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Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi Usaha Wedang Uwuh Wonokromo Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta Nurdin, Riani
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Januari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1742.22 KB)


Keberadaan usaha makanan dan miuman tradisional merupakan salah satu usaha masyarakat Bantul dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam wilayah. Hal ini sejalan dengan salah satu Quick Wins Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul yaitu pengembangan produk andalan setempat dengan tujuan utama untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah sehingga berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat Bantul. Untuk menunjang program Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul tersebut perlu ditingkatkan kapasitas dan kualitas produksi sehingga dapat meningkatkan pemasaran dan penjualan produk minuman wedang uwuh. Salah satu faktor usaha untuk peningkatan kapasitas produksi dapat dilakukan dengan membenahi perencanaan produksi yang tepat. Didalam usaha meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan kualitas produk pada pengabdian ini dilakukan 2 (dua) kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat pada UKM Weeka Wedang Uwuh di Desa Wonokromo, Kecamatan Pleret, Kabupaten Bantul, pertama adalah pembelian alat berupa impulse sealer, keranjang, loyang pengering, timbangan digital dan toples penyimpan, pembelian alat-alt tersebut mengakibatkan peningkatan  kemampuan pengemasan sebesar 67%, peningkatan kemampuan WIP inventory sebesar 70%, peningkatan kemampuan pengeringan jahe sebesar 200%, peningkatan  kemampuan pengemasan gula batu sebesar 33%, dan peningkatan kemampuan penyimpanan jahe kering dan rempah kering lainnya sebesar 100%. Kedua adalah pelatihan perencanaan produksi yang bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang pentingnya perencanaan produksi untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan pemenuhan permintaan yang tepat waktu.
The Supplier Evaluation in Bamboo Karya Manunggal Furniture Industry Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method Hanan, Zatil; Nurdin, Riani; Astuti, Marni
SENATIK STT Adisutjipto Vol 4 (2018): Transformasi Teknologi untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Nasional [ ISBN 978-602-52742-0-6 ]
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.21 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/senatik.v4i0.268


Suppliers are sources providing the first material where the chain of goods distribution will start. Nowadays, the method of making decisions on the supply of bamboo raw materials for UKM Karya Manunggal is by conventional (intuition), so that it is often inappropriate in selecting the suppliers. Along with the increasingly fierce level of competition in the field of bamboo furniture, Karya Manunggal needs to review the strategy in the competition and to evaluate the ability of suppliers who are the main raw material providers. Therefore, the authors conducted a study that can be used by companies to measure the weight of each supplier by applying the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method. The Analytic Network Process (ANP) method was used to determine the ratio of the inner dependence and the outer dependence and the feedback. There were 7 criteria which were divided into 14 sub criteria and 6 alternatives used in this study. The final result was Arista Bambu with a weight of 0.2327, followed by Pak Wagiyo with 0.2106, Pak Paimin with 0.1737, Pak Gianto with 0.1506, Pak Tofa with 0.1217, and Pak Manto with 0.1107 . This study was assisted by using Super Decision Software, Microsoft Excel.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for Identifying the Most Affecting Factor on The Quality of Raw Tea Materials in PT Pagilaran Indrayani, Susi Fatma; Astuti, Marni; Nurdin, Riani
SENATIK STT Adisutjipto Vol 4 (2018): Transformasi Teknologi untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Nasional [ ISBN 978-602-52742-0-6 ]
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.087 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/senatik.v4i0.179


