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DHARMA BAKTI Dharma Bakti Vol 1 No 1 April 2018
Publisher : LPPM IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34151/dharma.v1i1.292


Research activities and the writing of scientific articles still become obstacles for some teachers for promotion, because the two activities are still perceived difficult. Capturing the difficulties, a team of devotion to the UPY graduate community in cooperation with MGBK SMA/MA conducted a workshop on writing a PTK proposal and a scientific article for teachers of BK SMA/MA in Bantul District. This dedication to the community aims to improve the professionalism of the teachers of BK SMA/MA in Bantul regency, especially the preparation of research proposals for class action and the writing of scientific papers. Methods of the workshop activities are carried out through: material delivery activities with varying lectures, class discussions, question and answer, clinics and mentoring of proposal preparation, and presentation of proposals from workshop participants; (2) providing training on the preparation of classroom action research instruments; (3) providing training on the writing of classroom action research reports; and (4) training in writing scientific papers. The first day of training was attended by 30 (thirty) people and the second day was attended by 24 (twenty four) high school teachers of SMA/MA who joined in MGBK SMA/MA in Bantul District. Based on the observations and responses of the workshop participants, the results of the activities are: (1) the teacher's understanding of the classroom action research methodology is further improved, (2) the teacher's understanding of the classroom action research instrument is increasing, (3) the teacher's understanding of writing more class action reports increased, and (4) teachers' understanding of the writing of scientific papers also increased. Beyond this, there is also an increase in cooperation with the Bantul Secondary Education Hall and MGBK SMA/MA in Bantul District.
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 3 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.461 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v11i3.5728


The ability to solve math problems is included in mathematics learning, so it needs to be emphasized as the achievement of mathematics learning competencies. This study aimed to determine the category of the level of students' mathematical problem-solving skills when learn using e-learning. This research is a quantitative descriptive study. The primary data source was obtained from the test scores of mathematics problem-solving ability of 7th-grade students of SMP N 3 Jetis (Junior high School). The research stages were carried out in three steps: preparation, implementation, and end—data analysis techniques used in the descriptive analysis to categorize students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. This study indicates that the category of students' problem-solving skills on mathematical tests in online learning is included in the category of sufficient. For the indicator of identify the elements identified, asked, and the adequacy of the required details is very high. Then, the aspect of formulating mathematical problems or compiling mathematical models is high, furthermore, for hands implementing strategies to solve problems, low for indicators explaining or interpreting the results of problem-solving.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Employability Skill Siswa SMK sebagai Kesiapan Kerja di Era 4.0 Palupi Sri Wijayanti; Esti Setiawati
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v5i1.6841


Pengangguran dapat menjadi bencana yang perlu dimitigasi oleh seluruh pihak baik dari berbagai bidang kehidupan yang salah satunya adalah sekolah. Permasalahan yang ada pada mitra sekolah adalah soft skill yang diberikan belum sepenuhnya mendukung employability skill. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian dilakukan dengan tujuan melatih dan mendampingi guru SMK untuk menyusun instrument penilaian soft skill berupa employability skill siswa SMK. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan pada tanggal 25 Februari dan 19 Maret 2022 dengan jumlah peserta 32 guru melalui tiga tahap yaitu, persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan penutup. Pada tahap persiapan dilakukan, pengabdi melakukan analisis situasi untuk menemukan permasalahan yang sangat krusial pada mitra sekaligus pengurusan administrasi perizinan. Pada tahap pelaksanaan yaitu melakukan pengabdian dengan materi dan waktu yang telah disepakati bersama antara mitra dan tim pengabdi, yang diawali dengan koordinasi dengan pengurus atau pengelola BKK SMK Nasional Berbah dalam penjadwalan pelaksanaan pendampingan mendesain instrumen soft skill. Pada tahap terakhir, yaitu penutup yang dilakukan dengan memberikan evaluasi dari penilaian soft skill dan rekomendasi arahan optimalisasi employability skill siswa untuk masa yang akan datang. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru di SMK Nasional Berbah dapat menyusun instrument untuk mengukur soft skill para siswa yang terfokus pada employability skill.Unemployment can be a disaster that needs to be mitigated by all parties from various areas of life, one of which is school. The problem with school partners is that the soft skills provided still need to support employability skills fully. Therefore, the service is carried out to train and assist SMK teachers in compiling soft skill assessment instruments in the form of employability skills of SMK students. Service activities carried out on February 25 and March 19, 2022, went through three stages: preparation, implementation, and closing. At the preparation stage, the service conducts a situation analysis to find crucial problems with partners and to license administration management. At the implementation stage, it is to carry out service with material and time that has been mutually agreed upon between partners and the service team, which begins with coordination with the management or manager of BKK SMK Nasional Berbah in scheduling the implementation of assistance in designing soft skill instruments. In the last stage, the closing is carried out by evaluating the soft skills assessment and recommendations for optimizing the employability of students' skills for the future.
Pengembangan Instrumen Evaluasi Perilaku Prososial Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Esti Setiawati; Ika Ernawati
G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol. 7 No. 03: Agustus 2023, G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31316/gcouns.v7i03.4820


