I G. P. Supadmanaba
Departemen Biokimia, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

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INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Vol 7 No 1 (2013): IJBS Vol.7 No.1 January-June 2013
Publisher : Udayana University

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Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide with continues rise mortality rate. Current cancer treatment modalities are still ineffective and associated with many side effects leading to robust research to find new specific target therapy. Heat shock factor (HSF)-1 is heat shock response mediator protein and act as transcription factor for HSP encoding gene. Many cancers have up-regulated HSP as a result of increase HSF-1 expression. Interestingly, inhibition of HSF-1 has no effect to normal cell, indicating HSF-1 as promises target therapy. RNAi is potential mechanism to block and down regulate HSF-1 which will affect many cellular processes in cancer cell. Combining RNAi base treatment with oncolityc viruses will boost the therapeutic effect of this novel treatment. Despite its potency, this modality still need further research in order to evaluate its efficacy and optimal doses to gain optimal result.
Focus on the dabrafenib, vemurafenib, and trametinib in clinical outcome of melanoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis Widya Anjani, Ida Ayu; Indrakusuma, Anak Agung Bagus Putra; Arim Sadeva, I Gede Krisna; Wulandari, Putri Ayu; Rusyati, Luh Made Mas; Sudarsa, Prima Sanjiwani Saraswati; Supadmanaba, I Gede Putu; Wihandani, Desak Made
Bali Dermatology and Venereology Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15562/bdv.v3i2.38


Background: Melanoma is the most serious lethal skin cancer, affects the melanin producer cells (melanocytes). Surgery is the most common treatment, whereas for the advance stage the development of a treatment is recommended. BRAF (Dabrafenib and Vemurafenib) inhibitor or MEK inhibitor (Trametinib) is used as the most frequently targeted therapy of melanoma due to more than 80% patient with positive BRAF mutation. In this review, those treatments will be investigated systematically to identify their clinical outcome.Method: This systematic literature review (SLR) was performed from Cochrane, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and Pubmed. Cochrane Risk-of-Bias Tool RoB2 is used to assess RCT studies and New-castle Ottawa Scale Assessment to assess cohort studies by 3 different assessors. Data analysis was carried out by using Review Manager (RevMan 5.4). Heterogenicity test was assessed by I2  and Chi2 statisticResult: There are 20 studies used in this article (13 RCT and 7 cohorts). The overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) of study that using targeted therapy (vemurafenib, trametinib, or dabrafenib) compare other therapies (chemotherapy, immunotherapy,etc) showed risk ratio (RR) was 1.12 (95%CI 1.07,1.17;  I2=100%; p<0,00001). The OS and PFS with monotherapy compare of vemurafenib, trametinib, or dabrafenib with combination therapy showed RR was 1.09 (95%CI.06,1.13;I2=99%; p<0,00001). Conclusion: BRAF and MEK targeted therapy has a good prognosis for a patient with a positive BRAF gene mutation and could be combined with other therapy for a better clinical outcome rather than monotherapy.Keyword: melanoma, dabrafenib, vemurafenib, and trametinib
POTENSI LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM SEBAGAI INTERVENSI PENATALAKSANAAN KANKER KOLOREKTAL BERBASIS MODIFIKASI MIKROBIOTA USUS Anak Agung Bagus Putra Indrakusuma; I Gede Krisna Arim Sadeva; Putri Ayu Wulandari; I Gede Wikania Wira Wiguna; Ni Putu Sri Indrani Remitha; I Gusti Ayu Stiti Sadvika; I Gede Putu Supadmanaba; Desak Made Wihandani
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 13 No 2 (2020): JURNAL KESEHATAN
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/kesehatan.v13i2.17044


Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the colon including the colon and rectum with symptoms such as blood in the stool, anemia, and abdominal pain. This is the third most common cancer worldwide and causes 30.017 cases in Indonesia on 2019. Current treatment of colorectal cancer includes the administration of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy. However, they are considerably expensive and have many side effects. Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) is known to have an anticancer effect by influencing carcinogenesis in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and stimulates anticancer immunity. This literature review aims to examine the potential of L. plantarum as an intervention in the management of colorectal cancer based on the modification of the gut microbiota. The writing method used is literature study by examining library sources from five research engines, namely Google Scholar, Pubmed, Plos ONE, Nature, and Sciencedirect. After going through the screening, 79 relevant sources were obtained which were then processed and compiled systematically. L. plantarum suppresses proliferation by inhibiting G1 phase in the cell cycle and targetting ErbB2 and ErbB3. In addition, L. plantarum induces cell death (apoptosis) by activating Bcl-2. These bacteria also stimulate Th1 and inhibit Th2 immune responses.ABSTRAKKanker kolorektal merupakan kanker pada usus besar meliputi kolon dan rektum dengan beberapa gejala seperti darah dalam tinja, anemia, dan nyeri perut. Kanker ini menempati peringkat ketiga di dunia dan menyebabkan 30.017 kasus di Indonesia pada tahun 2019. Penanganan kanker kolorektal saat ini meliputi pemberian obat anti-kanker, pembedahan, dan radioterapi. Akan tetapi, penanganan saat ini dinilai mahal dan menimbulkan efek samping. Salah satu mikrobiota usus, yaitu Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) diketahui memiliki efek antikanker dengan memengaruhi karsinogenesis pada proliferasi sel, apoptosis, dan sebagai imunoterapi. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dengan mengkaji sumber kepustakaan dari lima research engine yaitu Google Scholar, Pubmed, Plos ONE, Nature, dan Sciencedirect. Setelah melalui skrining diperoleh 79 sumber relevan yang kemudian diolah dan disusun secara sistematis. L. plantarum menekan proliferasi melalui mekanisme penghentian fase G1 pada siklus sel dengan target reseptor ialah ErbB2 dan ErbB3. Selain itu, L. plantarum mampu menginduksi kematian sel (apoptosis) dengan mediasi Bcl-2. Bakteri ini juga berperan dalam imunoterapi dengan menstimulasi Th1 dan menghambat Th2 pada host immune system. Literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi L. plantarum sebagai intervensi penatalaksanaan kanker kolorektal berbasis modifikasi mikrobiota usus. 
Potensi Kombinasi Naringenin-Liposom Sebagai Anti-Viral dan Anti-Fibrotik dalam Penatalaksanaan Hepatitis C Ida AyuWidya Anjani; I Wayan Windi Artha; Ni Made Ari Purwaningrum; Sinta Wiranata; I Gede Putu Supadmanaba; Desak Made Wihandani
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Online June 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v9i2.1280


Penatalaksanaan hepatitis C yang umum diberikan di Indonesia adalah terapi kombinasi Peg-IFNα dan RBV, namun terapi tersebut mempunyai efek samping seperti depresi, hipotiroidisme, memperlambat motorik, risiko kardiovaskular tinggi, dan lain sebagainya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dibutuhkan alternatif yang dapat meminimalisir efek samping yang ditimbulkan dalam penatalaksanaan hepatitis C, salah satunya menggunakan bahan herbal naringenin. Naringenin adalah flavanon alami yang diketahui memiliki efek hepatoprotektif sebagai anti-viral dan anti-fibrotik pada penatalaksanaan hepatitis C.  Metode penulisan yang digunakan dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah metode kajian pustaka. Data yang digunakan berasal dari beberapa sumber literatur yang relevan dan sesuai dengan topik masalah yang dibahas. Naringenin berpotensi sebagai modalitas anti-viral dan anti-fibrotik pada penatalaksanaan hepatitis C. Sebagai anti-viral, naringenin mampu menghambat sekresi virus hepatitis C sebanyak 80% melalui penghambatan aktivitas MTP, ACAT2, dan HMGR. Sebagai anti-fibrotik, naringenin mampu menghambat jalur NF-kB dan TGF-β Smad3, tetapi naringenin memiliki bioavailabilitas dan solubilitas yang rendah, sehingga penyerapannya hanya sebesar 15%. Enkapsulasi naringenin dengan liposom dapat meningkatkan jumlah serapannya pada tubuh, meningkatkan waktu paruh, meningkatkan konsentrasi obat di plasma, serta mudah terkonsentrasi di hati.Kata kunci: hepatitis C, naringenin, liposom, anti-viral, anti-fibrotik 
Bali Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 (2017): volume 1 no 1 Januari 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.701 KB)


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is chronic progressive disease which mainly marked by impairment of glucose utilization. Diabetic patients have high risk of anemia which is mainly caused by nephropathy with subsequent decreasing secretion of erythropoietin from renal medullar cells. A cross sectional analytic research was carried out to evaluate the prevalence of anemia among patients with T2DM and its correlation with CVD risk factors measured in medical record at Diabetes Centre of Sanglah General Hospital. The hemoglobin level, blood glucose concentration, HbA1c and lipid profile were collected and analyzed from 157 medical records as research sample which consist of 78 men and 79 women. The frequency of anemia is found to be quite high, reaching 39.7% from all samples (cut off value, Hb=10g/dl). Anemia significantly increased the risk of vascular complication by 8.143 times compare to non-anemic subjects with T2DM (p=0.004). From this research is known that anemia in T2DM may have significant impact on evaluation, treatment adjustment, mortality, and morbidity as well as precipitating CVD and accelerate progression of nephropati to ESRD which are major cause of mortality and morbidity in T2DM. Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus, anemia, hemoglobin, cardiovascular disease.
Kombinasi Nanopartikel Cisplatin-Withaferin Berbasis PEGylated Liposome Sebagai Terapi Alternatif Kanker Ovarium Made VW Yani; Ida Ayu W Anjani; I Gede S Narayana; Desak M Wihandani; I Gede P Supadmanaba
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol. 2 No. 5 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (820.434 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jmh.v2i5.1129


