Najib Jauhari
Universitas Negeri Malang

Published : 12 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Desember
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.273 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/sb.v7i2.4747


Abstract. The national life in Early period of Indonesia Independence was marked by many physical struggle for defending of state sovereignty. It is known as Independence War Period (1945-1949). The Troop of Sabilillah is one of struggle organizations in war of independence era. There are two problems studied in this article, namely development of Troop Sabilillah and values of struggle and its heritage. Method of study is based on three main data sources, namely interview to the witness, observation of artifacts and literature study. The results of study are the development of Troop Laskar Sabilillah based on Resolution of Jihad Nahdlotul Ulama’ and Decision of Masyumi Conggres, and the values of national spirit (nationalism) are created on heritage forms of Mosque Monument and Education Foundation of Sabilillah Malang (Yayasan Pendidikan Sabilillah Malang)
Sejarah dan Budaya : Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um020v13i22019p179-188


The study of Islamic science in the world of pesantren has greatly contributed to shaping the religious understanding of the people, including in the issue of jender equality. The material studied at pesantren refers to the yellow books, most of them are fiqh and normative norms that tend to be patriarchal and form jender-biased understanding. This study describes: (1) Jender background thinking (2) Jender theoretical studies (3) Jender studies in Islam (4) How jender studies in pesantren. As a result of the literature review, the researcher acts as the main instrument; conducting a study of documents, books related to the topic. Descriptive, inductive-comparative data analysis was performed. For the validity of information, review the adequacy of references and peer reviews. This study will be useful for the field of jender studies and pesantren education. Islamic education develops along with the demands of the times, pesantren do not hesitate to make changes for the benefit. Many pesantren are always looking for, and are quite open to innovations that benefit the people.Kajian ilmu keislaman di dunia pesantren besar andilnya dalam mengonstruksi konsep keagamaan umat, termasuk dalam isu kesetaraan jender. Kitab-kitab kuning yang dikaji di pesantren, kebanyakan berupa kaidah fiqh, bersifat normative, cenderung patriarkis dan membentuk pemahaman yang bias jender. Kajian ini mendeskripsikan: (1) Latar belakang pemikiran jender (2) Kajian teoritik jender (3) Kajian jender dalam Islam (4) Bagaimana kajian jender di pesantren. Sebagai hasil kajian literatur, peneliti berperan sebagai instrumen utama; melakukan kajian dokumen, buku-buku yang terkait dengan topik. Dilakukan analisis data secara deskriptif, induktif-komparatif. Untuk keabsahan informasi ditelaah  kecukupan referensi serta review teman sejawat. Kajian ini akan bermanfaat bagi bidang kajian jender dan pendidikan kepesantrenan. Pendidikan Islam berkembang bersamaan dengan tuntutan jaman, pesantren tidak segan untuk mengadakan perubahan-perubahan demi kemaslahatan. Banyak pesantren yang selalu mencari, dan cukup terbuka terhadap inovasi-inovasi yang bermanfaat bagi umat..
Jurnal Artefak Vol 8, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (801.904 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/ja.v8i1.4124


