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Pengaruh Pemberian Pestisida Nabati Tanaman Tembakau dan Brotowali terhadap Tingkat Kerusakan Hama Kutu Hijau pada Tanaman Kopi Varietas Robusta di Desa Dompyong, Kecamatan Bendungan Kabupaten Trenggalek Erlyana Desy Rahmawati; Noni Rahmadhini; Yenny Wuryandari
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 23, No 1 (2023): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v23i1.3020


Green fleas or Coccus viridis (Homopterа: Coccidae) is one of the pests of coffee plants. Pest control efforts can be carred out by using environmentally friendly botanical pesticides. Vegetable pesticides are pesticides whose main ingredients come from plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving pesticides from tobacco plants, brotowali plants, and a mixture of the two, with different concentrations on the level of damage to green tick pests on Robusta coffee plants in Dompyong Village, Bendungan District, Trenggalek Regency. This research was carried out in vivo and in vitro. In vivo testing using the RAK method or Factorial Randomized Block Design and then for in vitro testing using the non-factorial RAL method. For in vivo testing there are 6 levels of treatment, each treatment has 4 replications. In vitro testing was carried out in the laboratory with 5 levels of treatment and there were 4 replications. The application of botanical pesticides has a significant effect on the intensity of pest attacks, the number of pest populations, and the mortality of green lice. The result of this study is that the most effective composition of botanical pesticides to reduce pest attacks on coffee plants in Dompyong village, Bendungan district, Trenggalek district is to use a composition of vegetable pesticides made from tobacco plants. For the concentration of botanical pesticides that are effective in reducing the level of damage to coffee plants caused by green lice is a concentration of 200 ml/l with an average mortality value of 20.00.
Ketertarikan Arthropoda Pada Blok Refugia (Cosmos caudatus, Helianthus annuus L., Zinnnia acceraso) Di Lahan Mangga Alpukat Di Desa Oro–Oro Ombo Kulon, Rembang, Pasuruan Musarofa Musarofa; Wiwin Windriyanti; Noni Rahmadhini
Agrium Vol 20, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/agrium.v20i1.10621


Mangga merupakan tanaman potensial untuk dikembangkan karena disukai oleh hampir semua lapisan masyarakat dan memiliki pasar yang luas. Permasalahan utama dalam pengembangan mangga adalah adanya serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT). Konsep pengendalian hama dengan menanam refugia pada sekeliling lahan tanaman berkemampuan memikat banyak musuh alami karena berfungsi sebagai sumber pakan maupun tempat perhentian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang kertetarikan arthropoda pada blok refugia di Desa Oro–oro Ombo Kulon. Pola penanaman  refugia (C. caudatus, H. annuus L., Z. acceraso) yaitu dengan pola kombinasi tanam pinggir petak lahan (hedge rows) dan pola tanam sistem bank serangga (insectary bank). Pengamatan dilakukan dengan metode scan sampling yaitu dengan mengamati serangga yang hinggap pada refugia dengan menghitung jumlah spesies dan individu serangga pengunjung. Pengumpulan dan pengamatan serangga pada tanaman refugia di area tanaman mangga alpukat dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan secara langsung, menggunakan jaring ayun (sweep net), menggunakan yellow sticky traps, dan menggunakan pitfall trap. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menghitung indeks keanekaragaman (H’) dan indeks kelimpahan relatif (IKR%). Pada penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 16963 individu, yang terdiri dari 104 spesies, 56 famili, dan 12 ordo serangga sebagai hama, predator, penyerbuk, parasit, dan pengurai.
Agrisintech (Journal of Agribusiness and Agrotechnology) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31938/agrisintech.v4i1.514


