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Design a System for Calculating the Number of People Passing Using the Arduino Uno Based PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) Sensor Muhammad Yakob; Rachmad Almi Putra; Hendri Saputra; Miranda Miranda; Fajriani Fajriani
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Vol 7, No 3 (2019): PENDIDIKAN FISIKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.101 KB) | DOI: 10.26618/jpf.v7i3.2098


This study aims to build a system of counting people in the center of the crowd. This system uses PIR sensors to detect human movements so that the number of people passing through these sensors can be counted. The design of this tool uses hardware and software. The hardware used is like Arduino, PIR sensors, and also LEDs, while software uses programs arranged to adjust commands that will be sent to hardware. This tool is made by using two PIR sensors, where the first sensor is the marker of the person entering and the second sensor as a marker of people coming out. When the first sensor detects a person, the number of people passing through the sensor will be +1, when the second sensor detects a person, the number of people passing sensor -1.Keywords: Pir, Arduino, Infrared, Receiver, SensorPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem penghitungan orang di tengah keramaian. Sistem ini menggunakan sensor PIR untuk mendeteksi pergerakan manusia sehingga jumlah orang yang melewati sensor ini dapat dihitung. Desain alat ini menggunakan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perangkat keras yang digunakan seperti Arduino, sensor PIR, dan juga LED, sedangkan perangkat lunak menggunakan program yang dapat diatur menyesuaikan perintah yang akan dikirim ke perangkat keras. Alat ini dibuat dengan menggunakan dua sensor PIR, dimana sensor pertama adalah penanda orang yang masuk dan sensor kedua sebagai penanda orang keluar. Ketika sensor pertama mendeteksi seseorang, jumlah orang yang melewati sensor akan +1, ketika sensor kedua mendeteksi seseorang, jumlah orang yang melewati sensor -1.Kata kunci: Pir, Arduino, Infrared, Receiver, Sensor
PROMOSI (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi) Vol 10, No 2 (2022): PROMOSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/pro.v10i2.6711


This study aims to determine the level of entrepreneurial literacy possessed by urban fariming entrepreneurs in the city of Makassar, especially in the Orchid Women Farmer Group located in the Bara-Baraya sub-district, Makassar district and the implementation of entrepreneurial literacy in agricultural activities. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods collected using three techniques namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Then to determine the sample in this study using the purposive sampling method with the provisions of criteria, namely: (1) joined in the Women’s Group of Orchid Farmers; (2) is an important part (top) in the organizational structure; (3) knows the ins and outs of the Women’s Group of Orchid Farmers so as to be able to provide information that can represent; (4) domiciled in the city of Makassar. After exploring, it was found the the Women’s Group of Orchid Farmers in general already have entrepreneurial literacy and knowledge releted to entrepreneurship has been implemented in their farming activities although it is not optimal because not all members have and understand entrepreneurial literacy. Keywords: entrepreneurial literacy, urban farmer, makassar city
PROSIDING SEMINAR KIMIA Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Prosiding SNK 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Mulawarman

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A study on the pyrolysis of meranti (Shorea) sawdust using a pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) instrument was carried out. This research was conducted to determine the chemical and physical characteristics of meranti (Shorea) sawdust and to determine the chemical composition of the meranti (Shorea) pyrolysis product. Pyrolysis was carried out with three different temperature variations, namely 350°C, 450°C and 550°C. Meranti wood powder (Shorea) has a moisture content of 12±0.001%, an ash content of 0.07±0.017%, a -cellulose content of 66%, a lignin content of 35±0.047% and a hemicellulose content of 2%. Based on the percentage of product area in the pyrolysis pyrolysis, meranti (Shorea) sawdust contains lignin derivative products (29-50%) and cellulose/hemicellulose derivative products (7-17%). The pyrolysis product with the highest percent area was carbamic acid monoammonium salt. (E)-2,6-Dimethoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)phenol. Phenol, 4-ethenyl-2,6-dimethoxy-. Acetic acid. Ammonium acetate. Butanenitrile, 3-oxo- and Beta.-D-Glucopyranose, 1,6-anhydro. Keywords: Pyrolysis, Py-GC/MS, Meranti wood powder (Shorea)
Students’ improvement in writing skill using column comment on Facebook group Novarita Novarita; Nurul Afifah; Awalludin Awalludin; Miranda Miranda
Concept : Community Concern for English Pedagogy and Teaching Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): July-December 2022
Publisher : English Language Education Study Program, Teacher Traning and Education Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/jconcept.v8i2.3576


