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Peningkatan Ecoliteracy siswa sebagai Green Consumer melalui Pemanfaatan Kemasan Produk Konsumsi dalam Pembelajaran IPS Tamam, Badrud
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpis.v24i2.1459


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi ecoliteracy siswa sebagai green consumer, melalui pemanfaatan kemasan produk konsumsi sebagai media dan sumber belajar IPS. Hal tersebut dilatarbelakangi atas kondisi objektif masalah limbah kemasan produk-produk konsumsi, sebagai polutan serius bagi lingkungan, termasuk bagi siswa di lingkungan SMP Negeri 1 Ciruas. Permasalahan lingkungan ini penting dikaji dalam pembelajaran IPS, sebab siswa sering dihadapkan pada fakta lemahnya pemahaman, kesadaran dan keterampilan menjadi konsumen yang ramah lingkungan (green consumer). Pembelajaran di kelaspun nampaknya masih jarang membangkitkan kesadaran, dan prilaku peduli akan lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas (clasroom action research), dengan desain penelitian dari Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yakni perencanaan (plan), tindakan (act), observasi (observe) dan refleksi (reflect). Dari hasil analisis pencapaian kompetensi ecoliteracy siswa dari siklus satu sampai siklus ketiga, menunjukan peningkatan kemampuan ecoliteracy yang signifikan pada setiap aspeknya. Berdasarkan rekapitulasi pencapaian kompetensi ecoliteracy siswa dari hasil pengamatan disimpulkan bahwa; pembelajaran IPS setelah memanfaatkan kemasan produk konsumsi sebagai media dan sumber belajar, dapat secara efektif meningkatkan kemampuan ecoliteracy siswa sebagai green consumer, pada kelas VIIB di SMP Negeri 1 Ciruas Kabupaten Serang-Banten. Sehingga siswa mampu lebih selektif baik dalam memilih, menggunakan dan membeli produk konsumsi berkemasan, yang berorientasi pada kelestarian lingkungan, terutama dilingkungan sekitar sekolah.Kata Kunci; Ecoliteracy, Green consumer, Kemasan Produk Konsumsi, Pembelajaran IPS
Edum Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Edum Journal
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.253 KB) | DOI: 10.31943/edumjournal.v2i1.25


The purpose of this study is the magnitude of the influence between the leadership style of the principal and the work discipline of the teacher both individually and jointly on the performance of the teacher in the Public Elementary School in the Haurgeulis District of Indramayu Regency. This research was conducted to find an analysis of the relationship between school principal supervision and work climate with the motivation of elementary school teachers working in Kertasemaya Subdistrict, Indramayu Regency with correlational and regression techniques. The type of research used is quantitative, namely research based on the calculation of numbers or statistics of a variable to be studied separately and then connected. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded (1) there is a positive and significant influence of the principal's leadership style (X1) on Teacher's performance (Y) in Public Elementary Schools in the Haurgeulis District of Indramayu Regency. The magnitude of the influence of the principal's leadership style (X1) on Teacher performance (Y) in Public Elementary Schools in the District of Haurgeulis in Indramayu Regency was 6.84% and the rest was influenced by teacher discipline variables and other variables not examined in this study. (2) There is a positive and significant influence of teacher work discipline (X2) on Teacher performance (Y) of Public Elementary Schools in Haurgeulis District, Indramayu Regency. The magnitude of the influence of teacher work discipline (X2) on the performance of Teachers (Y) of Public Elementary Schools in the District of Haurgeulis in Indramayu Regency amounted to the remaining 10.5% influenced by the principal leadership style variables and other variables not examined in this study. (3) There is a positive and significant influence of the principal's leadership style (X1) and teacher work discipline (X2) together on the performance of Teachers (Y) of Public Elementary Schools in the Haurgeulis District of Indramayu Regency. The magnitude of the influence of the principal's leadership style (X1) on the performance of Teachers (Y) of Public Elementary Schools in the District of Haurgeulis in Indramayu Regency amounted to the remaining 10.5% influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
ANALYSIS OF THE MANAGEMENT ASPECT OF PRIMARY SCHOOL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Sunaengsih, Cucun; Thahir, Muthahharah; Tamam, Badrud; Safitri, Bunga
Educational Administration Research and Review Vol 2, No 2 (2018): EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND REVIEW (December, 2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/earr.v2i2.22476


