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The Effect of Co-branding Strategy Elements on Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention : A Study in Indonesia Rafiati Kania; Kuntihapsari Sri Sukoyo; Nono Wibisono
Journal of Marketing Innovation (JMI) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.52 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/jmi.v1i01.17


According to brand alliance literature, the compatibility of both brand characteristics in co-branded products will raise consumer positive attitude and purchase intention. Previous researches have explored co-branding strategy between the same sector or complement product character from different sector. However, few researchs have conducted exploration of the co-branding strategy in a different sector with less complement character. This study seeks to construct the value of co-branding strategy influencing female consumer attitude as well as purchase intention where the less-known Indonesian cosmetics brand who invite well-known food brands to create blended characteristics of cosmetic products. Three co-branded products namely Mizzu Cosmetics x Khong Guan Biscuits, Dear Me Beauty x Yupi, Dear Me Beauty x Sasa, Dear Me Beauty x Nissin as the object of research. A total of 358 questionnaires were distributed to female cosmetic consumers aged between 19-41. The proposed research model has been tested using PLS-SEM. The finding highlight prior attitude toward host brand appear weak to influence attitude toward co-branded. However, brand fit could mediate prior attitude toward host brand in influencing atittude toward co-branded. Mediating roles of brand fit, attitude toward co-brand, and post-attitude toward host brand appear important in the element of consumer attitude and purchase intention. A well-known and suitable co-branding partner is needed to give exposure to the co-branded product and provide a spill-over effect for the host brands. This study contribute to add spill-over effect phenomenon in brand alliance literatures.
Examination of Advertising on Social Media: The Role of Endorsers in Creating Brand Awareness Arie Indra Gunawan; Rafiati Kania; Tulastri
Journal of Marketing Innovation (JMI) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.109 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/jmi.v2i1.28


This research aims to measure the effectiveness of product advertising in the consumer market, as well as to determine the role of the effectiveness of advertising conducted on social media in creating brand awareness. Exploratory research with a quantitative approach is the chosen research design. A total of 389 data obtained from the questionnaire can be analyzed further so that the results of the study can be concluded that the measurement of advertising effectiveness can be done through celebrity endorsers, message content, and the use of media, in this case social media. Then the results of the study also show that the effectiveness of advertising has a positive and significant influence on the creation of brand awareness. The findings from the study show that advertising for the consumer market product category must be carried out effectively in order to be able to create brand awareness. Another important finding is that celebrity endorsers in the form of well-known public figures do not guarantee the formation of brand awareness
Analisis Peluang Bisnis Start-Up Konsultan UMKM dari Akademisi dan Institusi Pendidikan Vokasi Arie Indra Gunawan; Rafiati Kania; Widi Senalasari
Bhakti Persada Jurnal Aplikasi IPTEKS Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Mei 2021
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31940/bp.v7i1.2328


Kegiatan PKM yang dilakukan oleh Perguruan tinggi vokasi salah satunya adalah untuk mendukung pengembangan UMKM. Peran UMKM sangat sentral bagi perkembangan dan kondisi ekonomi suatu negara, tetapi dalam hal kinerja manajerial, sektor UMKM di Indonesia memiliki nilai yang relatif rendah. Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas SDM sektor UMKM berbagai metode digunakan. Dukungan dari akademisi dilakukan dengan berbagai studi dan pembentukan inkubator bisnis. Perguruan Tinggi berbasis vokasi memiliki kedekatan dalam pengembangan sains dan teknologi yang relevan untuk mengembangkan UMKM salah satunya adalah peningkatan kemampuan manajer SDM melalui layanan konsultasi dan pelatihan bagi UMKM yang dikembangkan melalui kegiatan PKM di Politeknik Negeri Bandung. Analisis TOWS dilakukan untuk memeriksa peluang bisnis konsultan.
How Indonesia Students Define Enterpreneur Profession? Rafiati Kania
The Indonesian Journal of Social Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2021): July
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/ijss.v4n1.p%p


In 2018, the growth of Indonesian entrepreneur increased significantly from 1,6 % to 3,1 % over three years. In order to increase the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia, entrepreneurship education at universities has an important role to foster interest in entrepreneurship. Drawing on entrepreneurship education literature, entrepreneurial mindset in students will be strength if education have ability to distinguish entrepreneurs from other profession.  This study aims to construct attributable to the particular self-concept which define entrepreneur profession characteristics. In testing how attributes forming profession characteristics, this study uses PLS-SEM to confirm the model. This study uses a sample of 303 undergraduate students participating in the educational setting that educate entrepreneurial mindset. Findings shows that self-concept defining entrepreneur profession include entrepreneurial creativity, opportunity recognition capability, and risk management capability.
Conceptual model of psychological reactance level on personalization advertisement toward advertising avoidance in social media platforms Muhammad Zayyan Nurfauzi; Rafiati Kania
Proceeding of the International Conference on Family Business and Entrepreneurship 2022: Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Family Business and Entrepreneurship
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.988 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/icfbe.v3i1.3806