Kentang merupakan salah satu komoditas penting dan mendapat prioritas untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia karena potensi ekspor yang tinggi ke negara lain. Salah satu hambatan dalam peningkatan produksi tanaman kentang yaitu adanya serangan nematoda sista kentang (NSK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan NSK pada lahan kentang di Desa Sumber Brantas, Kecamatan Bumi Aji, Kota Batu, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara survei yaitu pengambilan sampel tanah di 2 lahan pertanaman kentang  dan mengidentifikasi nematoda yang terdapat di dalamnya. Proses identifikasi dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian, Surabaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April hingga Mei 2022. Identifikasi dilakukan melalui pendekatan morfologi pada karakter pola  perineal/sidik pantat nematoda betina. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lokasi penelitian telah ditemukan sebanyak 1528 sista yang berasal dari spesies Globodera rostochiensis. Potato is one of the important commodities and has priority to be developed in Indonesia because of its high export potential to other countries. One of the obstacles in increasing the production of potato plants is the potato cyst nematode (NSK) attack. This study aims to determine the presence of NSK on potato fields in Sumber Brantas Village, Bumi Aji District, Batu City, East Java Province. This research was conducted by means of a survey, namely taking soil samples in 2 potato plantations and identifying the nematodes present in them. The assistance process was carried out at the Laboratory of the Agricultural Quarantine Center, Surabaya. The study was conducted from April to May 2022. Identification was carried out through a morphological approach to the perineal pattern/butt print of female nematodes. The results showed that 1528 cysts from the Globodera rostochiensis species were found at the study site
Agrisintech (Journal of Agribusiness and Agrotechnology) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31938/agrisintech.v4i1.536


Padi merupakan tanaman pangan utama di Indonesia karena menjadi makanan pokok lebih dari separuh penduduk negara Indonesia. Cara untuk menanggulangi serangan serangga pada tanaman padi secara efisien, ramah lingkungan, dan aman bagi kesehatan manusia, diperlukan asap cair tempurung kelapa sebagai insektisida organik. Tempurung kelapa tersusun atas lignin, selulosa dan hemiselulosa. Kandungan yang terkandung dalam komponen utama yaitu pada asap cair adalah alkohol, fenol dan asam asetat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus – November 2022 dengan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan (0% sebagai kontrol, 2%, 5%, dan 8%) dan 6 kali pengulangan dengan total 24 perlakuan. Total walang sangit yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu 120 ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asap cair menyebabkan perbedaan warna pada tubuh walang sangit. Warna tubuh yang lebih gelap/cokelat kehitaman diakibatkan telah masuk dan bekerjanya pestisida organik asap cair tempurung kelapa pada tubuh walang sangit. Konsentrasi asap cair tempurung kelapa yang paling efektif mengendalikan walang sangit yaitu konsentrasi 8%. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi asap cair maka semakin besar tingkat mortalitas. Berdasakan data didapatkan nilai LC50 yaitu 4,10% yang artinya, konsentrasi sebesar 4,10% efektif membunuh 50% walang sangit. Rice is the main food crop in Indonesia because it is the staple food for more than half of Indonesia's population. The way to deal with insect attacks on rice plants efficiently, environmentally friendly, and safe for human health, requires coconut shell liquid smoke as an organic insecticide. Coconut shell is composed of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. The main components contained in liquid smoke are alcohol, phenol and acetic acid. The study was conducted in August – November 2022 in a completely randomized design consisting of 4 treatments (0% as control, 2%, 5%, and 8%) and 6 repetitions for a total of 24 treatments. The total number of walang sangit used in this study was 120 individuals. The results showed that the liquid smoke caused color differences in the stink bug's body. The body color is darker/dark brown due to the entry and operation of organic pesticides from coconut shell liquid smoke on the body of the stink bug. The most effective concentration of coconut shell liquid smoke in controlling stink bugs is 8%. The higher the concentration of liquid smoke, the greater the mortality rate. Based on the data, the LC50 value was 4,10%, which means that a concentration of 4.10% is effective in killing 50% of the rice bug.
REFUGIA PLANTS AS NATURAL ENEMY MICROHABITAT FOR PEST CONTROL ON MANGO (Mangifera indica L.) FARMER GROUP SUKODADI PASURUAN Wiwin Windriyanti; Noni Rahmadhini; Dita Megasari; Ramadhani Mahendra Kusuma; Yudi Nur Supriadi
Batara Wisnu : Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Batara Wisnu | Mei - Agustus 2023
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53363/bw.v3i2.187