Wilayah Batu, Kota Malang dan Kabupaten Malang yang dikategorikan sebagai kawasan Malang Raya menyimpan kekayaan jejak sejarah yang luar biasa. Kekayaan jejak sejarah ini sangat berpotensi untuk mendukung penghayatan dengan cara mengintegrasikan sejarah lokal pada matapelajaran sejarah. Sayangnya, sejarah lokal sebagai salah satu cabang tema dalam sejarah sering kali belum didayagunakan secara optimal pada pembelajaran sejarah, tak terkecuali di SMKN 2 Singosari. SMKN 2 Singosari merupakan sekolah kejuruan yang lokasinya tidak jauh dari beberapa situs air. Dalam pembelajaran sejarah, SMKN 2 Singosari juga memiliki problematika tidak optimalnya antusias siswa dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan pada data tersebut, pemanfaatan peninggalan sejarah lokal berupa situs air yang disinergikan dengan aplikasi digial JESIAMAR, menjadi upaya untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan dan penghayatan siswa terhadap sejarah yang terkemas pada agenda implementasi masyarakat. Kegiatan implementasi ini terbagi menjadi pra pelaksanaan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, dan pasca pelaksanaan. Hasil dari implementasi ini diukur dengan kuesioner yang menunjukkan jawaban yang memuaskan yaitu penilaian mengenai kesadaran sejarah lokal sebesar 85,6%. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi ini maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa aplikasi JESIAMAR sangat efektif untuk diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran.The Batu region, Malang City, and Malang Regency which is categorized as Malang Raya areas hold a wealth of extraordinary historical traces. The richness of historical traces has the potential to support appreciation by integrating local history into historical subjects. Unfortunately, local history as a branch of the theme in history has often not been optimally utilized in history learning, including at SMKN 2 Singosari. SMKN 2 Singosari is a vocational school which is located not far from several water sites. In history learning, SMKN 2 Singosari also has the problem of not optimal student enthusiasm in learning. Based on these data, the use of local historical relics in the form of water sites in synergy with the JESIAMAR digital application is an effort to increase students' interest and appreciation of history which is packaged in the community service agenda. This service activity is divided into pre-implementation, activity implementation, and post-implementation. The results of this service are measured by a questionnaire which shows a satisfactory answer, namely an assessment of local historical awareness of 85.6%. Based on the results of this evaluation, it can be stated that the JESIAMAR application is very effective to be implemented in learning.
Pengembangan Media JESIAMAR (Jelajah Situs Mata Air) di Kota Batu untuk Pembelajaran Sejarah Lokal Era 4.0 Berbasis Foto 360° di Kelas X SMA Negeri 02 Batu Hendika Wicaksana; Najib Jauhari; Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo
Cakrawala: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 15 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (609.9 KB) | DOI: 10.24905/cakrawala.v15i1.269


Efforts to increase knowledge of local history by using digital-based media are very important, so that the objectives of learning local history can be realized properly. The current industrial era 4.0 is known for its extraordinary technological developments, it is time for the development of information technology to be applied in the world of education, especially in learning media. Learning media has a very important position in the learning process, one which is for learning local history. Development of media is carried out using development research methods with ADDIE stages (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation), but in this research at the design stage of the media. Local history is rarely taught and known in the classroom, this can be seen when distributing questionnaires to 150 students at SMA Negeri 02 Batu resulting in 70,9% of students rarely understanding the potential of local history and 13,2% students not understanding at all. In addition, based on the questionnaire that has been distributed, 72.2% students are interested in the media that is used to facilitate the learning of local history based on 360° photos, especially the material on historic springs in Batu City.
Praktik percaloan tiket film di Bioskop Surabaya tahun 1950-an - 1970-an Arbaletta Kalinda Desvasivi Parameswari; Najib Jauhari; Grace Tjandra Leksana
Historiography: Journal of Indonesian History and Education Vol 2, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (999.164 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um081v2i32022p310-322


This paper tries to describe to the reader the practice of brokering film tickets at the Surabaya cinema and how to handle it. The practice of ticket brokering itself is a crime that is affected by the existence of the cinema industry. The cinema industry emerged as a form of modernity in Surabaya in the field of entertainment for the community. The existence of this raises the question, how is the practice of brokering movie tickets in cinemas in Surabaya carried out? How is the public's response to this crime? How does the government deal with this brokering practice? By using historical research methods, this study examines a number of primary resources through archives. To find out how the practice of brokering film tickets is carried out in cinemas to the government's way of dealing with this brokering practice. The conclusions that can be drawn include: the practice of brokering film tickets in cinemas is carried out by unscrupulous persons to obtain profits that can be used to increase the needs of daily life. It is carried out with a neatly arranged modus operandi and has the support of several parties in the cinema. In response to this, the people were angry and filed complaints against the government, so anticipatory and repressive actions were carried out.Penulis mencoba menggambarkan kepada pembaca mengenai praktik percaloan tiket film di bioskop Surabaya dan cara menanganinya. Praktik percaloan tiket sendiri merupakan sebuah tindak kriminalitas yang terdampak dari adanya industri bioskop. Industri bioskop muncul sebagai bentuk adanya modernitas di Surabaya dalam bidang hiburan bagi masyarakat. Adanya hal tersebut memunculkan pertanyaan, bagaimanakah praktik percaloan tiket film dilakukan di bioskop-bioskop Surabaya?  Bagaimanakah respon masyarakat terhadap adanya kriminalitas ini? Serta bagaimanakah cara pemerintah menangani adanya praktik percaloan ini? Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah, studi ini menelusuri sejumlah sumber primer berupa arsip. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktik percaloan tiket film dilakukan di bioskop hingga cara pemerintah dalam mengatasi adanya praktik percaloan ini. Sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa praktik percaloan tiket film terjadi di bioskop dilakukan oleh oknum untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang dapat digunakan untuk menambah kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, dilakukan dengan modus operandi yang tersusun rapi serta mendapat dukungan dari beberapa pihak dalam bioskop. Merespon hal ini masyarakat marah dan mengajukan keluhan terhadap pemerintah, hingga dilakukan tindak antisipatif dan represif.
E-modul Sejarah sebagai inovasi bahan ajar digital berbasis aplikasi Canva untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa Adinda Fuadila Almahera; Najib Jauhari; Ulfatun Nafi’ah
Jurnal Integrasi dan Harmoni Inovatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (JIHI3S) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


