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Data Mining, Evaluation, K-means Evaluation of Supporting Work Quality Using K-Means Algorithm I Made Dwi Ardiada; Made Pasek Agus Ariawan; Made Sudarma
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2018): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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One of the factors that to improve the performance productivity of an organization or agency is Human Resources. During this time many government agencies that do not have employees with adequate competence, this is evidenced by the low productivity of employees and the difficulty of measuring employee performance in the scope of government agencies. This research discusses the application of K-means Clustering conducted at Udayana University, especially on annual performance data for contract workers. this study aims to classify cluster clusters that are determined to facilitate the evaluate quality of work of contract workers. This research uses data used as many as 1613 data. And done preprocessing get 544 data. In preprocessing data, K-means Clustering method is performed. In K-means Clustering determined the number of K as much as 5 Cluster. To determine Data Cluster used Ecludian Distance calculation. From the results of K-means Clustering Applying it takes 10 iterations. From 5 clusters conducted on 544 data there are clusters 0 as much as 38, Cluster 1 as much as 473, Cluster 2 as much as 130, Cluster 3 as much as 26 and from cluster 4 as many as 3. From the results of K-means Clustering implementation is used as a supporter of Quality Evaluation Work.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer Vol 8, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

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ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to carry out the optimization of digital document services by using the Cloud File Management System. Digital document services related to accreditation and teaching and learning process activities, especially student practicum modules in the Electrical Engineering Department study program, do not yet have a cloud storage based file management system. Accreditation document storage and practicum modules are files that are often used and called many times for completeness of data and teaching and learning processes, so we need a file management that can be accessed anytime and anywhere without being limited by space and time. The results of the research on Optimizing Digital Document Services By Using the Cloud File Management System can be implemented very well, as evidenced by the system testing process which shows the functions and features run according to the expectations of their users, up to testing through a questionnaire with two indicators, namely Service Quality. and Usability, which obtained an average score of 95% in the assessment of Very Good.Keywords: File Management System, Digitalisasi Document, Cloud Storage.ABSTRAKTujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk melaksanakan Optimalisasi Pelayanan Dokumen Digital dengan Mempergunakan Cloud File Management System. Permasalahan manajemen dokumen digital dialami oleh Jurusan Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Bali. Pelayanan dokumen digital terkait akreditasi dan kegiatan proses belajar mengajar khususnya modul praktikum mahasiswa pada program studi Jurusan Teknik Elektro belum memiliki sistem manajemen file berbasis cloud storage. Penyimpanan dokumen akreditasi dan modul praktikum adalah file yang sering dipergunakan dan dipanggil berkali-kali untuk kelengkapan data dan proses belajar mengajar, sehingga diperlukan sebuah management file yang dapat diakses kapan saja dan dimana saja tanpa terbatas ruang dan waktu. Hasil dari penelitian Optimalisasi Pelayanan Dokumen Digital Dengan Mempergunakan Cloud File Management System dapat diimplementasikan dengan sangat baik, dibuktikan dari proses testing sistem yang menunjukan fungsi dan fitur berjalan sesuai dengan harapan penggunannya, sampai dengan pengujian melalui kuesioner dengan dua indikator yaitu Service Quality (Kualitas Pelayanan) dan Usability (Kebergunaan Sistem) yang memperoleh nilai rata-rata 95% dalam penilaian Sangat Baik.Kata kunci : Sistem Manajemen File, Dokumen Digital, Pelayanan Digital.
ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN METODE DCT DENGAN DWT PADA CITRA MEDIS Made Pasek Agus Ariawan; Gde Brahupadhya Subiksa; Ida Bagus Adisimakrisna Peling
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer Vol 8, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

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ABSTRACTTelemedicine can be a tool that can help many people with various health problems. Very many benefits are offered in the use of telemedicine, as well as time, cost and effort effectiveness. Medical image plays an important role in the interests of learning, medical analysis and diagnosis Medical images that have a large size takes time in the process of sending data. The importance of image compression is how a large image can be changed in terms of file size but does not eliminate the important information contained in the image so that the data transmission process can be more effective and not spend a lot of resources. The purpose of this research is membadingkan two methods of image compression that is DCT and DWT where the parameter measured is the compression ratio and compression process time. this research shows that DWT method is better than DCT in x-ray image with ratio compression ratio with average 91,99% for DWT method and 91,96%, for process time method DWT is superior with average 2,45 second and method DCT of 52.62 seconds.Keywords : DCT, DWT, Compression, Telemedicine.ABSTRAKTelemedicine dapat dianggap sebagai alat yang dapat membantu banyak orang yang menderita berbagai masalah kesehatan. Penggunaan telemedicine memiliki banyak keuntungan seperti efisiensi waktu, biaya dan tenaga. Citra medis memegang peranan penting dalam kepentingan pembelajaran, analisa dan diagnosa medis Citra medis yang memiliki ukuran yang besar memerlukan waktu dalam proses pengiriman data. Pentingnya dilakukan kompresi citra adalah bagaimana suatu citra yang besar dapat dirubah dari segi ukuran filenya namun tidak menghilangkan informasi penting yang terdapat pada citra tersebut sehingga proses pengiriman data dapat lebih efektif dan tidak menghabiskan sumber daya yang banyak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membadingkan dua metode kompresi citra yaitu DCT dan DWT dimana parameter yang diukur adalah rasio kompresi dan waktu proses kompresi. penelitian ini bahwa metode DWT lebih baik daripada DCT pada citra x-ray dengan perbandingan rasio kompresi dengan rata – rata 91,99% untuk metode DWT dan 91.96%, untuk waktu proses metode DWT lebih unggul dengan rata-rata 2,45 detik dan metode DCT sebesar 52,62 detik.Kata kunci : DCT, DWT, Kompresi, Telemedicine