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi perilaku prososial siswa SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan model R&D Borg&Gall yaitu pengumpulan informasi, uji coba pertama, uji coba kedua, uji coba ketiga, dan diseminasi. Subjek penelitian, siswa SMP Negeri se-Kabupaten Bantul yang diambil secara purposive sejumlah 131 siswa. Pengumpulan data melalui metode angket, interviu, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian: 1) uji coba pertama nilai KMO-MSA 1 = 0,727, 2 = 0,666,  koefisien 1 dan 2 ≥0,3, dan koefisien reliabilitas 1 = 0,867, 2 = 0,774; 2) uji coba kedua, nilai KMO-MSA 1= 0,819, 2 = 0,700,  koefisien 1 dan 2 ≥0,3, dan koefisien reliabilitas 1 =0,822, 2 = 0,793; dan 3) uji coba ketiga, nilai KMO-MSA 1 = 0,793, 2 = 0,722, koefisien 1 dan 2 ≥0,3, dan koefisien reliabilitas 1 = 0,826, 2 = 0,703. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa instrumen evaluasi perilaku prososial valid dan reliabel. Kata kunci: pengembangan, instrumen, prososial
Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Berbasis Virtual Reality Field Trip Wilayah Pesisir Teluk Pacitan pada Pembelajaran IPS Kelas VII Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023 Nur Khopsun Wibowo; Esti Setiawati
Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 10 (2023): Proceedings of Seminar Kebangkitan Nasional dan Call for Paper Universitas Muhammadi
Publisher : UM Purwokerto Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/pssh.v10i.681


The objectives of this study are to: (1) explain the procedures for creating a virtual reality field trip-based learning video in the coastal area of Pacitan Bay for Social Studies class VII for the 2022–2023 academic year; and (2) explain the efficacy of a virtual reality field trip–based learning video in the coastal area of Pacitan Bay for class VII social studies learning at SMP Negeri 2 Punung for the same year. Class VII B and class VII C acted as the experimental and control groups, respectively, in this study, which was carried out at SMP Negeri 2 Punung. The five (five) steps of the ADDIE model, which is used in this study, are the analysis stage, the design stage, the development stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. Participants in this study were teachers who used the materials, experts who validated the content (material experts, media experts, and learning experts), teachers of the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) MGMP Social Sciences Subject, and all students in classes VII B and VII C. Data types, both qualitative and quantitative, employed in studies on the creation of virtual reality video learning medium. The validity and appeal of the learning media are evaluated quantitatively using the results of scoring in the form of percentages, whereas the validity and appeal of the learning media are evaluated qualitatively using questionnaires, assessments, input, responses, criticism, and suggestions from material experts, media experts, learning experts, as well as document tools. teacher, teach. Additionally, in order to assess the effectiveness of using instructional media, researchers also used quantitative data in the form of student test results from the experimental class and the control class. The Paired Sample t-Test was used to test the study's hypothesis. The success of the treatment was determined by the difference between the average value before and after receiving the treatment. The study's findings included two main findings: a) the steps for creating learning media follow the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages (analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment); and b) the ADDIE model is used to create learning media; and b) The effectiveness of the learning videos that have been created is significant because it is demonstrated by the outcomes of IBM SPSS 25 data processing, which is the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05, from which it can be inferred that there is a significant difference between learning outcomes and the creation of virtual reality field trip video learning media on the coast of Pacitan Bay in the Pre Test and Post Test data.