History learning is generally considered an uninteresting subject. This is because students are less interested in learning history. The use of textbooks makes it easy for students to feel bored, coupled with students' lack of interest in reading. This is what makes students' interest in learning history at MAN 2 Gresik decline. Based on these problems, the researchers developed supporting teaching materials in the form of an E-Module History based on the Canva application, material for the process of entering Islam in Gresik Regency for class X IIS 1 MAN 2 Gresik students. This teaching material is a teaching material with a format in the form of a link that can be accessed by students via smartphones by utilizing the internet network. The E-Modul History teaching materials were developed using the ADDIE development method which consists of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The development of the History E-Module teaching materials has met the criteria with the validity values of the materials and teaching materials, namely 81.6 percent and 88.3 percent. With a test value of the effectiveness of small and large groups of 85.4 percent and 87.6 percent, respectively. History E-Module teaching materials are also made with the aim of attracting students' interest in learning history. The results of the percentage of students' interest in learning before and after are 49.8 percent and 89.8 percent which indicate an increase in student interest in learning after using the History E-Module teaching materials. Pembelajaran sejarah secara umum dipandang sebagai mata pelajaran yang tidak menarik. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kurang tertariknya siswa terhadap pembelajaran sejarah. Penggunan bahan ajar Buku Paket membuat siswa gampang merasa bosan ditambah dengan minat membaca siswa yang kurang. Hal ini yang menjadikan minat belajar siswa terhadap pembelajaran sejarah di MAN 2 Gresik menurun. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut peneliti memutuskan membuat bahan ajar pendukung berupa E-Modul Sejarah berbasis aplikasi canva materi proses masuknya Islam di Kabupaten Gresik untuk siswa kelas X IIS 1 MAN 2 Gresik. Bahan ajar ini merupakan bahan ajar dengan format berupa link yang bisa diakses oleh siswa melalui smartphone dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet. Bahan ajar E-Modul Sejarah dikembangkan dengan metode pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation) Pengembangan bahan ajar E-Modul Sejarah telah memenuhi kriteria dengan nilai validitas materi dan bahan ajar yakni 81,6 persen dan 88,3 persen. Dengan nilai uji efektivitas kelompok kecil dan besar sebesar 85,4 persen dan 87,6 persen. Bahan ajar E-Modul Sejarah juga dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menarik minat belajar siswa dalam belajar sejarah. Hasil persentase minat belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah yakni 49,8 persen dan 89,8 persen yang menunjukkan adanya kenaikan minat belajar siswa setelah menggunakan bahan ajar E-Modul Sejarah.
Pedagang jamu wanita Yogyakarta: mata pencaharian masyarakat Hindia Belanda tahun 1910-1930 Diana Rahmawati; Najib Jauhari; Arif Subekti
Historiography: Journal of Indonesian History and Education Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um081v3i22023p162-173


