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Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 42, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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ABSTRAKPada masa kini semakin banyak ditemukan kasus infeksi terhadap bakteri dan jamur termasuk terhadap mikroba yang resisten. Pengembangan agen antimikroba baru perlu dilakukan dan salah satunya dapat berasal dari bahan alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri dan antijamur ekstrak etanol akar, bunga, dan daun turi (Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir) terhadap mikroba uji, di antaranya Staphylococcus aureus, Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dan Candida albicans. Aktivitas antibakteri dan antijamur ditentukan dengan metode mikrodilusi untuk mendapatkan nilai Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum (KHM) dan Konsentrasi Bunuh Minimum (KBM) masing-masing ekstrak terhadap mikroba uji. Selanjutnya dilakukan penentuan sifat kombinasi dari ekstrak yang potensial sebagai antimikroba dengan obat sintetik seperti vankomisin atau meropenem dengan metode difusi agar menggunakan pita kertas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga ekstrak etanol bagian tanaman turi, hanya bagian daun yang memiliki aktivitas antimikroba, yaitu terhadap S. aureus, MRSA, dan C. albicans. Aktivitas ekstrak etanol daun turi terhadap MRSA memiliki KHM dan KBM yang paling rendah secara berturut-turut yaitu 64 dan 2048 μg/mL. Kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun turi dengan vankomisin atau meropenem terhadap MRSA bersifat aditif.Kata kunci: Antibakteri, Antijamur, Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir, KHM, KBMANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITIES OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF THE ROOTS, FLOWERS, AND LEAVES OF TURI (SESBANIA GRANDIFLORA L. POIR)ABSTRACTNowadays, the cases of infection by bacteria and fungi including resistant microbes are increasing. The development of new antimicrobial agents needs to be done and one of them can be derived from natural sources. This study aims to determine antibacterial and antifungal activity of ethanol extract of the roots, flowers, and leaves of turi (Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir) against some microbes including Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans. Antibacterial and antifungal activity was determined by microdilution method to obtain the value of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal/Fungicidal Concentration (MBC) of each extract against tested microbes. Furthermore, the determination of the extract with potential activity in combination with synthetic drugs (i.e. vancomycin or meropenem) using agar diffusion method by using paper strips. Of the three ethanol extracts of different part of turi, only the leaves part have a potential antimicrobial activity against S. aureus, MRSA, and C. albicans. The lowest values of MIC and MBC were showed in the ethanol extract of turi leaves against MRSA which were 64 dan 2048 μg/mL, respectively. The combination of the ethanolextract of turi leaves with vancomycin or meropenem against MRSA showed an additive interaction.Keywords: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir, MIC, MBC
Ekstrak Daun Binahong Mencegah Kenaikan Kolesterol Darah pada Tikus yang Diberi Pakan Lemak Tinggi Rahman, Asep Abdul; Kurniati, Neng Fisheri; Sukandar, Elin Yulinah
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

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Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) v. Steenis) leaves empirically have been used to lower cholesterol levels. In this study, preventive activity of ethanol extracts will be tested on the animals fed with a high-cholesterol chow. Hypercholesterolemic animal model established by orally administering high-cholesterol chow, pure cholesterol, cholic acid, and propiltiourasil. The test animals were divided into 5 groups, including the positive control group, ethanol extract of binahong leaves at doses of 50 mg/kg bw, 100 mg/kg bw, and 200 mg/kg bw; and simvastatin at dose of 36 mg/kg bw. Extract was given at the same time as hypercholesterol induction. Lipid profiles were measured at the time before the induction, 15 days and 29 days after induction. Index of atherogenic was also calculated. The results showed that level of cholesterol and LDL of extract binahong at dose of 50 mg/kg (109.17±26.60 mg/dL and 55.78±23.92 mg/dL, respectively) had significant difference compared to a positive control group (p < 0.05). Furthermore, binahong extract at dose of 50 mg/kg bb had the lowest atherogenic index (0,68±0,27) and aorta thickening (150.60±41.72 μm) compared to other extracts at day 15 of induction. In conclusion, extract binahong at dose of 50 mg/kg bw rat gives the best effect to prevent the increase of cholesterol and LDL level on wistar male rats fed with a high-cholesterol chow.
