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Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Gizi Seimbang Untuk Mencegah Permasalahan Gizi Pada Balita di Kabupaten Jember Ria Chandra Kartika; Erna Selviyanti; Dessya Putri Ayu Umbaran; Dina Fitriyah; Yohan Yuanta
Journal of Community Development Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v2i2.52


One of the characteristics of a developed nation is a nation that has a high level of health, intelligence and work productivity. These three things are strongly influenced by the state of nutrition. Nutritional problems in Indonesia are currently included in the triple burden of nutrition status. The prevalence of stunting under five in Indonesia is included in the chronic category, which is 30.8%. The direct cause of nutritional problems in toddlers is due to an unbalanced diet. Balanced nutrition is a food composition from a variety of food ingredients that contain nutrients needed by the body, both in quality and quantity. One of the efforts to prevent nutritional problems in toddlers is to empower parents of toddlers through increasing the knowledge of mothers of toddlers. The role of the mother is very important for toddlers to fulfill balanced nutrition because the level of knowledge about nutrition will affect the food selection process and family eating behavior. Therefore, this community service program is to carry out balanced nutrition counseling activities that aim to increase the knowledge of mothers of toddlers about balanced nutrition to prevent nutritional problems in toddlers. The target of this activity is mothers of children under five at Posyandu Catleya 19. The implementation of this activity was attended by mothers of children under five at Posyandu Catleya 19, posyandu cadres, and coordinating midwives. Counseling on balanced nutrition begins with pretest activities, then continues with material presentation, discussion and question and answer, and then closes with posttest. In this activity, mothers of children under five are given a balanced nutrition module which contains material on balanced nutrition and recipes that can be applied in daily feeding of children under five. The results of the activity evaluation showed that 76.3% of mothers under five experienced an increase in knowledge after counseling.
Pengaruh Pemberian Seduhan Rosella Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Asam Urat Wanita Menopause Yohan Yuanta
ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 1 No 1 (2019): November
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1016.326 KB) | DOI: 10.37148/arteri.v1i1.23


Gout disease is a commonly affects men in aged 30-40 years old, while this disease occurred in women in aged 55-70. The lack of estrogen level is contributing to increase the incidence of gout disease in menopause woman. Menopausal women have two times higher risk of gout disease due to deficit role of estrogen in the removal of uric acid trough urine system. The decrease of estrogen hormone level affect the function of excretion system (Integument and kidney) and also digestive system. While the function of these systems decreased, the residual compound like purin could not be removed trough urine, feces, and sweat. The production of uric acid in human body were linear to the breakdown process of purin. The more purines broken down, the more uric acid is produced. One of the plants that can reduce the uric acid level is Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa). The anthocyanins pigment in the calyx of Rosella flower could produce flavonoid compound. The question research of this study is the administration of steeping rosella could reduce the uric acid level in menopause women. Objective: To determine the effect of rosella steeping on decreasing uric acid levels in menopausal women. Method: Pre-experimental with the design of one group pre-post-test have been done, the analysis is using the Wilcoxon test signed rank test. The analysis of results obtained by t-test Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001 which value <0.05 is significantly different. The Rosella steeping administration could affect the decrease of uric acid levels in menopausal women.
Modifikasi Alat Ukur Tinggi Lutut untuk Pasien Bedrest Agatha Widiyawati; Yohan Yuanta; Adinda Dwiana Sari
ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 1 No 4 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/arteri.v1i4.120