The purpose of this article to identify traditional medicine practices as women’s livelihood in 1910–1930 in Yogyakarta. Jamu was purchased from spice traders and Chinese traders. They are known as tukang jual obat or tukang jamu. Herbal medicine was sold in processed or raw form accompanied by instructions for use. Herbal medicine is believed as a treatment by the bumiputra community due to its fast-healing process. One of the factors causing the high demand for herbal medicine by bumiputra community is because of Western’s expensive and far health facilities. This study was conducted using the historical method with some stages of topic selection, heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this study indicated that 1) women's popularity as herbal medicine traders were recognized as working women and 2) herbal medicine traders played an important role in helping the public health of bumiputra. In this case, herbal medicine aims to maintain a healthy body rather than treat disease. Thus, their presence is more recognized in the community as working women because of bumiputra's interest in herbal medicine sold by women. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengobatan tradisional oleh kaum wanita sebagai salah satu mata pencaharian tahun 1910–1930 di Yogyakarta. Jamu dibeli melalui pedagang rempah-rempah dan pedagang Cina. Mereka dikenal dengan sebutan tukang jual obat atau tukang jamu. Jamu dijual dalam bentuk olahan maupun mentahan dan disertai dengan petunjuk penggunaan. Jamu dipercaya sebagai pengobatan oleh masyarakat bumiputra karena proses penyembuhannya yang cepat. Salah satu faktor penyebab tingginya permintaan masyarakat bumiputra terhadap jamu disebabkan karena fasilitas kesehatan Barat yang relatif jauh dan mahal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sejarah melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu pemilihan topik, heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) kepopuleran mereka di tengah masyarakat sebagai tukang jamu diakui sebagai wanita pekerja 2) pedagang jamu memainkan peran penting dalam usaha membantu kesehatan masyarakat bumiputra. Wanita melakukan perdagangan jamu bertujuan untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh daripada mengobati penyakit. Dengan demikian, kehadiran tukang jamu lebih diakui di tengah masyarakat sebagai wanita pekerja karena ketertarikan bumiputra terhadap jamu yang dijual oleh kaum wanita.
Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um0330v6i1p167-178


Learning history plays an important role in building student identity and character. In its implementation, learning history often experiences several problems, one of which is the lack of developing materials about local history and the lack of proper use of learning media. This causes history lessons to be less varied and seem boring, thus affecting student learning outcomes. This problem also occurs at SMAN 1 Bungkal, Ponorogo Regency. Therefore, efforts are needed to make learning history more varied and interesting which will be discussed in this article. The purpose of this study was to produce learning media products for Tegalsari Site Vlogs (V-Sitri) on historical heritage buildings from the Islamic period at the Tegalsari Site for class X IPS SMAN 1 Bungkal and to test the validity, feasibility, and effectiveness of Tegalsari Site Vlog learning media. (V-Sitri) so that it influences the learning outcomes of class X IPS students at SMAN 1 Bungkal. Then, in this study, the researchers used research and development (R&D) methods based on the 10 stages of the research and development model by Sugiyono (2013). The results of this study indicate that the Tegalsari Site Vlog product (V-Sitri) has proven to be very valid, very feasible, and very effective for use as a learning medium and can improve student learning outcomes for class X IPS SMAN 1 Bungkal. This is because V-Sitri learning media based on QR-Code leaflets is IT-based media with local historical content and lots of illustrations, including videos and supporting pictures.Pembelajaran sejarah memegang peranan penting dalam membangun jati diri dan karakter siswa. Dalam implementasinya, pembelajaran sejarah sering kali mengalami beberapa permasalahan, salah satunya adalah kurangnya pengembangan materi tentang sejarah lokal dan kurangnya pemanfaatan media pembelajaran yang tepat. Hal ini menyebabkan pembelajaran sejarah menjadi kurang variatif dan tampak membosankan, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Permasalahan demikian juga terjadi di SMAN 1 Bungkal, Kabupaten Ponorogo. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan upaya untuk membuat pembelajaran sejarah menjadi lebih variatif dan menarik yang akan dibahas dalam artikel ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran Vlog Situs Tegalsari (V-Sitri) pada materi bangunan-bangunan peninggalan sejarah masa Islam di Situs Tegalsari untuk kelas X IPS SMAN 1 Bungkal serta menguji validitas, kelayakan, dan efektivitas media pembelajaran Vlog Situs Tegalsari (V-Sitri) sehingga berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas X IPS SMAN 1 Bungkal. Kemudian, dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research & Development (R&D) dengan berpedoman pada 10 tahapan model penelitian dan pengembangan milik Sugiyono (2013). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasanya produk Vlog Situs Tegalsari (V-Sitri) terbukti sangat valid, sangat layak, dan sangat efektif untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran serta dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X IPS SMAN 1 Bungkal. Hal ini karena media pembelajaran V-Sitri berbasis leaflet QR-Code adalah media berbasis IT dengan muatan sejarah lokal dan banyak disertai ilustrasi, termasuk video maupun gambar-gambar yang mendukung.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar E-MORPITT (Modul Elektronik Perjuangan Integrasi Timor-Timur 1975-Rekonsiliasi) Kelas XII Yolan Sadewa Kusuma; Najib Jauhari; Arif Subekti
Indonesian Journal of History Education Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Development of Learning History
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijhe.v8i1.57873


