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Jurnal Kesehatan - STIKes Prima Nusantara Vol 13, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35730/jk.v13i1.638


Latar Belakang: Pengalaman CoC dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan bidan yang mendukung kesinambungan asuhan dengan asuhan yang berpusat pada perempuan, yang memfasilitasi mahasiswa bidan untuk praktik professional sebagai bekal dalam perjalanan menjadi seorang bidan. Namun mahasiswa juga mengidentifikasi sejumlah tantangan yang mereka hadapi dalam pendampingan ibu hamil risiko tinggi. Kesulitan ini yang akan menghambat kemampuan mahasiswa untuk terlibat dalam memaksimalkan belajar.Tujuan Penelitian: untuk mengeksplorasi secara mendalam pengalaman mahasiswa bidan dalam pendampingan ibu hamil risiko tinggi pada pembelajaran CoC melalui Program OSOC di STIKES Estu Utomo Boyolali.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kualitatif explorative dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Semi-structure interview digunakan untuk mewawancarai 14 informan, yang terdiri dari 7 informan utama yakni mahasiswa bidan,7 informan pendukung. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Juli 2018-Juli 2019.Hasil: Data dari keseluruhan pengalaman mahasiswa bidan selama melakukan pendampingan ibu hamil risiko tinggi pada pembelajaran klinik dengan metode CoC yang terintegrasi dalam program OSOC sebagai berikut: 1.Pentingnya membangun hubungan dengan perempuan selama pembelajaran klinik 2.Pentingnya membangun relasi dengan bidan pembimbing sebagai senior dan public figure serta 3.Pencapaian kompetensi asuhan kebidanan melalui pembelajaran PKK CoC.Kesimpulan: Pengalaman mahasiswa bidan dalam pendampingan ibu hamil risko tinggi pada pembelajaran CoC melalui program OSOC adalah strategi pendidikan kebidanan yang inovatif dalam memfasilitasi siswa kebidanan dengan melibatkan lembaga Pendidikan dan mengintegrasikannya dalam program pendidikan. Program OSOC sebagai upaya dalam mengoptimalkan deteksi resiko tinggi maternal neonatal, ibu hamil sampai dengan nifas sampai KB yang membutuhkan pendampingan secara terus menerus.
Student’s Comprehension About Philosiphy of Maternity Care “Women Centered Care” Based on the Report of Continuity of Care (COC) Rr Sri Nuriaty Masdiputri; Yanti Yanti; Asri Hidayat
Journal of Midwifery Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Published on December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jom.4.2.60-67.2019


Background: Mortality in Indonesia has significantly increased. Students’ comprehension about maternity care “woman centered care” philosophy is an important thing in high quality maternity care, it is one solution to decrease the number of mortality rate. Continuity of care maternal clinic model of learning (PKK-CoC) is giving for student to learn the philosophy.Objectives: reveals level and form of students’ comprehension about maternity care “woman centered care” philosophy.Method: Mixed method with sequential explanatory strategy. The quatitative are use analitic descriptive design, while the quantitative use case study design. Population and sample is 55 students of  Estu Utomo Boyolali institute health and science who have taken PKK-CoC. Sampling use criterion and intensity.Result: qualitatively, students overall comprehension is good. Quantitatively, students comprehension on personalized care, holistic care, collaborative care, and evidence based care is also good. Partnership care is the only aspect considered in effective.Conclusion: continuity of care shows that client and family are in good heatlth, zero mortality rate, client fells safe and comfortable, and client has correct and fast care. It is also found that students’ confidence, skills, and comprehension about maternity care “woman centered care” philosophy are increased. It is suggested including the PKK-CoC model into curriculum of midwifery education
Persepsi Mahasiswa, Dosen dan Bidan Pembimbing tentang Model Pembelajaran Klinik Kebidanan yang Ideal Yanti Yanti; Ova Emilia; Mora Claramita
Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia: The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Maret
Publisher : Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.756 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpki.25221


Background: A large number graduates of midwife even now accompanied with low competency isues in associated with quality of clinical learning. Now implementation of clinical learning with caseload model has problems. Clinical learning model in clinical practice that student, teacher and clinical midwife experienced provide greater insight to develop an effective clinical teaching strategy in midwifery education. The main objective of this study was to investigate student midwife, teacher and clinical midwife’ insight about an ideal clinical learning model in midwifery education.Method: A qualitative study by Focus Group Discussion (FGDs). By selected randomly, this study was conducted 32 from 76 final year midwifery students at Estu Utomo Boyolali Midwifery Academy, 14 lecturer and 13 clinical midwife who involve in Estu Utomo Boyolali Midwifery Academy clinical practice program at 2013-2014. There are 4 groups of student