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Akademika Vol 11, No 01 (2017): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v11i01.160


Some people of Indonesian moeslem there are wanting to change Indonesian Democration System tobe Islamic State Or Khilafah system. We should know whether there is any concept of Islamic state in the al-Qur’an or al-Hadith literature? As far as I know in the holy Qur’an and al-Hadith point us that There is no such concept of Islamic state. Although, after our prophet Muhammad Saw died, people of Muslems was confusing at looking for a leader continue  leadership in Islam, Our prophet Muhammad Saw gave a concept of a society rather than a state and in the al-Qur’an had been explaned ( ‘adil /justice and ihsan). One of state form is like confederacy (in America) but in Indonesia state is ‘teo-demokrasi’ with united identification: (1)The supreme of the central parliament; (2) The absence of subsidiary sovereign bodies; Islamic is away of life (syari’at) there’s no have a permanent concept about state. For example, Khilafah system and etc. Namun, Islamic is integratif totality from “three d” : din (religion/science), daulah (state), and dunya (world). Islamic goverment system is a system that true different with  the goverment system what ever in the world, a special system that unique among all system in the world. The authoritor power in islamic religion is it’s self (khalifah fil ard) and the rule of syariah (al biladu biladullah wal ibadu ibadulloh). So, whoever wants to get happines and welfare (falah) in the world and in here after must be with Islamic from the creator of the world (Allah swt.)
Akad Gadai (Rahn) pada Pembiayaan Syari’ah (Analisis SWOT pada KSPPS Karomah di Pacuh Balongpanggang Gresik) Misbahul Khoir
Akademika Vol 14, No 01 (2020): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v14i01.190


Rahn's financing is the most dominant financing in the Barokah Amanah Family of KSPPS.  From this reason, the authors chose the KSPPS Karomah object in Pacuh village, Balongpangang sub-district, Gresik district to be investigated. The goal of this research is to be able to provide as much detailed and up-to-date information as possible regarding the mechanism of rahn financing using ATM collateral and Savings Books and its contribution both internally to the growth of cooperative, SHU and its benefits for members  and surrounding communities in general. Interestingly, even though KPSPS Karomah was only established in the last two months of 2018, it has member a lot of especially for its rahn financing and has used a very effective online application and facilitates financial management in KSPPS Karomah. This research is a field-based qualitative research by making field data such as interviews, observations and documentation as primary data. By carrying out the process of organizing data, data reduction, data display, analysis and then finding conclusions. From this research is able by found out the mechanism and procedure of disbursement of Rahn contract financing using ATM collateral and savings books at KSPPS Karomah and analyze using SWOT. The results turned out to be very effective and the number of members could quickly multiply and could quickly develop because there was synergy (cohesion of Debtor data) or cooperative members with existing PKH members and BPNT social programs.
Akademika Vol 12, No 02 (2018): Akademika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/adk.v12i02.181


The provision of wages to all employees or workers is very important to prosper the surrounding community. One of them is the tofu factory in the village of Poluju, Baureno sub-district, Bojonegoro regency, which is one of the factories producing tofu from the processed soybean staple. The research problems are how analyze the wage system of tofu factory employees in Poluju village, Baureno sub-district, Bojonegoro regency; what is the analysis of the tofu factory employee wage system viewed from the principle of responsibility in Islamic economics by using descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses Miles and Huberman. In this tofu factory, Mr. Sukanto uses a daily and piece rate system. Where both systems have been running from the founding of the Sukanto tofu factory to the present. In determining the wage, it is known by both parties, namely the employees and manager. In giving the salary, Mr. Sukanto is quite responsible because he has fulfilled several principle  criteria of responsibility in Islamic economics. the principle criteria for responsibility in Islamic economics, are honesty, trustworthy, open to each other, and taking full responsibility for the wages of all employees.
Pengembangan Koperasi melalui Pemantapan Manajemen Berbasis Syariah di KSPPS Keluarga Barokah Amanah (Karomah) Balongpanggang Gresik Misbahul Khoir; Minahul Mubin; Khurun Imroatus Sholihah
TAAWUN Vol. 1 No. 02 (2021): TA'AWUN AUGUST 2021
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al-Fattah Siman Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (641.233 KB) | DOI: 10.37850/taawun.v1i02.199


