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Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 14 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.141 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v14i1.1013


Rigid concrete pavement is a pavement needed on a special typical load area and alsoneeded a low maintenance. Problems arise when there is limited sand material available and the costis also expensive. Solutions developed in this research apply cement composite materials mixedwith bamboo shavings waste hence building materials that are lightweight, environmentally friendlyand has the character of a concrete class were obtained. This cement composite material hasadvantages in utilization of bamboo shaving waste and therefore reduces environmental pollution.The purpose of this research were to engineer alternative paving materials in the form of pavingblock made of bamboo shaving waste mixture composite cement. This research has obtained theoptimum physical and mechanical properties of the composite cement material and paving block at aspecific mixture composition. The physical and mechanical properties that are tested on pavingblock samples had five compositions variation of cement (S): sand (P): and bamboo fibre (B) of1:6:0; 1:4.5:1.5; 1:3:3; 1:1.5:4.5; and 1:0:6 respectively with catalyst of CaCl2 as much as 3 %volume. The results have showed that the physical properties of the concrete slab have optimumwater content of 16.67 % at variation of 1:4.5:1.5 and optimum mass density of 0.550 kg/m3 atvariation of 1:3:3. The mechanical properties test of the concrete slab have showed meancompressive strength of 19.8 MPa, mean Modulus of Rupture (MOR) of 16.40 MPa and meanModulus of Elasticity (MOE) of 11,500 MPa respectively at variation of 1:4.5:1.5. Optimum wearresistance value at variation of 1:3:3 on average were 0.698 mm/min. The physical properties testresults for the paving block had mean water content of 6.77 % and mean mass density of 0.761kg/m3 respectively at variation of 1:3:3. The value of mean MOR, mean MOE and mean wearresistance were 27.16 MPa, 11,583 MPa and 0.864 mm/min respectively for variation of 1:3:3. Abstrak: Perkerasan jalan beton merupakan perkerasan yang dibutuhkan pada area bertipikal bebankhusus dan low maintenance. Permasalahan penggunaan beton muncul ketika ketersediaan bahanpasir terbatas dan harganya mahal. Solusi yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini menerapkanbahan komposit semen dengan limbah serutan bambu sehingga diperoleh bahan bangunan yangringan, ramah lingkungan dan memiliki karakter sekelas beton. Bahan semen komposit ini memilikikeuntungan dalam pendayagunaan limbah serutan bambu sehingga ikut mengurangi pencemaranlingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat rekayasa komponen bahan alternatif perkerasanjalan dalam bentuk paving block dari semen komposit campuran bahan limbah serutan bambu.Penelitian ini mendapatkan sifat fisika dan mekanika optimum bahan semen komposit dan pavingblock pada komposisi campuran tertentu. Sifat fisika dan mekanika yang diuji pada benda uji pavingblock dengan 5 variasi perbandingan semen(S): pasir(P): dan serat bambu(B), yaitu 1:6:0; 1:4,5:1,5;1:3:3; 1:1,5:4,5 dan 1:0:6 dengan katalis CaCl2 sebanyak 3% volume. Hasilnya menunjukkan sifatfisika papan semen memiliki nilai optimum kadar air 16,67% pada variasi 1:4,5:1,5 dan berat jenisoptimum 0,550 kg/m3 pada variasi 1:3:3. Hasil uji sifat mekanika papan semen yaitu kuat tekan rataratasebesar 19,8 MPa, Modulus of Repture (MOR) rata-rata sebesar 16,40 MPa dan Modulus ofElasticity (MOE) rata-rata sebesar 11.500 MPa pada variasi 1:4,5:1,5. Nilai ketahanan aus optimumpada variasi 1:3:3 rata-rata sebesar 0,698 mm/menit. Hasil uji sifat fisika paving block dengan kadarair rata-rata 6,77% dan kerapatan rata-rata 0,761 kg/m3 pada variasi 1:3:3. Nilai rata-rata MOR,MOE dan ketahanan aus masing-masing sebesar 27,16 MPa, 11.583 MPa, dan 0,864 mm/menit padavariasi 1:3:3.Kata kunci : Serutan bambu, semen komposit, paving block.
Analisa Kerusakan dan Anggaran Perbaikan Jalan Menggunakan Metode Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Putu Budiarnaya; I Putu Ariawan; I Gusti Ngurah Nyoman Wismantara; I Gusti Putu Puspasari
Siklus : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/siklus.v7i2.7692


