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Penerapan Model Waterfall Pada Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Web Sidik Sidik; Arief Maulana; Bilal Abdul Wahid
FORMAT Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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Technology has become a necessity that cannot be separated from lifestyle, even in its development humans are increasingly dependent on technology. In the field of business, the development of information technology has had a significant impact in increasing business activities, especially in terms of data management that provides support for business decision making and in terms of improving services. Everest Chicken Penyet Restaurant is a company engaged in the sale of food in the form of fried chicken, penyet chicken, sweet grilled chicken, spicy grilled chicken, duck penyet, catfish penyet and many others. At present the sales system at Ayam Penyet Everest Restaurant has not used a computerized system, the workmanship is still manually where it still uses a handwriting system to recap the ordered product data and the sales process. The research method used is a research and development method with the waterfall model. The results of this study are customers get information about the latest menus quickly on the Ayam Penyet Everest website, so that it becomes more efficient. With a web-based sales information system this makes the company's performance better and more professional in its activities..
Collaborative Filtering Based Recommender Systems For Marketplace Applications Witriana Endah Pangesti; Rachmat Suryadithia; Priyono; Muhammad Faisal; Bilal Abdul Wahid; Arman Syah Putra
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v2i5.184


The background of this research is to give the best advice to users who still don't know about other marketplaces that they can still use, to find the items they are looking for and at a cheaper price or with promos they can get. The method used in this research is to use a trial based on data obtained from users who use the media marketplace to purchase an item, with this, the real data can be known so that the best advice for an unknown marketplace can be given. In how many countries, a recommender system has been implemented in a marketplace that will provide advice using advertising media on social media, by using social media, users can find out about the marketplace, and are given continuous advice to install the application so that they can make transactions with purchase of a product in the marketplace. The purpose of this research is to give the best advice so that all people, especially marketplace users, can find out which other marketplaces are in order to know and be able to shop at other marketplaces, by doing price comparisons and being able to get promo prices and knowing based on habits, and ratings from the marketplace.
Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Penyuluhan Bahaya Penyakit HIV/ AIDS Sidik Sidik; Andrie Nul Hakim; Bilal Abdul Wahid
JKTP: Jurnal Kajian Teknologi Pendidikan Vol 3, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um038v3i32020p262


Abstrak: Data terkini tentang total infeksi HIV/AIDS di Nusantara sampai dengan bulan Juni 2019 tercatat sebanyak 349.882 (Kemenkes RI) dan sebagian besar kasus terjadi pada range usia 25-49 tahun (sebesar 71,1%), kemudian diikuti oleh range usia 20-24 tahun (sebesar 14,4%) dan range usia ≥ 50 tahun (sebesar 9%). Penelitian Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia melaporkan minimnya pemahaman tentang bahaya penyakit HIV/AIDS pada kalangan remaja, yang hanya 11,4 persen menyebabkan semakin bertambahnya orang yang terinfeksi. Tujuan pengembangan multimedia penyuluhan bahaya penyakit HIV/AIDS adalah menghasilkan aplikasi interaktif yang efektif, mudah digunakan dan bermanfaat. Penulis memakai metode riset dan pengembagan (Research and Development Method). Pada proses uji awal (pretest) nilai rata-rata keseluruhan responden yang hanya mendapat nilai 69,3. Sedangkan saat pengujian aplikasi (posttest), nilai rerata yang diperoleh sebesar 87,1 dari seluruh responden. Dalam pengujian aplikasi, terdapat peningkatan nilai yang signifikan, sehingga disimpulkan aplikasi ini sangat efektif dan tepat di berikan pada mahasiswa dengan rentang usia 20-25 tahun.Abstract: The latest data on total HIV / AIDS infections in the archipelago as of June 2019 was recorded at 349,882 (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia) and most cases occurred in the age range of 25-49 years (by 71.1%), then followed by the age range of 20-24 years (14.4%) and age range ≥ 50 years (9%). Research from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia reported a lack of understanding of the dangers of HIV / AIDS among adolescents, of which only 11.4 percent caused an increase in infected people. The aim of developing multimedia education on the dangers of HIV / AIDS is to produce interactive applications that are effective, easy to use and useful. The author uses research and development methods (Research and Development Method). In the initial test process (pretest) the average value of all respondents who only got a value of 69.3. Whereas when testing the application (posttest), the average value obtained was 87.1 of all respondents. In application testing, there was a significant increase in grades, so it was concluded that this application was very effective and appropriate given to students with an age range of 20-25 years.
Analysis of Linear Regression Level of Customer Satisfaction New Smartphone Purchase Decisions Priatno; Bilal Abdul Wahid
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 4 (2021): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.Vol4.2021.1209.pp2567-2575