Most of the black tea production in Pagilaran Batang Production Unit is to meet the demands of consumers from abroad. Because of the abundant requests from abroad, the quality of black tea product must be always controlled, therefore it is necessary to conduct a Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of the tea shoots to find out the most affecting factor of the tea shoots quality so that the quality of contributing factors of highest First Grade black tea product can be identified. The methods used in this study was Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Multivariate Analysis where the Multivariate Analysis was the Factor Analysis. In addition to determine the regression equation, classical assumption test calculations (normality test and heteroscedasticity test), correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, F hypothesis test and t hypothesis test were administered to find the most affecting  factor of the tea shoots quality. From the results of the analysis and discussion on the calculation of multiple linier regression in each garden (y1, y2, y3) it was obtained that the most affecting factor was fertilizer with a value in Afdeling Pagilaran (y1) of – 1415,934 , Afdeling Andongsili (y2) of – 265,858 and Afdeling Kayulandak (y3) of 225,589. Then on the calculation of multiple linier regression in each garden (y1, y2, y3) after summarizing the variables it was obtained that the most affecting factors in Afdeling Pagilaran (y1) was a Trip Pest with a value of - 53,741 , Afdeling Andongsili (y2) was fertilizer with a value of - 46,301 and Afdeling Kayulandak (y3) was fertilizer with a value of 213,073
The Development of a Model for Complaint Delivery on Aviation Industry in Indonesia Based on SMS Gateway to Promote Flight Safety Riani Nurdin; Eko Poerwanto; Haruno Sajati
AVIA Vol 1, No 1: (Dec, 2019)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47355/avia.v1i1.7


The variety of complaints appearing on Aviation Industry in Indonesia actually indicates the existence of problems on aviation system in Indonesia. The number of complaints may serve as an early detection in a system before the occurrence of an accident in a flight. Increasing numbers of flight service users in Indonesia had not been supported with an adequate complaint delivery, whether it is for internal complaints or external ones. One of available solutions is to detect whether all system components on Aviation Industry in Indonesia is good or not. In an effort to enhance system performance, a model for integrated complaint delivery is developed on Aviation Industry based on SMS Gateway in Indonesia. The model is expected to become a data bank on Aviation Industry to ease controlling, evaluating and improving condition performance on flight systems. This research used comparative and descriptive methods. It also results in applied product hence it is expected that the output can be used to complement the current product/program operated by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). The development of a model for complaint delivery is conducted to make cellular phone numbers inputs for all stakeholders on aviation industry. This strategy activates all stakeholders to provide information regarding the current conditions for all subsystems in flight system in Indonesia
Design of The Performance Evaluation of Suppliers at UKM Weedang Uwuh Based on Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) Marni Astuti; Riani Nurdin
Angkasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Vol 12, No 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.864 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/angkasa.v12i2.570


The development of small business is increasing with the presence of global competition. The current industrial ecology demands a continuous evaluation process to be able to survive and strive to improve quality products. Weeka Wedang Uwuh continuously improves its business system by paying attention to suppliers of raw materials. Supplier evaluation is carried out to guarantee sustainable quality and performance. Sustainable performance evaluation can produce good judgment if it is supported by a performance appraisal instrument. Supplier performance assessment will be useful to build a good and sustainable relationship between entrepreneurs and suppliers. The design of supplier performance evaluation is carried out using the QCDFR model approach namely, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Flexibility and Responsibility. The sub-criteria study that forms the QCDFR model is carried out using the interview method. QCDFR and Sub Criteria hereinafter referred to as KPI (Key Performance Indicator). KPI is an indicator of ongoing evaluation of the relationship between suppliers and entrepreneurs. The assessment of suppliers from entrepreneurs is carried out using the AHP approach which is able to show the weight of the entrepreneur's assessment of the ability of suppliers. The results of the Weeka Wedang Uwuh supplier performance evaluation model design results in a formulation to measure KPIs with criteria: quality of raw materials (size and condition of raw materials), ease of service (payment tolerance and information on availability and price changes, experience (average transaction value and average) average number of transactions), speed of response (changes in the amount and change in time and price of raw materials). Evaluation of the supplier's weight assessment for raw materials of ginger, sugar and sapphire resulted in the values of Mr. Sarno 0.501, Sugeng 0.709 and Mbak Wang 0.690. KPI measurement reinforces the results of the evaluation of weight assessment using AHP.
Pendampingan digital marketing untuk pengembangan desa wisata menggunakan media sosial di dusun Turunan Girisuko Panggang Gunungkidul Marni Astuti; Riani Nurdin
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/kacanegara.v5i1.1041


