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PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR JARINGAN DAN KEBUTUHAN AIR BERSIH UNTUK PERUMAHAN DI DESA MORELA-KECAMATAN LEIHITU : (Network Structure Planning and the Need of Clean Water for Housing in Morela Village-Leihitu Sub-District) Sjaid S.Fais Assagaf; Rabiyatul Uzda; Andi Sudarman
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.44 KB) | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i2.44


The need for clean water in each area is very urgent, especially in rural areas that lack springs. Discussions are being carried out regarding drinking water needs in Morela village community housing, calculating the capacity requirements for drinking water volume in Morela Village housing and drawing of the existing clean water distribution system installation network. in Morela Village. The study used a quantitative analysis approach to processing primary data obtained from field data samples through the survey to be analyzed. The projection of drinking water until 2027 is 12.449 liters / second, while the availability of water sourced from rivers is based on a discharge analysis of 10.825 liters / second. The process of connecting the flow of clean water from the river to the Morela Village housing, through brouncaptering using the GPS Medium A pipe. 150 mm, 100 mm and 75 mm, water is flowed to a distribution reservoir measuring 6.30m x 8.10m x 2m and from the reservoir the water is flowed through a diameter pipe. 150 mm, 100 mm and 75 mm and flowed directly to the main pipe dia. 50 mm to the housing.
Komparasi Kapasitas Lentur Saluran Drainase Beton Pracetak (U-DITCH) Tipe Normal dan Inovasi Erwin Syaiful Wagola; Eddy Agus Muharyanto; Andi Sudarman; Nuliyati Rumbia; Ilham Konong
JUSTE (Journal of Science and Technology) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): JUSTE
Publisher : LLDIKTI WIlayah XII Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1060.531 KB) | DOI: 10.51135/justevol1issue1page29-38


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kapasitas lentur U-Ditch tipe Normal dengan dimensi 100x80x80 dan kapasitas lentur dari U-Ditch tipe Inovasi dengan dimensi 100x50x50 cm. Metode pengujian terhadap U-Ditch tipe Normal dan Inovasi ini, menggunakan metode pembebanan yang mengacu pada standar U-Ditch di Jepang (JIS). Sistem penulangan pada produk U-Ditch tipe Inovasi sudah mengacu pada standar disain penulangan U-Ditch di Jepang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan berat per M’ panjang produk U-Ditch tipe normal adalah 540.00 kg, dan U-Ditch tipe Inovasi adalah 271.65 kg. Kapasitas Lentur struktur U-Ditch rata-rata per berat per M panjang U-Ditch, untuk U-Ditch tipe normal adalah 12.55 kN.m (per ton per M’) dan untuk U-Ditch tipe Inovasi adalah 33.55 kN.m. (per ton per M’), dengan Perbandingan kapasitas lentur U-Ditch tipe Normal terhadap U-Ditch tipe Inovasi adalah 37%.
ANALISIS NILAI KONDISI LAPIS PERKERASAN JALAN PADA RUAS JALAN ARTERI PRIMER PADA JALAN LABUANG KABUPATEN BURU SELATAN: (Analysis of Road Pavement Condition Values on Primary Arterial Road Sections on Laburan Road, South Buru Regency) Sjaid S. Fais Assagaf; Andi Sudarman; A. Yani
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v3i3.259


The road damage greatly affects the smooth flow of traffic and the safety and comfort of road users, especially on the Primary Arterial road section in South Buru Regency, Namrole City. The issues raised What are the types of road damage that occurred on the Laburan-Kilo Satu road and what is the value of the road pavement condition on the Laburan-Kilo One road. So that it can be known the type of road damage that occurred on the Laburan-Kilo Satu road and the road pavement condition value on the Laburan-Kilo Satu road. This research was conducted to identify the type and level of damage that occurred in the primary arterial road. The method used is the Bina Marga method, namely the calculation of the type of road damage and the type of handling, by calculating the type of damage and calculating the LHR that crosses the observation point. The results of visual observations in the field obtained damage area, depth, crack width and type of damage that will be used as data for damage handling with the 1995 Bina Marga Method on the Laburan-Kilo One road section in South Buru Regency with a road length of 1,500 meters divided into 15 stations including the type of roughness found on the road section on the Laburan-Kilo Satu road Namrole City, South Buru Regency Cracked Alligators, Surface Roughness or Surface Defects, Holes and Collapsed. The largest value of road damage is in STA 800-900, amounting to 0.520 km2. Meanwhile, the smallest road damage was at STA 600-700 of 0.27 km2. The dominant type of damage found on this road is damage to crocodile skin cracks with damage intervals of 1 m2 to 50 m2.