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Journal : RADIAL : Jurnal Peradaban Sains, Rekayasa dan Teknologi

RADIAL : Jurnal Peradaban Sains, Rekayasa dan Teknologi Vol 9 No 2 (2021): RADIAL
Publisher : Universitas Bina Taruna Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.595 KB) | DOI: 10.37971/radial.v9i2.252


Abstrak: Evaluasi Keyamanan Termal Dengan Model Statis Pada Kantin Kampus Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo. Bangunan berfungsi sebagai penyedia ruang untuk menunjang aktivitas manusia. Aktivitas manusia dapat terlaksana secara baik melalui pemenuhan ruang yang nyaman. Kenyamanan didefinisikan sebagai suatu kondisi tertentu yang dapat memberikan sensasi yang menyenangkan, khususnya bagi pengguna bangunan. Saat ini, eksistensi kantin atau cafe di Gorontalo semakin berkembang dan tumbuh pesat di Kota Gorontalo, seperti kedai, warung, coffee shop, dan cafe. Desainnya yang direfleksikan juga beragam seperti desain ruang dalam, ruang luar, dan ruang semi outdoor yang berfungsi sebagai tempat berkumpul sehingga kenyamanan termal pada kantin sangatlah penting. Kombinasi secara tepat beberapa variabel dapat menciptakan kenyamanan termal di dalam bangunan. Fokus penelitian adalah kenyamanan termal kantin kampus Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi lapangan yang memanfaatkan alat pengukur temperatur dalam dan luar ruangan, pergerakan udara, kelembaban, dan temperatur lingkungan. Hasil pengukuran dijabarkan dalam bentuk grafik dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Karakteristik lingkungan termal menunjukkan bahwa suhu udara pada jam 09.00 masih dalam tahap normal, namun ada peningkatan pada jam 10.00 (jam istirahat sesi pertama). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik lingkungan termal berada pada suhu minimum 30,9°C dan suhu maksimumnya 32,3°C. Hal itu mengindikasikan bahwa suhu udara telah melewati ambang batas nyaman, yaitu 31°C. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Kenyamanan Termal, Model Statis, Ruang Semi Outdoor, Kantin Kampus. Abstract: Evaluation Of Thermal Comfort Using Static Model At Campus Canteen Of Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo. A building functions as a space provider to support human activities. The fulfillment of a comfortable space helps humans in carrying out activities properly. Comfort means a specific condition that can provide a pleasant sensation, especially for building users. Currently, the existence of a canteen or cafe in Gorontalo has been increasing rapidly in Gorontalo City, such as shops, stalls, coffee shops, and cafes. They reflect in a variety of designs, such as indoor spaces, outdoor spaces, and semi-outdoor spaces that function as gathering places so that thermal comfort in a canteen is very significant. The right combination of several variables can create thermal comfort in the building. The research focus is the thermal comfort at the campus canteen of Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo. The research method applies field observation using indoor and outdoor temperature measuring instruments, air movement, humidity, and ambient temperature. The measurement results are described in graphs and elaborated in a quantitative descriptive method. The characteristics of the thermal environment show that the air temperature at 09.00 is categorized as at the normal stage, but there is an increase at 10.00 (first session break). The results show that the characteristics of the thermal environment were at a minimum temperature of 30.9°C and a maximum temperature of 32.3°C. This indicates that the air temperature has passed the comfortable threshold, which is 31°C. Keywords: Evaluation, Thermal Comfort, Static Model, Semi Outdoor Room, Campus Canteen.
RADIAL : Jurnal Peradaban Sains, Rekayasa dan Teknologi Vol 10 No 2 (2022): RADIAL
