisal
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v3i2.1017


This study aims to review the theory of living hadith. Every time there must be a variety of science, art and views. Every pious at the present time the birth of a number of thoughts, schools of thought, views and knowledge in various sharia magazines, history, politics, economics, social and others. The majority of these sciences are sourced from non-Muslims, and do not rely on religious scales. The theory of living hadith is now open, because there are no restrictions, no conditions for commentators or syāriḥ al-ṣadīṣ. Any interpretation by anyone is considered valid. The interpreter in this case is free to anyone without the conditions of the interpreter and without signs, including all verses and Hadith, including verses and traditions about faith and worship. This view, value-free and contextual without limits will exceed the value of faith.
Journal Analytica Islamica Analytica Islamica | Vol. 3 | No. 2 | 2014
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sumatera Utara

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Dalam  status  Hadis  Nabi  SAW  sebagai  sumber  hukum  dan  sumber  ajaran  Islamyang mendampingi   Alquran  yang  proses  penyampaiannya   telah  sempuma   dan  berakhir dengan wafatnya Nabi Muhammad  SAW, sehingga karenanya hukum-hukum  yang dikandungnya  terkait  erat dengan  permasalahan  yang ada pada  masa  itu, terutama  ketika Hadis    tersebut     menjalankan     fungsinya    sebagai    bayan    terhadap     Alquran     yang menjadikan    kandungannya     lebih   bersifat    rinci   dan   operasional.     Sifat   rinci   dan operasional    tersebut    sangat   terkait   dengan   ruang,   waktu   dan   kasus   tertentu.   Oleh karenanya,   untuk   memahami    Hadis,   terutama   dalam   rangka   menjadikannya    sebagai sumber  ajaran di dalam  kehidupan  modern  ini, haruslah  dikaitkan  dengan  konteks  Hadis tersebut datang (asbab  wurudnya),   sehingga penelantaran  terhadap  Hadis, atau bahkan pengingkaran terhadap  Hadis karena kandungannya tidak relevan lagi dengan kehidupan  global  ini, tidak terjadi  dalam kehidupan  ummat  Islam.  Artikel ini mengulas tentang kontekstualisasi dalam paktek keagmaan masyarakat global
AT-TAFAHUM: Journal of Islamic Law Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN SU

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This research aims to describe the discussion which is formulated in three questions, namely: 1. How is the implementation of Qanun sanctions against the acts of the Khamar, Maisir, Khalwat, and Adultery pidan? 2. How is the implementation of socialization and implementation of Qanun sanctions number 6 of 2014 in the City of Subulussalam? 3. What is the impact on the behavior of Subulussalam City community after the imposition of Qanun sanction number 6 of 2014? This type of research is included in a qualitative descriptive  study  using  the  Statute  Approach  (statutory  approach).  Data sources from this study were divided into two sources namely primary data sources obtained from interviews with several informants in the field. And Secondary data sources namely data sources obtained through literature study include books, archives, and regulations that are arranged systematically.  In general, this study found that Qanun sanction number 6 of 2014 concerning the criminal acts of Khamar, Maisir, Seclusion, and Adultery was already good by regulation. Seen from the rules and sanctions that are complete, as well as the implementation. However, the implementation is still very lacking. This is evidenced by the large number of cases that are not handled. Likewise, the community's knowledge and awareness about qanun sanctions is also very weak, this is caused by the lack of socialization conducted by the Ulama Consultative Council (MPU), Islamic Sharia Service (DSI), SATPOL-PP and WH. As a result, the Jinayat Qanun sanction No. 6 of 2014 did not have an impact on the behavior of the people of Subulussalam City (ineffective).  Keywords: Effectiveness, Qanun Sanction, Impact, Behavior.
Understanding The Rukyatu Al-Hilāl Hadith: Case Study in Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, South Aceh Regency Nawir Yuslem; Sulidar Sulidar; Muliadi A.
Al-Bukhari : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/al-bukhari.v5i1.3295


This paper discusses how the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School understands the hadiths of Rukyatu al-Hilāl and the practice of Rukyatu al-Hilāl in the field using a thematic hadith approach. The author traces the hadiths about Rukyatu al-Hilāl and there are several versions. This article discusses, How is the understanding of the hadiths of Rukyatu al-Hilāl? What is the reason that the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School in South Aceh did not follow the decision of the Government about Itsbāt? How Rukyatu al-Hilāl in Darussalam Islamic Boarding School is practiced. The results showed that the understanding of the traditions of Rukyatu al-Hilāl according to the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, was first understood by the al-Quran approach, the second understood by the thematic hadith approach, and the third understood by the atsar.
Productive Waqf with Money (Cash Waqf) in the View of the Acehnese Dayah Scholars Anwar Anwar; Nawir Yuslem; Syafruddin Syam
Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum Vol 21, No 2 (2022): PENA JUSTISIA
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.474 KB) | DOI: 10.31941/pj.v21i2.2416


