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Pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam mengolah produk makanan berbahan dasar lokal di Kabupaten Sidrap Hermawati Hermawati; Tamrin Mallawangeng
DEDIKASI Vol 21, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Dedikasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/dedikasi.v21i2.11500


One of the natural potentials available in large quantities in the Tanete Village is the chicken farming sector. Efforts to empower the community of Tanete Village can be done by promoting appropriate technology. Food processing technology based on chicken meat is in the form of meatballs, sausages, jerky and crispy chicken skin crackers. The processed products are animal origin foods which are processed with the aim to have a longer shelf life and add flavor to the menu or daily dishes. Through this diversification the shelf life can reach more than 60 days. The purpose of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) is to change the mindset of housewives to be more creative in diversifying processed products from the local potential available in their villages, so as to be able to contribute greatly to the family economy.
Model Pelatihan Teknologi Sablon Digital Guna Meningkatkan Kreatifitas Kepada Karang Taruna Maero Kabupaten Jeneponto Muzaki Muzaki; Nur Hadijah Yunianti; Hermawati Hermawati
UNM Environmental Journals Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/uej.v5i1.34415


Model pelatihan ini adalah Pengabdian bagi masyarakat dalam bentuk PKM. PKM ini dilatarbelakangi dari minat masyarakat terhadap wirausaha yang kurang, karena mereka berpikir tingginya modal yang akan mereka gunakan, oleh karena itu PKM ini hadir sebagai upaya untuk memberikan solusi bahwa sebuah usaha dapat dilakukan tanpa harus menggunakan modal yang besar, hanya diperlukan sedikit kreatifitas dan penerapan iptek untuk membarikan solusi yang tepat. PKM Sablon Kaos Digital ini bertujuan untuk a) mendesain produk sablon berupa kaos, b) memberikan pelatihan wirausaha kepada Karang Taruna, c) memberikan pengalaman kerja pada peserta dan d) komersialisasi produk sablon di Kab. Jeneponto.Metode yang digunakan dalam PKM bagi masyarakat ini adalah dengan mendesain produk sablon dan mug untuk melatih skill peserta agar siap untuk bersaing di dunia usaha, mengadakan pelatihan, praktek, pendampingan dan pemantauan. Dengan pengabdian bagi masyarakat ini diharapkan peserta memiliki kemampuan untuk mendesain, mencetak dan memasarkan produk sablon agar meningkatkan minat wirausaha dan mendapatkan penghasilan.
UNM Environmental Journals Vol 5, No 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/uej.v5i2.42873


on students' knowledge, attitudes and behavior in managing waste. This study uses a single case study design at Sekolah Menengah Pertama Menghafal Qur'an (SMPMQ) Khairu Ummah. The data were obtained through interviews, observations, and unofficial documents such as preparation steps for the learning process, learning modules, documentation, and activity reports which were used to explore the experience and skills of waste management acquired by students during project implementation. The significance of the increase in students' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in managing waste is measured using a questionnaire. The findings show that students understand the negative impact of improper waste management. The observation results show good teacher preparation in the management of project-based learning. The results of the study also showed an increase in students' skills in 1) classifying waste materials that are easily decomposed and suitable for making eco enzymes, 2) determining the right conditions for fermentation to take place, 3) determining the quality of a fermented product through organoleptic observations. Through project-based learning activities for making eco enzymes, students can learn about the concept of reusing waste materials for the production of new materials such as eco enzymes. There was a very significant increase in the scores of students' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in managing waste after learning based on the eco enzyme production project. Valuable experience through student project activities to manage waste into useful products is expected to help sustain their lifelong learning process so that it can contribute greatly to creating environmental balance.