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Analysis of land carrying capacity and production factors of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) in Banggai Regency Krisniati Pamanyo; Dian Puspapratiwi; Hertasning Yatim; Hidayat Arismunandar Katili; Mihwan Sataral; Taufik Bidullah
Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Vol. 18 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/jip.v18i1.7377


This study aimed to determine the carrying capacity of land and production factors in the development of cocoa production in the Banggai Regency of Central Sulawesi. This research was conducted in 23 sub-districts of the Banggai Regency. Determination of respondents using cluster sampling method or grouping based on area or population location with 114 cocoa farmers. The research data were obtained from primary data, i.e., interviews, questionnaires. In contrast, secondary data were obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the Banggai Regency Agriculture Office, and the Center for Research and Development on Agricultural Land Resources. The variables analyzed include regional economics (used LQ and SSA), land carrying capacity (DDL), and the production factors were land area (X1), number of workers (X2), fertilizer costs (X3), and pesticide costs (X4). Thus, this study indicated the direction of land allocation based on the regional economy, land carrying capacity, and cocoa production factors. Overall, cocoa plants could be developed in the Banggai Regency with an area of 419,236.9 hectares. However, there was a need for sound land use data management and intensive cocoa cultivation assistance to increase comparative and competitive human resources and improve the economy for the welfare of the cocoa farming community in the Banggai Regency.
Analisis Penetapan Harga Produk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah Kopi Saluan di Desa Tontouan, Banggai Fadhilatul Amalia Adwan; Yuni Rustiawati; Dian Puspapratiwi
Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jepa.2022.006.02.22


Perusahaan yang menghasilkan suatu produk dalam proses produksinya memerlukan fakta mengenai berapa jumlah biaya yang digunakan dalam menerbitkan  produk-produk tersebut dan sekaligus diharapkan dapat menghitung dan menentukan harga pokok penjualan yang tepat dan produk yang dihasilkan. Adapun tujuan yang ingin diraih dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah Kopi Saluan dalam melakukan penetapan harga jual produk, dengan menggunakan metode  analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif, dimana metode full costing untuk menghitung harga pokok produksi dan metode penetapan harga berbasis biaya cost plus pricing untuk menentukan harga jual kepada konsumen. Sehingganya hasil Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah kopi saluan yang berdasarkan  komponen full costing terhadap harga jual yang ditetapkan perusahaan lebih tinggi dari pada harga jual yang dihitung berdasarkan metode Cost Plus Pricing. Artinya penetapan harga kopi saluan di Tontouan Kabupaten Banggai sudah terpenuhi dari standar keuntungan minimum
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Keripik Singkong Di CV. Aulia Food Kecamatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai: Business Feasibility Analysis of Cassava Chips At Cv. Aulia Food, Luwuk District, Banggai Regency Dian Puspapratiwi; Gerry C Monggesang
CELEBES Agricultural Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): CELEBES Agricultural
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Tompotika Luwuk University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.089 KB) | DOI: 10.52045/jca.v1i1.20


Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk Menganalisis Tingkat Pendapatan Usaha Keripik Singkong Pada CV. Aulia Food serta Untuk Menganalisis Tingkat Kelayakan Usaha Keripik Singkong Pada CV. Aulia Food.  Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (Purpossive) yaitu di CV. Aulia Food Kecamatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai dengan pertimbangan layak atau tidak Usaha Keripik Singkong. Adapun waktu pelaksanaan penelitian ini mulai bulan september 2018 sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2018. Berdasarkan Hasil Penelitian diperoleh hasil analisis dari usaha Keripik Singkong di CV. Aulia Food Kecamatan Luwuk selama satu tahun yaitu Besarnya pendapatan CV. Aulia Food Kecamatan Luwuk  Rp. 28.946.700. Besarnya Tingkat Kelayakan Usaha Keripik Singkong yaitu Nilai R/C Rasio sebesar 1,91 menunjukkan bahwa usaha Keripik Singkong di CV. Aulia Food layak untuk diusahakan karena R/C Rasio > 1. Titik impas Usaha Keripik Singkong ini dicapai pada jumlah produksi Keripik Singkong di CV. Aulia Food adalah 4`504 Bungkus, dengan harga jual impas Rp. 3.649, per Bungkus. Nilai ROI sebesar 15,40% menunjukkan bahwa setiap Rp.100 modal yang dikeluarkan mendapat keuntungan sebesar Rp. 15,40. NilaiPayback Period Periode pengembalian Usaha Keripik Singkong CV. Aulia Food lebih kecil dari umur proyek yaitu 6 tahun 5 bulan,dari semua kriteria investasi menunjukkan bahwa usaha keripik singkong layak untuk diusahakan. the level of business income of cassava chips at CV. Aulia Food and To Analyze The Feasibility Level Of Cassava Chips At CV. Aulia Food. The location of the study was determined purposively at CV. Aulia Food, Luwuk Subdistrict, Banggai Regency, considering whether or not Cassava Chips Business is feasible. The time for carrying out this research starts from September 2018 to October 2018. Based on the results of the study obtained the results of the analysis of the Cassava Chips business at CV. Aulia Food, Luwuk District for one year, namely the amount of income of CV. Aulia Food, Luwuk District Rp. 28,946,700. The magnitude of the feasibility level of the cassava chips business, namely the R / C ratio of 1.91 indicates that the cassava chips business at CV. Aulia Food is worth working on because the R / C Ratio is> 1. The break-even point for this Cassava Chips Business is achieved at the amount of cassava chips production at CV. Aulia Food is 4.540 Packs, with a break-even selling price of Rp. 3,649, per Pack. The ROI value of 15.40% indicates that every Rp. 100 of capital issued gets a profit of Rp. 15.40. Value of Payback Period The period of returning the Cassava Chips Business CV. Aulia Food is smaller than the project age, which is 6 years 5 months, from all investment criteria it shows that the cassava chips business is feasible to run.
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Keripik Singkong Di CV. Aulia Food Kecamatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai: Business Feasibility Analysis of Cassava Chips At Cv. Aulia Food, Luwuk District, Banggai Regency Dian Puspapratiwi; Gerry C Monggesang
CELEBES Agricultural Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): CELEBES Agricultural
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Tompotika Luwuk University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.089 KB) | DOI: 10.52045/jca.v1i1.20


Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk Menganalisis Tingkat Pendapatan Usaha Keripik Singkong Pada CV. Aulia Food serta Untuk Menganalisis Tingkat Kelayakan Usaha Keripik Singkong Pada CV. Aulia Food.  Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (Purpossive) yaitu di CV. Aulia Food Kecamatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai dengan pertimbangan layak atau tidak Usaha Keripik Singkong. Adapun waktu pelaksanaan penelitian ini mulai bulan september 2018 sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2018. Berdasarkan Hasil Penelitian diperoleh hasil analisis dari usaha Keripik Singkong di CV. Aulia Food Kecamatan Luwuk selama satu tahun yaitu Besarnya pendapatan CV. Aulia Food Kecamatan Luwuk  Rp. 28.946.700. Besarnya Tingkat Kelayakan Usaha Keripik Singkong yaitu Nilai R/C Rasio sebesar 1,91 menunjukkan bahwa usaha Keripik Singkong di CV. Aulia Food layak untuk diusahakan karena R/C Rasio > 1. Titik impas Usaha Keripik Singkong ini dicapai pada jumlah produksi Keripik Singkong di CV. Aulia Food adalah 4`504 Bungkus, dengan harga jual impas Rp. 3.649, per Bungkus. Nilai ROI sebesar 15,40% menunjukkan bahwa setiap Rp.100 modal yang dikeluarkan mendapat keuntungan sebesar Rp. 15,40. NilaiPayback Period Periode pengembalian Usaha Keripik Singkong CV. Aulia Food lebih kecil dari umur proyek yaitu 6 tahun 5 bulan,dari semua kriteria investasi menunjukkan bahwa usaha keripik singkong layak untuk diusahakan. the level of business income of cassava chips at CV. Aulia Food and To Analyze The Feasibility Level Of Cassava Chips At CV. Aulia Food. The location of the study was determined purposively at CV. Aulia Food, Luwuk Subdistrict, Banggai Regency, considering whether or not Cassava Chips Business is feasible. The time for carrying out this research starts from September 2018 to October 2018. Based on the results of the study obtained the results of the analysis of the Cassava Chips business at CV. Aulia Food, Luwuk District for one year, namely the amount of income of CV. Aulia Food, Luwuk District Rp. 28,946,700. The magnitude of the feasibility level of the cassava chips business, namely the R / C ratio of 1.91 indicates that the cassava chips business at CV. Aulia Food is worth working on because the R / C Ratio is> 1. The break-even point for this Cassava Chips Business is achieved at the amount of cassava chips production at CV. Aulia Food is 4.540 Packs, with a break-even selling price of Rp. 3,649, per Pack. The ROI value of 15.40% indicates that every Rp. 100 of capital issued gets a profit of Rp. 15.40. Value of Payback Period The period of returning the Cassava Chips Business CV. Aulia Food is smaller than the project age, which is 6 years 5 months, from all investment criteria it shows that the cassava chips business is feasible to run.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH MAHASISWA FAKULTAS PERTANIAN
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tompotika Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitianini bertujuan (1) Pendapatan petani responden dalam usahatani kopra di Desa Longkoga Barat Kecamatan Bualemo yang di peroleh sebesar Rp 371.700. (2) Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Desa Longkoga Barat terlihat bahwa saluran pemasaran dari petani sampai ke konsumen akhir terdapat dua saluran pemasaran yaitu sebagai berikut : Saluran II  : Petani - Pengepul Lokal -  Industri (3) Margin pemasaran usahatani kopra di Desa Longkoga Barat diperoleh antara pengepul lokal yang menjual ke Industri yakni Rp. 3.300/Kg. (4) Berdasarkan rumus efesiensi pemasaran maka efesiensi pemasaran pada saluran II diperoleh efesiensi pemasaran sebesar 1,00 %.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH MAHASISWA FAKULTAS PERTANIAN (JIMFP)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tompotika Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52045/jimfp.v2i2.336


