Denny, Hanifa Maher
Bagian Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang|Universitas Diponegoro

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Pembentukan Pos Upaya Kesehatan Kerja pada Industri Kecil Pembuat Alat Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Bugangan Kota Semarang Denny, Hanifa Maher; Jayanti, Siswi; Setyaningsih, Yuliani; Umamah, A’izzatul; Pigoramdhani, Ardhy P.
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 10, No 1 (2016): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (28.302 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v10i1.5201


Background: Bugangan Village is one of the central location of making metal household appliances in Semarang. Workers were vulnerable to exposure by hazard risk factors in the work environment, thus at risk of occupational accidents and occupational diseases. In these locations require the Pos Upaya Kesehatan Kerja (UKK). The purpose of this activity was to established a safet and health post for a group of household appliance makers so that workers in the location can work safely, health and productive. Method: This research was used qualitative approach. The technical activities that was done collaborated between Semarang Health Office and Bugangan Public Health Center. The team also held discussions to the chairman and vice chairperson of the Bina Warga community so that the activities could run smoothly. Results: The result obtained from this activity was the establishment of UKK Post Metal Products located in one of the workers house. For the sustainability of Pos UKK, the attendant puskesmas officers have been willing to nurture the established UKK Post, and officers from Semarang health office were willing to build and supervise the community heath center (puskesmas) staff. Conclusion: The conclusion of this activity was to the established the UKK Post successfully implemented by involving entrepreneurs, domestic appliance industry workers in Bugangan, Bugangan Puskesmas, and Semarang City Health Office.
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 10, No 1 (2016): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (29.111 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v10i1.5201


Background: Bugangan Village is one of the central location of making metal household appliances in Semarang. Workers were vulnerable to exposure by hazard risk factors in the work environment, thus at risk of occupational accidents and occupational diseases. In these locations require the Pos Upaya Kesehatan Kerja (UKK). The purpose of this activity was to established a safet and health post for a group of household appliance makers so that workers in the location can work safely, health and productive. Method: This research was used qualitative approach. The technical activities that was done collaborated between Semarang Health Office and Bugangan Public Health Center. The team also held discussions to the chairman and vice chairperson of the Bina Warga community so that the activities could run smoothly. Results: The result obtained from this activity was the establishment of UKK Post Metal Products located in one of the workers' house. For the sustainability of Pos UKK, the attendant puskesmas officers have been willing to nurture the established UKK Post, and officers from Semarang health office were willing to build and supervise the community heath center (puskesmas) staff. Conclusion: The conclusion of this activity was to the established the UKK Post successfully implemented by involving entrepreneurs, domestic appliance industry workers in Bugangan, Bugangan Puskesmas, and Semarang City Health Office.
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 18, No 2 (2019): VISIKES
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.953 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v18i2.2722


The improper use of pesticides that are not completely on target causes residues and adversely affects both health and the environment. The lack of knowledge of the dangers of pesticides causes farmers to ignore the risk in excessive use of pesticides. Preventive efforts are needed to reduce the impact of pesticide use. One of them is by organizing policy brief to provide input for the Regional Government regarding the use of pesticides to union farmers.This study uses descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Determination of the sample in this study uses purposive sampling technique so that the number of samples obtained by 3 informants. The research sample consisted of onion farmers, cadres of Pos UKK, and Secretary of farmer group.Farmers' perceptions regarding the use of pesticides are influenced by knowledge factors, personal factors, work environment factors, behavioral factors on risks and cultural safety and health factors at work. Many farmers do not pay attention to the risk factors for pesticide exposure, from mixing pesticides that are not in accordance with the dosage, storing pesticides in the open space, eating and drinking immediately after spraying pesticides, not washing hands and bathing after spraying and not using personal protective equipment when doing spraying pesticides. These behaviors can increase the risk of exposure to pesticides which will affect the health of farmers. Farmers' perceptions of the use of pesticides are still not optimal because even though farmers know the impact of inappropriate pesticide use, they still ignore it in its implementation.Keywords : Policy brief, Farmer perceptions, Pesticides 
Intervensi Edukasi terhadap Perilaku Penggunaan Pestisida secara Aman dan Sehat pada Petani di Bima Indonesia Erwin Erwin; Hanifa Maher Denny; Yuliani Setyaningsih
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan) Vol 5, No 2 (2019): JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jst.v5i2.690