This study focuses on exploring the views of the dayah scholars in Aceh and the dynamics behind their different views on cash waqf which are becoming popular in Indonesian society. Designed in the form of a qualitative research, research data were collected through in-depth interviews with 8 prominent dayah scholars in Aceh, who were selected purposively. The eight scholars who were used as key informants for this research were charismatic scholars who were always used by the people of Aceh as the mecca of legal fatwas. Data were also collected through repeated observations to research sites and document studies related to the topic being researched. The results of the study show that the dayah scholars in Aceh have different views in executing the law allowing cash waqf. This difference occurs because each scholar has a different perspective in understanding the source of waqf law, both in terms of text and context. In the end, this study argues that the view of the dayah scholars regarding cash waqf which has been very textual in nature, must be shifted to contextual, so that the implementation of cash waqf is carried out properly as an effort to improve the welfare of the Acehnese people.
Kesuksesan Manajemen Komunikasi dan Psikologi Nabi Muhammad SAW Dalam Mengatasi Masalah Keluarga Sulidar Sulidar; Nawir Yuslem; Fadhilah Is; Uqbatul Khoir Rambe; T. Wildan
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 6, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v6i3.5490


The Success of Prophet Muhammad SAW Communication Management and Psychology in Overcoming Family ProblemsThis study discusses communication management and the psychology of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in overcoming family problems with a transdisciplinary approach. The research method is content analysis, which describes quantitatively, objectively, and systematically the contents of a communication. This research accumulates 7 primary and 6 secondary hadiths from Hadith literature references. The qualities of these hadiths are authentic, hasan and daif. There were 7 incidents of bullying, namely, First, Aisyah called Shafiyyah a Jew; Second, Aisyah insulted Shafiyyah's physique; Third, Hafshah called Shafiyah a Jew; Fourth, the Prophet's wives bullied Shafiyah because they were considered to have made an effort to create a self-image; Fifth, Aisyah again mentions the Jewish Shafiyah; Sixth, Aisyah bullied Khadijah as an older woman; Seventh, Zainab calls Shafiyyah a Jew. The Prophet's governance in this problem was with smiles, affectionate touches, close calls, dialogue, advice, reprimands, determining cases fairly, and breaking off interactions within a certain period. Research findings: The Prophet's problem-solving success was due to the Prophet's expertise in communication management and psychology. There are 6 principles of communication that the Prophet applied when interacting with his wives, namely qaulan ma'rufan (good rhetoric), qaulan sadīdan (correct), qaulan maysūran (easy to understand), qaulan karīman (respect the interlocutor), qaulan balīghan (practical), and qaulan layyinan (polite). In a psychological approach, the Prophet applied love language (words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, receiving gifts) to his family to build an everlasting love bond. When problems arose, the Prophet tried to solve them with psychodynamic, behavioristic, gestalt, counseling, and religious approaches. This proves that the Prophet is a role model in household management for humans
Perkembangan Studi Hadis: Telaah dan Pemetaan Kajian Hadis Pada UIN Sumatera Utara Nawir Yuslem; Ardiansyah Ardiansyah; Juriono Juriono; Uqbatul Khoir Rambe; Ismail Fahmi Arrauf Nasution
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 6, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v6i3.3865


Development of Hadith Studies: Study and Mapping of Hadith Studies at UIN North SumatraThis study aims to analyze the development of the analysis of hadith studies at UIN North Sumatra, were in its development, the study of hadith science is assumed to be in a good story, where there are only hadith study programs at the doctoral level in Indonesia; this research wants to measure how far UIN North Sumatra is in developing scientific studies hadith, how it is implemented as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors of its development. The methodology in this research is field research using an evaluation research approach, namely to design, refine, and test the implementation of a program and provide information related to educational programs that have been implemented in an institution. The procedure to be carried out in this evaluation research is to prepare an evaluation plan, verify data, analyze data and interpretation and draw conclusions. The findings of this study reveal that with limited human resources, facilities, and infrastructure, the study of hadith at UIN North Sumatra can be said to be developing rapidly and has contributed to the development of the study of hadith in North Sumatra in particular and Indonesia in general.
Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum Vol 22, No 2 (2023): PENA JUSTISIA
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/pj.v22i2.3886


The concept of a sakinah family is a conception offered by Muhammadiyah as a solution to form an ideal family in accordance with Islamic law. The concept of a sakinah family indirectly supports the development of government legal policies in an effort to build a more harmonious and prosperous Indonesian family. This study aims to analyze the application of the sakinah family conception to the Muhammadiyah family in Medan City. This research is an empirical legal research with descriptive qualitative data analysis. Primary data were obtained from interviews and secondary data in this study included laws and regulations, the Fatwa of the Tarjih Council, as well as relevant books and journal articles. The results of the study confirm that the implementation of the sakinah family conception is carried out by focusing on the implementation of the three main functions of the family, namely on the religious aspects, affection and legal protection. Even though it has been implemented, the implementation of the Muhammadiyah/Aisyiyah organization in Medan City can be said to be not optimal because there is no comprehensive understanding due to the lack of optimal socialization related to the conception of the sakinah family to Muhammadiyah/Aisyiyah members in Medan City. The contribution and active participation of Muhammadiyah/Aisyiyah members in Medan City is the most important element as emphasized by Chambliss and Seidman that the implementation of law is influenced by non-legal aspects which in this context, religious (religious) aspects occupy an important aspect in realizing family development through the application of the family conception. sakinah proclaimed by Muhammadiyah.