Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

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Pengamanan Intelijen Kepolisian Terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Atas Objek Sengketa La Ode Husen; Salle Salle; Arri Abdi Syalman; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
SIGn Jurnal Hukum Vol 1 No 2: Oktober 2019 - Maret 2020
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjh.v1i2.62


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas pengamanan Intelijen Kepolisian terhadap putusan pengadilan atas objek sengketa di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian studi empiris yang biasa pula disebut dengan penelitian hukum sosiologis, karena melihat penerapan hukum sebagai suatu kondisi faktual di lingkungan sosial dan hubungannya terhadap norma hukum. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 92 orang. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dimana mengolah output dari kuesioner, dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabulasi frekuensi (F) dan distribusi persentasi (%). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengamanan Ditintelkam Polda Sulawesi Selatan terhadap proses eksekusi atas objek sengketa di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan berdasarkan Perkap BIN No. 2 Tahun 2013, dapat dinilai dari empat aspek, antara lain: Sasaran Pengamanan; Pelaksanaan Pengamanan; Koordinasi dan Administrasi; serta Pengawasan dan Pengendalian. Perolehan data dari keseluruhan indikator berdasarkan aspek-aspek pengamanan Ditintelkam Polda Sulawesi Selatan menunjukkan hasil yang kurang efektif. Dibutuhkan keseriusan dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pengamanan Ditintelkam Polda Sulawesi Selatan guna memastikan proses eksekusi putusan pengadilan atas objek sengketa bisa lebih efektif di masa akan datang.
Safeguard of the Police Intelligence Against Court Decisions Regarding the Object of the Dispute La Ode Husen; Salle Salle; Arri Abdi Syalman; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
Sovereign: International Journal of Law Vol 2 No 2 (2020): April – Juni
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.498 KB) | DOI: 10.37276/sijl.v2i2.28


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of safeguard of the Police Intelligence against court decisions regarding the object of the dispute in South Sulawesi Province. This research uses an empirical study method which is also called sociological legal research because it sees the application of law as a factual condition in the social environment and its relationship with legal norms. This research was conducted in South Sulawesi Province, with 92 respondents. Data analysis in this study uses a qualitative approach, which processes the output of the questionnaire, and is presented in the form of frequency tabulation (F) and percentage distribution (%). The results of this study show that the safeguard of South Sulawesi Regional Police Ditintelkam in the execution process regarding the object of the dispute in South Sulawesi Province based on Perkap BIN No. 2 of 2013, can be assessed from four aspects, as follows: Safeguarding Targets; Safeguarding Implementation; Coordination and Administration; and Supervision and Controlling. Data acquisition of all indicators based on safeguard aspects of the South Sulawesi Regional Police Ditintelkam still shows less effective results. Seriousness is needed in increasing the safeguard effectiveness at the South Sulawesi Regional Police Ditintelkam to ensure the process of executing court decisions regarding the object of the dispute can be more effective in the future.
The Role of the Supervision and Observation Judge on Guidance for Inmates Bunyamin Muhammad Yafid; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
Sovereign: International Journal of Law Vol 2 No 2 (2020): April – Juni
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.463 KB) | DOI: 10.37276/sijl.v2i2.33


Judicial institutions, as law enforcement agencies in the Criminal Justice System, are a foundation of hopes for justice seekers, as based on Article 2 section (4) of Law No. 48 of 2009, regulates that “the Court is done simply, quickly, and at a low cost”. Therefore, this study aims to determine the implementation of the Supervision and Observation Judge's role and the obstacles that affect the Supervision and Observation Judge's performance in implementing Court Decisions in the Penitentiary. This study uses two types of research, namely normative legal research and empirical legal research. This research was conducted at the Makassar Class I Penitentiary and the Makassar Class IA District Court. The types of data used in this study include primary data and secondary data. The data that has been collected is then processed descriptively qualitatively. The results of the study concluded that the implementation of the role of the Supervision and Observation Judge in the implementation of the decision of the Makassar Class IA District Court at the Makassar Class I Penitentiary has not run optimally, because between The Supervision and Observation Judge and the Head of the Penitentiary rarely meet and discuss guidance issues for Inmates at the Penitentiary. The obstacles in implementing the role of the Supervision and Observation Judge at the Penitentiary include the problem of insufficient funds available for operational supervision and observation and the absence of special staff to assist the Supervision and Observation Judge in recording their Inmates. Therefore, more specific implementing regulations are needed to certify that the judgment is being properly executed and under the laws and regulations in Indonesia. Furthermore, there is a need for effective cooperation between the Supervision and Observation Judge and the Penitentiary Officers, who must always coordinate as one unit in an integrated Criminal Justice System.
Fungsi Pengawasan PT ASDP terhadap Penyedia Jasa Penyeberangan di Pelabuhan Kolaka Sudarmi Ningsih; Yudi Agusman; Laode Asrun Asis; Rahmat Hidayat; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 1: Juni - November 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i1.321