Kabupaten Gunungkidul sebagai salah satu Kabupaten yang ada di wilayah D.I. Yogyakarta memiliki potensi ragam rekreasi dan hiburan yang lengkap seperti, pantai, goa, kerajinan, desa wisata, air terjun, kuliner, dan lain sebagainya. Pengelolaan sektor wisata di Gunungkidul menjadi perhatian yang sangat besar. Desa Turunan, Girisuko, Panggang, Gunungkidul yang memiliki 7 RT dan 169 KK, secara swadaya membentuk Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Wana Lestari II. KTH tersebut mengawali ide membangun dan mengembangkan desa wisata Bukit Roso Wulan bekerja sama dengan Dinas Kehutanan Gunungkidul. Sebagai desa wisata rintisan, perlu mempromosikannya kepada masyarakat luas. Kegiatan pengabdian ini berfokus pada peningkatan promosi dan publikasi desa wisata dalam bentuk pembuatan konten pemasaran yang akan disebarkan melalui media sosial Instagram dan WhatsApp Business. Ada dua kegiatan yang dilakukan, pertama, pelatihan pembuatan konten pemasaran video promosi, kedua, pengadaan peralatan pendukung promosi. Konten pemasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa video promosi. Materi video disiapkan dengan memberdayakan pemuda dan anggota Kelompok Tani Hutan Wana Lestari yang didampingi oleh tenaga ahli dari ITDA. Pendampingan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan pemuda dan anggota Kelompok Tani Hutan Wana Lestari dalam pembuatan video konten promosi secara mandiri. Pengadaan peralatan komunikasi Handphone diharapkan dapat meningkatkan frekuensi promosi melalui video pada media sosial Instagram dan WhatsApp Business.
Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi Usaha Wedang Uwuh Wonokromo Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta Riani Nurdin
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Januari
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/kacanegara.v2i1.354


Keberadaan usaha makanan dan miuman tradisional merupakan salah satu usaha masyarakat Bantul dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam wilayah. Hal ini sejalan dengan salah satu Quick Wins Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul yaitu pengembangan produk andalan setempat dengan tujuan utama untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah sehingga berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat Bantul. Untuk menunjang program Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul tersebut perlu ditingkatkan kapasitas dan kualitas produksi sehingga dapat meningkatkan pemasaran dan penjualan produk minuman wedang uwuh. Salah satu faktor usaha untuk peningkatan kapasitas produksi dapat dilakukan dengan membenahi perencanaan produksi yang tepat. Didalam usaha meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan kualitas produk pada pengabdian ini dilakukan 2 (dua) kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat pada UKM Weeka Wedang Uwuh di Desa Wonokromo, Kecamatan Pleret, Kabupaten Bantul, pertama adalah pembelian alat berupa impulse sealer, keranjang, loyang pengering, timbangan digital dan toples penyimpan, pembelian alat-alt tersebut mengakibatkan peningkatan  kemampuan pengemasan sebesar 67%, peningkatan kemampuan WIP inventory sebesar 70%, peningkatan kemampuan pengeringan jahe sebesar 200%, peningkatan  kemampuan pengemasan gula batu sebesar 33%, dan peningkatan kemampuan penyimpanan jahe kering dan rempah kering lainnya sebesar 100%. Kedua adalah pelatihan perencanaan produksi yang bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang pentingnya perencanaan produksi untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan pemenuhan permintaan yang tepat waktu.
The Supplier Evaluation in Bamboo Karya Manunggal Furniture Industry Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method Zatil Hanan; Riani Nurdin; Marni Astuti
SENATIK STT Adisutjipto Vol 4 (2018): Transformasi Teknologi untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Nasional [ ISBN 978-602-52742-0-6 ]
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/senatik.v4i0.268