Cooperatives and Small and Micro Enterprises are one part of the entity that is the pillar of the people's economy. Problems in management at KSPPS Karomah are started from the low human resources and the weak application of discipline, both the discipline of members and managers of KSPPS Karomah. The purpose of this service is to realize the awareness of members to participate in having an active role in two things, namely realizing their roles and responsibilities as members, and for administrators and managers to be able to manage well and be able to provide service schemes with 5 (five) instruments. empowerment in the form of Alms (infaq), Loans, Financing, Savings and Time Investments. The method used for problem solving as the priority problems and urgent needs of cooperatives: Increasing the discipline of members and managers (Organization Stabilization, Management of KSPPS Karomah and Empowerment of Members). The results that can be achieved and the implementation of this service include: Increased management of KSPPS Karamah which is effective, efficient and professional, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), SOM and organizational improvements, Increased network relations between members and administrators, supervisors and employees, Increased business income managed by KSPPS Karamah. The conclusions in this service include: improving database-based services, producing SOPs, SOM, National Service Journal with ISSN, promotion of the Karomah KSPPS Cooperative. Another additional output is the provision of an attendance machine, and a simple Excel application to measure the eligibility of members who apply for Sharia Savings, Loans and Financing at KSPPS Keluarga Barokah Amanah.
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Perempuan Melalui Qardl al-Hasan Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Wanita Maju Jaya Kebalanpelang Babat Lamongan Ahmad Ubaidillah; Misbahul Khoir
JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.84 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jesa.v6i1.123


Abstract: One of the ways to improve women’s economy is cooperatives. The basic objective of women-oriented cooperatives is to empower Indonesian women to contribute to efforts to improve the economic status and welfare of their families. This effort at the same time strengthens the independence of women so that they have strong bargaining power and can make a large contribution to the improvement of the national economy. The role of the qarḍ al-ḥasan contract in the Maju Jaya Women’s Savings and Loan Cooperative, Kebalanpelang Village, Babat Lamongan towards women’s economic empowerment from women’s businesses to create income to support their family's economy. This research is a qualitative research with an investigative pattern in which data and statements are obtained from the results of direct interaction between the researcher and the object under study and the people at the research site. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The data collection techniques used include observation, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that the qarḍ al-ḥasan contract applied in the Maju Jaya Women’s Savings and Loan Cooperative can also improve the quality of women’s economic enterprises for the welfare of women in the village of Kebalanpelang Babat Lamongan. Because with the qarḍ al-ḥasan contract, this is one way to help and ease the burden on women who have businesses in capital problems which aim to increase their business to be better and develop than before, so that by means of increasing their business income they earn them. ownership also automatically increases so that women can help their family’s economy. Keywords: qardl al-hasan; women’s savings and loan cooperatives; income
Etos Kerja Islam Dan Ketahanan Usaha Kerajinan Tangan Ahmad Ubaidillah; Misbahul Khoir
JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.921 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jesa.v4i1.52


The objectives of research include; first, to describe what local Islamic working ethos are as the basis for the resilience of songkok, whip and slap handicraft businesses in Serah Panceng Gresik Village. Second, to describe the resilience of the songkok, whip and slap handicraft business in the village of Serah Panceng Gresik. This study is a qualitative-descriptive study with the aim of understanding the phenomena experienced by the subject of research including behavior, perception, motivation, and action holistically by utilizing various scientific methods. Data collection methods include; Observation, In-depth Interview or Focus Group Discussion, Documentation. Data analysis techniques include: processing and preparing data for analysis, reading the entire data, analyzing in more detail by coding data, considering detailed instructions that can help the coding process, giving descriptions that will be presented in the report, interpreting and interpreting data. The results showed that in Serah Village local Islamic working ethos were preserved by the community, such as alms giving, reading dziba', reading tahlil, attending haul akbar, and reading sholawat together every Friday. Although in the tradition it does not involve songkok, whip, and slap directly, there is a good impact to support the resilience of songkok, but not whip, and slap production. Religious rituals by praying together asking Allah to facilitate and carry out business in production songkok, whip, and slap are an expression of gratitude for what God gave to the people of Serah Village. All economic activity done by Serah community is meant to get God’s willing. Keywords: Islamic Working Ethos, Handicraft Businesses
Mobilisasi Tabungan Antara Keuangan Formal Dan Informal Dalam Sistem Keuangan Syariah Misbahul Khoir
JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 2, No 2 (2017): September
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.631 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jesa.v2i2.31