It is estimated that millions of Indonesian people who are involved in agricultural works are suffered from pesticide poisoning due to unsafe and lack of healthy pesticides used in crops. To describe the knowledge, attitude, and practices on pesticides use among farmers in Bima before and after the intervention. Subsequently, this study was aimed to determine the effectiveness of education intervention in improving farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices on pesticide use. This study utilized a quasi-experimental research with pre- and post-test design. The intervention group were given an educational intervention using a pocketbook to explain about safe and healthy use of pesticides. Finally, the result of pre- and post-test on knowledge, attitude and practice on the use of pesticides were compared. A significant result was found that there was a significant difference before and after receiving an educational intervention on safe and healthy use of pesticides among farmers in Bima, Indonesia (p-value: 0.000; α: 0.005).Keywords: Farmers’ occupational health, pesticides, health and safety at work, agricultural health promotionABSTRAKSetiap hari ribuan petani dan para pekerja di sektor pertanian di Indonesia teracuni pestisida dan setiap tahun diperkirakan jutaan orang yang terlibat di pertanian menderita keracunan akibat pestisida, karena perilaku penggunaan pestisida tidak aman dan tidak sehat. Tujuan: Untuk menganalisa aspek pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik penggunaan pestisida bagi para petani di Bima sebelum dan setelah dilakukan intervensi edukasi penggunaan pestisida aman dan sehat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi-experiment dengan rancangan pre- dan post test untuk menguji perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah menerima edukasi penggunaan pestisida secara aman dan sehat pada petani di Bima. Perbandingan skor pre- dan post-test atau sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi penggunakan pestisida secara aman dan sehat, pada kelompok petani yang menjadi subyek penelitian berbeda secara signifikan dengan p value: 0.000 pada α: 0.005. Skor pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku penggunaan pestisida secara aman dan sehat sesudah pemberian edukasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan skor sebelum diberikan edukasi.Kata kunci: Kesehatan Kerja Petani, pestisida, bekerja secara aman dan sehat, promosi kesehatan di pertanian
Analisis Faktor Individu, Pekerjaan dan Perilaku K3 pada Kejadian Penyakit Dekompresi pada Nelayan Penyelam Tradisional di Ambon Yowan Embuai; Hanifa Maher Denny; Yuliani Setyaningsih
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf11102


This study aims to analyze individual, occupational, and occupational health and safety behavior factors for decompression events in traditional diver fishermen in Ambon. Decompression is a disease in the form of an abnormality due to the release of gas bubbles in the blood due to decreased air pressure under the sea. This research was conducted on traditional diver fishermen using the case control research design and using nonprobability sampling techniques. Data collection tools in the form of questionnaires, interviews with respondents, and direct observation, using a measuring instrument. Data analysis used in the form of univariate, bivariate and multivariate with the use of SPSS statistical program. The results were obtained: there was a significant relationship between the length of work with decompression disease, there was a significant relationship between depth of diving and decompression disease, there was a significant relationship between duration of diving and decompression, there was a significant relationship between the frequency of diving and decompression, there is no significant relationship between safety and health behavior of water consumption and decompression disease, there is a significant relationship between occupational health and safety behavior using personal protective equipment with decompression sickness, the existence of a relationship which is not significant between occupational safety and health behavior of cigarette consumption and decompression disease, there is an insignificant relationship between occupational safety and health behavior of alcohol consumption and ser ta see the risk of each variable. Keywords: decompression; occupational safety and health behavior; traditional fishermen; diving risk factors ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor individu, pekerjaan, dan perilaku K3 terhadap kejadian dekompresi pada nelayan penyelam tradisional di Ambon. Penyakit dekompresi merupakan penyakit berupa kelainan akibat pelepasan gelembung gas dalam darah akibat dari tekanan udara dibawah laut menurun. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada nelayan penyelam tradisional dengan mnggunakan desain penelitian case control dan menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling. Alat pengumpulan data berupa kuisioner, wawancara dengan responden, dan observasi secara langsung, dengan menggunakan alat ukur. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan penggunaan program statistik SPSS. Hasil penelitian diperoleh : adanya hubungan yang tidak signifikan dengan antara masa kerja dengan penyakit dekompresi adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara kedalaman menyelam dengan penyakit dekompresi, adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara lama menyelam dengan penyakit dekompresi, adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara frekuensi menyelam dengan penyakit dekompresi, adanya hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara kecepatan naik ke permukaan dengan penyakit dekompresi, adanya hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara perilaku K3 konsumsi air putih dengan penyakit dekompresi, adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku K3 penggunan APD dengan penyakit dekompresi, adanya hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara perilaku K3 konsumsi rokok dengan penyakit dekompresi, adanya hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara perilaku K3 kerja konsumsi alkohol dengan penyakit dekompresi serta melihat besar risiko setiap variabel. Kata Kunci: dekompresi; perilaku keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja; nelayan tradisional; faktor risiko menyelam
Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Cendekia Utama Vol 8, No 2 (Oktober 2019) : Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Cendekia Utama
Publisher : STIKES Cendekia Utama Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.864 KB) | DOI: 10.31596/jcu.v8i2.416