The primary aim of this study is to discover how quality improvement management in primary school, in terms of students, educators, headmasters, curriculum, learning process, and infrastructures, is implemented.  The present study employs qualitative research method, which is descriptive, using analysis, referring to data, and utilizing existing theories as supporting materials.  The primary data source in a qualitative study is the informant.  Data is collected through interviews, observation, and documentation.  The findings of this study indicate that education quality improvement management in a primary school in West Java, Indonesia is quite good.  However, there are some aspects that need to be improved to achieve high quality education, particularly the facilities and infrastructure aspect.
Educational Administration Research and Review Vol 2, No 1 (2018): EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND REVIEW (June, 2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/earr.v2i1.22468


This study focuses on the implementation of primary school marketing and entrepreneurship, which is facing many challenges in this global age.  Marketing and entrepreneurship are educational quality improvement strategies, which are the most important element of the quality and the advancement of education in an education institution.  The present study employed qualitative approach with survey methods, using observation and in-depth interview to gather accurate data.  The study was conducted in a primary school in West Java, Indonesia.  It was found that (1) the school had adequate facilities to support learning process, (2) the school employed words-of-mouth as marketing strategy, (3) the school used marketing strategy in cooperation with regional coordinator, (4) the school performed routine evaluation with school committee, (5) the school had no entrepreneurship program like that in other private schools, but it implemented entrepreneurship through the students.  Based on these findings, it was concluded that marketing and entrepreneurship needed separate strategies to yield optimum result.Addley, A. (2014). Implementing Professional Learning Communities in a High-Performing School District to Address Stagnating Student Performance.Aditia Pradito. (2016). Strategi Pemasaran Pendidikan dalam Meningkatkan Citra Lembaga Pendidikan Islam. (Tesis). Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang.Bridges, C. M., Wilhelm, W. B., Bridges, C. M., Wilhelm, W. B. (2014). Going Beyond Green?: The ? Why and How ? of Integrating Sustainability Into the Marketing Curriculum. Journal of Marketing Education, 30(January 2008), 33?46., T. (2015). Flipped Classrooms?: An Agenda for Innovative Marketing Education in the Digital Era FLIPPED CLASSROOMS?: AN AGENDA FOR INNOVATIVE MARKETING. Marketing Education Review, 25(3), 179?191., P., Hulbert, B. (2011). How Can Marketing Academics Serve Marketing Practice?? The New Marketing DNA as a Model for Marketing Education. Journal of Marketing Education, 33(3), 253?272., E., Kruse, M. (2016). Educational values and services of ecosystems and landscapes - An overview. Ecological Indicators, 60, 137?151., Lexy J. (2011). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.Pawlowski, J. M., Bick, M. (2012). The global knowledge management framework: Towards a theory for knowledge management in globally distributed settings business information systems. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(1), 92?108.Shir, N., Nikolaev, B. N., Wincent, J. (2019). Entrepreneurship and well-being?: The role of psychological autonomy , competence , and relatedness ?. Journal of Business Venturing, 34(5), 105875., R., Khanduja, D. (2010). SERVQUAL and model of service quality gaps: A framework for determining and prioritizing critical factors from faculty perspective in higher education. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2, 3297?3304.Sutter, C., Bruton, G. D., Chen, J. (2018). Entrepreneurship as a solution to extreme poverty?: A review and future research directions. Journal of Business Venturing, (July 2017), 0?1., J., Nikolaev, B., Shir, N., Foo, M., Bradley, S. (2019). Entrepreneurship and well-being?: Past , present , and future. Journal of Business Venturing, 34(4), 579?588., M., Sahl, K. (2002). Tracing Teachers? Use of Technology in a Laptop Computer School: The Interplay of Teacher Beliefs, Social Dynamics, and Institutional Culture. American Educational Research Journal Spring, 39(1), 165?205., C. (2011). Digital Marketing?: The Time for a New ? Academic Major ? Has Arrived. Journal of Marketing Education, 33(1), 93?106.
Pengembangan Media Kotak Cahaya Pelajaran IPA Materi Sifat-Sifat Cahaya Sholiha, Mariatus; Tamam, Badrud; Munawaroh, Fatimatul
Rekayasa Vol 10, No 1: April 2017
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (733.602 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v10i1.3602


Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam keberhasilan proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas, efisien, dan daya tarik media pembelajaran Kotak cahaya pada materi sifat-sifat cahaya. Penelitian ini  menggunakan model 4D yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan define, design, development dan dessiminate. Namun peneliti memodifikasi model 4D menjadi 3D, yakni tahap disseminate dalam penelitian ini tidak dilakukan karena keterbatasan waktu, biaya, dan tenaga. Instrumen dan media pembelajaran ini telah divalidasi oleh beberapa ahli yaitu ahli bahasa, ahli materi dan ahli media. Terdapat 3 uji coba penelitian yaitu uji coba perorangan, uji coba kelompok kecil, dan uji coba kelompok besar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa persentase kelayakan media pembelajaran Kotak cahaya menurut ahli bahasa adalah 99,4% (sangat layak), ahli materi 90% (sangat layak), dan ahli media 86,9% (sangat layak). Efektivitas media pembelajaran Kotak cahaya diukur dari segi proses yang didapat dari tes hasil belajar yaitu pada uji perorangan 100% (sangat efektif), uji kelompok kecil 100% (sangat efektif), dan uji kelompok besar 95,4% (sangat efektif). Efisiensi media pembelajaran Kotak cahaya yang diperoleh dari hasil validasi ahli media mendapatkan persentase 87,5%. Sedangkan kemenarikan media pembelajaran Kotak cahaya diukur menggunakan angket siswa dengan persentase uji perorangan 98,3% (sangat menarik), kelompok kecil 94,6% (sangat menarik), dan kelompok besar 96,6% (sangat menarik). Berdasarkan hasil dari validasi ahli dan uji coba, media kotak cahaya layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA.Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, kotak cahaya, materi Sifat-sifat Cahaya
International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation Vol 1, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/ijemi.v1i3.2153


This research studies about leadership education in pondok pesantren by focusing on aspects of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling in the management of leadership education santri. The aims are to obtain a comprehensive description of the implementation of the management functions which include planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling in leadership education santri at pondok pesantren. Qualitative approach used in this study. Interview, observation and documentation used as a data collection tools. interactive model of data analysis was employed to analyze the data in this study with consist of three activities which are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The reliability of results were obtained with four criteria are: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results showed planning implementation include the formulation of the program, the establishment of the curriculum, and grouping santri based on the level of maturity of leadership. Organizing involves the division of tasks and the establishment of working groups. Actuating includes training and coaching santri in conducting leadership training program. Controlling includes reporting and evaluation. Recommendations from the study's findings are all the components should always complement and maintain continuity of leadership education program santri. In addition, organize activities that support the achievement of leadership education programs.
Transformational Leadership Survey Sunaengsih, Cucun; Komariah, Aan; Kurniady, Dedy Achmad; Suharto, Nugraha; Tamam, Badrud; Julia, Julia
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53400/mimbar-sd.v8i1.30468


Several previous research have described transformational leadership as successful leadership that led higher education to implement changes for the better. However, a more comprehensive survey on the implementation of transformational leadership in higher education has not been conducted. This research aims at observing a transformational leadership style with the model 4I, namely idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, and inspirational motivation, which is applied to higher education comprehensively. A survey method with questionnaires taken from lecturers working at higher education in Indonesia was used in this research. The findings revealed that attention given to individuals and reducing penalty towards any mistakes by subordinates must be given more attention so that the application of complete combination between one dimension and other dimensions and each indicator of transformational leadership must be carried out. This research is expected to have implications for the effectiveness of higher education leadership, and be used as a reference by higher education leaders in choosing a leadership style.
Edum Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Edum Journal
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/edumjournal.v4i1.80