Suppliers are sources providing the first material where the chain of goods distribution will start. Nowadays, the method of making decisions on the supply of bamboo raw materials for UKM Karya Manunggal is by conventional (intuition), so that it is often inappropriate in selecting the suppliers. Along with the increasingly fierce level of competition in the field of bamboo furniture, Karya Manunggal needs to review the strategy in the competition and to evaluate the ability of suppliers who are the main raw material providers. Therefore, the authors conducted a study that can be used by companies to measure the weight of each supplier by applying the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method. The Analytic Network Process (ANP) method was used to determine the ratio of the inner dependence and the outer dependence and the feedback. There were 7 criteria which were divided into 14 sub criteria and 6 alternatives used in this study. The final result was Arista Bambu with a weight of 0.2327, followed by Pak Wagiyo with 0.2106, Pak Paimin with 0.1737, Pak Gianto with 0.1506, Pak Tofa with 0.1217, and Pak Manto with 0.1107 . This study was assisted by using Super Decision Software, Microsoft Excel.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for Identifying the Most Affecting Factor on The Quality of Raw Tea Materials in PT Pagilaran Susi Fatma Indrayani; Marni Astuti; Riani Nurdin
SENATIK STT Adisutjipto Vol 4 (2018): Transformasi Teknologi untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Nasional [ ISBN 978-602-52742-0-6 ]
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/senatik.v4i0.179


Most of the black tea production in Pagilaran Batang Production Unit is to meet the demands of consumers from abroad. Because of the abundant requests from abroad, the quality of black tea product must be always controlled, therefore it is necessary to conduct a Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of the tea shoots to find out the most affecting factor of the tea shoots quality so that the quality of contributing factors of highest First Grade black tea product can be identified. The methods used in this study was Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Multivariate Analysis where the Multivariate Analysis was the Factor Analysis. In addition to determine the regression equation, classical assumption test calculations (normality test and heteroscedasticity test), correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, F hypothesis test and t hypothesis test were administered to find the most affecting  factor of the tea shoots quality. From the results of the analysis and discussion on the calculation of multiple linier regression in each garden (y1, y2, y3) it was obtained that the most affecting factor was fertilizer with a value in Afdeling Pagilaran (y1) of – 1415,934 , Afdeling Andongsili (y2) of – 265,858 and Afdeling Kayulandak (y3) of 225,589. Then on the calculation of multiple linier regression in each garden (y1, y2, y3) after summarizing the variables it was obtained that the most affecting factors in Afdeling Pagilaran (y1) was a Trip Pest with a value of - 53,741 , Afdeling Andongsili (y2) was fertilizer with a value of - 46,301 and Afdeling Kayulandak (y3) was fertilizer with a value of 213,073
Decision Support System Assessment Of Truck Driver Work Mental Load in Giwangan Market Area, Yogyakarta Using NASA-TLX Riani Nurdin; Bagus Wahyu Utomo; Harliyus Agustian
OPSI Vol 15, No 1 (2022): ISSN 1693-2102
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/opsi.v15i1.6383


Traditional markets in Indonesia have experienced a decline in performance as from 2002 to 2013. Sales value in 2002 was 74.8%, in 2005 the sales value of traditional markets was 67.6%, then in 2011 it was 55.8%. Giwangan Market is the largest traditional market in the area of Yogyakarta Province. However, many of the traditional markets have inadequate infrastructure both in terms of cleanliness and tidiness of the market location which is detrimental to truck drivers in these markets. Research shows that driver fatigue is the cause of road accidents by 30%. Regarding the measurement of mental workload, subjective measures of workload are easy to provide and have high assessment ability because the measurement is independent of the task. The Decision Support System Model can provide input to Giwangan Market managers to show the mental workload scale of truck drivers using the NASA-TLX Scale (Task Load Index) approach, the most widely used subjective scale by asking participants to rank separately on the mental command subscales. demand, physical demand, temporal demand, own performance, effort, and frustration level. The results of the system show that the mental workload of truck drivers in Giwangan Yogyakarta Market has a very high workload, as many as 4 drivers, 5 drivers have a high workload and 1 driver has a fairly high workload interpretation.