Height measurement with special conditions such as total bedrest in hospitalized patients, the elderly, and people with disabilities can use knee height measurement devices. A knee height caliper is an anthropometric tool that is rarely used because it is large and made of wood or iron. This tool needs to be modified with the right accuracy level and makes it easy to measure knee height in bed rest patients. This study aims to know practicality's status in using and carrying tools and measuring knee height modification accuracy. The research design used was Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The first subject is the media expert on the media validation test using a validation assessment questionnaire. The media assessment is carried out at the implementation stage. The second subject is a nutritionist at dr. Soebandi Jember, as many as 11 nutritionists who are a small group. The percentage of the first stage media validation assessment was 74%, classified as good. The second stage was 70% classified as good, the third stage was 82% classified as very good, and the fourth stage was 100% classified as very good. The average result of the four stages of validation is 81.5% and classified as very good. The nutritionist's assessment results for the modification of the knee height device were 78.73%, and the media was classified as suitable for use. The study concludes that the modification of the knee height device is a tool designed using the 2015 Sketch Up software and from the results of the assessment of the knee height modification tool is suitable for use by health workers, especially nutritionists.
Analisis Kandungan Senyawa Bioaktif, Nutrisi dan Aktivitas Antioksidan pada Minuman Ekstrak Beras Hitam Dina Fitriyah; Dessya Putri Ayu; Surya Dewi Puspita; Yohan Yuanta; Mohammad Ubaidillah
ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 3 No 1 (2021): November
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/arteri.v3i1.204


Black rice contains high bioactive compounds that have antioxidant activity so that it has the potential as a source of functional food that can help to overcome various health problems. Black rice extract has high potential to be developed into an antioxidant beverage. Research on the content of bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, and nutrients in black rice extract beverages has not been widely studied in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to determine the content of bioactive compounds, activity, and nutrients of black rice extract. Four types of commercial black rice grains were extracted using methanol as comparison (without treatment) and using water with a temperature of 90°C for 15 and 25 minutes, with the ratio of water: rice powder (20, 25 and 30 ml/ g). The black rice extracts were tested for total phenolic compound, antioxidant activity, protein, and iron content. The highest total phenolic content, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity of black rice extract beverages were 4.54 mg GAE/g (water ratio: rice powder 20 ml/g, 15 minutes), 14.51 mg QE/g (water ratio: rice powder 20 ml/g, 15 minutes), and 73.44% (water ratio: rice powder 30 ml/g, 15 minutes). The total protein and iron content of extract black rice beverage was 0.3115- 0.3620% and 0.0100- 0.0123%, respectively. The presence of high content of bioactive compounds, protein, iron, and antioxidant activity in black rice extract with a processing time of 15 and 25 minutes at 90°C, and the ratio of water: rice powder (20, 25, 30 ml/g) indicates that the processing conditions can provide a reference in producing black rice extract beverages which are rich in bioactive compounds, antioxidants, and nutrients. The presence of iron in brown rice extract may help overcome iron deficiency.
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD) Untuk Keberhasilan Memberikan ASI Eksklusif di Kabupaten Jember Erna Selviyanti; Ria Chandra Kartika; Dessya Puti Ayu Umbaran; Dina Fitriyah; Yohan Yuanta
Journal of Community Development Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v3i2.89


In 2013, there were 18 provinces whose coverage of early breastfeeding was below the national figure, one of which was East Java. Mother's knowledge from pregnancy to childbirth about IMD is very decisive for the success of exclusive breastfeeding and avoiding the baby from being malnourished. The counseling activity for early breastfeeding initiation at Posyandu Catleya 19 was attended by 22 prospective mothers, 7 pregnant women and 6 breastfeeding mothers. Participants were given a pretest to determine the level of knowledge about early breastfeeding initiation. The activity continued with the presentation of material about early breastfeeding initiation to participants. The community service team also provided modules to participants in easy-to-understand language, followed by discussion and question and answer sessions. The topics that were used as questions by the participants were related to family support in breastfeeding, the fear of pregnant women about breast milk that did not come out when giving birth to a baby and equalizing perceptions regarding the importance of breastfeeding for babies starting with early initiation of breastfeeding for newborns. Based on the evaluation results, there were 20 prospective mothers, 7 pregnant women and 4 breastfeeding mothers with a post test score higher than the pretest score or a total of 88.57%. This shows that there is an increase in knowledge about the importance of early breastfeeding initiation for the success of exclusive breastfeeding to infants.
Pengaruh Konseling Gizi Terhadap Kepatuhan Diet dan Kadar Gula Darah Sewaktu Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Hellen Kusumastuti; Agatha Widiyawati; Yohan Yuanta
ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): November
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/arteri.v4i1.252


