Jayanti, Siswi
Bagian Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

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Perbedaan Kelelahan Kerja pada Penanganan Prasarana dan Sarana Umum dengan Karakteristik Lingkungan yang Berbeda Agatha Medeline; Ari Suwondo; Siswi Jayanti
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mkmi.19.2.152-157


Latar Belakang: Kelelahan kerja pada pekerja dapat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan produktivitas kerja, masalah kesehatan, dan kejadian kecelakaan kerja. Petugas Penanganan Prasarana dan Sarana Umum (PPSU) mempunyai risiko kelelahan kerja akibat pekerjaan yang padat. Sebuah penelitian menyebutkan bahwa tingkat kelelahan berasal dari karakteristik lingkungan yang berbeda, berdasarkan wilayah, kepadatan penduduk, dan volume sampah tiap harinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan perbedaan kelelahan kerja ditinjau berdasarkan karakteristik wilayah pada PPSU.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan studi cross sectional. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah PPSU di Pinangsia (padat) dengan 98 orang dan Krukut (tidak padat) dengan 48 orang. Sampel penelitian ini dipilih dari simple random sampling dari 50 PPSU di Pinangsia dan 32 PPSU di Krukut. Pengukuran yang dilakukan pada pekerja adalah kelelahan kerja dengan timer reaksi, beban kerja fisik dengan pulse oxymeter, status gizi dengan indeks massa tubuh (BMI), beban kerja mental dengan NASA-TLX, asupan energi menggunakan recall 24 jam dan kebisingan dengan sound level meter.Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil uji Mann Whitney disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan kelelahan kerja di PPSU dengan karakteristik lingkungan yang berbeda (p-value = 0,008). Sementara berdasarkan hasil uji rank spearman disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara beban kerja fisik di PPSU di Pinangsia (sig = 0,005), PPSU di Krukut sig = 0,002) dan asupan energi di PPSU di Pinangsia (sig = 0,000) , PPSU di Krukut (sig = 0,008) dengan kelelahan kerja, bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara beban mental pada PPSU di Pinangsia (sig = 0,199) dan PPSU di Krukut (sig = 0,660), status gizi di PPSU di Pinangsia (sig = 0,734 ) dan PPSU di Krukut (sig = 0.647) dengan kelelahan kerja.Simpulan: Karakteristik lingkungan berhubungan dengan kelelahan kerjaKata kunci: kelelahan kerja, Pinangsia, Krukut, beban kerja fisik, asupan energi ABSTRACT Title: Differences in Work Fatigue in Handling Public Infrastructure and Facilities with Different Environmental Characteristics Background: Work fatigue experienced by workers can result in a decrease in work productivity, health problems, and the incidence of workplace accidents. In Handling Public Infrastructure and Facilities (PPSU) there are risk factors for work fatigue that come from the workload. A research that the level of fatigue comes from different environmental characteristics based on area, population density and volume of waste per day. This research aimed to determine differences in work fatigue based on environmental characteristics in PPSU. Method: This research was an observational analitic study with cross sectional study approach. The population from this research were PPSU in the Pinangsia (dense) with 98 people and Krukut (not dense) with 48 people. The sample of this research was chosen from simple random sampling from of 50 PPSU in Pinangsia and 32 PPSU in Krukut. The Measurements carried out on workers are work fatigue with a reaction timer, physical workload with pulse oxymeter, nutritional status with body mass index (BMI), mental workload withn NASA-TLX, energy intake using 24-hour recall and noise with sound level meters. Result: Based on the results of the Mann Whitney test it was concluded that there were differences in work fatigue in PPSU with different environmental characteristics (p-value = 0.008).  While based on the results of the rank spearman test it was concluded that there was a relationship between physical workload at PPSU in Pinangsia (sig = 0.005), PPSU in Krukut sig = 0.002) and energy intake in PPSU in Pinangsia (sig = 0.000), PPSU in Krukut (sig = 0.008) with work fatigue, that there is no relationship between mental burden on PPSU in Pinangsia (sig = 0.199) and PPSU in Krukut (sig = 0.660), nutritional status in PPSU in Pinangsia (sig = 0.734) and PPSU in Krukut (sig = 0.647) with work fatigue.Conclusion: Environmental characteristic related to work fatigue.Keywords: work fatigue, Pinangsia, Krukut, physical workload, energy intake
Daya Tetas Telur Aedes aegypti pada Berbagai PH Air Limbah Domestik I Gede Dedy Suwartawan; Retno Hestiningsih; Martini Martini; Ari Udijono; Siswi Jayanti
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.711 KB)


Vector control of the Aedes aegypti mosquito in the pre-imago stage is strategy to reduce dengue infection. The aim of this study was to analyze the difference domestic sewage water pH to the hatchability of Ae. aegypti. This was an experimental study with a posttest only control group design. Independent variables  were domestic sewage water media with pH of 6.5, pH of 7.5, pH of 8.5, and pH of 9.5 and dependent variable was egg hatchability of Ae. aegypti. The results showed that the most average number of Ae. aegypti eggs hatched into larvae was at pH 7.5 with  40.68% and the lowest at pH 5,5 with 0%. The results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed that there were differences in the pH of domestic sewage water to the hatchability of eggs of Ae. aegypti (p = 0.001). The results of the Mann–Whitney U test showed that there was a significant difference between the number of egg hatched in the pH of domestic sewage water at pH of 5,5. Research proves that the eggs of Ae. aegypti is able to hatch in domestic liquid waste media with  pH range at pH of 6,5 – pH of 9,5. In the future Aedes aegypti mosquito control program is not only focus on clean water container water but also on the environment, especially drainage which has the potential to become a breeding place for Ae aegyptiKeyword : Hatchability, Ae. aegypti, Domestic Sewage Water
Kepadatan dan Tempat Potensial Perindukan Larva Aedes spp. di Tempat-tempat Umum di Kecamatan Mijen Kota Semarang Agnes Ajeung Dheandri; Sri Yuliawati; Retno Hestiningsih; Martini Martini; Siswi Jayanti
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.035 KB)