The objective of this case study is to investigate the effect of using the comment section on a Facebook group on increasing the writing ability of students at MA Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Seri Bandung. The study aims to determine whether utilizing the comment section can improve students' performance in writing and specifically, the material used is recount text. The participants of this study were all pupils in grade 10, with a total of 49 students. A sample of 15 students was selected through purposive sampling for the treatment class. Data was collected through a writing test consisting of 1 item and analyzed using the paired sample t-test in SPSS 22. The average pre-test score was 51.313, and the average post-test score was 85.167. The results of the data analysis showed that using the comment section on a Facebook group was significantly successful in enhancing the writing skills of students at MA Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Seri Bandung. Therefore, the writerss accept the alternative hypothesis (Ha) and reject the null hypothesis (Ho) as the sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 is less than the significance level (=0.05), indicating that the use of the comment column on a Facebook group was significantly beneficial in enhancing students' ability to write recount texts at MA Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Seri Bandung. Keywords: Facebook; writing skill
Peluang Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Dalam Pemasaran Ekonomi digital Di Sumatera Utara Aulia Zahra; Ira Hairun Nisa Munthe; Miranda Miranda; Yudi Fakhrul Rozi; Nurbaiti Nurbaiti
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 2 No 2 (2022): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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This study aims to discuss the growth of UMKM and digital marketing opportunities and business challenges. Qualitative research is used in this research. Qualitative research is research that is descriptive in nature and tends to do analysis. The research findings show that digital technology growth, digital marketing opportunities, and micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) are growing at an alarming rate. Apart from being a challenge for the business world, this also provides enormous opportunities and potential for economic growth and the business world, and actors in the business sector must be able to adapt to changing trends. information Technology. Utilizing digital developments in society and information technology, business actors must be able to create opportunities. Several policies from both the government and UMKM actors can encourage UMKM. The development of technology makes people tend to want the fastest service. This encourages UMKM to think more creatively in order to be able to meet the needs of society.
Inventarisasi dan Identifikasi Tungau pada Mawar di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Indayani Indayani; Ahmad Sultoni Pulungan; Darma Prasatya; Miranda Miranda; Nisa U Mardiyah; Safira Cahaya Ramadhani; Abu Umayah; Bambang Gunawan; Arsi Arsi
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Riset Pengembangan Lahan Suboptimal (PUR-PLSO) Universitas Sriwijaya

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Indayani I, Pulungan AS, Prasatya D, Miranda M, Mardiyah NU, Ramadhani CS, Umayah A, Gunawan B, Arsi A. 2022. Inventory and identification of mites on roses in Ogan Ilir District, South Sumatra Province. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang 27 Oktober 2022. pp. 751-758. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Roses are widely cultivated by the public because of their beautiful and beautiful appearance as well as their fragrant and distinctive aroma, so they are nicknamed the queen of flowers, but on the other hand, roses are easily attacked by various species of mites. This study aimed to determine the species of mites on roses so that this research can make it easier to recognize and overcome the symptoms of mite attacks on roses. This research was conducted in the villages of Timbangan, Palem Raya, Sembabu Island, and Tanjung Sejaro, North Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province using survey and sampling methods. The results of the study have obtained 2 species of mites with the genus Tetranychus spp. The spread of mites occurs rapidly due to wind and human activities. Mites are polyphagous, so the possibility of expanding the host due to this pest should be watched out for. Mites attack can cause the process of formation of leaves and stems to be hampered so that the productivity of ornamental plants decreases. The mites damage the plant by sucking the liquid from the leaf cells which results in pale spots due to the damaged epidermal cells due to being sucked in. Although the individual damage caused by mites is small, with a population of thousands of mites attacking plants, it will cause more injuries so that it can reduce the photosynthetic ability of plants. So, roses are plants that are liked by many people but are often attacked by mites. It is better if the rose has been attacked by mites to minimize the spread of the attack, it is expected to spray pesticide liquid, rely on natural enemies, and plant high-yielding varieties.
Aplikasi Penerapan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan untuk Memprediksi Tingkat Pengangguran di Kota Batam dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Pembelajaran Backpropagation Dodi Prima Resda; Jhon Hericson Purba; Miranda Miranda; Arista Sitanggang; Maidel Fani; Andy Triwinarko
JURNAL INTEGRASI Vol 15 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Integrasi - April 2023
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/ji.v15i1.6351


The imbalance between labor supply and demand often leads to unemployment in a given region. The unemployment rate serves as a key indicator to assess the overall health of the economy. Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as a predictive tool has emerged as a reliable solution to forecast unemployment rates in Batam City, using 7 input parameters. The methodology employed in this predictive model is the Backpropagation algorithm. This involves dividing the dataset into two distinct components: training data, consisting of 4 parts, and the remaining data set aside for testing purposes. This division results in a substantial allocation of 95% for training data and a significant 79% for testing data. The accuracy achieved by this model forms the basis to evaluate its potential success in forecasting unemployment rates for the upcoming year. By harnessing the capabilities of Artificial Neural Networks and employing the Backpropagation methodology, it is possible to predict unemployment rates in Batam City. The outcomes of this analytical approach can serve as a reference to address labor imbalance issues, while also providing a pragmatic tool to enhance economic planning and policy formulation for a more sustainable future.