Customizing advertising on social media currently become burgeoning practice. The progress of the current advertising system is also supported by the ease of retrieving digital data so that the collection of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) can be done more intensely. Many studies have done research on the effect of the level of personalization on the reactance level toward the intention to avoid the advertising. This study aims to conceptualize the antecedent motives of psychological reactance level toward consumer advertising reactance, namely ads avoidance. This study has done reviewing several works of literature on social media advertising reactance (SMAR) studies and formulated a conceptual model to be used for future research direction. This study adds data privacy security as a model novelty. As a result, three antecedent motives such as information quality, relevance, and control hypothesized to draw the level of psychological reactance in avoiding social media advertising.
Persepsi Wanita Millennial terhadap Produk Kecantikan Hijau Raissa Aura Fakhrunissa; Lusianus Kusdibyo; Rafiati Kania
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 11 No 1 (2020): Prosiding 11th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.229 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/irwns.v11i1.2159


Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui perspesi konsumen wanita millennial dalam konteks produk kecantikan hijau. Melalui pendistribusian kuesioner secara daring, sebanyak 201 konsumen wanita millennial yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan produk kecantikan hijau dikumpulkan. Analisis deskriptif dilalukan menggunakan SPSS Statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan jika konsumen wanita millennial di Indonesia memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap produk kecantikan hijau. Secara umum, produk kecantikan hijau dinilai oleh konsumen wanita millennial lebih baik dibandingkan produk konvensional. Selain lebih aman bagi kesehatan, penggunaan produk kecantikan hijau juga tidak meninggalkan efek buruk bagi lingkungan dan ekosistem. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman mendasar dalam konteks produk kecantikan hijau bagi pemasar agar mengembangkan strategi bisnis secara lebih efektif.
Analisa Persepsi Konsumen terhadap Iklan Video pada Instagram Maharina Nursaif; Lusianus Kusdibyo; Rafiati Kania
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 11 No 1 (2020): Prosiding 11th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (739.468 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/irwns.v11i1.2165


Iklan video kini semakin marak digunakan oleh pemasar dalam beriklan. Namun, survei menunjukkan bahwa konsumen cenderung melewati atau mengabaikan iklan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi konsumen terhadap iklan video yang muncul pada saat mereka menggunakan fitur insta story pada Instagram agar dapat memberikan strategi yang tepat bagi pemasar dalam menciptakan iklan video. Penelitian ini memiliki 214 responden yang pernah melihat iklan video pada Instagram yang didapatkan melalui teknik convenience sampling. Data diolah dengan menggunakan descriptive statistics untuk memeroleh persepsi konsumen. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah konsumen tetap merasa bahwa mereka memiliki pengetahuan baru mengenai merek yang terdapat pada iklan video, meskipun iklan tersebut dapat dilewati dengan mudahnya. Namun, konsumen tidak memiliki perhatian yang terfokus pada saat menyaksikan iklan video yang ditayangkan pada Instagram.
Faktor Pembentuk Kepercayaan Pembelian Makanan Halal melalui Pengiriman Makanan Daring Nisa Zakia; Dwi Suhartanto; Rafiati Kania
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 11 No 1 (2020): Prosiding 11th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.15 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/irwns.v11i1.2182


Penelitian ini menilai kualitas layanan elektronik, kualitas makanan, dan kepuasan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen muslim dalam konteks pembelian makanan halal melalui pengiriman makanan daring. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 371 sampel pelanggan layanan pengiriman makanan daring di wilayah Bandung Raya. Selanjutnya, Partial Least Square Modeling digunakan sebagai metode analisis untuk menguji hipotesis pada model penelitian yang diajukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas makanan memiliki peran yang vital dalam mempengaruhi kepercayaan. namun tetap harus menjaga kualitas layanan elektronik pula. Dengan demikian, peneliti menyarankan bagi restoran atau penyedia layanan untuk meningkatkan kualitas makanan dan kualitas layanan elektronik sebagai pembentuk kepuasan secara keseluruhan yang tingkat pengaruhnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan kualitas makanan.
Loyalitas Konsumen Produk Usaha Sosial : Sebuah Strategi Untuk Membangun Loyalitas Konsumen Fretti Aldina; Lina Setiawati; Rafiati Kania
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 12 (2021): Prosiding 12th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.145 KB)


Loyalitas Konsumen Produk Usaha Sosial : Sebuah Strategi UntukMembangun Loyalitas Konsumen
Sikap dan Niat Perilaku Generasi Milenial dalam Adopsi Platform Telemedicine untuk Layanan Konsultasi Kesehatan Mental Cintya Ananda Putri; Eddy Syah Yahya; Rafiati Kania
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 12 (2021): Prosiding 12th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.437 KB)


Sikap dan Niat Perilaku Generasi Milenial dalam Adopsi Platform Telemedicine untuk Layanan Konsultasi Kesehatan Mental