Semarang city is one of the endemic areas of DHF disease in Central Java Province. Mijen District is the endemic area of DHF in Semarang City, with a spike in cases in 2020. One of the potential places of transmission of DHF is public places where people gather from various regions, so this place is at high risk of DHF transmission. The purpose of this study was to find out the density and potential place of the Aedes sp larvae. in public places Mijen District semarang city. The method used is observational analytics with cross sectional research design. The larva survey method uses the single larva method.  The sample of this study is 100 public places. The results of this study were mostly larvae found to be Aedes aegypti 30 (55.6%) and Aedes albopictus 24 (44.4%), the type of public places most larvae found was restaurant and bus station. Density of larvae Aedes sp. based on HI 54%, CI 26.47%, BI 63% so that density figure is in category 6-9 which means that the density of larvae is classified as high with a high risk of transmission of DHF disease caused by vectors. The larva-free index of 46% shows that it is still well below the national standard of ≥95%. The density of mosquito larvae should be controlled by conducting regular larval inspection by the janitor at the pulic places.
Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Daerah Endemis Tinggi Kota Semarang Afifah Afanin Zulfa; Martini Martini; Ari Udijono; Retno Hestiningsih; Siswi Jayanti
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (479.766 KB)


Abstrak:  Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a mosquito-borne transmitted disease which prevention is through 1 Jumantik 1 Home movement (1J1HM). 1J1HM is a program which included the activity of preventing Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), called Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN 3M Plus). The purpose of this study is to describe the actions in the implementation of 1J1HM and to find the factors correlate with the numbers of DHF case in the Sendangmulyo Village. The type of the research is descriptive observational, quantitative data with a cross-sectional approach. With 100 residents of Sendangmulyo Village as the sample,  using the sampling methode of purposive sampling. Data analysis used is chi-square test. The result shows that the number of respondents implementing 1J1HM in Sendangmulyo Village is only 35%. The result means not half of the samples are implementing the action of 1J1HM.  Bivariate analysis showed that there are correlations between the level of knowledge (p=0.012) POR 3.9 (CI 1.29-11.9) and attitude (p=0.000) POR 16.5 (CI 6.38-42.6) with the actions in 1J1HM in Kelurahan Sendangmulyo. And there are no correlations between age and education level with the action of 1J1HM. It is hoped that residents in Sendangmulyo village would be have better environmental hygiene and health, better understanding and increased in information. 
Analisis Tingkat Kelelahan Berdasarkan Beban Kerja Fisik Perawat Di Ruang Isolasi Rumah Sakit X Saat Pandemi Corona Virus (Covid – 19) Ajeng Tri Pujiastuti; Daru Lestantyo; Ida Wahyuni; Siswi Jayanti
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.783 KB)


Rumah Sakit merupakan salah satu sektor kesehatan yang saat ini menjadi perhatian dengan adanya wabah  Covid – 19. Perawat merupakan salah satu pekerjaan yang berperan penting pada masa pandemi ini. Hal ini disebabkan asuhan keperawatan yang dilakukan 24 jam setiap hari. Tuntutan pekerjaan yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan kelelahan. Kelelahan merupakan  keadaan pelemahan kegiatan, motivasi, dan aktivitas fisik. Apabila tidak segera ditangani, kelelahan akan terakumulasi dan mempengaruhi derajat kesehatan perawat. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis tingkat kelelahan berdasarkan beban kerja fisik.pada perawat di ruang isolasi Rumah Sakit X saat pandemi Corona Virus (Covid – 19). Desain penelitian ini adalah  kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Subjek penelitian  13 orang perawat sebagai informan utama dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam, lembar observasi SNI Beban Kerja Berdasarkan Tingkat Kebutuhan Kalori Menurut Pengeluaran Energi, dan kuisioner IFRC dan 1 informan triangulasi dengan wawancara mendalam.Terdapat 10 perawat dengan beban kerja fisik sedang dan 3 perawat dengan beban kerja fisik ringan. Terdapat 7 perawat mengalami kelelahan tingkat sedang dan 6 perawat mengalami kelelahan tingkat ringan. Perbedaan beban kerja dan tingkat kelelahan disebabkan  aktivitas perawat yang beragam dan jumlah pasien yang diberi asuhan keperawatan berbeda antar perawat. Selain itu disebabkan oleh penggunaan APD berupa hazmat dan  masker N95 yang menyebabkan sulit bernafas sehingga perawat menjadi cepat lelah meskipun beban kerja ringan. Peregangan tubuh ketika  istirahat, pemberian makanan dan minuman yang cukup dan pengaturan ulang  jam kerja diperlukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar perawat memiliki beban kerja fisik sedang dan kelelahan tingkat sedang.Kata Kunci : Perawat , Beban Kerja Fisik, Tingkat Kelelahan