Ovarian cancer is one of the major health problems in gynecology worldwide. Globocan 2012 data shows that ovarian cancer occurs in 239.000 cases, and is placed fourth as the most malignancy occurred in Indonesia. So far, cisplatin is the most effective therapeutic agent, but the high dosage of administration often caused side effects. A new alternative therapy to overcome the problems by using withaferin-A and nanoparticle PEGylated liposome. WFA has the potential effect to reduce cisplatin resistance but has low bioavailability thus, it needs to be encapsulated. This review’s goal is to depict the potency of withaferin-A, cisplatin, and PEGylated liposome combination as a therapeutic agent to treat ovarian cancer. The combination of Cisplatin-Withaferin PEGylated Liposome is constructed by the modified thin lipid film hydration method then administered orally. This combination suppresses 70-80% of the ovarian cancer cell growth in vivo and inhibits NGFR from binding to TRKA, prevents cell migration as much as 50%. Nano-Cisferin-Liposome, inhibits migration of ovarian cancer cell significantly through ?-catenin signaling through ALDH1 that disturb the spheroid formation, and increase apoptosis event as much 70-80% by increasing ROS production up to 2,5 times. Thus, Nano-Cisferin-Liposome (NCL) has potential as a therapeutic agent for treating ovarian cancer. Keywords: Cisplatin; Ovarian Cancer; PEGylated Liposome; Withaferin A
Potensi mikrosfer kombinasi fukoidan dan mirna-200c sebagai inovasi penatalaksanaan kanker payudara kemoresisten Agung Bagus Sista Satyarsa; Sang Ayu Arta Suryantari; Putu Gupta Arya Gumilang; I Gede Putu Supadmanaba; Putu Anda Tusta Adiputra
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 43, No 1 (2020): Published in January 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2103.142 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/mka.v43.i1.p57-70.2020


Kanker payudara adalah penyakit tidak menular dan juga masalah kesehatan utama di dunia. Berdasarkan data WHO pada 2012, kejadian kanker payudara dilaporkan sebanyak 1,67 juta kasus. Salah satu penyebab morbiditas dan mortalitas tertinggi pada kanker payudara adalah kemoresisten. Tujuan: Untuk menggambarkan potensi kombinasi mikrosfer fukoidan dan miRNA-200c sebagai terapi untuk kanker payudara kemoresisten. Metode: Dilakukan telaah pada literatur tervalidasi seperti jurnal dan website. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu “Fucoidan” dan “Chemoresistant breast cancer and miRNA-200c” pada search engine www.pubmed.com dan scholar.google.com. Dari 77 jurnal yang ditelaah, 55 jurnal ditemukan sesuai dengan topik bahasan dan digunakan sebagai referensi karya ini. Hasil: Kombinasi mikrosfer ini akan membawa sel target spesifik dalam kemoresistensi kanker payudara. Fukoidan sebagai agen pro-apoptosis mempengaruhi banyak sel target (multi-target) untuk menginduksi apoptosis. Sementara itu, ekspresi miRNA-200c menginduksi Mesenchymal Epithelial Transition (MET) dengan menghambat ZEB1, ZEB2 dan TGF-β2 sebagai anti-metastasis pada chemoresistance kanker payudara. Simpulan: Kombinasi mikrosfer fukoidan dan miRNA-200c memiliki potensi yang menjanjikan sebagai pengobatan baru untuk kemoresistensi kanker payudara, karena sifat proapoptotik dan anti metastasis yang manjur. Namun, belum ada penelitian yang mengevaluasi kombinasi ini. Jadi studi lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengkonfirmasi potensi sebenarnya dari kombinasi mikrosfer fukoidan dan miRNA-200c.
Indonesian Journal for Health Sciences Vol 4, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.266 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ijhs.v4i2.2423


