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SPEKTRUM INDUSTRI Vol 11, No 1: April 2013

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Green diesel  merupakan salah satu solusi mengatasi kebutuhan bahan bakar diesel yang semakin meningkat, green diesel merupakan minyak diesel yang berasal dari hidrogenasi minyak nabati yang memiliki kualitas lebih baik dibandingkan biodiesel dan ramah lingkungan. Proses hidrogenasi minyak nabati menjadi green diesel dirancang di reaktor yang beroperasi pada suhu 250 0 C  dan tekanan 10 atm, untuk beroperasi pada suhu dan tekanan tersebut maka perlu diketahui karakter reaktor juga  suhu pemanasnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan merancang reaktor hidrogenasi dan merancang pemanas reaktor juga uji temperatur pemanas.Pemanas listrik disambungkan  dengan regulator tegangan, termokopel dipasang  pada batu penahan panas tepat di atas elemen  pemanas.  Regulator  diputar pada tegangan 100 volt, perubahan suhu dicatat   tiap 5 menit, percobaan  dihentikan apabila suhu sudah konstan , percobaan diulangi  untuk tegangan 125,150,175,200 dan 225  volt. Percobaan diulang untuk mempelajari karakter perpindahan panas ke  reaktor. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah reaktor hidrogenasi dirancang dari bahan stainless steel,  beroperasi pada temperatur 250 0 C dengan tekanan 10 atm, Spesifikasi reaktor  sebagai berikut : volume cairan 2 liter, tinggi reaktor 31 cm, diameter luar 15 cm dan diameter dalam 10 cm. Reaktor tabung ini dilihat dari persyaratan suhu dan kebutuhan panas dapat digunakan sebagai reaktor untuk hidrogenasi minyak biji kapuk. Pemanasan di reaktor dapat mencapai  suhu  2400  C dengan menggunakan tegangan 175 Volt. .           Kata kunci : Karakteristik , Reaktor hidrogenasi ,  Green diesel

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Green diesel  merupakan salah satu solusi mengatasi kebutuhan bahan bakar diesel yang semakin meningkat, green diesel merupakan minyak diesel yang berasal dari hidrogenasi minyak nabati yang memiliki kualitas lebih baik dibandingkan biodiesel dan ramah lingkungan. Proses hidrogenasi minyak nabati menjadi green diesel dirancang di reaktor yang beroperasi pada suhu 250 0 C  dan tekanan 10 atm, untuk beroperasi pada suhu dan tekanan tersebut maka perlu diketahui karakter reaktor juga  suhu pemanasnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan merancang reaktor hidrogenasi dan merancang pemanas reaktor juga uji temperatur pemanas.Pemanas listrik disambungkan  dengan regulator tegangan, termokopel dipasang  pada batu penahan panas tepat di atas elemen  pemanas.  Regulator  diputar pada tegangan 100 volt, perubahan suhu dicatat   tiap 5 menit, percobaan  dihentikan apabila suhu sudah konstan , percobaan diulangi  untuk tegangan 125,150,175,200 dan 225  volt. Percobaan diulang untuk mempelajari karakter perpindahan panas ke  reaktor. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah reaktor hidrogenasi dirancang dari bahan stainless steel,  beroperasi pada temperatur 250 0 C dengan tekanan 10 atm, Spesifikasi reaktor  sebagai berikut : volume cairan 2 liter, tinggi reaktor 31 cm, diameter luar 15 cm dan diameter dalam 10 cm. Reaktor tabung ini dilihat dari persyaratan suhu dan kebutuhan panas dapat digunakan sebagai reaktor untuk hidrogenasi minyak biji kapuk. Pemanasan di reaktor dapat mencapai  suhu  2400  C dengan menggunakan tegangan 175 Volt. .           Kata kunci : Karakteristik , Reaktor hidrogenasi ,  Green diesel
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Juni 2014
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Biodiesel is one of the best solutions to overcomethe reduction of oil reserves by utilizing plant oils are converted into fuel.Kapok seed is one of the potential sources of raw materials that can be taken to be used as biodiesel. For the manufacture of biodiesel on a large scale is necessary to design the reactor, the reactor needs to design the data of reaction kinetics.This reaserch was conducted to determine the rate of reaction of biodiesel production. The process was  by making kapok seed oil and analyzed the content of FFA, if FFA <2 then the esterification process is done.150 ml oil inserted in three neck flask and heated to temperature of 50 °C with water bath.While waiting for heating, 57 ml of techinical methanol 96 % was mixed with 1.25 grams KOH p.a and stirred for 60 minutes, then either mixing the solution with the oil heated with a water bath. The reaction temperature was maintained  at 50oC with stirring speed of 600 rpm for 60 minutes. Inserting the solution into a separator funnel and left for 24 hours to form 2 layers.Separating the two layers.The top layer wasbiodiesel and the bottom layer was glycerol.Repeating step by step above with the variation of time  60, 75, 90, 105 and 120 minutes. For reaction temperature variable, the process carried out at temperatures 40 °C, 50 °C, 70 °C and 90 °C.The results of this reaserch were the water content of kapok seed is 4,07 % and FFA valuewas 4,8 % after lowered 1,56 %.Transesterification reaction conditions of oil and methanol mole ratio of 1 : 3, with the stirrer rotation speed of 600 rpm for 105 minutes and the reaction temperature of 90 °C gave the conversion of 0.916 mol (%).Transesterification reaction of kapok seed oil into biodiesel follows the first order reaction.The results of the analysis of biodiesel and the heat test, may indicate that it meets the criteria specified in the benchmark Indonesian Biodiesel Quality Standards (RSNI EB 020 551).
Strategi Penyerapan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah Salamah, Siti
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v7i1.21927