midwife, 2 groups of lecturer and 2 groups of clinical midwife. FGDs were arranged in 3 session differently between students, lecturer and clinical midwife. FGDs were facilitated by researcher and 3 research assistant. Data were analyzed using Atlas.Ti 6.1 software to support the coding process and identifying the main categories from verbatim transcripts.Results: Six themes emerged from the focus group data, “student caseload”, “duration of clinical practice”, “clinical placement”, “clinical mentorship”, “documentation”, and “clinical assessment”. From the sixth themes, demonstrated that an ideal clinical learning model in midwifery education to design preparation clinical learning should consider about that components. An ideal clinical learning model in midwifery education should give priority to quality than quantity especially to suggest decreasing student caseload.Conclusion: This study showed that midwife student, teacher and clinical midwife suggest that clinical learning model should give priority to quality than quantity to gain midwifery care competence. Clinical learning model therefore applied with student case loading that each student have different need. They are suggest that midwifery clinical learning should be consistent with the midwifery care philosophy “women center care” that provide midwifery continuity of care. 
Study of Phenomenology: The Experience of Meeting Nutritional Needs of Infants With Low Birth Weight (LBW) in Positive Deviance Families Daevi Khairunisa; Yanti Yanti; Ismarwati Ismarwati
Jurnal Kesehatan Prima Vol 15, No 1 (2021): FEBRUARY
Publisher : poltekkes kemenkes mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/jkp.v15i1.616


Babies born with Low Birth Weight (LBW) are more prone to experiencing malnutrition problems. Efforts to prevent malnutrition in infants and toddlers can be done through the Positive Deviance approach. Positive Deviance is an individual or group (family) based approach by identifying positive behaviors that allow them to find better solutions to their problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the experience of fulfilling the nutritional needs of infants with a history of LBW in Positive Deviance families. The research design employed in this study was qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The main informants were Positive Deviance mothers, and the supporting informants consisted of Positive Deviance families, non-Positive Deviance mothers, and village midwives. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study reveal the experiences of families in fulfilling the nutritional needs of infants with a history of LBW including positive maternal behaviors. For example, Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD), breastfeeding after childbirth, application of breastfeeding correct way to LBW babies, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary breastfeeding, and other efforts if the baby does not have an appetite. Thus, this study implies that positive habits of mothers and families can meet the nutritional needs of infants, especially in increasing the weight of LBW babies to achieve ideal body weight. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to make mothers and their Positive Deviance family role models in order to transmit positive habits to other families with babies in preventing malnutrition in infants with LBW history.
Faktor Penghambat Bidan Pada Pendidikan Jenjang Profesi Di Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta Aris Prastyoningsih; Yanti Yanti; Retno Mawarti
Jurnal Kesehatan Prima Vol 13, No 2 (2019): AGUSTUS
Publisher : poltekkes kemenkes mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.32807/jkp.v13i2.247


Tingginya morbiditas ibu dan anak serta berbagai permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan ibu dan anak diperlukan peningkatan profesionalisme profesi bidan melalui jenjang pendidikan profesi. Sulitnya akses bagi bidan yang telah bekerja dalam pendidikan pendidikan berkelanjutan menurunkan motivasi dan minat bidan dalam melanjutkan pendidikan profesi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggali faktor penghambat bidan pada penddikan jenjang profesi. Desain penelitian adalah grounded theory. Informan dalam penelitian yaitu 13 informan yang terdiri 9  bidan pelayanan yang melanjutkan jenjang profesi dan 4 informan pendukung dari organisasi Profesi Bidan, Puskesmas, Dinas Kesehatan dan Pendidikan Profesi Kebidanan. Pengambilan data dengan Focus Group Discusion (FGD), di lanjutkan wawancara mendalam. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis tematik dengan cara mengidentifikasi tema-tema yang terpola. Tema-tema ini dapat diidentifikas, dikodekan secara induktif dari data kualitatif mentah. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 4 kata kunci yang menghambat bidan dalam pendidikan berkelanjutan pada jenjang profesi yaitu: jarak dan waktu, keluarga, perijinan, dan beban kerja. Pemahaman terhadap regulasi pendidikan bidan pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat sangat diperlukan untuk mengatasi berbagai hambatan dari berbagai faktor. Diperlukan kerjasama lintas sektoral dan lintas program agar bidan mendapat kemudahan dalam perijinan studi lanjut.