Ekstrak Daun Binahong Mencegah Kenaikan Kolesterol Darah pada Tikus yang Diberi Pakan Lemak Tinggi Rahman, Asep Abdul; Kurniati, Neng Fisheri; Sukandar, Elin Yulinah
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (698.021 KB) | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v8i2.516


Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) v. Steenis) leaves empirically have been used to lower cholesterol levels. In this study, preventive activity of ethanol extracts will be tested on the animals fed with a high-cholesterol chow. Hypercholesterolemic animal model established by orally administering high-cholesterol chow, pure cholesterol, cholic acid, and propiltiourasil. The test animals were divided into 5 groups, including the positive control group, ethanol extract of binahong leaves at doses of 50 mg/kg bw, 100 mg/kg bw, and 200 mg/kg bw; and simvastatin at dose of 36 mg/kg bw. Extract was given at the same time as hypercholesterol induction. Lipid profiles were measured at the time before the induction, 15 days and 29 days after induction. Index of atherogenic was also calculated. The results showed that level of cholesterol and LDL of extract binahong at dose of 50 mg/kg (109.17±26.60 mg/dL and 55.78±23.92 mg/dL, respectively) had significant difference compared to a positive control group (p < 0.05). Furthermore, binahong extract at dose of 50 mg/kg bb had the lowest atherogenic index (0,68±0,27) and aorta thickening (150.60±41.72 μm) compared to other extracts at day 15 of induction. In conclusion, extract binahong at dose of 50 mg/kg bw rat gives the best effect to prevent the increase of cholesterol and LDL level on wistar male rats fed with a high-cholesterol chow.
Aktivitas Makrofag Meningkat Pada Aorta Tikus Hiperkolesterolemia Kurniati, Neng Fisheri; Nurfatwa, Maritsa; Artarini, Aluicia Anita
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 50, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (68.73 KB) | DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v50n1.1159


Aterosklerosis merupakan, kondisi inflamasi kronik, faktor resiko penyakit kardiovaskular disebabkan oleh tingginya kadar kolesterol. Tujuan penelitian ini mengevaluasi peran mieloperoksidase (MPO) dan makrofag di aorta dan jantung tikus yang diinduksi hiperkolesterolemia. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Maret–Agustus 2016 di Laboratorium Farmakologi dan Bioteknologi Institut Teknologi Bandung. Tikus dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok normal dan hiperkolesterolemia. Induksi hiperkolesterolemia dilakukan dengan pemberian pakan tinggi kolesterol, kolesterol murni, asam kolat dan propiltiourasil (KKT) selama 5 bulan. Kolesterol total diukur sebelum induksi, pertengahan, dan setelah induksi. HDL, trigliserida (TG), LDL, indeks aterogenik (IA), jumlah sel darah merah dan sel darah putih diukur setelah induksi. Deteksi ekspresi mieloperoksidase (MPO) dan CD68 pada aorta dan jantung dilakukan dengan metode dot blot dan ELISA. Induksi hiperkolesterolemia selama 5 bulan menghasilkan kadar kolesterol total (364,10±148,46 mg/dL), HDL (7,90±1,29 mg/dL), LDL (307,47±116,91 mg/dL), dan Indeks Aterogenik (1,04±0,23). Kadar kolesterol yang tinggi meningkatkan jumlah sel darah putih yang bersirkulasi namun tidak mempengaruhi jumlah sel darah merah. Jumlah makrofag yang berada di jaringan aorta dan jantung kelompok hiperkolesterolemia meningkat secara signifikan dibanding dengan kelompok normal. Namun, peningkatan aktivitas makrofag yang diukur dari ekspresi MPO hanya teramati pada aorta hewan hiperkolesterolemia, tidak pada jantung. Simpulan, aktivitas makrofag meningkat hanya pada aorta hewan hiperkolesterolemia diduga berperan dalam pembentukan plak ateroma di aorta. Kata kunci: Aorta, CD68, hiperkolesterolemia, makrofag, mieloperoksidase Macrophage Activity Increases in Hypercholesterolemia Rat AortaAtherosclerosis, which is an inflammatory chronic condition, is one of the major risk factors of cardiovascular disease caused by hypercholesterolemia. This study aimed to evaluate role of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and macrophage in aorta and heart of rat hypercholesterolemia. This research was conducted in March–August 2016 at Pharmacology and Biotechnology Laboratory of Institut Teknologi Bandung. Rats were divided into normal and hypercholesterolemia groups. Hypercholesterolemia was induced by cholesterol feeding and CCT (cholesterol, cholic acid and propiltiourasil) oral administration for 5 months. Total cholesterol was measured before induction (T0), in the middle (T2.5), and after induction (T5). HDL, triglyceride (TG), LDL, aterogenic index (IA), red blood, and white blood cell count was measured after induction (T5). Success of induction was proven by the elevation of cholesterol total value of hypercholesterolemia group compared to normal group. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) and CD68 in aorta and heart hypercholesterolemia rat was detected by dot blot and ELISA method. Hypercholesterolemia group showed significant differences in total cholesterol value (364.10±148.46 mg/dL), HDL value (7.90±1.29 mg/dL ), LDL value (307.47±116.91) and Atherogenic Index (1.04±0.23). High level of cholesterol increases circulating white blood cells but have no effect on  circulating red blood cells. Macrophage in the  hypercholesterolemia group increased significantly compared to the normal group. However, the increase in macrophage activity identified throughMPO expression was only seen in hypercholesterolemic aorta but not  in the heart. It is concluded that macrophage activities increase in the aortic tissue, but  not in the heart tissue of the hypercholesterolemia group, which may contribute to the formation of atheroma plaque in aorta. Key words: Aorta, CD68, hypercholesterolemia, macrophage, myeloperoxidase
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 42 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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ABSTRAKPada masa kini semakin banyak ditemukan kasus infeksi terhadap bakteri dan jamur termasuk terhadap mikroba yang resisten. Pengembangan agen antimikroba baru perlu dilakukan dan salah satunya dapat berasal dari bahan alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri dan antijamur ekstrak etanol akar, bunga, dan daun turi (Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir) terhadap mikroba uji, di antaranya Staphylococcus aureus, Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dan Candida albicans. Aktivitas antibakteri dan antijamur ditentukan dengan metode mikrodilusi untuk mendapatkan nilai Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum (KHM) dan Konsentrasi Bunuh Minimum (KBM) masing-masing ekstrak terhadap mikroba uji. Selanjutnya dilakukan penentuan sifat kombinasi dari ekstrak yang potensial sebagai antimikroba dengan obat sintetik seperti vankomisin atau meropenem dengan metode difusi agar menggunakan pita kertas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga ekstrak etanol bagian tanaman turi, hanya bagian daun yang memiliki aktivitas antimikroba, yaitu terhadap S. aureus, MRSA, dan C. albicans. Aktivitas ekstrak etanol daun turi terhadap MRSA memiliki KHM dan KBM yang paling rendah secara berturut-turut yaitu 64 dan 2048 μg/mL. Kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun turi dengan vankomisin atau meropenem terhadap MRSA bersifat aditif.Kata kunci: Antibakteri, Antijamur, Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir, KHM, KBMANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITIES OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF THE ROOTS, FLOWERS, AND LEAVES OF TURI (SESBANIA GRANDIFLORA L. POIR)ABSTRACTNowadays, the cases of infection by bacteria and fungi including resistant microbes are increasing. The development of new antimicrobial agents needs to be done and one of them can be derived from natural sources. This study aims to determine antibacterial and antifungal activity of ethanol extract of the roots, flowers, and leaves of turi (Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir) against some microbes including Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans. Antibacterial and antifungal activity was determined by microdilution method to obtain the value of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal/Fungicidal Concentration (MBC) of each extract against tested microbes. Furthermore, the determination of the extract with potential activity in combination with synthetic drugs (i.e. vancomycin or meropenem) using agar diffusion method by using paper strips. Of the three ethanol extracts of different part of turi, only the leaves part have a potential antimicrobial activity against S. aureus, MRSA, and C. albicans. The lowest values of MIC and MBC were showed in the ethanol extract of turi leaves against MRSA which were 64 dan 2048 μg/mL, respectively. The combination of the ethanolextract of turi leaves with vancomycin or meropenem against MRSA showed an additive interaction.Keywords: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir, MIC, MBC
Aktivitas Antidiare Daun Harendong (Malestoma malabathricum L) ika kurnia Sukmawati; Elin Yulinah Sukandar; Neng Fisheri Kurniati
Journal Syifa Sciences and Clinical Research Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Volume 2 Edisi 1 2020
Publisher : State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.218 KB) | DOI: 10.37311/jsscr.v2i1.2674