Fenomena penumpukan penyerapan anggaran pada bulan Desember yang menyebabkan ketidakmerataan penyerapan anggaran merupakan salah satu problematika yang dihadapi oleh Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor penyebab ketidakmerataan penyerapan APBD serta menentukan strategi penyerapan APBD Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Informan dari penelitian ini terdiri dari 13 keyperson yang terdiri dari unsur akademisi/peneliti dan dinas pemerintah yaitu pihak Badan Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan pihak Biro Administrasi Pembangunan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan AHP yaitu kriteria pertama adalah faktor regulasi, kedua kriteria faktor perencanaan anggaran, dan ketiga kriteria faktor Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Alternatif prioritas program yakni diadakan sosialisasi mengenai mekanisme pencairan anggaran. Selanjutnya yaitu adanya RAB (Rencana Anggaran Biaya), serta adanya kebijakan penyerapan anggaran.   The phenomenon of budget absorption in December that caused inequality of budget absorption is one of the problems being experienced by Central Java Province. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors causing inequality absorption of APBD and the speed of absorption of Central Java Provincial Governments APBD. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research with data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Informants from this research consists of 13 keyperson consisting of academician/researcher and government institution that is Financial and Asset Management Board of Central Java Province and the Regional Administration Bureau of Central Java Province. The result of research using AHP is first criterion is regulation factor, second criterion of budget planning factor, and resource factor. Alternative program of socialization program on budget disbursement mechanism. Furthermore, the existence of RAB (Budget Plan), and the budget absorption budget..
SPEKTRUM INDUSTRI Vol 11, No 1: April 2013
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.369 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/si.v11i1.1637


Green diesel merupakan salah satu solusi mengatasi kebutuhan bahan bakar diesel yang semakin meningkat, green diesel merupakan minyak diesel yang berasal dari hidrogenasi minyak nabati yang memiliki kualitas lebih baik dibandingkan biodiesel dan ramah lingkungan. Proses hidrogenasi minyak nabati menjadi green diesel dirancang di reaktor yang beroperasi pada suhu 250 0 C dan tekanan 10 atm, untuk beroperasi pada suhu dan tekanan tersebut maka perlu diketahui karakter reaktor juga suhu pemanasnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan merancang reaktor hidrogenasi dan merancang pemanas reaktor juga uji temperatur pemanas.Pemanas listrik disambungkan dengan regulator tegangan, termokopel dipasang pada batu penahan panas tepat di atas elemen pemanas. Regulator diputar pada tegangan 100 volt, perubahan suhu dicatat tiap 5 menit, percobaan dihentikan apabila suhu sudah konstan , percobaan diulangi untuk tegangan 125,150,175,200 dan 225 volt. Percobaan diulang untuk mempelajari karakter perpindahan panas ke reaktor. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah reaktor hidrogenasi dirancang dari bahan stainless steel, beroperasi pada temperatur 250 0 C dengan tekanan 10 atm, Spesifikasi reaktor sebagai berikut : volume cairan 2 liter, tinggi reaktor 31 cm, diameter luar 15 cm dan diameter dalam 10 cm. Reaktor tabung ini dilihat dari persyaratan suhu dan kebutuhan panas dapat digunakan sebagai reaktor untuk hidrogenasi minyak biji kapuk. Pemanasan di reaktor dapat mencapai suhu 2400 C dengan menggunakan tegangan 175 Volt. . Kata kunci : Karakteristik , Reaktor hidrogenasi , Green diesel
BAHASTRA Vol 33, No 2 (2015): Bahastra
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.768 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/bahastra.v33i2.2636


Language acquisition is an important part of a persons life. Language is a means of communication and social interaction that must be mastered an early by someone. Good capability in an early language mastery will support the quality of human life, especially in the social interaction aspect . Considering the importance of early language acquisition, child language acquisition is importance to be studied. This paper is presents a brief overview of language acquisition in terms of the ways and the stages of language acquisition in children. Furthermore, this paper is also presents the design and research methods into language acquisition.
Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Mangga (Mangifera foetida L.) sebagai Penurun Asam Urat dalam Biji Melinjo Dewangga, Pramudia Bagus; Larasati, Ulys; Salamah, Siti
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.199 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v1i2.3572