Ruas Jalan Raya Padangkerta-Budakeling berada di Wilayah Kecamatan Karangasem. Ruas jalan sepanjang STA 0+000 sampai 1+500 ini merupakan akses utama galian C di Kabupaten Karangasem, sehingga mayoritas angkutan yang melalui jalur ini adalah truk. Truk bermuatan berat ini menyebabkan terjadi banyak kerusakan disepanjang ruas. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis kerusakan perkerasan jalan serta cara penanganannya, sehingga diketahui anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki. Analisis data menggunakan metode Pavement Condition Index (PCI). Nilai rata-rata PCI dari 15 segmen yang ditinjau adalah 44,48%, artinya kerusakan ruas Jalan Raya Padangkerta-Budakeling termasuk dalam kategori sedang (fair). Langkah penanganan yang direkomendasikan pada ruas Jalan Raya Padangkerta-Budakeling dari STA 0+000 sampai 0+1500 adalah sesuai dengan klasifikasi kerusakan per-segmen berdasarkan nilai PCI. Meliputi: 1) Rekonstruksi sepanjang 400 m, untuk nilai PCI 0-30%; 2) Tambalan sepanjang 800 m dan lapis tambah (overlay) sepanjang 1.100m, untuk nilai PCI 30-80%; dan 3) Pemeliharaan Rutin, untuk nilai PCI 80-100%. Anggaran biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk perbaikan ruas Jalan Raya Padangkerta-Budakeling pada STA 0+000 sampai 1+500 adalah sebesar Rp 1.169.905.580.
Analisis Perbandingan Penjadwalan Menggunakan Critical Path Method (CPM) dengan Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangunaan SD Negeri 5 Pecatu) Komang Agus Ariana; Ketut Nuraga; Putu Budiarnaya; Putu Ariawan; I Gusti Ngurah Nyoman Wismantara; Nengah Riana; Kadek Pasek Pangestu
Jurnal Ilmiah Telsinas Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (976.377 KB) | DOI: 10.38043/telsinas.v4i1.374


Penjadwalana proyek sangat berpengaruhcterhadap keberhasilan dan kegagalan suatu proyek. Tujuanszxdari penelitian ini adalaha menganalisa penjadwalanc zproyeka dengana menentukanu kegiatan-kegiatans kritisz dan durasinyal menggunakan metodeh Criticalz Pathz Methodq (CPM)’ dan PrecedencezxDiagram Method (PDM). Datag yangv digunakanq dalamb penelitian iniz adalahx datas sekundera zyanga diperolehac dariiy kontraktorcpelaksana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari Critical Path Method (CPM) diperoleh durasi 25 minggu atau 175 hari dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang kritisnya antara lain kegiatan pekerjaan persiapan; pekerjaan tanah dan pondasi; pekerjaan listplank beton; pekerjaan balok dan pelat lantai 2; pekerjaan ring balok atap; pekerjaan pasangan kusen, pintu, dan jendela;pekerjaan sanitair/plumbing; pekerjaan pengecatan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian dari Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) diperoleh durasi 26 minggu atau 182 hari dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang kritisnya antara lain kegiatan pekerjaan persiapan; pekerjaan’ tanah,’dan pondasi; pekerjaan pile’’cap; pekerjaan sloof; pekerjaan’’kolom lantai 1; pekerjaan tangga beton; pekerjaan balok dan pelat lantai 2; pekerjaan kolom lantai 2; pekerjaan ring balok atap; pekerjaan dinding dan plesteran; pekerjaan pasang keramikkklantaiiddan dinding; pekerjaan pasangg kusen,ddpintu dan jendela; pekerjaandggpengecatan; ddpekerjaan elektrikal. Perbandingan hasil analisa metode CPM dan PDM menunjukkan perhitungan PDM yang paling optimal karena pada proyek pembangunan SDN 5 Pecatu memiliki pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang tumpang tindih.
Jurnal Ilmiah Telsinas Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2548.699 KB)


