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Determinan Kejadian Berat Badan di Bawah Garis Merah (BGM) pada Balita : Determinants of Under-Red Line Weight Occurrence in Toddlers Rusmilawaty Rusmilawaty; Tri Tunggal; Isrowiyatun Daiyah
Jurnal Bidan Cerdas Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/jbc.v2i2.64


The prevalence of under-five children under-red line in the working area of Karang Intan I Public Health Center is very high and continues to increase. In 2016 it was 10.3%, and in 2017 it was 12.2%. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of body weight below the red line in toddlers in the working area of Karang Intan 1. This study used analytic survey methods with cross-sectional approach. This study population was all toddlers, amounting to 801 people and a sample of 267 people with the purposive sampling method. The instrument used a questionnaire. The test used was the Chi-Square statistical test. The results showed a relationship between the history of exclusive breastfeeding (ρ=0.001), feeding patterns (ρ=0,000), history of infectious diseases (ρ=0.042), maternal visits to Integrated healthcare center (Posyandu) (ρ=0.002), family economic status (ρ =0,0151) with the occurrence of body weight below the red line (BGM) in infants. Conclusion: there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding, eating care, history of infectious diseases, maternal visits to the Posyandu, family economic status towards the occurrence of body weight below the red line in toddlers. Parenting is a significant determinant of BGM events. These determinants can be used for screening the development and growth of infants.
Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Vol 2 No 7: Desember 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/jip.v2i7.1108


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of physical and mental symptoms that occur one week to several days before menstruation and vanish until menstruation arrives. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is characterized by severe pain. While premenstrual syndrome is not life threatening, it can have a negative impact on a woman's mental health and productivity. Physical activity and Body Mass Index (BMI) are two factors that affect the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome. The aim of this research was to see if there was a connection between physical activity and body mass index (BMI), as well as the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome in young women. The approach used in this analysis was a literature review. Data was gathered from 10 relevant journals, 7 of which were national and 3 of which were foreign. Secondary data was used in the review, and data analysis was completed in September 2020. Both trials with the dependent variable premenstrual syndrome and associated physical activity as well as the independent variables body mass index (BMI) were included in this study. Journals and academic papers for this study were collected from an online database that was available from 2015 to 2020.
Keefektifan Counter Preassure Massage terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Kala I Fase Aktif Persalinan di Puskesmas Rawat Inap Langgam Kabupaten Pelalawan Isrowiyatun Daiyah
EMBRIO Vol 12 No 1 (2020): EMBRIO: Jurnal Kebidanan (MEI)
Publisher : Program Studi S1 Kebidanan - Fakultas Sains dan Kesehatan Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/embrio.v12i1.2386


The highest degree of pain in the process of childbirth among other pains. About 36.35% mothers experienced obstetric complications in Langgam Health Center with 14.1 being caused by prolonged labor. One of natural techniques to relieve labor pain to women in labor is by offering Counter Pressure Massage. This study aimed to analyze the impact of Counter Pressure Massage on the intensity of labor pain in active phase of the first stage of labor. This research was pre experimental with One Group Pretest and Posttest design. The population was 45 people and the sample was 15 people. The research was conducted at Langgam Inpatient Health Center in February-June 2017. Data analysis used dependent samples t-test. This study found that there was a significant decrease in the intensity of labor pain after the treatment of Counter Pressure Massage (p = 0.000). This study concluded that Counter Pressure Massage technique is very influential to reduce the intensity of labor pain. Health workers are expected to apply this massage as one of delivery services in reducing pain
Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Vol 3 No 1: Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/jip.v3i1.1777


Ca. Cervix or cervical cancer ranks second in cancer to women after breast cancer. According to WHO (World Health Organization), 490,000 in the world each year are diagnosed with Ca. Cervix and 80% are in developing countries including Indonesia. Cervix can be done with a screening program through a method that is cheaper, easier, and simpler but has a fairly high diagnostic accuracy among others, by effort to get more early Ca. Cervix findings through visual inspection by applying acidic applications acetate as know as IVA examination. The factors that influence women of childbearing age in doing IVA examination include age, knowledge, parity, and attitude. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the participation of women of childbearing age in the IVA examination. Sources of data were obtained from 9 journals, consisting of 7 national journals and 2 international journals. Based on the literature study conducted, it was concluded that age (100%), knowledge (100%), parity (60%), and husband’s support (67%) were factors that influenced the participation of women of childbearing age (WUS) in carrying out IVA examinations
Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Vol 3 No 11: April 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/jip.v3i11.2566


Anemia pada kehamilan merupakan masalah nasional karena mencerminkan nilai kesejahteraan sosial ekonomi masyarakat, dan pengaruhnya sangat besar terhadap kualitas sumber daya manusia. Anemia kehamilan disebut “potential danger to mother and child” (potensial membahayakan ibu dan anak), karena itulah anemia memerlukan perhatian serius dari semua pihak yang terkait dalam pelayanan kesehatan pada lini terdepan. Cakupan pemberian TTD pada Ibu hamil di Indonesia tahun 2019 adalah 64,0%. Angka ini belum mencapai target Renstra tahun 2019 yaitu 98%. Pada Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Cakupan Pemberian TTD (81,8%). Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode literatur review dari 11 jurnal, yaitu 8 jurnal Nasional dan 3 jurnal internasional. penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder, instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah jurnal nasional dan jurnal internasional. Hasil penelitian literatur review 11 jurnal angka pengetahuan Ibu hamil yang pengetahuan kurang dan tidak patuh tertinggi berkisar (100%),. Bagi calon Ibu Hamil dan ibu hamil disarankan untuk Meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan cara menambah informasi tentang pentingnya mengkonsumsi tablet Fe melalui media massa, media elektronik, media komunikasi serta bertanya kepada bidan ataupun petugas kesehatan lainnya, agar ibu tetap patuh dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe, Mempertahankan dan meningkatkan sikap ibu agar selalu patuh dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe.
Penguatan Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Keluarga) Dalam Mengatasi Masalah Stunting Pada Balita Isrowiyatun Daiyah; Hj. Zakiah; Yuniarti Yuniarti
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55338/jpkmn.v4i2.1012