The utilization of refuge plants as microhabitats for natural enemies has been explored as a sustainable approach to pest control in mango cultivation. This community service project aimed to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing refuge plants for pest management in the Sukodadi Farmer Group, Pasuruan Regency. The background highlighted the challenges faced by mango farmers, including pest infestations and the negative impacts of chemical pesticides on the environment and human health. The methodology involved socialization and demonstrating the use of refugees around mango fields. The participation and enthusiasm of the farmers were remarkable, as they gained valuable knowledge and confidence in implementing environmentally friendly pest and disease management practices. The farmers observed a reduction in pest populations and improved crop health. The active involvement of the farmers in the project increased their understanding of sustainable pest management practices and enhanced their confidence in implementing these methods. This community service project contributes to the knowledge and implementation of integrated pest management strategies in mango cultivation. The findings emphasize the significance of utilizing refuge plants as microhabitats for natural enemies to enhance pest control and promote the sustainability of mango production. The outcomes serve as a valuable resource for farmers, extension workers, and policymakers involved in agricultural practices in Sukodadi and similar regions
Study of Streptomyces spp. to control purple blotch disease caused by Alternaria porri in shallot plant Rateh Lailatul Risdiyanti; Noni Rahmadhini; Penta Suryaminarsih; Tri Mujoko
CROPSAVER Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Departemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/cropsaver.v6i1.43647


Alternaria porri is a fungal pathogen that causes purple blotch on shallots, this fungus can cause crop yield loss of 3 – 57%. A. porri was obtained from the Sumber Brantas onion farm and then isolated by planting infected tissue. Streptomyces spp. is a filamentous bacterium that is abundant in the soil and can be used as a biological agent, decomposer and plant growth promote. Streptomyces spp. was obtained one isolate from shallot land location in Pare, Kediri, East Java (BMP: Bawang Merah Pare) and three isolates from Sidera, Palu, Central Sulawesi (BMS: Bawang Merah Sidera) (BMS1, BMS2, BMS3). The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of Streptomyces spp. to control A porri consist of in vitro and In vivo antagonist test. Antagonist test was carried out by dual culture method and the Streptomyces spp. which can inhibit the development of A porri would be used antagonist test   in vivo. The study was designed using a Factorial Complete Randomized Design with two factors, candidate isolates of biological control agents and concentrations of Streptomyces spp. be diluted into 5%, 10%, and 15%, it will applied on shallot plant Bauji variety. The results of the In vitro test shown the highest inhibition zone from BMP 17.75% while BMS1 13.75%, BMS2 8,75%, and 8.50%. in vivo test shown lowest disease severity value in BMP 15% concentration was 1.13% while diseases severity of BMS1 was 1.27%, and BMS2 was 1.80%. Therefore, Streptomyces spp. has potency as an alternative pesticide for sustainable agriculture.
Agrifor : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian dan Kehutanan Vol 22, No 2 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31293/agrifor.v22i2.6630