Smartphone technology is currently implementing the latest and most comprehensive technology, which in addition to this technology also allows you to do many things such as making video conferences, playing e-sport games, and other transactions. Research conducted by the author uses the SPSS Ver.22 application program to report the data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 80 respondents who will buy or have used new smartphone products. After the analysis is carried out, the results obtained from the independent variables are based on brand (X1), price (X2), product specifications (X3), design (X4), and together have a positive effect on the related variables, namely the purchase decision (Y), so that the following equation is obtained: Y = 7.244 - 0.012X1 + 0.210X2 + 0.464X3 - 0.003X4.
Sales Information System Women's Clothes Based on E-Commerce Maghfiroh Maulani; Priatno; Muhamad Ryansyah; Bilal Abdul Wahid
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.Vol5.2021.1290.pp191-196


The development of online shopping websites has increased to date. These developments make ideas as well as solutions for writers to participate in economic progress in the world of information technology. E-Commerce is the right choice for business development that is inclusive of buying and selling activities and is also becoming very fierce competition for businesses in Indonesia today. E-Commerce in general is an online market for buying and selling activities between business owners, customers, and visitors through the internet. As for the increasing trend of Muslim women's clothing that more and more types and models make the writer want to combine these ideas to create a web E-Commerce. Web-Based Muslim Clothing Sales Information System E-Commerce chosen by the author is designed using the Java programming language, which is a high-level object-oriented programming language, using the waterfall model which has steps - Analysis of software requirements analysis, system design programming, testing and supporting and maintaining. In this method, the program is designed because this method is very easy to implement.
Investigations Using The Whatsapp Application By Analyzing Evidence of Crime In Conversation Data P Priyono; Bilal Abdul Wahid; P Priatno; Risdiandri Iskandar; Ali Akbar; Arman Syah Putra
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (775.803 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v6i1.223


The background of this research is to find evidence in an application called WhatsApp by analyzing data in the form of conversations or chats from 2 people who are suspected of having their conversations contain suspicious words, therefore by analyzing their conversations, errors or violations will be known conducted. The method used in this study uses the latest waterfall concept, which has been modified in order to help find answers to the problems raised. The problem raised in this study is to find evidence in the conversations carried out in the WhatsApp application. The purpose of this research is to find strong evidence so that it can be used as evidence in court and save suspicious conversation data.
Investigations Using The Whatsapp Application By Analyzing Evidence of Crime In Conversation Data P Priyono; Bilal Abdul Wahid; P Priatno; Risdiandri Iskandar; Ali Akbar; Arman Syah Putra
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v6i1.223


The background of this research is to find evidence in an application called WhatsApp by analyzing data in the form of conversations or chats from 2 people who are suspected of having their conversations contain suspicious words, therefore by analyzing their conversations, errors or violations will be known conducted. The method used in this study uses the latest waterfall concept, which has been modified in order to help find answers to the problems raised. The problem raised in this study is to find evidence in the conversations carried out in the WhatsApp application. The purpose of this research is to find strong evidence so that it can be used as evidence in court and save suspicious conversation data.
Penerapan Metode Rapid Application Development Terhadap Penjualan Fashion Distro Secara Online Bilal Abdul Wahid
Jurnal Esensi Infokom : Jurnal Esensi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Esensi Infokom : Jurnal esensi sistem informasi dan sistem komputer Vol 3
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Bisnis Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1036.135 KB) | DOI: 10.55886/infokom.v3i1.345