Bali is one of the provinces in central Indonesia that is famous for the comfort of its area. Of course this must be supported by adequate infrastructure such as drainage. With the increasing number of residents in each area such as in Jembrana Regency and inadequate drainage facilities, causing floods that disrupt the comfort of the area, drainage planning, especially secondary and tertiary channels, is necessary. in urban areas. Therefore the drainage planning there is adjusted to the planning standards that have been set and planned with dimensions using a return period (5 years) for secondary or tertiary channels. The purpose of the Final Project is to find out the plans for the environmental drainage system and analyze the dimensions of the channel drainage that can overcome inundation in the East Loloan area, Jembrana Regency. Data used are rainfall data from 2007-2016, using the RAPS method, Thiesson Polygon, type III log pearson, Smirnov-Kolmogrov, Talbot and Rational methods, the method used until you get a plan debit with an average of 0.3275 m3 / sec. Continuing to calculate the dimensional recommendations with a hydraulics count using the principle of uniform flow. From the existing conditions in the East Loloan area, Jembrana Regency often experiences inundation because of the inadequate channel dimensions, therefore it is necessary to do a re-planning with dimensions that can accommodate a larger water discharge so that inundation does not occur as before with a count of planned new plans.
Jurnal Ilmiah Telsinas Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1383.397 KB)


Congestion at the Tugu Ngurah Rai Roundabout junction that connects the road from Denpasar to the Nusa Dua and surrounding areas has become a problem in the city of Badung. This is because the road has not been able to handle the volume of vehicles at the intersection. Therefore it is necessary to make an underpass. The pass is planned with a total length of 408.4 meters which is divided into two parts, namely the closed section 100.40 meters and open 308 meters. The width of the road to be excavated is 16 meters wide for 2 (two) lanes. Geotechnical analysis is very necessary to plan the underpass structure, because the load that works on the underpass does not only come from traffic loads, but mostly comes from land which greatly affects structural stability. The method used for structural stability analysis in this study is the approach method based on IRC78 / 1983. The abutment design phase, like the structure of a retaining wall basically uses a trial system, then analyzes its stability provided that it must meet the value of the safety factor Sliding FS> 1.5, Bolster FS> 1.5, FS DDT> 3. In the case of the Underpass Simpang Tugu Ngurah Rai bridge the abutment is planned to be 7.8 meters high, 3.5 meters wide and 16 meters long from the ground surface. The results of the stability analysis on the abutment state that the soil can withstand shear forces, and rolling which works on the structure, but the carrying capacity of the soil cannot carry the structure above it, so the foundation below is needed. The foundation analyzed is a caissons foundation of 6 pile drill foundation with a diameter of 0.8 m and a depth of 3.4 meters. Each foundation pole can bear axial loads of 267,097 tons, so the total axial load that can be borne is 1602.55 tons. The caissons foundation with a diameter of 0.8 meters is a foundation that can withstand building structural loads on the Underpass and abutment bridges.
Evaluasi Perencanaan Dermaga (Jetty) Pada Pelabuhan Dili Timor Leste Teodósio Gil Soares da Costa; Putu Ariawan; Komang Agus Ariana
Jurnal Ilmiah Telsinas Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.182 KB)