Pelaporan insiden keselamatan pasien (IKP) merupakan hal yang penting dalam program peningkatan keselamatan pasien.Pelaporan insiden dapat membantu menemukan dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan mengaplikasikan metode problem solvingsebagai sebuah pembelajaran (learning).Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi sistem pelaporan insiden keselamatan pasien (IKP) di sebuah rumah sakit swasta di Kudus.Penelitian ini adalahpenelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview)dan studi dokumentasi. Wawancara dilakukan  kepada dua informan utama yaitu kepala Bagian Mutu Akreditasi dan perawat pelaksana yang terkait langsung dengan pelaporan insiden, enam informan penunjang,serta satu informan triangulasi. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan tahapan reduksi, penyajian dan menarik kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaporan insiden sudah dilakukan oleh sebuah rumah sakit swasta di Kudus. Struktur organisasi Bagian Mutu Akreditasi dimana terdapat divisimutu klinis. Pedoman dan panduan pelaporan insiden pun sudah dibuat, tetapi petugas dalam struktur organisasi mempunyai peran ganda sehingga uraian tugas tidak dikerjakan secara optimal. Pelaporan insiden di rumah sakit dilakukan ketika terjadi insiden, dengan menggunakan aplikasi SINDEN yang dibuat oleh rumah sakit berdasarkan formulir pelaporan insiden manual yang dikeluarkan oleh Kemenkes.Beberapa jenis insiden yang harus dilaporkan adalah Kejadian Tidak Diharapkan (KTD), Kejadian Tidak Cedera (KTC), Kondisi Potensial Cedera (KPC) atau Kejadian Nyaris Cedera (KNC) yang menimpa pasien atau keluarga dan pengunjung. Pelaporan insiden dilakukan secara lengkap (100%) dan ketepatan sudah mencapai 90%. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pelaporan insiden sudah dilakukan sesuai alur yang ditetapkan. Terdapat panduan pelaporan insiden yang disahkan oleh direktur. Pelaporan dilakukan oleh orang yang pertama kali menemukan insiden dan ia segera membuat pelaporan dalam kurun waktu 2x24 jam secara online menggunakan program Sinden.  Kata Kunci: Sistem Pelaporan Insiden, Keselamatan Pasien, Organisasi
JKM (Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat) Cendekia Utama Vol 8, No 2 (2021): JKM (Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat) Cendekia Utama
Publisher : STIKES Cendekia Utama Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31596/jkm.v8i2.679


Poin audit 6 PP No. 50 Tahun 2012 tentang Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) dan poin audit 7 Permenhub No. 69 Tahun 2018 tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Perkeretaapian (SMKP) mengatur tentang Keselamatan Operasional. Studi tentang pelaksanaan  SMK3 dan SMKP pada perusahaan kereta api logistik di Indonesia masih jarang dipublikasikan. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi salah satu perusahaan logistik berbasis kereta api di Semarang. Desain penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam secara daring dan telaah data-data sekunder. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala cabang sebagai informan utama dan kepala operasional sebagai informan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian dari 5 tahap penerapan SMK3 PP No. 50 Tahun 2012 menunjukkan bahwa tahap penetapan kebijakan dan pelaksanaan rencana K3 sudah baik, namun tahapan perencanaan K3, pemantauan dan evaluasi, serta peninjauan dan peningkatan masih ditemukan kekurangan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian 5 tahap penerapan SMKP Permenhub No. 69 Tahun 2018, sama seperti 5 tahap penerapan SMK3 PP No. 50 Tahun 2012, masih ditemukan kekurangan pada tahap perencanaan K3, pemantauan dan evaluasi, serta peninjauan dan peningkatan, tetapi tahapan penetapan kebijakan dan pelaksanaan rencana K3 sudah baik. Bila ditinjau dari 5 tahap penerapan SMK3 PP No. 50 Tahun 2012 dan 5 tahap penerapan SMKP Permenhub No. 69 Tahun 2018, masing-masing memiliki kesamaan, hanya saja aspek penilaiannya berbeda
Implementasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Puskesmas: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Pekalongan Fitria Qotrotun Nada; Hanifa Maher Denny; Yuliani Setyaningsih
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jmki.8.2.2020.98-104