Jurnal Kebidanan VOLUME 10. No. 02, DESEMBER 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Estu Utomo Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35872/jurkeb.v10i02.290


Yanti 1), Etni Dwi Astuti 2)1), 2)Program Studi D3 Kebidanan STIKES Estu Utomo BoyolaliE-mail: Bidan memiliki peranan penting sebagai mitra perempuan dan tenaga kesehatan profesional strategis dalam peningkatan kesehatan ibu dan anak di Indonesia. Bidan harus mampu memberikan asuhan kebidanan berkualitas yang berfokus pada perempuan, dilakukan secara rutin dan berkelanjutan sejak dalam pendidikan klinik selama jadi mahasiswa. Pembelajaran menuntut kekuatan dalam berpikir kritis karena belajar membutuhkan interpretasi dan integrasi pengetahuan baru dan penerapan praktis serta tepat dalam menghadapi situasi baru, kondisi masalah dan peluang inovatif.  Setelah diterapkannya Pembelajaran Klinik Kebidanan CoC maka dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kemampuan mahasiswa dalam berfikir kritis yang terkait dengan pengalaman belajar mereka selama di klinik. Metode Penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purpossive sampling. Informan adalah mahasiswa D III Kebidanan semester VI Stikes Estu Utomo Boyolali berjumlah 6 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan analisis dokumen dan indepth interview. Analisa data menggunakan analisa tematik. Hasil dan pembahasan. Hasil penelitian menemukan 9 tema, 7 tema menjawab critical thinking cognitive, yaitu pengumpulan data yang sesuai, mampu mengidentifikasi penyimpangan normal selama asuhan, kurangnya kemampuan menganalisis kasus dalam asuhan kebidanan, evaluasi berkelanjutan yang baik, penyimpulan kasus yang sesuai dengan asuhan, lemahnya kemampuan menjelaskan dan ketepatan pengaturan waktu. 2 tema menjawab critical thinking affective, yaitu pendekatan intensif ke klien dan ketrampilan berkomunikasi dengan klien. Simpulan : Seluruh tema yang ditemukan sangat penting untuk ditingkatkan karena sangat berpengaruh dalam kemampuan pengambilan keputusan klinis pada asuhan kebidanan.Kata kunci: Pembelajaran klinik kebidanan, Continuity of Care, Critical ThinkingSTUDENTS CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH COC CLINICAL LEARNING MODEL IN MIDWIFERY EDUCATION ABSTRACTIntroduction. Midwives have an important and strategic role as women partners as a health professionals in improving maternal and child health in Indonesia. Midwives must be able to provide quality midwifery care that focuses on women, carried out routinely and continuously since clinical education while being a student. Learning requires strength in critical thinking because learning requires interpretation and integration of new knowledge and practical and appropriate applications in dealing with new situations, problem conditions and innovative opportunities. After the implementation of CoC Midwifery Clinical Learning model, an evaluation of the ability of students to think critically is related to their learning experience while in the clinic. Research method. This study uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique. The informants were the sixth semester Midwifery Diploma III students at the Stikes Estu Utomo Boyolali. Data collection techniques with document analysis and in-depth interviews. Data analysis using thematic analysis. Result and discussion. The results of the study found 9 themes, 7 themes answering cognitive thinking critical, which is appropriate data collection, able to identify normal deviations during care, lack of ability to analyze cases in midwifery care, good ongoing evaluation, conclusion of cases that are appropriate to care, poor ability to explain and accuracy of timing. 2 themes answer affective critical thinking, which is an intensive approach to clients and communication skills with clients. Conclusion. All themes that found in this study are very important to improve because they are very influential in the ability of clinical decision making in midwifery care.Keywords: Midwifery clinical learning, Continuity of Care, Critical Thinking
Jurnal Kebidanan VOLUME 09.No.02 DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Estu Utomo Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35872/jurkeb.v9i02.320