The jetty is an important facility for a port to support its operational activities. The construction of the jetty at the port of Dili, East Timor is to serve the crossing from Dili to Oecusse, Atauro and vice versa. This jetty has a length of 100 m and a width of 20 m which is a prestressed concrete jetty.The Section of evaluation for jetty plan at Dili Port, East Timor are: the supper structure of the jetty includes among others fender, bollard, vehicle floor plate, and prestressed beam as soon as the sub structure of the jetty there is a poer and pile foundation. Analysis in evaluation structure is based on SNI T-02-2005, SNI 1727: 2013, SNI 2052-2014 and SAP 2000 with the quality of concrete f’c 30 Mpa and the quality of steel reinforcement f’y 400 Mpa.Based on the evaluation for jetty plan at Dili Port, East Timor, is obtained on the dimension of the jetty plate are 30 cm thick with reinforcement direction pedestal x and y equal to = 0,075, while the dimension of the prestressed beam are 70 cm wide and 90 cm high reinforcement pedestal direction x and field direction x equal to ? = 0,066. Poer is planned to be a single unit (monolith) with a pile, while the dimensions of the pile are 45 cm in diameter, 1,2 cm thick and 42,50 m in length. On the berthing structure is used a rubber fender tipe seibu V with a V-300 H capacity, and the mooring structure used is a bent bollard with a capacity of 25 tons.
Evaluasi Perkerasan Landasan Pacu Pada Bandara Pattimura Dengan Membandingkan Metode FAA dan FAARFIELD Software Mario Stevano Lewa; Putu Ariawan; Putu Budiarnaya
Jurnal Ilmiah Telsinas Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1162.531 KB)


Maluku is one of the provinces in eastern Indonesia which is famous for its natural beauty. This is supported by the number of tourists who come there through Pattimura airport. With the increasing demand for air transportation at Pattimura airport at this time it is necessary to change the airport facilities specifically runways to accommodate all flight requests. Therefore, the thickness of the pavement of the runway must meet the strength of the structure so that it can serve the movement of the aircraft according to the age of the plan (in 2037). The purpose of the final assignment is to evaluate the strength of the pavement of the runway by comparing the flexible pavement design between the FAA Method and FAARFIELD Software. The data used are passenger data for 2011-2017, aircraft movement data, and runway layout images. Both of these methods will later be used as a reference in changing the thickness of the pavement according to the current condition of the existing runway. The total calculation results using a flexible pavement planning curve with CBR 6 for subgrade and CBR 20 for the subbase obtained results of 78,74 cm from the FAA method and 73,66 cm with the FAARFIELD software. The results of these two methods have a thickness greater than the current pavement condition of Pattimura airport, which is 68,58 cm. Therefore it is necessary to re-plan the thickness of the pavement so that it can accommodate aircraft movements at the planned age.
Analisis Kelayakan Panjang dan Tebal Perkerasan Runway Untuk Pesawat Jenis B737-900ER yang Beroperasi di Bandar Udara Banyuwangi I Putu Ariawan; Iqbal Wahyudi; Made Widya Jayantari
Jurnal Ilmiah Telsinas Vol 4 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.929 KB) | DOI: 10.38043/telsinas.v4i2.3341


Runway is an airport facility which is very important for aircraft landing and taking off. The runway is a square area on the surface of the airport that is prepared for aircraft take off and landing, without a well-planned and managed runway, the aircraft will not be able to use the airport. In designing the runway, it is strictly regulated regarding the length, width, orientation (direction), configuration, slope / slope, and thickness of the runway pavement. This final project will analyze the feasibility of the runway length and the thickness of the pavement (runway) for the operational plan aircraft that will be used in the next 20 years. With ARFL corrections to the existing runway conditions, the current runway length is 2,500 meters. For the next 20 years traffic flow is forecasted using linear regression analysis from 2011 to 2037. From the forecasting results, it was found that the total aircraft movement was 19,138 movements (R1), so it was planned to use the B 737 900 ER aircraft because this aircraft had a passenger capacity of 220 seats. This aircraft is the reference for the planning of the runway dimensions. Some of the resulting planning analyzes include: the length of the planned runway is 2,498 meters long and 45 meters wide. Meanwhile, the pavement planning analysis resulted in a surface layer thickness of 4 inches, a base coarse layer of 13 inches, and a subbase thickness of 22 inches.
Analisis Kelayakan Finansial dan Kerugian Akibat Adanya Pandemi Covid-19 pada Angkutan Wisata dan Angkutan Antar Jemput I Gede Fery Surya Tapa; Putu Ariawan; I Ketut Nuraga
Jurnal Ilmiah Telsinas Vol 5 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.594 KB) | DOI: 10.38043/telsinas.v5i1.3753