Abstrak – Guru yang profesional tidak hanya perlu menguasai ilmu pengetahuan, bahan ajar, metode pembelajaran, memotivasi siswa, serta memiliki keterampilan yang tinggi dan wawasan yang luas dalam bidang pendidikan, tetapi juga harus memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang hakikat manusia dan masyarakat. Supervisi merupakan salah satu faktor yang membuat guru termotivasi untuk terus meningkatkan kompetensinya. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut peneliti ingin mengetahui pengaruh supervisi akademik terhadap kompetensi paedagogik guru SMA Negeri di Provinsi Bengkulu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 152 orang guru SMA Negeri yang berstatus PNS di lingkungan Provinsi Bengkulu. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis menggunakan regresi sederhana dengan pengujian hipotesis. Hasil penelitian membuktikan terdapat pengaruh supervisi akademik terhadap kompetensi paedagogik guru SMA Negeri di Provinsi Bengkulu. Saran di berikan kepada kepala sekolah dan pengawas untuk terus melaksanakan suprvisi akademik guru demi menunjang peningkatan kompetensi guru pada SMA Negeri di Provinsi Bengkulu.
Edum Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Edum Journal
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/edumjournal.v4i2.85


Abstrak – pembelajaran bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang wajib di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Yang menjadi kendala bahasa inggris bukan merupakan bahasa sehari-hari sehingga pembelajaran bahasa inggris sering menjadi kendala dalam pembelajaran siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor penunjang dan faktor penghambat pembelajaran bahasa inggris di SMP Negeri 7 dan SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Seluma. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah komparatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru mata pelajaran bahasa inggris di SMP Negeri 7 dan SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Seluma. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan wawancara terstruktur. Hasil penelitian mengemukakan bahwa faktor pendukung pembelajaran bahasa inggris di SMP Negeri 7 Seluma berupa kegiatan English Day lebih mampu meningkatkan minat siswa terhadap pembelajaran bahasa inggris di bandingkan pemebelajaran secara konvensional seperti yang dilakukan di SMP Negeri 23 kabupaten Seluma. Faktor penghambat pada kedua sekolah ini adalah pembuatan RPS pembelajaran dan secara khusus pada SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Seluma belum terdapat laboratorium bahasa seperti di SMP Negeri 7 Kabupaten Seluma. Saran diberikan kepada kepala sekolah dan dinas pendidikan kabupaten Seluma untuk memfasilitasi sarana pembelajaran bahasa inggris di SMP Negeri 7 dan SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Seluma karena pembelajaran bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran wajib sehingga fasilitas yang baik akan mampu meningkatkan minat siswa terhadap mata pelajaran ini.
Principal Academic Supervision and Work Motivation and its Effect on Teacher Teaching Performance Supriadi, Andri; Tamam, Badrud; Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti
Edum Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Edum Journal
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/edumjournal.v4i2.103


Abstract-This is focused on the problem of the performance of teachers teaching caused by the lack of effective supervision of principal academic and Teacher work motivation. The purpose of this study is to measure the influence of principal academic supervision and teacher work motivation on teacher teaching performance. Research method: descriptive analysis, quantitative approach, analysis technique using product moment correlation, determination and regression using correlational and regression techniques. Data collection of questionnaire. The population of this study are teachers, while the unit of analysis using sampling is done by using cluster random sampling technique. The result of data analysis found that the principal academic supervision on teachers' teaching performance was positively correlated. Teacher's motivation to teacher's performance is positively correlated. Similarly, principal academic supervision and teacher work motivation on teacher teaching performance simultaneously have a strong positive correlation. In the regression equation in this study marked positive, this indicates a positive influence, meaning that if there is a change of one unit of academic supervision supervisor and teacher work motivation, it will be followed by changes in teacher teaching performance. In conclusion, there is a significant influence of principal academic supervision and teacher work motivation on teacher teaching performance. From the results of these studies, the authors suggest: increasing teacher work motivation can be done through clinical supervision by conducting class visits, individual talks and group discussions to discuss problems faced by the teacher. Providing regular guidance to conduct self-evaluation in providing lessons to students. Verbal rewarding for supervised teacher achievement.