This research aims to analyze the supervisory function of PT ASDP regarding the services of ferry companies at Kolaka Port. This research uses an inductive qualitative analysis. Inductive analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on relevant theories and arguments, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show the discrepancies between theoretical and practical aspects of PT ASDP supervision, particularly in direct versus indirect supervision within social and economic interactions on ships, notably concerning ongoing mat rental practices despite existing reprimands and routine inspections. Additionally, the lack of regulation for mat rental practices creates legal uncertainties and potential disturbances, suggesting a more comprehensive supervisory approach encompassing preventive, repressive, and internal and external elements to address these issues. The presence of mats in outdoor areas causes passenger discomfort, and interactions between the government and related parties in resolving these issues underscore the necessity for evaluating and refining existing supervision mechanisms. Therefore, it is recommended that PT ASDP enhances the effectiveness of both direct and indirect supervision of ferry services at Kolaka Port by integrating a more comprehensive supervisory approach, including preventive aspects to anticipate potential issues and repressive measures for violations. It necessitates reviewing and refining ship regulations to incorporate clear rules regarding mat rental practices and ensure strict supervision of these regulations' enforcement. Related government agencies are advised to collaborate closely with PT ASDP to develop effective policies and supervisory mechanisms and conduct public awareness campaigns to underscore the importance of regulatory compliance. NGOs could play a role in monitoring the implementation of supervision and providing constructive feedback for improvements. The community is also encouraged to monitor and report discrepancies to support collective efforts to enhance future ferry service quality.
Pemberitaan Politik Fajar.co.id: Sebuah Studi Kebijakan Redaksional terkait Pemilu Walikota Makassar Ardan Marua; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 2: Desember 2022 - Mei 2023
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i2.324


This research explore Fajar.co.id’s editorial policies and editorial management process in political reporting, particularly concerning the 2020 Makassar Mayoral Election. This research uses an inductive qualitative analysis. Inductive analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on relevant theories and arguments, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that Fajar.co.id’s editorial policy in reporting the 2020 Makassar Mayoral Election prioritizes newsworthiness by ensuring each published news piece is widely discussed, offers interesting perspectives, and uses language easily understood by a broad spectrum of society from various backgrounds. The applied editorial management demonstrates that content control occurs in the initial writing phase, with editors playing a crucial role in editing and gatekeeping functions. Although published news becomes public domain, the editorial team remains responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of content by correcting writing errors without altering the news substance. Therefore, it is recommended that Fajar.co.id’s editors and reporters continue honing their abilities in identifying and processing issues with high news value and social relevance while maintaining a balance between commercially appealing news and the importance of information for public interest. Fajar.co.id must keep its motto ‘wisdom on the unbiased line’. Furthermore, the importance of ongoing training in language skills enhancement to communicate news effectively to a diverse reader while ensuring that every presented news piece adheres to ethical journalism principles is emphasized. Additionally, the already robust control and gatekeeping system should continue to be strengthened to ensure any factual or linguistic errors can be promptly corrected without altering the essence of the news, to uphold and enhance Fajar.co.id’s credibility as a responsible and reliable news media.
Fenomena Split-Ticket Voting: Analisis Faktor Internal Pemilih pada Pemilu DPR RI–DPRD Provinsi Abd. Kahar Muzakkir; Ummi Suci Fathia Bailusy
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 4 No 1: Juni - November 2023
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v4i1.333


This research aims to analyze the phenomenon of split-ticket voting in the Central–Provincial House of Representatives election of 2019 in Makassar City based on internal voter factors. This research uses an inductive qualitative analysis. Inductive analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on relevant theories and arguments, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that voters demonstrated a rational or strategic approach to ticket-splitting in the Central–Provincial House of Representatives election 2019 in Makassar City. Four significant internal factors influence this phenomenon. The strength of the partisanship factor indicates that voters tend to assess candidates for the Central–Provincial House of Representatives based on individual character and achievements rather than political party loyalty. Furthermore, incumbency information reveals voters’ pragmatic behavior based on rational choices to gain personal benefits. On the other hand, the strategic/policy balancing factor shows the significant influence of non-positional candidate characteristics in voter decisions. Finally, campaigns and socialization play a crucial role through strategic coordination among candidates for the Central–Provincial House of Representatives, political nodes, and voters, emphasizing the importance of narratives constructed through direct interactions and political gossip in securing voter support. Therefore, it is recommended that candidates for the Central–Provincial House of Representatives from the same political party enhance collaboration and coordination to create straight-ticket voting for their voters. Meanwhile, it is essential for political nodes to strengthen coordination that prioritizes transparency and integrity in conveying information. On the other hand, voters should be encouraged to actively seek information about candidates’ track records and policies to make decisions based more on substantial judgment than the influence of political gossip or short-term incentives. These steps are expected to reduce the phenomenon of split-ticket voting in the simultaneous elections for the coming period in Makassar City.
Partisipasi Penduduk Asli Kaili dan Etnis Bugis dalam Pelestarian Ritual Kupatan Etnis Jawa Devi Rahmadani; Muhammad Marzuki; Yulianti Bakari; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 4 No 2: Desember 2023 - Mei 2024
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v4i2.335


This research aims to understand the process of the Kupatan ritual by the Java ethnicity and the participation forms of the Kaili indigenous people and Bugis ethnicity in the Kupatan ritual in Bahagia Village. This research uses an ethnographic analysis. Ethnographic analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on cultural theories and relevant arguments to explore the cultural situation of the community, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that the participation of the Kaili indigenous people and the Bugis ethnicity in the preservation of the Kupatan ritual by the Java ethnicity in Bahagia Village demonstrates impressive cultural collaboration, manifested through various processes from the opening, sermon and joint prayer, handshaking, to ngambeng or communal eating. This participation, which occurs in voluntary, spontaneous, and habitual forms, marks deep social and cultural integration among the three ethnic groups. Therefore, it is recommended that the Department of Education and Culture of Sigi Regency enhance support for documenting and promoting the Kupatan ritual as a cultural heritage that enriches local diversity. The residents of Bahagia Village are advised to continue maintaining and expanding participation in the Kupatan ritual, as part of an inclusive cultural preservation effort. The Java ethnicity, Kaili indigenous people, and Bugis ethnicity are encouraged to continue fostering inter-ethnic cooperation and dialogue in celebrating the Kupatan ritual by organizing joint activities to enhance understanding and appreciation of each other’s cultures. It will strengthen inter-ethnic collaboration and harmony and ensure the sustainability of the Kupatan ritual as a symbol of unity and diversity in Bahagia Village.