Diarrhea still become main health problem especially in several developing countries including Indonesia. Hharendong leaf have been used by people traditionally as the treatment of various Gastrointestinal tract disorders including diarrhea. The purpose of this study was tested antidiarrhea and antibacterial activity of extracts and fractions of the three selected plants. The extraction was conducted using reflux method with ethanol 96% as solvent. Extract was fractinated by liquid-liquid extraction methods using n-hexane and ethylacetate solvents gradually. Antimicrobial activity assays was performed by using broth microdiluiton methods toward extract and fractions of plants selected. Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, and Salmonella typhi. were used as microbes test. Antidiarhhea activity was tested to diarrhea animal induced by castor oil. Dosage test was given one hour before induction then carried out observations of feces (frequency, consistency and weight). Transit intestinal method was also performed in this experiment with comparing the length of the intestinal through by marker with the total length of the intestine. Antidiarrhea activity result have shown that Harendong leaf extract at the doses 50 and 100 mg/kg BW showed decreased of frequency ,consistency and weight of feces better than another extract. Ethylacetate fraction of the leaf harendong showed antibacterial activity to Shigella dysenteriae ( MIC of 128 µg/ml), dan Salmonella typhi (MIC 512 µg/ml), and fraction n-heksan of the leaf harendong showed antibacterial activity to Shigella dysenteriae and Salmonella typhi the MIC 512 µg/ml.
Pengaruh Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Buah Delima (Punica granatum L.) dengan Batang Sereh (Cymbopogon citratus) Terhadap Bakteri Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 Suci Ahda Novitri; Neng Fisheri Kurniati
Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Saintika Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Stikes Syedza Saintika Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30633/jkms.v12i1.893


Escherichia coli merupakan salah satu bakteri yang banyak ditemukan dimasyarakat sebagai penyebab penyakit infeksi. Beberapa strain bakteri ini terbukti mengalami resisten terhadap antibiotik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol kulit buah delima dan batang sereh terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 serta pengaruhnya jika dikombinasikan.  Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak tanaman uji dengan metode mikrodilusi dan difusi agar dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM) dan konsentrasi bunuh minimum (KBM). Kemudian dilakukan pengujian kombinasi tanaman uji dengan metode difusi pita kertas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol kulit buah delima dan batang sereh memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli ATCC 8739. Nilai KHM ekstrak etanol kulit buah delima terhadap bakteri uji lebih rendah dibanding dengan ekstrak etanol batang sereh. Kombinasi ekstrak etanol kulit buah delima dan batang sereh terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 menunjukkan efek yang aditif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kombinasi ekstrak etanol kulit buah delima dan ekstrak etanol batang sereh terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli ATCC 8739  dapat memberikan efek aditif. 
Sifat Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol 90% Batang Sereh (Cymbopogon citratus) dengan Kulit Buah Delima (Punica granatum L.) Terhadap Bakteri Klebsiella pneumoniae Suci Ahda Novitri; Neng Fisheri Kurniati
Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Saintika Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Stikes Syedza Saintika Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30633/jkms.v12i2.1254


Bakteri Klebsiella pneumoniae merupakan salah satu bakteri patogen yang menginfeksi manusia. Peningkatan prevalensi infeksi akan berpotensi terjadinya resistensi terhadap antibiotik sehingga dibutuhkan mencari alternatif lain sebagai antibakteri dari bahan alam. Bahan alam yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah batang sereh dan kulit buah delima. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak uji (ekstrak etanol 90% batang sereh dan kulit buah delima) terhadap Klebsiella pneumoniae, serta pengaruhnya jika dikombinasikan. Penentuan nilai Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum (KHM) dan Konsentrasi Bunuh Mikroba (KBM) ekstrak uji terhadap bakteri Klebsiella pneumoniae menggunakan metode mikrodilusi. Penentuan diameter hambat ekstrak uji terhadap bakteri uji menggunakan metode difusi agar. Kemudian pengujian kombinasi ekstrak uji dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode difusi agar pita kertas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 90% batang sereh dan kulit buah delima memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Klebsiella pneumoniae dengan nilai KHM secara berurutan adalah 4096 µg/mL dan 256 µg/mL dan nilai KBM kedua ekstrak uji adalah >4096 µg/mL. Kombinasi ekstrak uji terhadap bakteri  Klebsiella pneumoniae menunjukkan sifat sinergis. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak uji memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Klebsiella pneumoniae dan memiliki sifat sinergis jika dikombinasikan.
