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Struktur Vegetasi Mangrove dan Fekunditas di Desa Terapungmawasangka Sulawesi Tenggara Kaliu, Sutriani
Jurnal Saintifik Vol 4, No 1 (2018): VOLUME 4 NOMOR 1 JANUARI 2018
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA UNSULBAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31605/saintifik.v4i1.141


Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. banyak digunakan untuk rehabilitasi kawasan mangrove karena buahnya yang mudah diperoleh, disemai dan dapat tumbuh pada daerah genangan pasang tinggi maupun rendah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Sungai Marobo Desa Terapung, Mawasangka, Buton Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara. Pengamatan dilakukan pada daerah hilir menuju hulu sungai. Masing-masing zona dibuat baseline 100m, jarak antarasub transek 25m. Pengamatan vegetasi (metode point centered quarter method), fekunditas (menghitung jumlah buah sampai propagul matang setiap pohonnya)dan pengukuran fisiko kimia lingkungan. Analisis perbandingan fekunditas antara kedua zona dengan menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 4 spesies yaitu Bruguiera gymnoriza (L.) Lamk. Bruguiera sexangula (Lour). Poir. Rhizophora muccronata Lamk. dan Xylocarpus granatum Keon. Analisis struktur vegetasi menunjukan bahwa B. gymnoriza (L.) Lamk. pada tegakan pohon, sapling dan semai lebih dominan 81,78%; 82,46% dan 87,29% di zona 1. Zona 2 lebih dominan spesies Rhizophora muccronata Lamk.pohon 29,10%, sapling dan semai spesies B. gymnoriza (L.) Lamk. 53,83%; 64,33%. Nilai penting tertinggi terdapat pada spesies B. gymnoriza (L.) Lamk. pada strata pohon, sapling dan semai dengan nilai 329,5%; 305,99% dan 253,43%. Berdasarkan uji t, terdapat perbedaan signifikan persentase jumlah buah dan propagul di zona 1 dan 2 dengan nilai p<0,05.Kata Kunci: struktur, fekunditas dan Rhizophora mucronata Lamk.
Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer dari Bahan Alami sebagai Langkah Pencegahan Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Saparuddin Saparuddin; Edi Ilimu; Alimuddin Alimuddin; Sutriani Kaliu; Miswandi Tendrita; Rahedin Suwo; Rosti Rosti
MATAPPA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : STKIP Andi Matappa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31100/matappa.v3i2.622


Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa pembuatan hand sanitizer dari daun sirih dan buah jeruk nipis sebagai upaya pencegahan penularan Covid-19 di Kabupaten Kolaka. Adapun langkah-langkah pelaksanaan program pengabdian ini 1) Tahap persiapan alat dan bahan pengabdian; 2) Tahap pembuatan hand sanitizer; 3) Tahap pendistribusian hand sanitizer kepada masyarakat Kolaka secara gratis. Hasil pelaksanaannya adalah (1) Ada peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat Kolaka, dengan mengikuti protokol kesehatan terkait upaya pencegahan penularan Covid-19. (2) Tanggapan masyarakat sangat positif dengan adanya hand sanitizer yang dibagikan secara gratis dan sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka.
Fecundity (Rhizophora mucronata Lamk.) towards Low-Standing Puddles at Marobo River Central Mawasangka Buton, Southeast Sulawesi Sutriani Kaliu
Journal of Biological Science and Education Vol 2, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Journal of Biological Science and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31327/jbse.v2i1.1187


Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. is widely used for rehabilitation of mangrove areas because the fruit is easily obtained, sowing and can grow in areas of high or low tidal inundation. This study aims to know the effect of high-low waterlogging on fecundity (the development of fruit into mature propagules) Rhizophora mucronata Lamk and to determine the characteristics of the ecosystem environment on the Rhizophora mucronata Lamk fecundity. The study was conducted in the Marobo River Mawasangka, Buton Tengah, Southeast Sulawesi. Observations were made in the downstream area towards the headwaters of the river. Each zone is made 100m baseline; the distance between sub-transects is 25m. Each subplot was plotted by making 2x2m2 quadrant plots for Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. earning productive interest, propagules and seedlings, making it easier to count the number of seedlings. Fecundity (counting the number of fruits until the propagules ripen each tree) and measurement of environmental chemical physics. Fecundity comparison analysis between the two zones by using a t-test. The results of the study based on the t-test, there is a significant difference in the percentage of fruit and propagules in zones 1 and 2 with a value of p 0.05, the highest average fruit is in zone 1 (79.9%). The highest propagule average is in zone 2 (33, 9%), highly influential in the high-low of puddles with salinity levels of zone 1 (20%) and zone 2 (10%). The results showed that there was a high-low waterlogging effect on the Rhizopora mucronata Lamk fecundity
Struktur Vegetasi Mangrove dan Fekunditas di Desa Terapungmawasangka Sulawesi Tenggara Sutriani Kaliu
SAINTIFIK Vol 4 No 1 (2018): VOLUME 4 NOMOR 1 JANUARI 2018
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.386 KB) | DOI: 10.31605/saintifik.v4i1.141


Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. banyak digunakan untuk rehabilitasi kawasan mangrove karena buahnya yang mudah diperoleh, disemai dan dapat tumbuh pada daerah genangan pasang tinggi maupun rendah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Sungai Marobo Desa Terapung, Mawasangka, Buton Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara. Pengamatan dilakukan pada daerah hilir menuju hulu sungai. Masing-masing zona dibuat baseline 100m, jarak antarasub transek 25m. Pengamatan vegetasi (metode point centered quarter method), fekunditas (menghitung jumlah buah sampai propagul matang setiap pohonnya)dan pengukuran fisiko kimia lingkungan. Analisis perbandingan fekunditas antara kedua zona dengan menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 4 spesies yaitu Bruguiera gymnoriza (L.) Lamk. Bruguiera sexangula (Lour). Poir. Rhizophora muccronata Lamk. dan Xylocarpus granatum Keon. Analisis struktur vegetasi menunjukan bahwa B. gymnoriza (L.) Lamk. pada tegakan pohon, sapling dan semai lebih dominan 81,78%; 82,46% dan 87,29% di zona 1. Zona 2 lebih dominan spesies Rhizophora muccronata Lamk.pohon 29,10%, sapling dan semai spesies B. gymnoriza (L.) Lamk. 53,83%; 64,33%. Nilai penting tertinggi terdapat pada spesies B. gymnoriza (L.) Lamk. pada strata pohon, sapling dan semai dengan nilai 329,5%; 305,99% dan 253,43%. Berdasarkan uji t, terdapat perbedaan signifikan persentase jumlah buah dan propagul di zona 1 dan 2 dengan nilai p<0,05.Kata Kunci: struktur, fekunditas dan Rhizophora mucronata Lamk.
SAINTIFIK Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Saintifik: Jurnal Matematika, Sains, dan Pembelajarannya
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.73 KB) | DOI: 10.31605/saintifik.v5i2.229