Publisher : Universitas Bina Taruna Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak: Pengaruh Penggunaan Dinding Papan Terhadap Lingkungan Termal Rumah Adat Dulohupa Kota Gorontalo. Dinding merupakan elemen bangunan yang diharapkan dapat merespon faktor iklim dan lingkungan, sebagai alat untuk memanipulasi iklim mikro, sehingga tercipta kenyamanan. Fokus penelitian adalah pada masalah termal, yang berkaitan dengan pengaruh dinding papan terhadap lingkungan termal rumah adat Dulohupa, agar di ketahui sejauh mana pengaruh dinding terhadap pelepasan panas kedalam ruang, Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur termokopel, anemometer, termometer dan humidity sebagai alat bantu ukur dalam mengukur temperatur permukaan dinding dalam dan luar, pergerakan udara, kelembaban dan temperatur lingkungan. Hasil pengukuran suhu pada Rumah Adat Dulohupa Kota Gorontalo ada ruang yaitu ruang teras depan, ruang tamu/keluarga dan ruang kamar, untuk ruang kamar 03 dan kamar 04 suhu udara tertinggi terjadi pada pukul 13.00 WITA dengan suhu 31,02 °C. dan suhu terendah yaitu 30,07 °C. pada pukul 07.00 WITA. Hasil simulasi dengan menggunakan software autodesk Ecotect pada rumah adat Dulohupa, yaitu suhu tertinggi didapatkan pada jam 11.00– 12.00 sebesar 36,1 °C sedangkan diluar bangunan 35,3 °C dan sedikit megalami penurunan pada jam 13.00-14.00 sebesar 36,00 °C namun di luar bangunan mengalami kenaikan yaitu 35,7 °C. Jadi meskipun temperatur diluar bangunan tinggi namun temperatur didakam bangunan tetap rendah. Kata kunci: Dinding Papan; Kenyamanan Termal; Termal Lingkungan; Rumah Adat Dulohupa. Abstract: The Effect Of Board Walls Use On The Dulohupa Traditional House Thermal Temperature In Gorontalo City. The wall is a building element expected to respond to climatic and environmental factors as a tool to manipulate the microclimate for comfort. This research focuses on the thermal problem related to the effect of the board walls on the thermal environment of the Dulohupa traditional house, aiming to find the effect of wall use on heat release into the room. This study utilizes a thermocouple, anemometer, thermometer, and humidity for measuring inner and outer walls' surface temperatures, air movement, humidity, and ambient temperature. This research explains that the Dulohupa Traditional House has rooms, namely a front terrace, living/family room, and bedroom. Rooms 03 and 04 have the highest air temperature of 31.02°C, occurring at 13.00 WITA (Central Indonesia Time). The lowest is 30.07°C at 07.00 WITA. The simulation by the Autodesk Ecotect software indicates the highest of 36.1°C at 11.00-12.00. Its outside temperature is 35.3°C. It slightly decreases to 36.00°C at 13.00-14.00. However, there has a temperature increase of 35.7°C outside. The temperature inside remains low even though the outside is high. Keywords: board wall; thermal comfort; environmental thermal; Dulohupa traditional house
RADIAL : Jurnal Peradaban Sains, Rekayasa dan Teknologi Vol 11 No 1 (2023): RADIAL
Publisher : Universitas Bina Taruna Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37971/radial.v11i1.380


This research aims to determine the factors that influence spatial settlement patterns, because a deep understanding of these factors can help in the planning and management of sustainable coastal areas. Settlement area, is a place to live and a place to carry out activities to support the lives of its inhabitants, namely the relationship between humans and humans, with nature and with their creator. This research uses a rationalistic method, the analysis is done in qualitative description. The number of samples in this study were: 30 residential units of the Bajo tribe, from the total population of 112 residential units of the Bajo tribe that were found (remaining). Factors affecting the spatial pattern of settlements in the Bajo Tribe of Torosiaje Laut village, Poguwato district, the existence of geometric patterns that stand out in the main bridge network and the mass order of buildings is inseparable from natural factors in the form of the sea or tides. Patterns are seen in the mass order and network of main bridges and divider bridges. There is a short branching pattern. The smallest network is within the settlement area. Linear patterns are seen in the building mass order and bridge network in the eastern region, while the organic pattern factor is seen in the building mass order, and the connecting bridge network that develops due to spontaneity and irregularity of the building mass due to lack of planning.