Breast cancer is a non-communicable diseases and also major health problem in the world. Based on data from WHO in 2012, the incidence of breast cancer reported as 1.67 million cases. One cause of highest morbidity and mortality in breast cancer is chemoresistancy. Many pathways could cause chemoresistant in breast cancer. The one of pathways are from genetic such as miR-200c. Base on the other study, mir-200c act an apoptosis inducer and inhibit metastasis in chemoresistant breast cancer cells. The mir-200c act the role in specific target cells in chemoresistant breast cancer. Meanwhile, the expression of miR-200c induces Mesenchymal Epithelial Transition (MET) by inhibits ZEB 1 or 2 and TGF-β2 as anti-metastases in chemoresistant breast cancer. miR-200c has a promising potential as a new treatment for chemoresistant breast cancer, because of its potent pro-apoptotic and anti-metastatic properties.
Focus on the dabrafenib, vemurafenib, and trametinib in clinical outcome of melanoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis Ida Ayu Widya Anjani; Anak Agung Bagus Putra Indrakusuma; I Gede Krisna Arim Sadeva; Putri Ayu Wulandari; Luh Made Mas Rusyati; Prima Sanjiwani Saraswati Sudarsa; I Gede Putu Supadmanaba; Desak Made Wihandani
Bali Dermatology and Venereology Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15562/bdv.v3i2.38


Background: Melanoma is the most serious lethal skin cancer, affects the melanin producer cells (melanocytes). Surgery is the most common treatment, whereas for the advance stage the development of a treatment is recommended. BRAF (Dabrafenib and Vemurafenib) inhibitor or MEK inhibitor (Trametinib) is used as the most frequently targeted therapy of melanoma due to more than 80% patient with positive BRAF mutation. In this review, those treatments will be investigated systematically to identify their clinical outcome.Method: This systematic literature review (SLR) was performed from Cochrane, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and Pubmed. Cochrane Risk-of-Bias Tool RoB2 is used to assess RCT studies and New-castle Ottawa Scale Assessment to assess cohort studies by 3 different assessors. Data analysis was carried out by using Review Manager (RevMan 5.4). Heterogenicity test was assessed by I2  and Chi2 statisticResult: There are 20 studies used in this article (13 RCT and 7 cohorts). The overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) of study that using targeted therapy (vemurafenib, trametinib, or dabrafenib) compare other therapies (chemotherapy, immunotherapy,etc) showed risk ratio (RR) was 1.12 (95%CI 1.07,1.17;  I2=100%; p<0,00001). The OS and PFS with monotherapy compare of vemurafenib, trametinib, or dabrafenib with combination therapy showed RR was 1.09 (95%CI.06,1.13;I2=99%; p<0,00001). Conclusion: BRAF and MEK targeted therapy has a good prognosis for a patient with a positive BRAF gene mutation and could be combined with other therapy for a better clinical outcome rather than monotherapy.Keyword: melanoma, dabrafenib, vemurafenib, and trametinib
Relationship between Monocarboxylate Transporter 4 (MCT-4) Expression and Breast Cancer Clinicopathology and Subtype in Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia Gede Andry Nicolas Andry Nicolas; I Wayan Sudarsa; Putu Anda Tusta Adiputra; Desak Made Wihandani; I Gede Putu Supadmanaba
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): (Available Online : 1 April 2022)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.108 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v13i1.1274


Background: Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women in developing countries. The activity of Warburg and Reverse-Warburg effects on breast cancer is reflected by the expression patterns of two molecules, namely caveolin-1 and Monocarboxylate Transporter-4 (MCT-4). MCT-4 is a transmembrane transport protein that transports lactate from the cytoplasm to the intercellular fluid.Method: This is a cross-sectional analytical study to determine the relationship between MCT-4 expression and breast cancer clinicopathology and subtypes. The study was conducted between April and May of 2020 with 62  breast cancer patients as samples in Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar. Analysis was done with SPSS 25.Results: A logistic regression analysis was performed to analyze the relationship between the dependent variable (MCT-4) and the covariates (stage, grade, and subtype). Of the three variables significantly associated with MCT-4 expression, only clinical-stage and subtype (luminal and non-luminal) remained independently associated with MCT-4 expression. Analysis on the clinical stage and subtype variables showed an adjusted OR of 4.727 (p = 0.047; 95% CI: 1.109 - 21.922) and 17.850 (p = 0.009; 95% CI: 2.069 - 154.003) , respectively. This suggests that MCT-4 has a significant association with subtype and clinical-stage, increasing the risk of cancer stage progression and developing a more malignant (non-luminal) subtype.Conclusion: High MCT-4 expression was significantly associated with malignant subtypes, high histological-grade cancer and advanced breast cancer.