Melinjo plants including the types of old plants. Uric acid is the final metabolisme result of purine, purine is one of the components of nucleic acids contained in the body of the cell nucleus. Gout disease to result from consume excessive of purine substances. This reaserch to reduce uric acid levels in seeds melinjo order melinjo seeds can be processed into refined products chips with low uric acid using blanching method from mango leaf extract.This research was making young mango leaf extract using distillate water as a solvent. Melinjo seeds that have been peeled after then process blanching is carried out using a preliminary heating at a temperature of less than 80-90 °C for 8 minute , using young mango leaf extract. Water immersion Melinjo is filtered, then analyzed in the Clinical Pathologyn Laboratory University of Gadjah Mada.This research was conducted with seed weight variable 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 grams. Other variabels such as differences in the length of time 20,40,60,80,100,120 minutes. From the preliminary data showed that levels of uric acid in the melinjo seed is 222 mg / 100 g.The result of this research were the highest decrease in uric acid levels using variable melinjo seed weight 10 gr with immersion time of 30’ is 17.86%. Using seed weight 10gr melinjo carried back to the old variable immersion study obtained results decreased levels of uric acid melinjo seed with most optimal immersion time is 100’ with a decrease of 18.43989%.
Pemisahan Hasil Cair Pirolisis Sampah Plastik Pembungkus dengan Distilasi Batch Salamah, Siti; Aktawan, Agus
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.442 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v3i1.4990


Plastics waste has become a major issue for environment. Since it invented in 1907 plastic has become most used component on our daily lives. Plastic has many adavantages compared to other materials. In general plastic has a low density, light, varying strength and low manufacturing cost. However, plastic cannot degraded naturally and when not used anymore it will pollute the enviroment. One of method to degrade plastic is pyrolysis. In this method plastic will degrade to hydrocarbon which can used as liquid fuel. Pyrolysis of plastic occurs at high temperature of about 400 oC under free oxygen environment and produces small moleculer weight molecules. This research was conducted to determine the composition products of pyrolysis selective plastic at 450 oC in previous research. The method which used to separate products of pyrolysis is distillation with temperature between 50 oC to 240 oC to obtain liquid fuel as products of pyrolysis plastic. The results of this research were the distillate at 170 oC, 190 oC, 200 oC, 210 oC, 220 oC and 240 oC with volume 2 mL, 4,7 mL, 2,3 mL, 2,5 mL, 5,0 mL and 4,9 mL. And the most products component of pyrolysis plastic in previous research was obtain at 190 oC, 220 oC and 240 oC.
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.526 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v2i1.4562


Activated charcoal is charcoal that has activated for increasing its surface area by opening the pores so that increase the adsorption power. The surface area of the activated charcoal is between 300 and 3500 m2/g. Adsorption power from activated charcoal is very large, i.e. ¼ to 10 times the weight of activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is a good adsorbent for the adsorption of gases, liquids, and solution. Characteristics of activated charcoal which are moisture content, ash content, and absorption of the iodine. Manufacture of activated charcoal begins with soaking for 24 hours using 2N H2SO4 solution, after it was drained and then roasted to remove the remaining water. Moisture content test was doing by weighing 1 gram of activated charcoal and then put it ini the oven at 105-1100C temperature for 120 minutes. Ash content test was by weighing 1 gram of activated charcoal and put in the furnace at a temperature of 5000C for 30 minutes, raise the temperature to 8150C for 90 minutes. Determination of the absorption of iodine is to weigh approximately 0.5 gram of activated charcoal and mix with 50 ml of iodine solution 0,1 N. Shake it for 15 minutes. Take 10 ml of the sample solution and titrate with natrim thio sulfate solution 0.1 N. Adding amylum solution of 1% as an indicator to the titration result becomes colorless.Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan kondisi optimum pada suhu pengovenan 1000oC selama 60 menit. Arang aktif yang didapatkan pada kondisi ini memiliki kemampuan adsorbsi yang baik dengan kadar penyerapan iod yang tinggi sebesar 529,94 mg I2/gram arang.In this research produced the optimum conditions of oven temperature 10000C for 60 minutes. Activated charcoal obtained under these conditions has a good adsorption capability with high levels of iodine absorption of 529.94 mg I2/g charcoal.
Conversion of Biomass of Bagasse to Syngas Through Downdraft Gasification Maryudi, Maryudi; Aktawan, Agus; Salamah, Siti
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan Vol 7, No 1 (2018): June 2018 [Nationally Accredited]
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbat.v7i1.11621


National energy demand has been fulfilled by non-renewable energy sources, such as natural gas, petroleum, coal and so on. However, non-renewable energy reserves deplete increasingly which can cause an energy crisis. Conversion of biomass into energy becomes one of the solutions to overcome it. Indonesia has an enormous biomass potential especially from sugarcane plantation. Sugarcane plantations produce waste of bagasse abundantly. Commonly bagasse is utilized as energy source by conventional combustion.  This research studies the utilization of bagasse as energy source by gasification technology to produce gas fuel. The gasification model used in this research is downdraft gasifier equipped with cyclone to separate gas with solid or liquid gasification products. The result has shown  that gasification of bagasse has produced flammable syngas. The increase of bagasse weight increases the amount of syngas of gasification process. Carbon monoxide is the greatest content of syngas, while a few amount of H2, CH4 are also detected. Bagasse through gasification process is very potential source of alternative energy, since it is derived from waste and a cheap material.