Stunting berhubungan dengan risiko peningkatan penyakit, kematian, keterlambatan perkembangan motorik, dan pertumbuhan mental yang terhambat. Insiden stunting di Kabupaten Banjar menempati peringkat ketiga tertinggi, dengan Puskesmas Aluh-Aluh memiliki prevalensi stunting mencapai 50%. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang ASI eksklusif, pengelolaan makanan sehat dan nutrisi seimbang, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita, serta PHBS. Metode yang digunakan meliputi penyuluhan kesehatan mengenai stunting, stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak, nutrisi untuk balita, keterampilan stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan menggunakan pijat Tuina, praktik PHBS dengan mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun, dan penyediaan makanan sehat untuk balita. Pada tahap akhir, dilakukan evaluasi intervensi berupa pre-test dan post-test terkait pengetahuan, serta eksplorasi hambatan yang dihadapi dalam melakukan stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita. Melibatkan 58 ibu dengan anak usia lima tahun ke bawah. Dilakukan pre-test dan post-test terkait pengetahuan tentang stunting, stimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak, serta nutrisi seimbang untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan peserta. Ditemukan peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 15%.
Pemanfaatan Buku Kia Untuk Optimalisasi 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan Di Wilayah Kelurahan Palam Nur Rohmah Prihatanti; Hapisah; Isrowiyatun Daiyah; Megawati; Ahmad Rizani; Novi Ismarini
JURNAL RAKAT SEHAT (JRS) : Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Rakat Sehat: Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : UPPM Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin

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The First 1000 Days of Life is a golden period in which a very rapid process of growth and development occurs starting from the fetus until the child is two years old and does not occur in other age groups. Efforts for maternal and child health, healthy babies and optimal growth and development and to maintain the quality of Indonesia's human resources, productivity and national competitiveness require Communication, Information and Education media as well as effective and efficient record keeping. So the Ministry of Health stipulates that the Maternal and Child Health Book (KIA Book) is a tool for recording maternal and child health services since pregnant women, childbirth, postpartum, and babies born reach the age of 5 years, including services for immunization, nutrition, child growth and development and family planning. The Ministry of Health has printed and distributed the KIA Book to the regions as much as 94% of the target number of pregnant women, and all Community Health Centers have received the KIA Book distributed by the District/City Health Office. Data from the national health survey (2016) showed that 81.5% of pregnant women said they had a KIA Book, but only 60.5% of them could show a KIA Book. The method for this community service activity is a form of health promotion program and community empowerment through counseling to pregnant women in utilizing the KIA Book. Counseling on the use of the KIA book for optimizing the first 1000 days of life in Palam Village resulted in an increase in knowledge of pregnant women after counseling was carried out. Good knowledge can increase the utilization of the KIA book to be more effective and optimal. There is a need for further evaluation related to pregnant women's knowledge about using the KIA Book. Keyword : KIA book, Pregnant Women, Children
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 6: Nopember 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Kehamilan merupakan suatu proses dari kehidupan seorang wanita, dimana terjadi perubahanperubahan besar dari aspek fisik, mental dan sosialnya. Perubahan tersebut tidak lepas dari adanya faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya yang dapat berupa faktor fisik, lingkungan, sosial, budaya serta ekonomi. Setiap faktor saling memengaruhi karena saling terkait satu sama lain dan dapat merupakan suatu hubungan sebab akibat. Kelas ibu hamil merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menyebarkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan perawatan saat kehamilan. Senam hamil sangat diperlukan oleh setiap ibu hamil, karena senam hamil dapat membuat tubuh yang bugar dan sehat, dan dapat membuat ibu hamil tetap mampu menjalankan aktivitas sehari–hari, sehingga stres akibat rasa cemas menjelang persalinan akan dapat diminimalkan. Salah termasuk senam ibu hamil adalah yoga ibu hamil, yoga ilmu yang menjelaskan kaitan antara fisik, mental, dan spiritual manusia untuk mencapai kesehatan yang menyeluruh, Ibu hamil perlu tetap bergerak aktif guna menjaga kebugaran tubuh, salah satunya dengan melakukan yoga ibu hamil. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka untuk mengatasinya sebagai solusi dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan kegiatan sebagai berikut: Pelaksanaan prenatal yoga pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pemurus Dalam Kota Banjarmasin. Adanya komitmen bersama bagi petugas kesehatan dalam melaksanakan prenatal yoga pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pemurus Dalam Kota Banjarmasin. Kegiatan KIE mengenai upaya peningkatan kebugaran pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pemurus Dalam Kota Banjarmasin.