Before the Covid-19 pandemic, an increase in the number of foreign and domestic tourists. With the increase in the number of tourists, the number of tourist travel efforts to increase the mode of transportation, with the aim of travel and shuttle visits increases every year. The objectives of the study are to analyze most of the BOK of tourist and shuttle transportation, to analyze the revenue of financial transportation and shuttle transportation, and to analyze the feasibility of tourist and shuttle transportation. The data needed for this study are primary data obtained from questionnaire surveys and interviews, and secondary data obtained through related institutions. The total operational cost of the tourist transportation vehicle is Rp. 5,937,007,065 12 vehicles / year, shuttle transportation of Rp. 5,975,220,122 17 vehicles / year. The total tourism transportation revenue is Rp. 7,158,878,400 12 vehicles / year, and shuttle transportation of Rp. 8,978,130,221 17 vehicles / year. The financial feasibility of tourist transportation with an NPV value of Rp. 100,640,493,054> 0 (feasible), BCR value 1.95> 1 (feasible), IRR value 42.478%> 15% MARR (feasible), and PBP time of 7 years and 1 month. Shuttle transportation NPV value of Rp. 734,194,558> 0 (feasible), BCR value 1.02> 1 (feasible), IRR value 19.649%> 15% MARR (feasible), and PBP time of 6 years 4 months. Sensitivity analysis of tourist transportation costs increased by 34%, income decreased by 34% and shuttle costs increased by 1.5%, income decreased by 1.5%. Losses during 2020-2021, for tourist transportation amounted to -Rp. 10,782,606,379 12 vehicles / 2 years, shuttle transportation of -Rp. 16,866,802,314 17 vehicles / 2years.
Analisis Perbandingan Penjadwalan Menggunakan Critical Path Method (CPM) dengan Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangunaan SD Negeri 5 Pecatu) Komang Agus Ariana; Ketut Nuraga; Putu Budiarnaya; Putu Ariawan; I Gusti Ngurah Nyoman Wismantara; Nengah Riana; Kadek Pasek Pangestu
Jurnal Ilmiah Telsinas Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (976.377 KB) | DOI: 10.38043/telsinas.v4i1.374


Penjadwalana proyek sangat berpengaruhcterhadap keberhasilan dan kegagalan suatu proyek. Tujuanszxdari penelitian ini adalaha menganalisa penjadwalanc zproyeka dengana menentukanu kegiatan-kegiatans kritisz dan durasinyal menggunakan metodeh Criticalz Pathz Methodq (CPM)’ dan PrecedencezxDiagram Method (PDM). Datag yangv digunakanq dalamb penelitian iniz adalahx datas sekundera zyanga diperolehac dariiy kontraktorcpelaksana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari Critical Path Method (CPM) diperoleh durasi 25 minggu atau 175 hari dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang kritisnya antara lain kegiatan pekerjaan persiapan; pekerjaan tanah dan pondasi; pekerjaan listplank beton; pekerjaan balok dan pelat lantai 2; pekerjaan ring balok atap; pekerjaan pasangan kusen, pintu, dan jendela;pekerjaan sanitair/plumbing; pekerjaan pengecatan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian dari Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) diperoleh durasi 26 minggu atau 182 hari dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang kritisnya antara lain kegiatan pekerjaan persiapan; pekerjaan’ tanah,’dan pondasi; pekerjaan pile’’cap; pekerjaan sloof; pekerjaan’’kolom lantai 1; pekerjaan tangga beton; pekerjaan balok dan pelat lantai 2; pekerjaan kolom lantai 2; pekerjaan ring balok atap; pekerjaan dinding dan plesteran; pekerjaan pasang keramikkklantaiiddan dinding; pekerjaan pasangg kusen,ddpintu dan jendela; pekerjaandggpengecatan; ddpekerjaan elektrikal. Perbandingan hasil analisa metode CPM dan PDM menunjukkan perhitungan PDM yang paling optimal karena pada proyek pembangunan SDN 5 Pecatu memiliki pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang tumpang tindih.