ABSTRAKPendahuluan : Hasil belajar tentang praktik klinik kebidanan selama pendidikan berhubungan secara bermakna dengan kinerja bidan dalam memberikan asuhan kebidanan. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualifikasi bidan adalah dengan menerapkan model Continuity of Care (CoC) dalam pendidikan klinik. Metode Penelitian : Rancangan penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu. Penelitian ini melibatkan seluruh mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat akhir dari 2 institusi pendidikan bidan di Indonesia pada tahun akademik 2013/2014. Ada 54 mahasiswa dari satu institusi yang mengikuti praktik klinik selama 6 bulan dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran CoC dan 52 mahasiswa dari institusi lain sebagai kelompok kontrol yang menerapkan model pembelajaran klinik konvensional yaitu model target kasus. Untuk menganalisis perbedaan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam asuhan kebidanan antara kedua kelompok menggunakan independent T-test dengan SPSS. Hasil dan pembahasan : Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna diantara kedua kelompok  sebelum perlakuan. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok setelah praktik klinik (p < 0.01). Skor rata-rata mahasiswa dengan model CoC (96.69) lebih tinggi dibanding mahasiswa kelompok kontrol (88.17). Model pembelajaran CoC terbukti sebagai sebuah kesempatan belajar yang unik bagi mahasiswa untuk mencapai kompetensi asuhan kebidanan. Dengan pendampingan perempuan dan membangun relasi yang efektif menawarkan kepada mahasiswa suatu cara yang unik untuk memperoleh lebih banyak pengalaman nyata tentang peran bidan. Tidak ada kematian ibu dalam penelitian ini. Simpulan : Siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran klinik model CoC lebih kompeten dalam asuhan kebidanan baik pada masa kehamilan, persalinan maupun nifas. Model pembelajaran CoC juga dapat  meningkatkan status kesehatan perempuan.Kata kunci : Pembelajaran klinik kebidanan, kompetensi asuhan kebidanan, filosofi asuhan kebidanan, Continuity of Care.IMPROVING STUDENTS CLINICAL COMPETENCIES THROUGH COC CLINICAL LEARNING MODEL  IN MIDWIFERY EDUCATIONABSTRACTIntroduction : The learning outcomes of midwifery clinical practice during education are significantly associated with a midwives performance in providing midwifery care. One of the efforts to increase the midwives qualification is by implementing Continuity of Care (CoC) model in the clinical education. Research method : We used a quasi-experiment design. This study was conducted to all final year midwifery students at two schools of midwifery in Indonesia. There were 54 students from one school who attended 6 months clinical placement using the CoC learning model and 52 students from the other school as the control group who underwent the conventional clinical placement which was a more fragmented care learning model. The independent T-test using SPSS was used to analyse the differences of students competencies in midwifery care between the two groups. Result and discussion : There were no significant differences between the groups before intervention. There were significant differences between the two groups after clinical training (p < 0.01). The mean score of post-clinical of students with the CoC clinical learning model (96.69) was higher than that of the students in the control group (88.17). The CoC clinical learning model was proved as a unique learning opportunity for students to achieve midwifery care competencies. Being aligned with women and developing effective relationships with them offered the students a unique manner to gain more real experiences about the role of midwife. Zero maternal mortality rate was found in the experiment group. Conclusion : We strongly suggest that the clinical placement with a CoC learning model is more likely to increase students’ achieving of midwifery care competencies, increase the clinical care, and at the same time increase the health benefits for women.Keywords :  Midwifery clinical learning, midwifery care competencies, midwifery care philosophy, Continuity of Care.