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the incurable non-communicable diseases characterized by an uncontrolled increase in blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes mellitus requires proper management to prevent complications. The basic part of managing type 2 diabetes mellitus is nutrition counselung, with nutrition counseling can help patients in making decisions such as dietary arrangements in accordance with 3J (amount, schedule and type) and managing blood sugar levels. The purpose of this study analyzed the effect of nutritional counselung on detary complience and blood sugar levels in type 2 DM patients in kebondalem health centers. This research method is quasi experimental designs with a non-equvalent control group research design. The large number of subjects in this study was 20 people counsiting of 10 control group people and 10 experimental group people with Purposive sampling technique. Static analysis of this study using the Wilcoxon Test and Mc Nemar Test. Result showed that there was no influence of nutritional counseling on dietary compliance seen froom 3J (amount, type and schedule) in the control group while in the experimental group it showed the influence of nutritional counseling on the amount of protein and the amount of carbohidrates, but there was no effect of nutritional counseling on the amount of energy, fat, schedule and type in the experimental group, as well as the effect of nutritional counseling on blood sugar levels in the control group did not significanty and in experimental groups significanty.
Edukasi Pembuatan Yoghurt Berbahan Dasar Susu Sapi Pada Ibu PKK Di Desa Kemuning Lor Kabupaten Jember Yohan Yuanta; Veronika Vestine; Dina Fitriyah; Surya Dewi Puspita; Gandu Eko Julianto Suyoso; Bakhtiyar Hadi Prakoso
PEKAT: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/pekat.v2i1.18


Milk production for dairy cows in Jember Regency is quite a lot, marked by a total production per year reaching 2.9 million liters per/year, but the use of fresh milk into processed products in Rayap Hamlet, Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District is still lacking, only limited to being used as a dairy product. pure cow's milk drink. Fresh cow's milk that has not undergone processing is easily damaged and has low economic value. Therefore, efforts are needed to be able to increase the economic value, benefits and good shelf life of the processing of fresh milk, one of the processing based on fresh milk is to make yogurt. The nutritional content of yogurt, especially protein and calcium, can meet nutritional needs. Nutrition is needed in every life cycle, starting from the womb (fetus), infants, children, adults, and the elderly. This service is carried out to increase knowledge and skills through education on processing milk into yogurt. This activity involved PKK Kemuning Lor Village women and institutional components from tertiary institutions, namely lecturers as activity assistants and assisted by two students. The output achieved from this service is an increase in knowledge of making yogurt.
Pengaruh Media Flipchart terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Pola Makan Pada Pasien Hipertensi Puskesmas Kaliwates Kabupaten Jember Yohan Yuanta; Agatha Widiyawati; Dessya Putri Ayu; Tria Ainun Janna
Jurnal Ners Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jn.v7i2.16925


Hipertensi merupakan suatu kondisi yang dapat terjadi pada seseorang yang mengalami peningkatan tekanan sistolik serta diastolik yang melebihi batas wajar tekanan dengan tekanan sistolik diatas 140 mmHg serta diastolik diatas 90 mmHg. Hipertensi terjadi karena beberapa faktor seperti faktor tingkat pengetahuan dan pola makan. Pengetahuan seseorang dapat ditingkatkan melalui pendidikan. Flipchart merupakan salah satu media yang dapat digunakan untuk pendidikan. Flipchart atau lembar balik Merupakan alat peraga atau media yang menyerupai kalender balik bergambar. Intervensi menggunakan media flipchart diketahui efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media flipchart terhadap pengetahuan dan pola makan pada pasien hipertensi di Puskesmas Kaliwates Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitatif dengan metode pre-experimental dengan rancangan one grup pre teset post test design. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2022. Jumlah subjek penelitian ini sebanyak 37 responden. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan FFQ (Formulir Food Frequency Questioner) dan Kuisioner pengetahuan. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji wilcoxon. Dari hasil uji wilcoxon terdapat pengaruh antara media flipchart terhadap tingkat pengetahuan responden dengan nilai dan tidak terdapat pengaruh antara media flipchart terhadap pola makan responden.