Pentingya tanaman  hortikultura terhadap masyarakat potil pololoba sehinga perlunya penilaian kesesuaian lahan untuk pengembangannya. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kesesuaian lahan  dan menentukan faktor pembatas serta mengetahui tanaman hortikultura apa yang layak dikembangkan dan dibudidayakan di Desa Potil Pololoba Kabupaten Banggai Laut. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan metode survey lapangan dengan akar kuadrat Kiddir. Sehinga diperoleh hasil Kesesuaian lahan tanaman hortikultura (Semangka, Mentimun, Cabai, Tomat, Terong dan Bayam Merah) pada titik A dan D tergolong tidak sesuai namun pada titik B dan C dapat dilakukan pengembangan dan pembudidayaan tanaman hortikultura karena tergolong sesuai marginal. Adapun faktor pembatas kelas kesesuaian lahan untuk pengembangan tanaman hortikultura di Desa Potil Pololoba Kabupaten Banggai Laut untuk tanaman Semangka, Mentimun, Cabai, Tomat, Terong dan Bayam Merah yaitu  kapasitas tukar katium, kejenuhan basa, pH, C-Organik, dan kemiringan lereng sehinga perlunya dilakukan upaya perbaikan dengan penambahan bahan organic dan pemberian pupuk yang sesuai serta pembuatan teras bangku atau penanaman sejajar kontur dengan biyaya yang relatif sedang sampai tingi.
STRATEGI PEMASARAN BERAS PADA “CV. BERKAT PADAELO” DI KELURAHAN BAKUNG KECAMATAN BATUI KABUPATEN BANGGAI Ruslan A Zaenuddin; Ardiansyah Ardiansyah; Ambo Abd. Kadir Pakanyamong; Dian Puspapratiwi; Taufik Bidullah
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH MAHASISWA FAKULTAS PERTANIAN (JIMFP)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tompotika Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52045/jimfp.v3i1.408


Efforts to maintain a competitive advantage require long-term planning. The analysis used to identify the company's strategic position in the industry, one of which uses a SWOT analysis tool. A marketing strategy is needed because of the increasingly widespread growth and increasingly fierce market competition. This situation of course forces entrepreneurs to use various methods in their marketing strategy. The objectives of this study were to determine Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats to rice marketing at CV. Berkat Padaelo in Bakung Urban Village, Batui District, Banggai Regency. Based on the results of scoring internal factors and external factors, the highest score obtained was the SO (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy of 4.6, the ST strategy (Strengths-Treats) of 3.92, the WO Strategy (Weaknesses-Opportunities) of 2.67, while the lowest is found in the WT (Weaknesses-Threats) strategy of 1.99. SO Strategy (Strengths-Opportunities) of 4.6, is a situation that is very profitable for respondents to have the strength to take advantage of existing opportunities, namely: Strategic Location, Quality Production, Modern Machine Tools, Own Capital, Farmer's Trust, Availability of raw materials, Market support , Support for cooperation with buyers, There is relatively extensive warehousing support, There is support for a skilled workforce.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH MAHASISWA FAKULTAS PERTANIAN (JIMFP)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tompotika Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52045/jimfp.v3i1.426