Jurnal Kebidanan VOLUME 12. No.01, JUNI 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Estu Utomo Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35872/jurkeb.v12i01.362


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Preeklampsia merupakan salah satu penyebab tingginya angka kematian ibu (AKI) di Indonesia. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2018 sebesar 8%, Boyolali merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh wilayah penyumbang AKI teringgi di Jawa Tengah, dengan kejadian preeklampsia sebanyak 33,4% (5 kasus), hal ini menyebabkan preeklampsi menempati urutan pertama penyebab kematian ibu. Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian preeklampsia adalah usia, paritas, riwayat preeklampsia, riwayat hipertensi, pengetahuan, dan persepsi Ibu, kebiasaan dan dukungan dari keluarga. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui fenomena faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ampel Boyolali Jawa tengah. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologi. Informan penelitian terdiri dari informan utama yaitu ibu yang mengalami preeklampsia selama kehamilannya sebanyak 5 orang dan informan pendukung yang terdiri dari 5 tenaga kesehatan, 2 kader kesehatan dan 8 anggota keluarga dari informan utama. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Miles dan Hubberman (1992) dengan analisis tematik. Hasil dan pembahasan: Ada 4 tema sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian preeklampsia, terdiri dari usia ibu, paritas, Riwayat Kesehatan dan kebiasaan ibu. Simpulan: Ibu yang mengalami preeklampsia mayoritas memiliki karakteristik (usia, paritas), riwayat kesehatan dan kebiasaan yang beresiko. Dengan melakukan pendampingan selama masa kehamilan kepada ibu hamil yang beresiko diharapkan dapat menghindari komplikasi yang dapat terjadi akibat keterlambatan penanganan serta mengoptimalkan pemberian edukasi tentang preeklampsia untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu. Kata kunci: Preeklamsia, Fenomenologi. PHENOMENOLOGY STUDY OF THE RISK FACTOR THAT RELATED WITH PREECLAMPSIA ABSTRACTIntroduction : Preeclampsia is one of the causes of the highly maternal mortality (MMR) in Indonesia. The incidence of preeclampsia in the Central java in 2018 was 8%. Boyolali which was one of the ten highest contributor to MMR in Central Java, the incidence of preeclampsia was 33,4% (5 cases), this led to preeclampsia being the first cause of maternal death. Factors that can influence the incidence of preeclampsia are age, parity, history of preeclampsia, history of hypertension, knowledge, and mother's perception, habits and support from the family. This research was to describe the phenomenon of the risk factor related with preeclampsia in the work area of Ampel Public Health Center, Boyoali, Central Java. Research method: This is a qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The informants of the study consisted of the main informants, namely mothers who had preeclampsia during their pregnancy as many as 5 people and supporting informants consisting of 5 health workers, 2 health cadres and 8 family members from the main informants. Data collection techniques were carried out by in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The analysis of this study uses the techniques of Miles and Hubberman (1992) with thematic analysis.Result and discussion: The results of the study were identified 4 themes namely factors that influence the incidence of preeclampsia, women’s age, parity, history of health, and women,s daily activity. Conclusion: Mothers who experience preeclampsia have the majority characteristics (women age, parity), history of health and risky habits. By providing assistance during pregnancy for pregnant women who are at risk wish to avoid complications that can occur due to delays in handling and optimizing the provision of education about preeclampsia to improve maternal knowledge. Keywords: Preeclampsia, Phenomenology
Jurnal Kebidanan VOLUME 10. No. 02, DESEMBER 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Estu Utomo Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35872/jurkeb.v10i02.401


ABSTRAKLatar belakang : Prevalensi scabies di Indonesia menurut Depkes RI berdasarkan data dari puskesmas seluruh Indonesia tahun 2014 adalah 7,4%-12,9. Di Boyolali penyakit scabies merupakan urutan ke 10 penyakit menular pada tahun 2009.. Iklim tersebut yang mempermudah perkembangan bakteri, parasit maupun jamur. Penyakit yang sering muncul karena kurangnya kebersihan diri adalah berbagai penyakit kulit. Penyakit ini mudah menular dan banyak faktor yang membantu penyebarannya antara lain kemiskinan, higiene individu yang jelek dan lingkungan yang tidak sehat. Tujuan Penelitian : Mengetahui Hubungan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan kejadian penyakit kulit. Metode Penelitian : penelitian yang dilakukan ini merupakan penelitian Observasi analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan menggunakan teknik sampling total sampling. Dari semua anak Panti Asuhan , jumlah sampel sebanyak 41 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan alat pengukuran kuesioner. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil penelitian mengenai hubungan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan kejadian penyakit kulit dengan program SPSS 16. Didapatkan p-value 0.001 < 0.05 dan X2hitung 13,824 > X2tabel 5,591. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan kejadian penyakit kulitKata kunci : Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat, Kejadian Penyakit KulitRELATIONSHIP BEHAVIOR CLEAN AND HEALTHY WITH GENESIS SKIN DISEASESABSTRACTBackground : The prevalence of scabies in Indonesia according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health based on data from health centers throughout Indonesia in 2014 was 7.4% -12.9. In Boyolali, scabies was the 10th infectious disease in 2009. The climate that facilitates the development of bacteria, parasites and fungi . Disease that often arise due to lack of personal hygiene is a variety of skin diseases . The disease is easily spread and a lot of factors that help spread include poverty , poor individual hygiene and unhealthy environment. Research  Objective: To identify the relationship clean and healthy behaviors with the incidence of skin disease. Research  Methods: This study was conducted observation studies using cross sectional analytic and total sampling using sampling techniques . Of all the children's orphanage , the total sample of 41 respondents . Instrument research using questionnaires measuring tool . Research  Results: The results of research on the relationship of the behavior of living clean and healthy with the incidence of skin disease with SPSS 16. Obtained p-value 0.001 < 0.05, and X2hitung 13.824 > 5.591 X2tabel. Conclusion : There is a relationship clean and healthy behaviors with the incidence of skin disease  Keywords : Behavior Clean And Healthy , Genesis Skin Diseases
Jurnal Kebidanan VOLUME 13. NO.01, JUNI 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Estu Utomo Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35872/jurkeb.v13i01.425


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Keterlambatan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan merupakan masalah yang sering dijumpai di masyarakat, tetapi kurang mendapatkan penanganan yang tepat. Pentingnya pelaksanaan stimulasi dini perkembangan anak menjadi salah satu hal yang dapat mendeteksi gangguan tumbuh kembang secara dini. Smart Application Detection Of Child Growth And Development merupakan salah satu produk inovasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi, yang dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi tumbuh kembang anak melalui aplikasi yang dapat dipasang pada smartphone. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui pengalaman ibu dalam penggunaan aplikasi Smart Application Detection Of Child Growth And Development untuk memantau tumbuh kembang anak. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Semi-structure interview digunakan untuk mewawancarai 2 informan kunci dan 10 informan utama yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif analitik. Hasil : aplikasi sangat bermanfaat karena dapat menambah informasi dan pengetahuan untuk memantau perkembangan anak, 90% informan menyatakan bahwa aplikasi mudah dipakai, mudah dipahami, 100%  menyatakan bahwa aplikasi yang dibuat cukup efektif, aplikasi dianggap sebagai bahan informasi dan sumber pengetahuan. Sedikit kendala dalam penggunaan aplikasi karena ada beberapa ibu tidak memiliki smartphone, serta terkendala jaringan. Kata kunci : Pengalaman, Smart Application Detection Of Child Growth And DevelopmentSMART APPLICATION DETECTION OF CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENTABSTRACTBackground: Delay in growth and development is a problem that is often encountered in society, but it does not get the right treatment. The importance of implementing early stimulation of child development is one of the things that can detect early growth and development disorders. Smart Application Detection Of Child Growth And Development is an innovative product that utilizes information technology, which can be used to detect children's growth and development through applications that can be installed on smartphones. Purpose: To find out the mother's experience in using the Smart Application Detection Of Child Growth And Development application to monitor children's growth and development.  Methods: This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a phenomenological approach. Semi-structured interviews were used to interview 2 key informants and 10 key informants who fit the inclusion criteria. Data analysis was carried out by analytic descriptive.  Results: the application is very useful because it can add information and knowledge to monitor children's development, 90% of informants stated that the application was easy to use, easy to understand, 100% stated that the application made was quite effective, the application was considered an information material and a source of knowledge. There are a few obstacles in using the application because there are some mothers who do not have smartphones, and are network constrained.Keyword : Experience, Smart Application Detection Of Child Growth And Developmen