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JURNAL GOVERNANSI Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Jurnal GOVERNANSI Vol 2 No 1, April 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.86 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jgs.v2i1.196


Green Open Space (GOS) consist of public GOS and private GOS. Meanwhile, focus of this research is public GOS. To be precise, research aim is to know existing condition about the development of public GOS, to explore how the policy related has implemented, and to identify push factor and pull factor involved. Research method used is qualitative method. Snowball sampling is used to collect related data from public and employee of the Agency (Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan). In addition, among public GOS purposively “active garden” have chosen as focus, that is 7 out of 32 active garden available.This research shows that based on regulation requirement of Perda public GOS is around 20,565 % from city area. Existing condition is not ideal, still less than 11-12 % from the ideal measure. Meanwhile, based on structured interview with chosen respondent reveal that almost 60 percent of tkem is satisfy with existing condition of public garden and almost 40 percent respond reversely. Notably, respondent show their unsatisfy respond to Taman Heulang Public Garden due to the existence of street vendor (PKL), vandalism in a certain spot, and so forth.The obstacle factor of policy implementation are the difficulties to acquire public GOS, lack of human resources, lack of coordination among local agencies, and lack of policy socialization to the public. In addition, there are conducive factor that can be boost the effective policy implementation as follows : law that induce targeted of ideal composition of public GOS, public anthusiasm to utilize existing public garden, the willingness among related parties (Central government, local government, local agency, even attentive public) to work together in implementing policy more effectively. Keywords : Green Open Space, policy implementation, public garden
Biogenesis Vol 10, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.981 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/biogenesis.10.1.1-10


This research has purpose to know the activities and scientific attitude of students with Direct Instruction based Inquiry model on Invertebrate Systematics learning. This research is a descriptive research, that was conducted from March to June 2013. The samples in this research were the students of Biology Education who take course Invertebrate Systematics in academic year 2012/2013, amount to 110 students, who divided into 3 classes. Class A amount to 46 students, class B amount to 42 students and class C amount to 22 students. Parameters measured at this research were activities and scientific attitude of students. The data retrieval activities and scientific attitude of students using observation sheets and peer assessment questionnaires. The results showed that, activities of students in good category (78.23%) and the scientific attitude of students in good category (76.88%). Invertebrate Systematics learning with Direct Instruction based Inquiry model showed an increase in the activities of students learning and scientific attitude.Keywords : Activities, scientific attitude, Direct Instruction based Inquiry model
The Role of Self Leadership for College Students in Starting a Business: A Phenomenological Approach of Start Up in Jakarta Baby SM Poernomo; Jana Sandra; Ade Suryana; Sunarmin Sunarmin
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3163


This research is aimed at answering the question of how to apply student self-leadership in managing start-ups and what efforts are made by universities to improve student self-leadership so that they can lead their start-up businesses to progress and develop. This is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection is done through unstructured interviews and in a fluid atmosphere. This type of interview is an effort to find problems more openly where the parties involved are invited to ask for opinions and express their opinions, ideas in depth. In this study, interviews were conducted with 20 students who run start-ups in Jakarta. This research shows that self-leafdership is very much needed for those who are building startup businesses, especially students. By understanding self leadership, students can motivate themselves to always think constructively and leave destructive thoughts behind. With self-leadership, students can also correct mistakes they have made and at the same time find solutions for future improvements. This study proves that self leadership strategies consisting of behavior focused, natural rewards and constructive though patterns are important aspects that support student success in building startup businesses.
The Performance of Snack MSMES in the Covid-19 Pandemic (A Review from the Income Side) Helmi Azahari; Endah Fantini; Samsudin Samsudin; Noviandari Sari Utami; Ade Suryana
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2444


This study aims to find out how the performance of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) snacks during the Covid-19 pandemic. Does the Covid-19 pandemic affect the continuity of the MSME Snack business? To see the performance of MSMEs is measured based on the Balance Score Card, however in this study, research is limited to only looking at the financial side (income). This study uses a qualitative method with two informants, namely dodol and snack MSMEs in Garut, West Java and kemplang (baked crackers) MSMEs in Palembang, South Sumatra. As a result, it turns out that the Covid-19 pandemic has not affected snack MSMEs. Turnover (gross income) of MSMEs snacks actually increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Anticipating the limited human travel during the Covid-19 pandemic, MSME entrepreneurs also sell through online stores and market places. However, the sales turnover is not as big as direct sales in stores. There are still more buyers who come to buy snacks at the shop.
Pengaruh Financial Distress terhadap Earnings Management (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertambangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek In-donesia Periode 2014-2018) Ade Suryana; Muhammad Risyan Rizqi Khairi
Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Statistik Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Berdikari: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Statistik Indonesia (JESI)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jesi.02.02.06


Reflecting on the biggest accounting scandals in the world, such as the case of Bernie Medoff, Enron, Lehman Brother, Worldcom, and others; corporate stakeholders are powerless against the collapse of a company or economy. There is a practice of Earnings Management, where accounting practices are misused for the benefit of company management. Then, the emergence and bankruptcy of companies continued to alternate based on the number of bankruptcy cases in Indonesia. And the mining sector became an advanced industry in the era of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, but experienced a setback in the era of Joko Widodo. Many small companies went bankrupt and were acquired by large companies. Financial Distress pressure can make management to do Earnings Management based on certain motives (Diri, 2018). The study was conducted to find the relationship between Financial Distress through the Grover model and Earnings Management through the Modified Jones model. The results show that there is a relationship between Financial Distress and Earnings Management, the influence or strength of the explanation of Financial Distress on Earnings Management is at a strong level.
Pemanfaatan Limbar Botol Plastik Untuk Pengenalan Budidaya Tanaman Hidroponik Pada Anak2 Ditaman Baca Buaran Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Generasi Muda Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Rizki Nur Atika; Antika Krismoni; Ade Suryana; Lin Lin Novianti; Yenni Cahyani
Jurnal Lokabmas Kreatif : Loyalitas Kreatifitas Abdi Masyarakat Kreatif Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JURNAL LOKABMAS
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/jlkklkk.v3i1.p23-27.19312


Dengan masih berlangsungnya pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda Dunia termasuk Indonesia, banyak anak-anak yang mengalami kebosanan karena kegiatan sekolah yang tidak berjalan seperti biasanya. Menghadapi permasalahan tersebut maka diadakan Kegiatan Pengabdian Mahasiswa Kepada Masyarakat (PmKM) dengan mengambil tema “Pemanfaatan Limbah Botol Plastik Untuk Pengenalan Budidaya Tanaman Hidroponik Pada Anak-Anak Di Taman Baca Buaran Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Generasi Muda Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19” di Jl. ampera kodiklat buaran RT003 RW003 Desa Buaran Kecamatan Serpong Kota Tangerang Selatan agar mereka dapat memanfaatkan waktu luang yang dengan kegiatan yang positif dan edukatif. Kegiatan Pelatihan Hidroponik ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan warga khususnya anak-anak mengenai budidaya tanaman dengan menggunakan hidroponik. Mengingat rendahnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan generasi muda saat ini tentang budidaya tanaman, kegiatan pelatihan hidroponik ini dimaksudkan untuk membangkitkan dan meningkatkan rasa ingin tahu dan minat anak-anak di Taman Baca Buaran tentang budidaya tanaman. Cara budidaya hidroponik ini lebih simpel dan sederhana, tidak membutuhkan tanah sebagai media tumbuh, lebih banyak menggunakan kebutuhan air dan nutrisi tanaman, serta ramah lingkungan karena dapat mengurangi sampah botol plastik. Keywords: PMKM. Covid-19 Pandemic Hydroponics