This article aims to describe the development of the E-Module for the 1975-Reconciliation struggle for East Timor Integration. Indonesian history teaching materials that discuss the struggle for 1975-East Timor Integration-Reconciliation are still lacking, even the topic of reconciliation has not been discussed in the curriculum. The next problem is the absence of teaching materials that can be accessed as a reference in schools that discuss the topic of reconciliation. The problems of this research are, how is the development of the E-Module teaching materials, whether the E-Module is appropriate as a teaching material, whether the E-Module is effective as a teaching material. This study uses research and development methods. The research steps are looking for potentials and problems in the curriculum, collecting data on sources of teaching materials, designing, validating, revisions that are given criticism and expert advice, small group trials, revising if they find deficiencies, conducting final large group trials, revision before production, and producing teaching materials that have been tested. The results of the E-Modul research have met the objectives of the development, namely valid, practical and effective. Materials and media experts gave a very valid value. Practitioners (teachers), small group trials, and large groups all rated the E-Module as practical and feasible to use. From the effectiveness test, the E-Modul provides effective results in improving student learning outcomes through pretest and posttest evaluations.
Pemanfaatan Museum Sangiran sebagai sumber belajar Sejarah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Kertosono Arif Dedy Purwanto; Najib Jauhari
Historiography: Journal of Indonesian History and Education Vol 3, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um081v3i32023p286-301


This study aims to determine the use of the Sangiran Museum as a source of learning history in an effort to improve the History learning outcomes for class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Kertosono. The problem in this study is to analyze before and after the use of the Sangiran Museum to improve the History learning outcomes of students in grades X-9, X-10, and X-11. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with the type chosen is pre-experimental in the form of one-group pretest-posttest design. The use of the instrument as a test of increasing learning outcomes is in the form of a multiple choice question test. Data analysis used validity test, reliability test, and descriptive analysis based on the average learning outcomes of each student and class. The pretest results for class X-9 were 50.97 and it became 91.11 in the posttest, the pretest results for class X-10 were 39.13 to 91.47 in the posttest, and the pretest results for class X-11 were 41.41 to 85.52 in the posttest. The results showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes in each sample class.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pemanfaatan Museum Sangiran sebagai penggunaan sumber belajar Sejarah dalam upaya peningkatan hasil belajar Sejarah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Kertosono. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sebelum dan sesudah adanya pemanfaatan Museum Sangiran terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar Sejarah siswa kelas X-9, X-10, dan X-11. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan jenis yang dipilih adalah pre-eksperimental berbentuk one-grup pretest-posttest design. Penggunaan instrumen sebagai uji peningkatan hasil belajar berupa tes soal pilihan ganda. Analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, dan analisis deskriptif berdasarkan dari rata-rata hasil belajar setiap siswa dan kelas. Hasil pretest kelas X-9 sebesar 50.97 dan menjadi 91.11 pada posttest, hasil pretest kelas X-10 sebesar 39.13 menjadi 91,47 pada posttest, dan hasil pretest kelas X-11 41.41 menjadi 85.52 pada posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar di setiap kelas yang menjadi sampel.