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Pengaruh Tumpang Sari Cabai dengan Kubis terhadap Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Cabai Di Desa Kerinjing Kota Pagar Alam Arsi Arsi; Gunawan Ade Putra Sihite; Fitra Gustiar; Irmawati Irmawati; Suparman SHK; Harman Hamidson; Chandra Irsan; Suwandi Suwandi; Yulia Pujiastuti; Khodijah Khodijah; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Abu Umayah; Bambang Gunawan; Andika Tiara Sukma; Kevin Christian Bakkit P
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2021: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 “Sustainable Urban Farming Guna Meningkatkan
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Riset Pengembangan Lahan Suboptimal (PUR-PLSO) Universitas Sriwijaya

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Arsi A, Sihite GAP, Gustiar F, Irmawati I, SHK Suparman, Hamidson H, Irsan C, Suwandi S, Pujiastuti Y, Khodijah K, Nurhayati N, Umayah A, Gunawan B, Sukma AT, Bakkit PKC.  2021. The effect of intercropping chili with cabbage on pests and plant disease in Kerinjing Village Pagar Alam city. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp.101-113. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Red chili (Capsicum annuum) belongs to the family Solanaceae and is one of the vegetable commodities that has many benefits, high economic value. The aim of this field practice is to find out the difference in intensity of pest and disease attacks on intercropping and monoculture chili plants. This field practice was carried out in Kerinjing Village, Dempo Utara District, Kota Pagar Alam, South Sumatra. The reseach uses the case method by deliberate sampling in a field by counting the number of mounds in the field and determining the sample on the mound to be observed. On the two fields that were observed were found pests and diseases that attacked the chili plants namely mandibular pests and curly diseases, yellow disease and leaf spot disease. The average intensity of mandibular pest attacks on monocultures is 2.7% while on intercropping is 11.12%. The mean intensity of attacks of curly diseases was 33.87% in monocultures and 22.35 in intercropping. In jaundice, the mean intensity of attack was 14.87% in monoculture land and 8.25% in intercropping land while the mean intensity of spotting was 5.67% in monoculture land and 1.30% in intercropping land. From the observations that have been made that there is no significant difference between monoculture land and intercropping land for pests and diseases of chili plants. Weather affects the attack of pests and diseases on both fields, where dry weather affects the spread of disease-causing vectors so that the intensity of the attacks is higher. And also the use of crop rotation that is not right also exacerbates the level of pest and disease attacks on chili plants.
Keanekaragaman Hama dengan Kultur Teknis Berbeda Pada Lahan Mentimun (Cucumis Sativus) Di Desa Tanjung Seteko, Indralaya Utara, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan Arsi Arsi; Rahmatul Khaira; Suparman SHK; Bambang Gunawan; Yulia Pujiastuti; Harman Hamidson; Septian Imam Nugraha; Lailatturahmi Lailatturahmi
Sainmatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol. 18 No. 1 (2021): Sainmatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/sainmatika.v17i3.5846


There are many types of vegetables that are nutritious for health and metabolism, including cucumbers. Cucumbers are included in the vegetable category because cucumbers are often used as fresh vegetables or pickles. Cucumber cultivation is inseparable from pests and diseases. Pest management efforts must be carried out based on consideration of ecosystem stability. One of the techniques for controlling pests in cucumber plants can be done with technical culture. The research practice aims to determine the effect of technical culture on the diversity of pest types, population and intensity of cucumber pest attacks on two different fields in Tanjung Seteko Village, Inderalaya. The research was conducted with a sampling method to determine the population, intensity and pest attack. The research was carried out on two different fields of age and variety. Data analysis was performed using the t test at the 5% confidence level. Pests found in cucumber fields, namely, Aulacophora sp., Succinea sp., Valanga sp., And Leptoglossus sp. Based on observations in the field, technical culture in the village of Tanjung Seteko has a significant effect on the population and intensity of the attack of Succinea sp., Valanga sp. and Leptoglossus being Aulachopora sp. no significant effect.
Keanekaragaman Arthropoda dan Intensitas serangan pada Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum Annum L,) Di Desa Tanjung Pering Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Arsi Arsi; Andika Tiara Sukma; Kevin Christian BP; M Rafii F; Fitra Gustiar; Irmawati Irmawati; Suparman SHK; Harman Hamidson; Yulia Pujiastuti; Bambang Gunawan; Abu Umayah; Nurhayati Nurhayati
Sainmatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol. 18 No. 2 (2021): Sainmatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/sainmatika.v18i2.6584