Islam as a rule of life (nizam al-hayat) governs all sides of human life, including in terms of economic transactions, in doing saving activities too. So it also affects the institutions that receive savings funds. The definition of the Islamic financial system itself is a financial system that channels between parties who need funds and parties who have excess funds through financial products and services in accordance with the principles of sharia. The sharia principle is a principle based on the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. In the Indonesian context, sharia principle is the principle of Islamic law in banking and finance activities based on fatwa issued by institutions that have authority in the establishment of fatwa in the field of sharia. From the background, the above description contains two important points. First, how is way of saving and investing from an Islamic point of view. Second, what is definition of Islamic Financial System. Both of these are first step in describing as problem in the scope of savings mobilization between formal and informal finance in the Islamic financial system. Islam forbids allowing idle assets, and encourages every wealth that we have to invest in the real sector. Saving is not a disbelief of the existence of sustenance from Allah SWT. Saving is a good management process of the provision of Allah SWT as a reflection of the attitude of our trust for sustenance given by Allah SWT. So it can be concluded, in the teachings of Islam, the saving is effort on the alert and as part of the household financial management process. By saving we have a time-forward perspective because it not only looks at short-term expenditures, but has made predictions of preparation for the future. Saving is part of self-control. By saving, it means that we are not carried by lust to meet the fulfillment of present or short-term satisfaction, but to control the fulfillment of our desire to be able to meet the needs of the future which is much more important. Saving is not a barrier for a person to give alms or zakah. People whose faith is strong and accustomed to saving then he will be able to expel zakah well and give alms more. People who are used to saving means having good financial planning. If so, the funds that he has will be more optimal, so will be able to pay zakah well and give alms more because the funds are well managed. Keywords: Saving Mobility, Formal and Informal Finance, Sharia Financial System
Etika Bisnis Islam Dan Kelangsungan Usaha Aqiqah Service Centre (ASC) Di Gresik Misbahul Khoir; Moh. Ah. Subhan ZA
JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 4, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.078 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jesa.v4i2.65


The idea of this research comes from the experience of researchers who, since married two years ago, is faced with a family environment that grows up and carries on their lives for generations through Aqiqah businesses service. The Aqiqah Service Center (ASC) is the first and oldest aqiqah service center in Gresik because it has been more than 50 years and has contributed to the formation of an Islamic generation by serving, assisting, and facilitating the intentions of Muslim parents in the city of students in Gresik and its surroundings in making goats goat for their children. The research will answer two questions: (1) What is the difference between Islamic business ethics and non-Islamic business ethics, and (2) How is the urgency of Islamic business ethics in the business continuity of the Aqiqah Service Center (ASC) in Gresik? This study is a qualitative-descriptive study with the aim of understanding the phenomena experienced by the subject of research including behavior, perception, motivation, and action holistically by utilizing various scientific methods. Data collection methods include; observation, in-depth interview or focus group discussion, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include: processing and preparing data for analysis, reading the entire data, analyzing in more detail by coding data, considering detailed instructions that can help the coding process, giving descriptions that will be presented in the report, interpreting and interpreting data. The result of research shows that The difference between islamic business ethics and conventional is in terms of; sources, motives, paradigms, foundations and basic foundations. The business of the ASC (Aqiqah Service Center) UD. H. M. Arba'i in Gresik, besides looking for qi>mah ma>diyyah (material value), but also must be able to obtain and give two other orientations, namely qi>mah khulu>qiyyah and qi>mah ru>h}iyyah. Qi>mah khulu>qiyyah is a noble moral value which becomes a necessity that arises in business activities, so as to create an Islamic fraternity, between business managers and employees, as well as between sellers and buyers. Qi>mah ru>h}iyyah means, the business act is intended to get closer to Allah SWT. In other words, when carrying out a business activity, it must be accompanied by an awareness of the relationship with God. This is what is meant, that every Muslim act is worship. Charity worship is material, while awareness of the relationship with God when doing business is called the spirit. Keywords: Islamic business ethics, Aqiqah Service Centre
Nilai Waktu Dari Uang Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam Misbahul Khoir
JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 1, No 1 (2016): September
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (103.853 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jesa.v1i1.6