Penerapan metode RAD (Rapid Application Development) pada penelitian ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan suatu sistem penjualan Fashion Distro secara online melalui integrasi kedalam basis data serta membangun hubungan dengan user selaku pembeli secara lebih personalnya. Sasaran yang lebih kearah memperluas dan meningkatkan jangkauan penjualan melalui media yang fleksibel dan lebih kearah efesiensi pemasaran. Bentuk yang digunakan dalam pemodelan sistemnya adalah dengan menggunakan UML (Unified Modeling Language). Metode penelitian ini berbentuk studi kasus terhadap suatu perusahaan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian research and development (R&D). Sistem perancangan dengan memanfaatkan piranti perangkat lunak meliputi bagian front-end serta sistem manajemen konten yang secara detail mengurangi adanya perantara pembeli, menerapkan biaya murah dalam operasional penjualan, mempermudah proses jasa pengiriman, serta penerimaan pembayaran lewat transfer dan secara online. Efek dari hasil pengujian ini terlihat pada proses digitisasi produk penjualan yang memiliki verifikasi data lebih akurat terhadap sistem navigasi, validasi data isi keranjang belanja, penelusuran pada proses data pemesanan, serta konfirmasi pembayaran.
Jurnal Esensi Infokom : Jurnal Esensi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Esensi Infokom : Jurnal esensi sistem informasi dan sistem komputer Vol 2
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Bisnis Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1001.302 KB)


Sebenarnya dalam memasuki penjualan sepeda motor kompetisi dan layanan purna jual, perusahaan mencoba untuk menggunakan Teknologi Informasi sebagai alat untuk dapat memenangkan kompetisi ini. Dalam rangka untuk Teknologi Informasi dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya dan perusahaan mendukung sistem yang ada, kinerja penilaian Teknologi Informasi diperlukan secara berkala. Salah satu metode untuk menilai kinerja departemen Teknologi Informasi adalah dengan memanfaatkan dengan Balanced Scorecard sebagai ukuran efisiensi dalam penggunaan saat ini dan menggunakan COBIT 4.1 ke 4) domain, yaitu adalah Akuisisi dan Implementasi, Memantau dan Evaluasi, Pengiriman dan Dukungan, Perencanaan dan Organisasi sebagai alat ukur. Dari kedua metode, kami mencoba untuk membuat Teknologi Informasi Blueprint sebagai hasil akhir dari pemanfaatan perusahaan, sehingga manajemen dapat merencanakan bagaimana perusahaan Teknologi Informasi.
Jurnal Esensi Infokom : Jurnal Esensi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Esensi Infokom : Jurnal esensi sistem informasi dan sistem komputer Vol 2
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Bisnis Nusantara

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Penggunaan suatu pencarian teks yang lengkap serta pencarian metadata yang sesuai memiliki indikasi kelemahan didalam ketepatan artikel atau data yang dicari. Penelitian ini menjabarkan tentang algoritma kesamaan bobot pohon dikombinasikan dengan metode kesamaan kosinus untuk menghitung kesamaan dalam pencarian data secara semantik. Dalam metadata metode ini dibangun berdasarkan pada pohon berlabel symbol atau node, label dan cabang tertimbang. Bentuk dari Struktur metadata pohon dibangun berdasarkan informasi data semantik seperti taxonomi, ontologi, preferensi, sinonim, homonim dan stemming. Hasil dari pengujian ini adalah ketepatan dalam melakukan pencarian dengan menggunakan algoritma bobot dari pohon berbobot yang lebih baik daripada pencarian teks lengkap dan pencarian dengan metode metadata. Pencarian yang tepat adalah dengan menerapkan Algoritma Weighted Tree Similarity guna mencari data secara semantic.