Corn is an agricultural commodity that specializes in food crops that are cultivated as the mainstay of the people of Simpang Raya District, which is used as a staple food to replace rice. But, the main obstacle is that the corn production obtained is not optimal. This is because the corn cropland has not been managed properly, one of which is in terms of soil fertility. Therefore, efforts are needed to increase optimal production by evaluating soil fertility in the Corn crop area in Simpang Raya. This research was carried out in Simpang Raya District from June to October 2022, where the activity was to conduct a survey and soil sampling in 5 locations that were chosen intentionally and were considered to be representative of the entire corn cropland in Simpang Raya District. The criteria for assessing soil fertility on corn cropland at the research location are adjusted to the determination of soil fertility status referring to the Soil Research Center. After that, it will be adjusted using the matching method between the quality of the land obtained with the condition that the growing criteria for corn crops refer to the Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Land resources. The results showed that soil fertility in corn cropland is classified as low. Furthermore, the determination of soil fertility based on the criteria of the corn crop as a whole obtained marginal status. This is because the content of KB, P2O5, and K2O in the corn fields representing the research area is relatively low. so, the need for land management by providing organic matter and intensive fertilization so that the soil fertility status of corn land in Simpang Raya District can increase and meet the nutrient needs of corn plants, that way the corn crop will get optimal production results
Analisis Daya Dukung Lahan Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Lahan Dan Ketersediaan Lahan Ubi Banggai Di Kecamatan Banggai Tengah Kabupaten Banggai Laut Hertasning Yatim; Nurmaningsi Masulili; Herwin Yatim; Dian Puspapratiwi; Mardia Mardia; Nurzaman Hayat
AGROVITAL : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 8, No 1 (2023): AGROVITAL VOLUME 8, NOMOR 1, MEI 2023
Publisher : Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35329/agrovital.v8i1.3926


Karena kemajuan teknologi dan pergeseran budaya, lahan pertanian tidak memiliki daya dukung yang tetap melainkan berfluktuasi sepanjang waktu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji daya dukung lahan di Kabupaten Banggai Tengah Banggai Laut. Metode Penelitian dengan menggunakan  analisis daya dukung lahan berbasis produktivitas dengan melihat perbandingan antara ketersediaan lahan dan kebutuhan lahan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan produk hayati wilayah.   Berdasarkan hasil analisis, tersedia lahan seluas 408,51 ha dan dibutuhkan lahan seluas 3.027,35 ha. Kondisi daya dukung lahan di tingkat kecamatan Banggai Tengah Kabupaten Banggai Laut tergolong defisit. Nilai kebutuhan lahan lebih besar dari ketersediaan lahan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hal ini mengindikasikan kurangnya lahan untuk budidaya ubi jalar Banggai. Akibatnya kebutuhan warga Kabupaten Banggai Tengah akan penghidupan yang layak per penduduk tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh Tanaman Ubi Jalar Banggai.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL ILMIAH MAHASISWA FAKULTAS PERTANIAN (JIMFP)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tompotika Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52045/jimfp.v3i1.413


The main activities and main sources of income of the community, especially people in rural areas, are still dependent on the agricultural sector.  An agricultural commodity that is expected to move positively in terms of increasing production and income is rice. The purpose of this study is to find out what factors affect the production of paddy rice farming in Sisipan Village, Batui District. Knowing how much production and income of paddy rice farming is in Sisipan Village, Batui District.  The results obtained from this study are the Use of Production Inputs and Production Factors studied, 5 variables affect paddy rice production, namely land area (X1), seed use (X2), fertilizer use (X3), pesticide use (X4), and labor use (X5).  Based on the income analysis, the average respondent farmer revenue rate was Rp. 24,022,857.14 with costs incurred by respondent farmers for the production process of paddy rice farming business on average Rp. 4,004,452.38, so that the average income of paddy rice farming by respondent farmers was Rp. 20,018,404.76.