Bakteri patogen Ralstonia solanacearum dapat menurunkan produktivitas tanaman cabai. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kombinasi isolat Pseudomonas fluorescent Pf-142 dan jamur mikoriza arbuskula terhadap R.solanacearumsecara in vivo. Penelitian ini menggunakan percobaan RAK dua faktorial, faktor pertama adalah kombinasi Pseudomonas fluorescent Pf-142 dengan pupuk hayati mikoriza yang terdiri dari P1 = 10 ml suspensi bakteri Pf-142 + 0 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza), P2 (7,5 ml suspensi bakteri Pf -142 + 2,5 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza), P3 (5 ml suspensi bakteri Pf-142 + 5 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza), P4 (2,5 ml suspensi bakteri Pf-142 + 7,5 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza), dan P5 (0 ml suspensi bakteri Pf-142 + 10 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza). Faktor kedua adalah waktu aplikasi yang terdiri dari T1 (7 hari sebelum tanam), T2 (saat tanam). Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa perlakuan 5 ml suspensi bakteri Pf-142 + 5 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza yang diaplikasikan 7 hari sebelum tanam mampu menunda gejala penyakit lay bakteri hingga 11,5 hari, perlakuan 10 ml bakteri suspensi Pf-142 + 0 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza yang diaplikasikan saat tanam memiliki keparahan penyakit sebesar 16%, dan perlakuan 0 ml suspensi bakteri Pf-142 + 10 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza yang diaplikasikan saat tanam memiliki proporsi akar terkolonisasi mikoriza sebesar 77,59%. Dengan demikian perlakuan 5 ml bakteri suspensi Pf-142 + 5 gr pupuk hayati mikoriza yang diaplikasikan 7 hari sebelum tanam adalah perlakuan yang terbaik.
Keanekaragaman Serangga Musuh Alami Pada Pertanaman Sayuran Organik Aldi Kurniansyah; Wiwin Windriyanti; Noni Rahmadhini
Agriprima : Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences Vol 7 No 2 (2023): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/agriprima.v7i2.613


Keanekaragaman adalah ukuran integrasi komunitas biologi dengan menghitung dan mempertimbangkan jumlah populasi yang membentuknya dengan kelimpahan relatifnya. Musuh alami merupakan salah satu penyusun komunitas untuk mengendalikan hama. Serangga yang tergolong musuh alami yaitu predator dan parasitoid. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman serangga musuh alami di area pertanaman sayuran organik yang ditanam secara polikultur dan dikelilingi oleh tanaman refugia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu purposive sampling dengan menggunakan alat perangkap yaitu yellow sticky trap (perangkap kuning), sweep net (jaring), pitfall trap (perangkap jatuh) dan pengamatan secara visual. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Brenjonk Kecamatan Trawas Jawa Timur di pertanaman sayuran organik yang ditanam secara polikultur. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H’) pada lahan sayuran organik sebesar 2.53. Hasil analisis perhitungan nilai indeks dominansi simpson (C) lahan sayuran organik menunjukkan nilai 0.10. Hasil indeks kemerataan jenis (E) analisis perhitungannya adalah 0.91. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu indeks keanekaragaman jenis (E’) kategori sedang, indeks dominansi simpson (C) kategori rendah dan indeks kemerataan jenis (E) kategori kemerataan tinggi.
Eksplorasi dan Identifikasi Bacillus sp. dari Tanah Rizosfer Bambu dan Tomat di Kelurahan Made, Sambikerep, Surabaya : Exploration and Identification of Bacillus sp. from Bamboo and Tomato Rhizosphere Soil in Made Village, Sambikerep, Surabaya Fatimah Lailatus Saadah; Noni Rahmadhini; Suharto
Agrocentrum Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Agrocentrum
Publisher : Agriculture Faculty - UPN "Veteran Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/agrocentrum.v1i1.7


Bacillus sp. is one of the Biological Control Agents (BCA) that has effectiveness in inhibiting pathogenic bacterial and fungal pathogens. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of Bacillus sp. on bamboo and tomato root soil. The research stage started from the exploration stage which was carried out on agricultural land in Made Village, Sambikerep District, Surabaya City. Soil sampling was taken compositely at 5 different points. From the isolation results, 6 bacterial colonies were found which were suspected to Bacillus sp. The six isolates were BS 1, BS 2, BS 3, BS 4, BS 5, and BS 6. Of the six colonies, only BS 3 colonies could not grow. The results of the isolation were then identified by colony morphology, physiological and biochemical characteristics. The results of the gram test showed that BS 2, BS 4, and BS 6 were gram-positive. The results of the soft rot test showed that BS 6 showed a positive reaction. So that it is suspected as Bacillus sp. are BS 2 and BS 4.