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‘UQUBAT TERHADAP JARIMAH ZINA YANG MELIBATKAN ANAK Mansari mansari; Ahmad Fikri Oslami; Zahrul Fatahillah
Jurnal Yudisial Vol 14, No 3 (2021): LOCUS STANDI
Publisher : Komisi Yudisial RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29123/jy.v14i3.436


ABSTRAKPutusan Nomor 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo hanya menjatuhkan ‘uqubat bagi pelaku laki-laki dewasa yang terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melakukan zina dengan anak. Padahal prinsip utama dalam zina adalah adanya dua pihak yang secara suka rela melakukan hubungan intim di luar perkawinan sah. Persoalan utama kajian ini adalah apakah anak dalam Putusan Nomor 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo dapat dijatuhkan ‘uqubat zina, dan mengapa hakim tidak menjatuhkan ‘uqubat bagi anak dalam Putusan Nomor 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, yang berusaha memberikan penilaian terhadap putusan tersebut. Bahan hukum primer yang digunakan Putusan Nomor 02/JN/2018 /MS.Mbo. Bahan hukum sekunder diperoleh dengan menelaah literatur perpustakaan. Analisis data dilakukan secara preskriptif dengan tujuan memberikan penilaian terhadap putusan tersebut dengan menggunakan kaidah dan asas-asas dalam ilmu hukum dan hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak dalam Putusan Nomor 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo dapat dijatuhi dengan ‘uqubat hudud, karena terbukti secara suka rela melakukan perbuatan zina, dan anak telah berumur 16 tahun yang dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban atas perbuatannya. Alasan hakim tidak menjatuhkan ‘uqubat bagi pelaku anak dikarenakan beberapa faktor, yaitu: anak dianggap sebagai korban, penuntut umum tidak mengajukan dakwaan dan penuntutan terhadap pelaku anak, dan pengetahuan hakim terhadap otoritasnya untuk meminta penjelasan kepada penuntut umum melakukan penyidikan dan penuntutan terhadap perkara yang ada kaitannya dengan perkara yang sedang diadili masih kurang.Kata kunci: qanun hukum jinayat; ‘uqubat; jinayah; hudud. ABSTRACTThe Decision Number 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo only imposes ‘uqubat (punishment) for adult male perpetrators who is proven guilty of committing adultery with a girl. Whereas, the main principle of adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between two parties outside of legal marriage. The main issue of this study is whether the girl in Decision Number 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo can be imposed of an adultery ‘uqubat and why the judge didn’t impose the ‘uqubat for the girl in Decision Number 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo. The author uses a normative juridical research method to assess the decision. The Decision Number 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo is the primary legal material. The secondary legal materials were acquired by reviewing library literature. The data were analyzed prescriptively, intending to assess the decision using the rules and principles in the science of law and Islamic law. The study results show that the girl in Decision Number 02/JN/2018/MS.Mbo can be sentenced with ‘uqubat hudud because it was proven that she voluntarily committed adultery. The girl is 16 years old and can be asked for responsibility for her actions. The judges did not impose ‘uqubat for the girl due to several factors, namely: the girl was considered as a victim, the prosecutor didn’t submit an indictment and criminal charge against the girl, and a lack of the judge’s knowledge of their authority to ask for an explanation to the public prosecutor in carrying out investigations and prosecutions for the cases that related to the case that was being tried.Keywords: qanun jinayat law; ‘uqubat (punishment); jinayah (crime); hudud.
ENFORCEMENT OF JINAYAT LAW FOR NON-MUSLIMS IN ACEH Mahmuddin Mahmuddin; Mansari Mansari; Khairuddin Khairuddin; Ahmad Fikri Oslami; Mul Irawan
Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan Vol 11, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Puslitbang Hukum dan Peradilan Mahkamah Agung RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25216/jhp.11.1.2022.21-42


Law enforcement against non-Muslims who commit violations of jinayat law tends to use the penalties stipulated in the Qanun Hukum Jinayat compared to other criminal statutory provisions. This phenomenon is interesting to study because non-Muslims who commit criminal acts (Jarimah) are given the choice of choosing to use Qanun or other Criminal Law which is regulated outside the Qanun. This study aims to analyze how the enforcement of jinayat law against Jarimah is carried out by non-Muslims, why non-Muslims are more likely to choose jinayat law than the provisions of other criminal laws and regulations outside of the Qanun and which penalties are imposed more dominantly by syar'iyah court judges. The author uses the empirical juridical research method with the aim of describing concrete facts about jinayat law enforcement for non-Muslims. The primary legal materials used are Qanun Hukum Jinayat Qanun Hukum Procedural Jinayat. Secondary legal materials, namely through books, journals and research results. Primary data was obtained through interviews with non-Muslims who had been sentenced according to qanun, judges and Wilayatuh Hisbah (WH). The results showed that enforcement of jinayat law for non-Muslims must first seek approval from the suspect to use qanuns or criminal laws other than qanuns. Then the investigator takes action according to the choice set by the suspect. Non-Muslims tend to choose qanuns due to several factors: first, the punishment is more instantaneous than the KUHP which carries a prison sentence. Second, the people who witnessed the execution of the caning were not all citizens who knew him. The more dominant punishments handed down by judges were ta'zir flogging and actions in the form of revoking their business license.