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Perancangan Kursi Pilot Helicopter Jenis Sykorski S-76 Berdasarkan Pendekatan Ergonomik Sulistyadi, Kohar
Publisher : Gaung Informatika

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Anthropometric measurements of the dimensions is the study of the human body. Anthropometric measurement difficulties caused by several factors: a) the size of the human body is very diverse and depend on age, gender, ethnicity, so some group work often demands certain requirements. Objective article focuses on the effort to design chairs Helicopter pilots Sykorski type S-76 based on the concept and principles of ergonomics. Some of the data required for the design work is based on the principle of the pilot seat with ergonomic support anthropometric data, among others, namely: Data Width backrest (LS), High backrest (TS), Wide Hips (LP), High Popliteal (TPL), popliteal Ass (PPL) which is supported by data size adult Indonesia (Central Jakarta Usahid student anthropometric data).  After the direct measurement data processing based on uniformity test data. Uniformity test is intended to homogenize the data in an Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL). Once all the data is uniform, followed by  testing the adequacy of the data to determine whether the data is uniform can represent all the data available with the provisions of N ´ N. If the test result data is uniform and meets the adequacy of the data, performed data sorting sizes from small to  the largest percentile calculations and used P5, P50 and P95 with a normal distribution method is to approach the average value using a 5% level of accuracy and level of 95% confidence. Based on the data obtained from the calculation can be done designing Helicopter pilot seat types Sykorski S-76 that meets the principles of ergonomics.
Publisher : Gaung Informatika

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Effort to minimize the cost of production companies in an effort to increase competitive advantage through a  number of ways to implement strategies to meet the minimum production costs demand. In this research is focused on aggregate production planning through several stages, namely: (1) forecasting product demand in the coming year, (2) aggregate production planning with reference to "equal demand and supply" at a minimal cost. Many methods in the aggregate production planning for the use of linear programming based optimization approach to obtain the optimal value with minimal cost. The final results of the  linear programming optimization approach based on the lowest available cost of U.S. $. 57,178,349. for a number of sports shoes demand 6,609,634 pieces
TALENTA Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Talenta Vol 2 No 1 Feb 2013
Publisher : Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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Consumer demand for clean products and zero accident in the  industry makes to revise the implementation of the new wave of work in the prevention of accidents. Humans are often used as an excuse errors caused by accidents. To ensure the people who work and can be reached safety conditions necessary improvement efforts through several studies, namely: 1) The working environment (workspace, cleanliness, lighting, air circulation, temperature, humidity, noise), 2) Compliance food consumption and energy expenditure worker, 3) work space (seating and desk), 4) accident warning information, and 5) prevention and control of work. This Study provides advance information on potential safety in pulp industry
TALENTA Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Talenta Vol 1 No 2 Agustus 2012
Publisher : Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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The cement industry in overall activity involves human labor potential for accidents. Efforts to prevent the accidents of work needs to be  done in the suggestions formulation proposed work as an early warning system in the prevention of occupational accidents. Identification of the need for workers to consider are: 1) The imbalance between the engine speed and the ability to work so that operators get tired faster, 2) lack of balance between workload and energy intake workers, 3) labor work movement uneconomical cause fatigue and pain in a limb, 4) environmental conditions that are not appropriate factory requirements would have a negative impact on the health and performance of the operators. Methods and principles used need to set up a working system components consisting of: 1) human beings with all the properties and limitations, 2) material, 3) Supplies and Equipment work, 4) working environment so that the achieved level of efficiency and productivity high and prevent accidents employment. The conclusions are based on studies that work accidents  is a psychological fatigue caused by physical environmental factors is not supported, such as heat , a lot of dust, and the high noise, and physiological fatigue occurs due to imbalance between the engine speed with the speed of the operators work, how to work and conditions of work stations is not ergonomic.
TALENTA Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Talenta Vol 2 No 2 Agustus 2013
Publisher : Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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As the employment opportunities in the business industries that the harder lead to increased unemployment. For this case the University needs to identify systems that have achieved success entrepreneurs as input lecturer in entrepreneurship development program in an effort to equip the students in creating employment. Some actors and the role of entrepreneurship students need to be identified in order to formulate the concept of entrepreneurial success. Subsequently followed up with a decent example riel applied to target entrepreneurial business benefits. Results of studies on the identification of the systems success can be the formulation of student entrepreneurship development programs implemented suggestions paqra lecturer at the University of Sahid
Pengembangan Sistem Ekowisata Candi Gedong Songo Di Kabupaten Semarang Sulistyadi, Kohar
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 3, No 2 (2014): JBK Vol.3 No.2 Agustus 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan

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Ecotourism Gedong Songo administratively located in Semarang district and are planted strategically in the middle of Yogyakarta, Solo and Semarang known as (Joglosemar) which is easily accessible by road highway Semarang - Solo or Semarang - Yogyakarta. Gedong Songo Temple which is the Hindu religious shrine with dazzling panorama. Gedong Songo Temple was built during the enshrinement almost Dieng is considered the oldest Hindu temple in Central Java. Estimated Gedong Songo Temple made within century VII - IX AD. Gedong Songo enshrinement which is composed of nine groups of temples. (Songo means nine), but currently there are only five (5) groups of temples are still intact while the four (4) other temple has collapsed and only a foundation or the base, the temple was restored by the Dinas Purbakala. Sustainable management of ecotourism as environmentally sound tourism activities have a strong dependence on tourist visitation. To create the ideal conditions of each subsystem relationships and interdependency,  interacting with each other in ecotourism as one that is holistic, it encountered many difficulties because each subsystem are many who work on their own or individual. In order for the management of ecotourism can give hope many stakeholders, it is necessary to study a complete and comprehensive system, so that the potential of ecotourism Gedong Songo region capable of attracting tourists, able to provide economic growth, community participation, promote the advancement of education, local culture, and ongoing basis Keyword: Ecotourism culture, Gedong Songo, systems approach
TALENTA Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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School education is education that is obtained starting from kindergarten to university by a person in uniform , and systematic. Sudrajat (2008 ) describes the concept of school management as a process of school activities for the benefit of students , so that all the components including the utilization of all human resources directed schools to achieve effective management of the school .  Sukoharjo government issued free school policy that began on January 2, 2007  is expected to encourage increased public intellectual and fulfill the right to education and to realize the nine-year compulsory education program .  To be able to develop the analysis it is necessary to study the effect of free school policy as a management strategy inthe development of vocational schools in Sukoharjo in order to create the hyuman resources Excellence
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan

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Many ways to assess the performance of a company, in this case the shoe company needs to  create  value  advantages  for  consumers,  some  of  the  factors  that  support  for  the achievement of the efficiency value, mimimasi costs, business competence, the demands of a dynamic market. to get a gap value of each companys performance on a benchmarking approach  is  needed.  Benchmarking  is  a  continuous  process  of  measuring  products, services and practices against the toughest competitors a recognized risk management.The  purpose  of  this  paper  are  :  (1).  Finding  an  effort  to  catch  up  with  PT.  Y  should improve  performance  for  changes  and  improvements,  based  on  the  destination  map balance (parity goal) with the assumption that it takes three years to equalize with PT Y with the aim of: (a) the first six months of the formation of the team for the analysis of constraints,  (b)  testing  the  application  of  the  second  six-month  evaluation,  and  (c)  the periodic  application;  (2).  Designing  a  proposal  to  replace  the  conventional  purchase procedures; (3). Training for increased performance human resources; and (4). Evaluate the improvement of all activities with the benchmarking approach.The  end  result  is  to  get  the  value  of  the  performance  of  competitors,  comparing  the position of some elements between the two companies is based on: (a) technical quality, (b) speed of the material arrival time, (c) value reliability, and (d) evaluation of suppliers.Key Words : Benchmarking, performance gap
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis Dan Kewirausahaan Vol.III No.2 Januari 2014 Sulistyadi, Kohar; Sukamdani, Nugroho Budisatrio; ., Purwanto; Agustiningsih, Sri Wahyu; Isnaini, Salman Faris; Wahyono, Budi; Nurmansyah, Agung; Isnawati, Kus; ., Nurhayati; Cahyani, Rusnandari Retno
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 3, No 1 (2014): JBK Vol.3 No.1 Januari 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan

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Jurnal ekonomi Bisnis dan kewirausahaan ini  Vol  III No 1 ini menghadirkan 6 artikel dari berbagai  Sub disiplin Administrasi bisnis. Artikel pertama berkaitan dengan  dunia kewirausahaan dengan judul  analisis faktor  dominan yang bergaruh terhadap  keberhasilan berwirausaha pada sarjana Universitas Sahid Surakarta, artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian  dengan metode kuantitatif yang dilakukan oleh Kohar Sulistyadi, Nugroho B Sukamdani. Penelitian tersebut memperjelas bahwa minat sarjana USS dalam berwirausaha masih rendah. beberapa indikasi menunjukkan bahwa karakter wirausaha dari para sarjana maupun mahasiswa USS belum sepenuhnya memahami atas jiwa kewirausahaan yang dicanangkan sebagai Visi dan Misi USS, sehingga perlu usaha keras untuk membangun persepsi dan memperkuat program bisnis center atau inkubator bisnis di lingkungan USS. Artikel kedua berkaitan dengan fenomena underpricing pada perusahaan yang go public di Indonesia, oleh peneliti Purwanto, Sri Wahyu Agustiningsih, Salman Faris Insani dan Budi Wahyono.  Dimana IPO (Initial Public Offering) merupakan salah satu alternatif pembiayaan yang dapat digunakan oleh perusahaan yang telah go public yaitu dengan melakukan penerbitan saham baru untuk dijual di pasar perdana sebelum diperdagangkan di pasar sekunder (bursa efek). Artikel Ketiga adalah Potensi Pariwisata Dalam Perekonomian Indonesiaoleh Agung Nurmansyah. Sedangkan artikel keempat adalah Profitabilitas Perbankan Syariah, Kun Ismawati dan Nurhayati.  Artikel tersebut menganalisis pengaruh Size, Total Equity to Total Assets, Total Loans to Total Assets, dan Total Deposits to Total Assets terhadap ROA (Return on Assets) pada Perbankan Syariah MI dan SM di Indonesia. Artikel terakhir yaitu Pendekatan Supply Chain Management Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Pada Bisnis Bunga Segar oleh Rusnandari Retno Cahyani.
Analisis Faktor Dominan Yang Bergaruh Terhadap Keberhasilan Berwirausaha Pada Sarjana Universitas Sahid Surakarta Sulistyadi, Kohar; Sukamdani, Nugroho Budisatrio
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 3, No 1 (2014): JBK Vol.3 No.1 Januari 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan

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The aim of this research are: 1) to find some factors of the characteristics of entrepreneurs that the most dominant influence on entrepreneurial success of USS graduates and 2) to give recomendation as strongestcharacteristics of entrepreneurs USS graduates. This research approach use quantitative methods with quasi-experimental especially correlational research. The samples research consisted of USS graduates has become successful entrepreneur. The research sample were 70 graduates of the total population taken by purposive sampling technique. The Design questionnaire used to collecting data, and data analysis technique was Factor Analysis that include: 1) Correlation Indicator: Kaiser-Meyer Olkin (KMO), 2) Extraction Factor: Principal Components Analysis, and 3) Factor Rotation: Varimax Method. The results of this study are as follows: 1) some factors of the characteristics of entrepreneurs that influence on  entrepreneurial success of USS graduates, namely: (1) have a clear vision and goals, (2) self-confidence, (3) optimism, (4) independent, (5) creative and innovative, (6) ambitious and energetic, (7) responsible, (8) originality, (9) future-oriented, (10) task-oriented and results, (11) has the soul of a leader, (12) dare to take risks, (13) honest, (14) jaunty and communicate, and (15) good at taking advantage of opportunities, 2) some factors of the characteristics of entrepreneurs that the most dominant influence on entrepreneurial success of USS graduates are: (1) have a clear vision, Mision and goals, (2) self-confidence and (3) has the soul of a leader.Keywords:     Characteristics of Entrepreneurs, Principal Component Analysis.