The time value of money is associated with the current value and future value because the money received now is more worth than the money received in the future. However, is the concept of time value of money is appropriate and justified by the Shari'ah? The time value of money is a concept that says that the money of the one rupiah that can be received today is more worth than one rupiah which will be received in the future time. The concept of time value of money is needed by financial managers in making decision when will invest in an asset and determine the source of loan funds that will be chosen. Methods for the time value of money pervade; a) the method of average rate of return. This method measures the level of profit gained by an investment. The disadvantage of this method is ignoring the time value of money; b) the payback period method. The method measures how fast the investment return is, the sooner the better; c) method of net present value (NPV). This method calculates quarrel between the current value of investment and the present value of net cash receipts in the future and calculates quarrel between the present value of cash outflow (investment) and cash inflow (income) per year; d) profitability index method (PI). This method calculates ratio between the present value of net cash receipts in the future and the present value of the investment; and e) the methods of internal rate of return (IRR).  If IRR > saving or profit required → decent. Islam views money as a flow concept. Money must rotate in an economy and may not be idle for too long time. Moreover, it lets for years. Islam does not recognize the method of time value of money because this method adds value to money solely with increasing time and not effort. Islam actually knows the money value of time; that is the time has economic value as well as the money value of money. Imam Nawawi provides definition related to value addition for money based solely on the value of time is the category of riba. Keywords: Time value of money, Islamic economics
Wakaf Uang Solusi Alternatif Memberdayakan Ekonomi Umat Studi Kasus Pada BMT Mandiri Sejahtera Karangcangkring Jawa Timur Misbahul Khoir
JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 3, No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.767 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jesa.v3i2.49


Bayt al-Mal wa al-Tamwil (BMT) is a microfinance institution that is operated with profit sharing or sharia principle by developing micro and small businesses, in order to elevate degrees and dignity and defend the interests of the poor. BMT (Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil) also receives deposits from zakat, waqf, infaq and sadaqah funds and optimizes its distribution in accordance with its regulations and mandates. The concept of money or cash waqf even though only with 10,000 nominal customer however, endowments have enormous potential to be explored and developed with an emphasis on how the potential of money waqf can be an alternative solution in order to empower the ummah economy through BMT Mandiri Sejahtera Karangcangkring East Java. This BMT Mandiri Sejahtera Karangcangkring in East Java outlines the types of products classified into three, namely savings, financing and services. There are three deposits: Simaster, Hajj and Umrah savings, and qurban savings. There are five financing, namely murabahah, rahn, mudlarabah, musharakah, and ijarah. While service products such as exchange of ringgit money, remittances from within / abroad, PLN online payments, Token, Telkom, FIF, BAF, Adira Finance, Oto Finace, WOM Finance, STNK/mutation installment installments. Although there are weaknesses, the result of research shows that the threat that is feared will hamper the endowment of money products on Mandiri Sejahtera BMT but this is not a burden, the most important is that this product does not violate the rules of sharia and is permissible in Islam because the application of money waqf products in Mandiri Sejahtera BMT is appropriate, namely the value the principal remains and the remaining proceeds from the money endowments will be distributed for virtue. Keywords: Cash Waqf, Society Economic Empowerment, BMT Mandiri Sejahtera