Aktivitas Antidiare Ekstrak Etanol Daun Suji (Dracaena Angustifolia Roxb) Ika Kurnia Sukmawati; Elin Yulinah Sukandar; Neng Fisheri Kurniati
PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) Jurnal Pharmacy, Vol. 14 No. 02 Desember 2017
Publisher : Pharmacy Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (557.582 KB) | DOI: 10.30595/pharmacy.v14i2.1948


Penyakit diare masih menjadi masalah kesehatan terutama diberbagai Negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Secara tradisional masyarakat telah menggunakan daun Suji (Dracaena angustifoliaRoxb L.) untuk mengatasi berbagai gangguan pencernaan termasuk diare.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji aktivitas antidiare dan antibakteri ekstrak etanol daun suji. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode refluks menggunakan pelarut etanol 96 %.Uji aktivitas antimikroba dilakukan secara invitro dengan menggunakan metode broth microdilution terhadap ekstrak. Mikroba uji yang digunakan adalah Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, dan Salmonella typhi. Dilakukan uji antidiare pada hewan uji yang diinduksi minyak jarak. Sediaan uji diberikan satu jam sebelum induksi kemudian dilakukan pengamatan terhadap feses (frekuensi, konsistensi dan berat). Metode waktu lintas usus juga dilakukan pada percobaan ini dengan prinsip membandingkan usus yang dilalui marker dengan panjang usus seluruhnya. Dari pengujian antibakteri ekstrak daun suji mempunyai kemampuan penghambatan pada bakteri Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Eschericia coli, dan Salmonella typhi, dengan KHM berturut-turut  25000 µg/ml,  25000 µg/ml, 12500 µg/ml, dan > 25000 µg/ml. Dari hasil uji aktivitas antidiare daun suji kelompok dosis ekstrak yang mempunyai aktivitas dalam memproteksi diare oleh minyak jarak yaitu dosis 50 mg/kgbb, dosis ini dapat menurunkan frekuensi defekasi  berbeda bermakna disbanding kelompok kontrol (p<0,05) , dosis 25 mg/kgbb dan 100 mg/kgbb dapat meningkatkan konsistensi dan menurunkan berat feses.
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 47 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/api.v47i1.17043


Cheese tea contains two main ingredients, tea, and dairy products. Green tea, black tea, and dairy products in the cheese tea have been shown to have beneficial effects on both body weight and blood glucose. However, there is no evidence that this benefit also applies to cheese tea. Moreover, cheese tea drinks which are sold in the market may be added with sugar to enhance flavor. This study aims to identify the effect of green tea and black tea in cheese tea on body weight and the risk of diabetes mellitus. The research was conducted with experiments on 32 male Swiss Webster mice which were divided into eight groups, namely the negative control (water), positive control (dextrose), and treatment group consisting of cheese green tea or cheese black tea groups with different compositions of sugar. The test drinks were administered once a day orally for 21 days. The results of this study showed that cheese green tea or cheese black tea affected blood glucose, but not body weight. Consumption of normal sugar cheese black tea and half sugar cheese black tea showed a significant increase in blood glucose compared to negative control, so there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Meanwhile, consumption of unsweetened cheese tea and half-sugar cheese green tea did not increase blood glucose levels significantly compared to negative control. In conclusion,  consumption of cheese tea with green tea shows a better effect on blood glucose.