Cabai merah (Capsicum annum L,) merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran penting yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi dan cocok untuk dikembangkan di daerah tropika seperti di Indonesia, Luas panen cabai memiliki peringkat tertinggi dibandingkan dengan sayuran lainnya. Usahatani cabai merah telah sejak lama diusahakan oleh petani secara intensif, Komoditas ini juga merupakan sumber pendapatan dan kesempatan kerja yang memberikan kontribusi cukup tinggi terhadap perkembangan ekonomi daerah, apalagi harga cabai merah yang selama beberapa tahun terakhir mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan, banyak kendala yang dihadapi petani dalam budidaya cabai yaitu Organisme Penggangu Tanaman seperti gangguan hama dan penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman arthropoda dan intensitas serangan hama pada pertanaman cabai. Metode pengamatan serangga ini dengan menggunakan metode Scan sampling, Pantrap, Yellowtrap dan intensitas serangan serangga. Data-data tersebut ditampilkan secara deskritip, table dan gambar. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan secara visual ditemukan 4 ordo dan 8 spesies yang bersifat sebagai hama serta 3 ordo dengan 4 spesies yang bersifat sebagai predator. Spesies yang ditemukan pada perangkap pantrap terdapat 4 ordo dan 15 spesies dengan berbeda peranan. Perangkap Yellowstcikytrap ditemukan 6 ordo dan 15 spesies yang bervariasi peranannya di pertanaman cabai. Keanekaragaman arthropoda pada pertanaman cabai bervariasi. Serangga yang merusak pada tanaman cabai yaitu Kutu daun (Aphis gossypii), Kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci) dan Lalat Buah (Bactrocera spp.) yang memiliki tingkat kerusakan yang berbeda pada masing-masing lahan.
Attack Level Of Coffee Fruit Borer Pest (Hypothenemus hampei) And Branch Borer Pest (Xylosandrus compactus) In Central Dempo District Pagaralam City Arsi Arsi; Suparman SHK; Bambang Gunawan; Abu Umayah; Yulia Pujiastuti; Harman Hamidson; Chandra Irsan; Suwandi; Nurhasnah
Sainmatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol. 20 No. 1 (2023): Sainmatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/sainmatika.v20i1.9952


Pagaralam is a city in South Sumatra Province with five districts: North Dempo, Central Dempo, South Dempo, North Pagaralam and South Pagaralam. The main commodity is coffee. Coffee cultivation has a major problem, namely the attack of fruit and branch borer pests because it can reduce the quality and productivity of coffee. This study was to determine the level of attack by fruit borer and branch borer in the Dempo Tengah sub-district. Coffee farmers in Pagaralam use monoculture and polyculture cultivation systems. This field practice method is observation, observation in this study, and interviews with coffee farmers. The results showed that the attack of young coffee berry borer pests can cause the fruit to wither and fall off, while ripe fruit has holes in its seeds. Branch borer attacks cause branches to wither and dry. The highest percentage of fruit and branch borer attacks on coffee plants was found in young mixed-aged coffee plantations. In conclusion, fruit borer and coffee branch borer are more susceptible to attacking coffee at a young age, because young coffee plants have soft plant organs. Lush shade creates high humidity and low temperatures, which can make it easier for pests to breed.