Vegetasi hutan mangrove di Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman jenis yang tinggi, dengan jumlah jenis tercatat sebanyak 202 jenis yang terdiri dari 89 jenis pohon, 5 jenis palem, 14 jenis liana, 44 spesies epifit dan 1 jenis sikas. Hutan mangrove sebagai salah tempat pengasuhan (nursery ground), pemijahan (spawning ground) dan mencari makan (feeding ground). Kabupaten Kolaka adalah satu daerah yang memiliki hutan mangrove yang terletak dipesisir pantai yang dapat menunjang perekonomian masyarakat nelayan dan keberagaman fauna yang terletak dikecamatan Pomala. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat komposisi vegetasi mangrove dan identifikasi fauna secara vertikal sebagai acuan dalam menambah informasi (database) mengenai komposisi vegetasi mangrove yang ada di kabupaten Kolaka. Penelitian dilaksanakan dipesisir pantai kecamatan Pomala, Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara. Pengambilan data vegetasi mangrove pada lokasih penelitian menggunakan metode plot yang masing-masing lokasi diletakan lima titik sampling, tiap plotnya berukuran 10 x 10 m2 dan disetiap plot dibagi lagi menjadi 4 sub plot organisme berukuran 5 x 5 m2 untuk mempermudah perhitungan fauna vertikal pada mangrove, keberadaan fauna yang berasosisasi di mangrove mewakili setiap pengaruh di ditempatkannya plot dan pengukuran fisikokimia lingkungan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 4 spesies yaitu Rhizophora mucronate Lamk. Sonneratia casiolaris (L) Engl Sonneratia Alba J.E Smith dan Avesinnia marina (Forsk) Vierh. Terdapat 15 spesies fauna serta parameter lingkungan yang mendukung pertumbuhan mangrove dan hidup berkembangnya fauna. Vegetasi hutan mangrove di Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman jenis yang tinggi, dengan jumlah jenis tercatat sebanyak 202 jenis yang terdiri dari 89 jenis pohon, 5 jenis palem, 14 jenis liana, 44 spesies epifit dan 1 jenis sikas. Hutan mangrove sebagai salah tempat pengasuhan (nursery ground), pemijahan (spawning ground) dan mencari makan (feeding ground). Kabupaten Kolaka adalah satu daerah yang memiliki hutan mangrove yang terletak dipesisir pantai yang dapat menunjang perekonomian masyarakat nelayan dan keberagaman fauna yang terletak dikecamatan Pomala. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat komposisi vegetasi mangrove dan identifikasi fauna secara vertikal sebagai acuan dalam menambah informasi (database) mengenai komposisi vegetasi mangrove yang ada di kabupaten Kolaka. Penelitian dilaksanakan dipesisir pantai kecamatan Pomala, Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara. Pengambilan data vegetasi mangrove pada lokasih penelitian menggunakan metode plot yang masing-masing lokasi diletakan lima titik sampling, tiap plotnya berukuran 10 x 10 m2 dan disetiap plot dibagi lagi menjadi 4 sub plot organisme berukuran 5 x 5 m2 untuk mempermudah perhitungan fauna vertikal pada mangrove, keberadaan fauna yang berasosisasi di mangrove mewakili setiap pengaruh di ditempatkannya plot dan pengukuran fisikokimia lingkungan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 4 spesies yaitu Rhizophora mucronate Lamk. Sonneratia casiolaris (L) Engl Sonneratia Alba J.E Smith dan Avesinnia marina (Forsk) Vierh. Terdapat 15 spesies fauna serta parameter lingkungan yang mendukung pertumbuhan mangrove dan hidup berkembangnya fauna.
Antibacterial activity of methanol extract Rhizophora mucronata leaves toward Salmonella typhi: leading the typhoid fever Rinto Muhammad Nur; Resmila Dewi; Sutriani Kaliu
Pharmaciana Vol 12, No 3 (2022): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.142 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v12i3.22475


The community has utilized Mangrove extensively, particularly as a component of traditional medicine. Rhizophora mucronata is one species that possess antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and insecticidal properties. According to reports, R. mucronata has antibacterial properties against the Salmonella typhi bacteria that cause typhoid fever. This research aims to obtain a methanol extract of R. mucronata leaves and assess its antibacterial potential as natural new medicine, particularly for treating typhoid fever. The extraction method is maceration with a 70 percent methanol solvent. Well, diffusion is utilized to determine antibacterial activity. Alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, steroid, tannin, and triterpenoid are the chemical compounds identified in the methanol extract of R. mucronata leaves (MERmL). Ten percent concentration of MERmL exhibited moderate antibacterial activity (7.970.25 mm), whereas 30 percent concentration (11.380.29 mm) and 50 percent concentration (16.070.40 mm) exhibited intense antibacterial activity. Based on these findings, R. mucronata leaf methanol extracts with higher concentrations have more potent antibacterial activity against S. typhi in typhoid fever treatments.
Analysis of Mangrove Vegetation (Rhizophora sp.) and Vertical Spesies of Fauna in Induha Village, Latambaga District, Kolaka Regency Maretik Maretik; Sutriani Kaliu; Siska Siska
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 22 No. 4 (2022): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v22i4.4266


Indonesian territory is dominated by Rhizophora mangrove vegetation, but in the Kolaka area, especially Induha Village, there is no information about this type of mangrove, so research is needed. The purpose of this study is to determine the vegetation Rhizophora mangroves sp. and fauna vertically in the mangrove forest in Induha Village. The method used is the Point Centered Sampling Method (PCQM). The results obtained, there are 3 types of mangrove Rhizophora namely Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, and Rhizophora stylosa, with the highest relative density being Rhizophora apiculata at the seedling level (42.13%), sapling (57.50%) and at the tree level (38.31%). The highest relative frequency was Rhizophora apiculata at seedling (35%), sapling (45%) and tree (34.5%) levels. Rhizophora apiculata has the highest relative basal area value at the seedling (50%), sapling (84.83%) and tree (52.34%) levels. The highest relative canopy was Rhizophora apiculata, at the sapling (57.2%) and tree (35.3%). The highest Important Value Index was Rhizophora apiculata, at the seedling level (1 25.3 %), sapling (24 4.5 %) and tree (1 56.1 %). The fauna vertically identified as many as 5 types of species including hermit crabs, sea slugs, caterpillars, weaver ants and black ants. The conclusion of this study is that there are 3 types of mangroves identified in the mangrove forest dominated by Rhizophora apiculata and 5 fauna species. Environmental factors that have been observed support the survival of mangrove species in Induha Village, both in zone 1 and in zone 2, especially the Rhizophora apiculata.
Antibacterial Activity of Cocoa Leaf Extract Theobroma cacao L. Against Acne-Causing Bacteria Cutibacterium Acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis Sartika Gunawan Putri; Sutriani Kaliu
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.577 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jbes/6310267