Background: The regulation of “PERMENKES NO. 52/2018” stipulates that a health care service institution is requied to implement the occupational health program for its employees.Methods: This study utilized qualitative methods to explain the implementation of occupational safety and health in a health care setting. The main informants were 5 people and triangulantions were 2 people. The instruments in this study used indepth interview guidelines and observation sheets. The study site was conducted in pekalongan district.Results: The result indicated that Delegation or SK, Resources , Waste Treatment, Incident Reporting, Occupational Disease Reporting, Health care and  Emergency Response accordance with the regulation. However, OSH Policy, Annual Work Plan, The level of compliance with OSH implementation and The Socialization of SOP didn’t accordance with the regulation.Conclusion: Based on the results of research on the implementation of 10 indicators of success OSH Primary Health Care, there are 4 variables (OSH Policy, Annual Work Plan, The level of compliance with OSH implementation and The Socialization of SOP) must be improved.
Analisis Implementasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Bagi Karyawan di Rumah Sakit X Kabupaten Karanganyar Siti Hamurwani; Hanifa Maher Denny
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jmki.9.2.2021.130-137


The world is currently facing the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore, the implementation of occupational safety and health (OSH) program in the hospital is very important to protect health care workers from the risk of being exposed to the COVID-19 disease. This study aimed to elucidate the implementation of the OSH program in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 to employees at Karanganyar District General Hospital. This research used qualitative methods. The researchers observed the study site, conducted in-depth interviews, and reviewed the documents. Seven informants were selected as informants, and then the information was triangulated to two subjects. The results showed that OSH's implementation in the study site complied with the Ministry of Health Guidelines for Hospital Services During New Adaptation, 2 November 2020. In terms of cultivating safety and health behavior at work, the hospital provided information and educational sessions.  The morning briefing, a periodical reminder to implement safety and health, standing banners and posters, provision of guidelines and standards operating procedures were the pieces of evidence to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in the hospital study site. The hospital emergency response team was part of the hospital's COVID-19 task force team. The facilities and enforcement of health protocols to prevent COVID-19 transmission in the study site were well established
Analisis Upaya Manajemen Rumah Sakit Dalam Penerapan Budaya Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Pasca Akreditasi Pada Sebuah RSUD di Kabupaten Semarang Naela Fadhila; Sudiro Sudiro; Hanifa Maher Denny
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (68.925 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmki.5.1.2017.55-61


Occupational Health and Safety was very important to protect employees, patient and visitor from occupational illness and occupational accident. Occupational Health and Safety Standard in Hospital was regulated by Decision of The Minister of Health Number 1087/Menkes/SK/VIII/2010. Ahead of accreditation, management has made many efforts to implemented Occupational Health and Safety in Regional Public Hospital of Semarang District. The achievement of accreditation result was 5 star with 80% of its passing grade including Occupational Health and Safety. However, the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety culture post accreditation has not yet been well occupied. The research aimed in analyzing the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety culture at a Regional Public Hospital of Semarang District after accreditation process. It is a qualitative research by using observation and depth interview. The interview was performed on hospital employees, the head of hospital’s accreditation team, Occupational Health and Safety team secretary, medical services management, patients and visitors. The interview based on the research variable such as employee’s assumption, Occupational Health and Safety values, Occupational Health and Safety artifacts and Occupational Health and Safety culture. The result shows that Occupational Health and Safety culture at Regional Public Hospital of Semarang District is not well implemented. Management commitment and good leadership is necessary due to the Occupational Health and Safety culture implementation.