Cocoa plantation waste (Theobroma cacao L.), cocoa leaves are increasingly abundant, with efforts to increase cocoa production by trimming the shape. The Ladongi sub-district in Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, which produces the most cocoa beans, is also not spared from this. Cocoa leaves have not been used optimally, even though their phytochemical components have the potential as antibacterial. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of cocoa leaf extract (Theobroma cacao L.) against acne-causing  Cutibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The method used is the disc diffusion method (Kirby Bauer). The results showed that cocoa leaf extract had the potential as an antibacterial against acne-causing bacteria, Cutibacterium acnes, and Staphylococcus epidermidis with respectively the best inhibitory concentration of 25%, 19mm, and 22mm.
Fecundity (Rhizophora mucronata Lamk.) towards Low-Standing Puddles at Marobo River Central Mawasangka Buton, Southeast Sulawesi Sutriani Kaliu
Journal of Biological Science and Education Vol 2, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Journal of Biological Science and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1192.208 KB) | DOI: 10.31327/jbse.v2i1.1187


Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. is widely used for rehabilitation of mangrove areas because the fruit is easily obtained, sowing and can grow in areas of high or low tidal inundation. This study aims to know the effect of high-low waterlogging on fecundity (the development of fruit into mature propagules) Rhizophora mucronata Lamk and to determine the characteristics of the ecosystem environment on the Rhizophora mucronata Lamk fecundity. The study was conducted in the Marobo River Mawasangka, Buton Tengah, Southeast Sulawesi. Observations were made in the downstream area towards the headwaters of the river. Each zone is made 100m baseline; the distance between sub-transects is 25m. Each subplot was plotted by making 2x2m2 quadrant plots for Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. earning productive interest, propagules and seedlings, making it easier to count the number of seedlings. Fecundity (counting the number of fruits until the propagules ripen each tree) and measurement of environmental chemical physics. Fecundity comparison analysis between the two zones by using a t-test. The results of the study based on the t-test, there is a significant difference in the percentage of fruit and propagules in zones 1 and 2 with a value of p 0.05, the highest average fruit is in zone 1 (79.9%). The highest propagule average is in zone 2 (33, 9%), highly influential in the high-low of puddles with salinity levels of zone 1 (20%) and zone 2 (10%). The results showed that there was a high-low waterlogging effect on the Rhizopora mucronata Lamk fecundity
Mangrove Identification on the Rainbow Bridge Coastal Coast Lamundre Village, Watubangga District, Kolaka Regency Dina Nurhayati; Sutriani Kaliu; Saparudin Saparuddin
Journal of Biological Science and Education Vol 4, No 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Journal of Biological Science and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (955.888 KB) | DOI: 10.31327/jbse.v4i1.1751


The village of Lamundre is an area overgrown with a mangrove ecosystem of 4 hectares and is well developed on the coast. The area can be well overgrown with mangroves because of environmental conditions and other supporting factors such as muddy substrate, muddy sand in tidal transition areas, salty, brackish water and the presence of currents/waves that are classified as mangrove growing conditions. This study aims to determine the types of mangrove plants and environmental parameters on the abundance of mangrove species on the coast of the Rainbow Bridge, Lamundre Village, Watubangga District, and Kolaka Regency. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative by using mangrove samples on the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit. The method used is Line Transect, which uses plots that are aligned on the main line (Basseline) that has been determined in the research area along 280m, the total number of plots is 10, with each plot of 10m x 10m.  Based on the study's results on the identification of mangroves in the Pantai Pelangi Beach, Lamundre Village, Watubangga District, and Kolaka Regency, it shows that mangroves belong to 2 families and                 7 species. The mangroves are from the Rhizophoraceae family namely Rhizophora mucronata species, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora stylosa, Ceriops decandra, Bruguira cyndrica, Bruguira ghymnorryza and the Soneratiaceae family namely Soneratia caseolaris. Keywords: Lamundre village, identification, mangrovee